Let There Be Light

By CarnivalCarnage

30.7K 1K 341

**Simon "Ghost" Riley x You (Female named Harley)** You're a private military contractor who has been looking... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty One

398 10 0
By CarnivalCarnage

**Harley POV**

    Ghost wasted no time wanting to tie the knot. A few days after I was discharged from the hospital, I came back to base to it set up with white tapestries and white tablecloths covering the cafeteria tables. It wasn't an extravagant wedding, but it was perfect for us. It was...home. Soap had picked out the outfit that Tommy wore going home and also his little onesie that looked like a tux. Soap was the best Godfather and 141 as well as Los Vaqueros were the best village we could have ever asked for.

    Price married us and for the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. My head was calm with no storm brewing. Tommy was the most perfect surprise that has ever happened to me and Ghost is the best father. He so gentle and caring with him, it's almost surrreal. Alejandro and Rudy made sure to have a feast for us to celebrate for our wedding. I had never seen so much food in my life, but from what Alejandro told me, that's how they do it in Las Alma's.

    "Mrs. Riley," I hear his voice call out to me.

    I spin around and give a flirtatious look at my...husband, "Yes sir, Mr. Riley?"

    "Mmmm, I do like that," he tells me as his arms wrap around my waist. I was leaning over the crib watching our perfect son sleep away.

    I turn around to face Ghost, "Do you now?" I flirt back with my eyebrow cocked.

    His grip around me tight, "Yes ma'am." He leans down close to my ear, "I have something for you."

    As long as Ghost and I have been together, my body still isn't ready for his touch or his deep voice and I hope it never will be. I love the way he makes me feel and I love the chills he runs down my spine. "Oh really? Dare I ask?"

    "Close your eyes," he demands.

    I do as I'm told and close my eyes. I frown when I feel his touch remove from me, but my ears perk when I hear his footsteps walking away from me. One things for certain, take away one of your senses, the other ones will heighten. I could hear the drawer to the bedside table open and then shut soon after. His footsteps walk back towards me and before he was standing directly in front of me, I could feel him.

    "Hold your hand out," Ghost says softly.

    I reach my hand out, palm up. He places something small in my hand. Cold and metal. "Open your eyes."

    I open my eyes and a gold shiny key rests in my hand. I furrow my brows in confusion still looking at the key before diverting my eyes to his, "I-I..."

    "It's to our house," he says before I could get the words out.

    "...Our house? You bought us a house?" I say to him as tears form in my eyes.

    "I did. Right after you told me you'd marry me, I went and bought one," he says to me as my eyes get lost into his amber ones.

    "Simon, I-I don't know what to say." I mean what could I say? I was absolutely speechless.

    "Say you'll be mine forever", he says to me as he pulls me closer to him.

    "I already did...when I married you, remember," I say as I let out a chuckle.

    "Oh I'm aware Mrs. Riley. It never gets old." He was right. I still get butterflies when I hear my last name, our last name come out of his mouth. I knew there was something there the first time I woke up and my head was resting on his chest. When he held me after he secretly listen to me play the piano. When he surprised me in Paris. When he never gave up on me when everyone else did.

    "What about Soap?" I ask.

    "You know Johnny is coming with us," Ghost replies with a chuckle.

    My arms wrapped around Ghost as my head nestled against his firm chest. It didn't matter where we lived. He was home. "So where is this mystery house?" I ask - my voice muffled from my face resting against his chest.

    "Manchester," he replies.

    "Manchester, UK?" I asked confused removing my head from his chest. He nods. "I thought you never wanted to go back there?"

    He brings his hand up and cups the side of my face, "Harley, if there is anything that you have taught me, it's that I can overcome anything. I didn't think I would be a good father because I didn't want to turn out like my own, but here I am loving every second of it. Not being able to find you for all those months and then losing you in the hospital, it really brought something out in me," he pauses. "And I know we can both overcome anything together." He stops and looks over my shoulder and into the crib at Tommy. "And I fear anyone or anything that try's to hurt him."

