The Tale of Trouble

By juju3768

6 0 0

Dennis has technophobia. He loses himself in the journey of life feeling lost at it all, until the unexpected... More

The Tale of Trouble

6 0 0
By juju3768

Sorry for the spacing problems

Chapter I: What the Hell?

Once upon a time, in the deep blue moon sky, a sailboat drifted with a man and a woman. They were in love. The woman bore children, Dennis and Gabriella. Dennis was first in the line of the heir, while Gabriella was last. It did not bother Gabriella; she had more than what the air could contribute to her. She had it all. Every time she took an exam in coding - she passed. Every time she needed to find herself - she passed. All with a useful gadget, the cell phone. At times, this bothered Dennis until it became an obsession, a phobia, perhaps. He was soon diagnosed at the age of twelve with a new diagnosis - technophobia. In the world of science, everyone knows how these tests are made. Hypotheses are made up to prove at anyone's discretion with power. The moon could be argued rectangular if anyone with enough money and power had the chance to catastrophize, but it isn't so because humans have some tendency or decency with the laws of physics to disable themselves in certain unmountable arguments.
    Now, Dennis has aged to 21. Dennis just wanted to go to his simple roots - a fishing rod and a small wooden boat. His dream was to live in the forest - a Waldenesque dream. One day he was supposed to beat all odds with his technophobia and work until he saved up for his dream. But, that was wrong, he supposed. It went against all of his values - values of doing well for humanity.
He had longed for the roots of the caveman times - hunting for women as the women gathered for him, or a woman. He did not believe in polygamy, but in love - a rare thing indeed. But, where was love when he needed it at all times? What was love? Phillia, agape, ludus, pragma, etc. All the Greek meanings of love were strange for him to understand for no one portrayed it openly. He read history books that he loved along with mythology. He was able to make friends left and right, but none of them ever lasted except for Frank. He never trusted any other male, but even Frank was sneaky in trust.
From what he observed in Gabriella's life, he realized that everything in life was an exchange. People only wanted something from him, to gain some satisfaction from him. That is when he receded back to his roots - his caveman mentality, his technophobia.
Dennis found the digital age to be much more incompetent than the previous generations. In previous generations, people battled to create inventions with more words on paper rather than forcing robots to write dreadful poems or artificial images from words of false hope. He imagined himself in the Renaissance Age, able to have his wife, his company, and his endeavors in bartering.
What would he be? A shoemaker indeed, he was flamboyant but not extravagant.
It was a Monday morning when he woke up. What was the point of standing up from bed? For a cigarette, for a cup of coffee, where was his love? He did not have one, yet he was afraid and exhilarated with love. He had a student classmate whom he set eyes on, Tiffany. But, did she bother for him?
He grabbed his bags. "Thank you, mom for breakfast." His mother was a stay-at-home wife who once worked in the tech field of Samsung. She had seen enough with the tech revolution as well, the tracking of data, the finales of unfinished and finished projects knocking down the brain and soul.
"Honey, just be good. Don't be afraid of living life." His mother told him with a warm smile. Gabriella got to move out at an early age with no diagnosis. People tended to trust doctors more than their own children.
Dennis studied finance in college due to his mathematical abilities, but he would rather go surfing in the midst of the waves than go to class. Something never led him down that route - the fear of socialization also overwhelmed him in large groups of abuse. So, he stayed away.
He drove to school in his 2027 Audi A4 gifted by his father, an engineer working for Toyota. He drove down Palm Springs listening to the world's masterpieces at his fingertips - the only good or bad thing from what the music industry gave him. He was listening to "1901" by Phoenix then Mozart and Beethoven with some Debussy.
    Once parking his car by the university's garage, he entered the sterile building of Accounting and Tax, a mandatory class. He saw her again, for an instance, Tiffany. What he would do to be with her - it was a mystery indeed.
He suffered. He suffered immensely. He did not know why. But, suffering came upon him like the wind of the sky to the summer's breeze. He did not want to move forward for what was the sake of moving forward into the unknown? He did not know what would await him.
Be not afraid. Those words came into his mind.
Dennis suddenly felt calamity even if it was a placebo effect.
You see things come and go just like people in the lives of the unknown worlds of one's mind - do we attract them to leave, are we not worthy of them, or does one just not love one's own self?
So, he floated on in the class just experiencing life. He had one thing in mind to be with Tiffany, eyes of pearls and hair of gold. He reminisced the image of her eyes and then completely indulged himself in his work.
Gracie, a short, stout girl with messy slightly greasy brown hair, tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, do you have an extra pencil today?" She said so eagerly. Dennis thought to himself, why does she always bother me?
He grabbed a pencil and did not say a word, passing it along to her. "Thank you, babes." She said with a smile which he did not care for indefinitely. He cringed at the thought of the word babes coming out of her mouth, a deceitful cringe that was interested in those who were giving the radiance of coupling the two as a pair.
The professor started to explain the difference between credits and debits of a journal entry.
Dennis chose finance because he wanted to overcome his fear of technology. He relinquished his thoughts about Tiffany. Tiffany was a trust-fund baby with more than many titles to her name, professional gymnast, former professional cheerleader, former ballet dancer, and honor roll student with long blonde hair, sky blue eyes - everything that he ever dreamed of, yet it was hypocritical in a sense. He was the caveman and Tiffany - he believed was a hybrid. Though, it may seem that these two cannot work together. Some people cannot be changed, and some women follow the man's lead in certain cases. This is not entirely true in the year 2030, but Tiffany was the one to follow his lead. He had this gut feeling hidden in the array of limitations.
"Folks, see you next class." The professor said normally. He was the most normal person you could ever see, a monotone yet high volumed guy who just never seemed to have lived life. The kind of person that never left his hometown, the high school sweetheart, and the August summer child, perfect life and perfect house.
So, Dennis went to the bathroom. The reigns of the world seized for a moment. He was alone. He wanted to cry. He hated Gracie. He thought of her as a rat who could never obey him, and someone who was so hideous that made him hate himself due to that low of a standard. You see Dennis was selfish and immature. He wanted everything his way.

Chapter II: Beach Fun

    It was an omniscient day for the wind. The oceans followed with that flickering of sand. The mountains surrounding the beach were standing as strong as the Roman knights. Dennis wondered. He wondered about the horse-drawn carriages and the art of winning nations. He wanted to be that winner, the winner of Tiffany. He knew that with her by his side - all would go well, and nothing would fail.
    He was at the beach with his best friend, Frank. Frank was an excellent friend to have honest, trustworthy, and loyal. Loyalty was as powerful as love in some cases.
    "Hey we need to get lawn chairs next time," he budged Dennis. "Yeah, but I have no money. I am in school." "You got to change your mindset, Dennis." They soaked in the late summer's sun. The next steps were taken to the ocean where they played frisbee in the water. Dennis was losing, while Frank was winning. It always was that way, but Dennis was not trying his hardest, so it did not bother him.
    Still, there was that sinking feeling in his chest, his anchor was falling into the ocean, but where was his destination?
    "I got a better grip than you," Dennis said. "Pfffft, sure you do." Frank responded with a smile.
    Tiffany and Gracie were walking off the boardwalk onto the sand. Tiffany was wearing a hot pink bikini, while Gracie wore a one-piece. She was chubbier than Tiffany.
    Yet, they were talking and talking with no gaze at the men playing frisbee. They walked toward the restaurant edge of the boardwalk, selling wine and beer. Dennis gawked at Tiffany. She did not feel the attention from him for various men were staring at her.
    She twirled her hair and placed sunscreen on her skin, then Gracie helped her with spreading it onto her back. Some men went up to them. Gracie noticed Dennis, smiling eagerly as if she knew he would be with her someday.
     Gracie was short in stature and resembled her father. Her father had facial hair and a pointy nose. It was the only pretty feature of her face, according to the eyes of men.
    She stared at Tiffany, wanting to cry, seeing the thin stomach, the swimsuit from Bloomingdale's, and the bright smile. Gracie lit a cigarette. "Ew, I literally hate when people smoke!" Tiffany stated with her head on strong, furthermore treating Gracie like a burden.
    Peculiarity ranged in families like meaningless demise. Gracie's family was not the one for love. It was full of yelling, throwing of iron knives, and all she wanted was peace; but, when peace entered she did not know what to do with it. She was alone. She wanted Dennis. That was the only cure for her life.
    Gracie imagined scenarios in her head like the delusional fool she was with Dennis, letting him kiss her - laughing in the water, drinking Kool Aid together. She loved Kool Aid. Every thought was entwined with Dennis.
    "You're such a dork." Tiffany laughed and shoved Gracie gently.
"And you're a snob." Gracie rolled her eyes with a smile.
They walked to the beach front restaurant, Midnight Walk and ordered two beers with sautéed chicken wings. Gracie had two wings as Tiffany had eight, never gaining a pound on her waist.
As they sat, Gracie wondered about the payments and financial responsibilities she had in the market. "Just made 400 dollars on investing." Tiffany said with a smile. "You know you can get into it too."
"Why are you so money-hungry?" Gracie asked.
Tiffany got upset easily. "I'm not money-hungry. I am just learning how to trade for my future career. You know something that you should worry about too."
"Yeah, being undeclared is the best time of my life," Gracie said finishing her beer.
They talked about grades, the boys at the beach, romance, and the thought of escaping to a different world.
"Yo milkhead," Frank yelled across the ocean to Dennis. They were swimming alone in that wondrous aquatic blue sea.
"Yeah?" Dennis asked.
"Maybe we should go up to those girls," Frank said with excitement.
"But, we got to find them first." He continued.
Dennis shrugged. What did he have to lose? He did not want to mention Gracie to Frank or Tiffany before he lost his temper. Frank and Dennis went to different colleges, so Frank had no idea who those girls were. Dennis did not want to let Frank know that he knew those girls because of the embarrassment of Gracie's liking towards him. And, he wanted Tiffany for himself - he knew there would be more intended competition if he were to tell Frank about his feelings.
They packed their frisbee, towels, and belongings, taking their backpacks off the sand.
Inside his chest, Dennis was nervous like an extinguishing fire. "Please just don't make a fool of us."
"I won't milkhead."