    I slowly turn around to look at our precious baby boy. Ghost was right. We were killers naturally and would do it without thinking twice, but when it came to our son, we would burn the world down.

    A knock at the door pulled my attention from Tommy. Ghost walks over to the door and opens it. Alejandro.

    "Amigo's, it's been an honor working beside you both," he says as he shakes Ghost's hand and then walking over to me.

    "Alejandro, we can't thank you enough for everything you and your base has done for us," I say back as he hugs me tightly.

    "Senorita, please. It's the least we could do. 141 is family to us," Alejandro says as he places his hand over where his heart is. "You are always welcome here," he pauses. "And please, don't be a stranger."

    "We wont, I promise," I tell him as he holds both of my shoulders. Alejandro and Rudy have been nothing but kind and treated us as one of their own. They helped with my rescue and they helped house us. If anything, we owe them.

    "Harley, our plane will be here in about an hour," Ghost says to me. I give a soft smile to Alejandro and start packing our bags to head home. Price called in a private jet so we could be more comfortable on the flight, especially for Tommy. Ghost helped me pack as Tommy slept away in the crib. It didn't take long to pack our few things, and we took the rest of the time telling everyone goodbye.

    The hour went by with what felt like a matter of minutes and before we knew it, Ghost, Soap, Tommy and I were thousands of feet in the sky heading to our new home.

    "You know this isn't it," Soap says to both Ghost and I.

    I look at Soap confused as I held Tommy in my arms. It must be nice to be a newborn. You get held all the time and sleep all day. "What are you talking about Johnny?" I ask.

    "As in the 'normal' life," he says air quoting 'normal'.

    Ghost chuckles as he fixes him a glass of bourbon and Soap a glass of scotch, "Were not retiring Johnny."

    "Plus, Michael and Graves are still out there. Has anyone heard anything on that?" I ask to them.

    Soap shakes his head, "They're both off the radar. If you ask me, it doesn't really make sense."

    Ghost throw is head back as the caramel color liquid disappears, "Maybe they killed each other and did the work for us."

    I raise my eyebrows and cock my head giving the 'that's an option' response. "So do you think they are in hiding or blending?"

    "Either or," Ghost replies to me. "The smartest option would be a bullet to the face. I'd take that over what we are going to do to them when we find them." His voice deep and sultry.

    God, I loved when he got riled up or talking about something that pissed him off. His voice became deeper and filled with rage. "I'll drink to that LT," Soap says as he raises his glass.

    "I hope I'm the one that finds them. Especially Michael," I say through gritted teeth. The things I plan on doing to that worthless piece of shit is going to be so inhumane that its going to make even the most sadistic people flinch. Michael was mine. End of story and if by some means someone took him out before I could, then they owed me their soul.

(Six Months Later)

    Snow covered the windowsills and rooftops in Manchester. Houses were decorated with lights and Christmas trees were places in front of windows. The air was light and crisp as Christmas music played inside the three story house. Ghost went all out when buying your forever home. The house was perfect and there wasn't a room in the house that hadn't been 'broken in' yet.

    I sat on the couch as the doorbell rang through out the house. "I'll get it!" Soap yells from the kitchen. The house was an open concept, but the giant living room was a huge sunken living room with five stairs leading to the kitchen. Twenty foot vaulted ceilings with floor to ceiling windows with a bright red baby grand piano in the corner. It was something you would find out of a magazine, and you fell in love with it everyday.

    "Soap who is it?" I ask as I look over towards the kitchen. Soap doesn't respond, but flashes me a shit grin. Soap had been cooking since yesterday for our Christmas dinner. I kept asking him why was he cooking so much for just the four of us and his response never changed, "For leftovers Harley."

    Ghost comes down the stairs with Tommy in his arms. Seeing him being a dad lights my heart up. He's the best dad ever and Soap is right there with him. Tommy is so blessed and I hope he knows that. "Who's at the door?" Ghost asks as he steps off the last step.

    "I don't know. Go ask the chef," I say with a chuckle. I grab Tommy and bring him to the center of the living room with his toys. He's right at six months and has almost mastered the art of crawling.