"Stop calling me that."
"Come on, it was so funny."
Last month, when Frank and Dennis were together, Dennis was so drunk that he poured milk on his head.
The girls giggled as they saw the two of them approaching them. It was that special feeling in the chest that brought friends together - a start of a new adventure.
"Who are you guys?" Tiffany asked Dennis and Frank.
"We will be the best thing in your life." Frank said and winked.
Tiffany rolled her eyes and laughed.
Gracie was quiet. She could not believe that Dennis went up to her - thinking that he loved her.
"The best thing in my life is sports and college. I don't have time for boys." Tiffany said.
Frank responded, "We're men obviously. We're not boys."
"Well, if you were real men, maybe one of you would ask us out." Gracie pitched in the conversation. There was an awkward silence.
Everyone was on their phones, but Dennis did not own a phone. Everyone was controlled by the same nature, but Dennis was in tune with it. Some were animals made of aggression and destruction, and others were made for compassion.
Tiffany began speaking, "Where is he from?" She pointed to a surfer. Dennis answered, "He's just a surfer. I don't think that guy would like you."
Tiffany's ego dropped. She started looking at Dennis differently. There was a tension before Gracie that contracted instant jealousy.
"Well, maybe he would be into Tiffany. You don't know that Dennis." Gracie smirked.
Dennis thought to himself, "How does she know my name?" His face turned red. Tiffany laughed.
Frank reinstated, "Tiffany, I would be more than likely to ask you out on a date. But, I am just so busy with plans this weekend." She rolled her eyes.
"And, I have the rowing club meet ups on Mondays, library on Tuesdays, just no time in the day." He smiled giddily at Dennis, knowing that he could easily take Tiffany away from him.
"Wow, I guess everyone wants to go out with me." Tiffany said sarcastically.
Dennis hid his facial expression with a stern face staring at her forehead. This seemed to bother Tiffany. She expected a reaction from him. Gracie was meddled on her phone, looking at art that she had drawn a few years ago.
Then, Frank went to the ocean to go surfing, saying goodbye to Tiffany and Gracie as Dennis followed.
"See ya later losers." Frank stated as Dennis remained shy.
"Dude, you're just trying to impress Tiffany." Dennis said as they walked along the boardwalk.
"Are you jealous?" Frank asked with a giddy smile.
"Yes, I am. I am jealous." Dennis stopped walking to proclaim his firmness.
"Well don't be. You can catch other fish in the sea."
Dennis' face turned red. "She's mine."
"Hey, you got it bro." Frank replied.
They drifted into the water. Dennis was an amateur surfer who did not know his hidden talents. Frank had already received the gift of surfing.
Tiffany and Gracie watched Frank in awe as he hit the waves. But, Tiffany somehow thought of Dennis like a lost puppy with his hazel eyes and bright blue swim shorts.
With the discretion of the sun, they went to the ocean's front following the boys. Frank's master plan worked. He was not as sneaky as Dennis thought. Frank just enjoyed friendly competition. But, Dennis wanted the advantage, the advantage to date Tiffany.
"Hey boys!" Tiffany smiled and exaggerated her effort by saying, 'boys.' Gracie rolled her eyes, bored in the light of the insincerity.
Frank tucked out his head from the water. "Yeah?"
"Let's go back to my place and drink some beer."
Frank looked at Dennis. "I'm down. Are you down?" Dennis nodded with a soft smile. They grabbed their belongings off the sand and walked to Tiffany's car, a 2030 Porsche.
"Woah." Dennis said as they got into the car.
"Yeah, I paid for half of it when I was waitressing. Made lots of tips."
Gracie wanted to cry. She told Tiffany previously in the past that she had a thing for Dennis, but Tiffany completely disregarded that as a way for her to make people envious. Envy was the discretion for the folly for the folly knew how to take the first steps but never the last.
Dennis was inching to sit towards Tiffany.
"Dennie! Sit in the front." Tiffany said with confidence.
"Uh, are you sure?"
"Yes!" She smiled.
Frank nodded at Dennis. It was the first time in his life that Dennis felt like he belonged somewhere.
Frank was taller than Dennis with light brown hair, similar dimples and beauty marks on their faces. From far away, they looked like fraternal twins. Dennis was shorter, but not short, causing him to have a heart of glass.
        In this moment, Dennis felt superior than Frank having the honor to sit next to Tiffany. He felt all sorts of things from butterflies to hot sweats. He took a deep breath.

"You ok, Dennie?" Tiffany glanced at him smiling while Gracie was stuck on her phone to avoid the tension of her heart from aching.

"Gracie, get off your phone," nudged Frank.

"You wouldn't get it - I'm making an art piece."

How pretentious, thought Dennis. He wanted someone more practical and exorbitant, and that criteria fit Tiffany. Gracie placed her phone in her vintage leather purse that had aged for years.

Frank pretended to yawn to put his arm around Gracie. Gracie squirmed, "Get off me!"

"Geez, it was just a friendly gesture." He frowned like a child.

Dennis laughed. It was the first time he had laughed in a long time. A child's laughter was always a good sign of light longing for direction to the gates of starlight. He smiled at Tiffany. And, she winked at him.

Gracie was creating an art piece of a dark image of a face - the face could have been a woman or a man at first. She made a self-representation of herself as a dark woman with no direction.

"What is that?" He poked Gracie.

Gracie knew Frank's tactics were on every girl.

"It's a woman."

"She's not that hot."

Gracie rolled her eyes.

When they arrived to Tiffany's house, the boys were in shock while Gracie continued drawing on her phone with her fingers. She had seen it all before coming from a middle class home. Gracie's mother once cleaned houses for people living in mansions. She remembered those houses when she was young because her mother could not afford a babysitter.

"So, this is your place?" Dennis asked.

"Of course, are you dumb?" Tiffany asked.

Dennis stepped back. They were alone standing next to the entrance.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"No, no. It was just a joke." She smiled reaffirming her statement slightly.

"No, I'm sorry it was a stupid thought."

"Really Dennis." She grabbed one of his shoulders. "It was just a joke." She was serious then smiled in a sinister yet attractive manner. Dennis wanted to know more.

Chapter III: Unions

Tiffany Bankster's home was filled with ornaments and paintings of various kinds of art from artists around the world. Her father was a visionary in the arts but retired early in his career in finance. His wife was a stay-at-home mother and then fulfilled her career as a lawyer.

When you entered the house, there was a room filled with instruments and the living room greeting them by the foot.

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