    "Johnny!" Ghost calls out. No answer. I look over at Ghost and he looks back at me. It was times like this that made my anxiety go up because we still had yet to hear anything on Michael or Graves.

    "Johnny!" Ghost calls out again. This time he takes a step towards the kitchen and then stops when we hear the door close and multiple sets of footsteps inside. I stand up and stand in front of Tommy and reach behind my back where my pistol rests - Ghost does the same.

    We hear the footsteps slowly make their way towards the kitchen. "SURPRISE!" The five people scream as they jump around the corner. Ghost and I quickly pull our pistols and aim it at them before quickly retreating our weapons back into their holsters.

    "Talk about the bloodshed of Christ on Christmas," Soap says as he walks around them.

    "Not funny amigo," Alejandro retorts back.

    Price, Gaz, Laswell, Rudy and Alejandro stand in our kitchen on Christmas morning with smiles on their faces. Tears fill my eyes as the overwhelming feeling invades my body. This was the best Christmas ever.

    "The place is beautiful," Laswell says to me. She walks over to where Tommy and I are and takes a seat on the couch.

    "Thank you," I say to her. "Everyone, come in here," I say to them.

    "Everything is in the oven. It will be a few hours before it's ready," Soap says to all of us. "Anyone want anything to drink?"

    We all nod and Soap brings all of us glasses and brings the 'whiskey cart' as we call it over to us. It's a cart that is filled with all sorts of wines and liquor - cause you never know when you might want to transport a drink.

    Everyone fixes them a drink and then takes a seat. "It's so good to see all of you," I say looking around the room.

    "It's good to see you all of you too," Price says to us. "We almost had to block Soaps number. He kept asking us multiple times a day if we were going to make it."

    "Well excuse me for caring," Soap bites back playfully.

    "And look at how big Simon Jr has gotten," Gaz says with a smile. Ghost couldn't deny his son. Not only did he have his daddy's temper, but he was the spitting image of him.

    I sat back against the couch as I let the guys and Laswell talk amongst themselves. Soap eventually got up and headed back into the kitchen to check on the food. I got up shortly after to follow.

    "I really do appreciate this Johnny. It means more to me than you know," I tell him. "And I know it means a lot to Simon," I say as I look back out to everyone.

    Soap walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "Anything for you Lass," he says as he removes his hands from my waist and cups my face before kissing my lips.

    "Get a room!" Rudy yells from the living room. All eyes were on us and honestly, I think this was the first time they had seen Soap and I kiss.

    "Pick one," I joke back as everyone laughs. Soap turns back around to finish taking the food out of the oven and I just stare out at the living room. This was perfect. If someone would have told me over a year ago that I would be joining The 141, I would have laughed, but it was honestly the best decision ever - even if it was forced at first.

    141 was family. My family and it warms my heart with how welcoming they are and always have been - even when I tried to push them away. Ghost, Soap and I have the best support system and the most reliable people we can count on - that Tommy can also count on.

    Ghost gets up from the couch and walks over to me, "Merry Christmas baby," he says as he places a kiss on my cheek.

    "Merry Christmas Mr. Riley," I say back with a seductive grin.

    I go to tease him more, but Prices phone ringing interrupts my thoughts. In our line of work, our phones didn't ring much unless there was a contract - and our phones never rang on the Holidays unless it was really important.

    I watch Prices head move up and down as he talked to whoever was on the other line. After a few minutes, he hangs the phone up and gets off the couch. "We have a hit on Michael," he announces.

    I stand straight as a chill runs down my spine, but it was quickly replaced with this bright fire that I refused to let die off. I said Michael would suffer at my hand and I meant it. I don't care how many miles I have to run or how many oceans I have to swim through, Michael Gravely will die at my hand.

    "Harley, you okay?" Price asks and all eyes turn towards me.

    "I've never been better," I say as a sadistic grin forms on my face. "Where is he?" I needed to know because I was coming for him and bringing a wrath with me. My life has always been surrounded by darkness and Michael brought the most with him and if theres anything that I learned along the way, is you can't have darkness if you let there be light.

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