Battle Life SMP

By YanDanTDM

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Twelve Robloxians awaken to find themselves in...Minecraftia, of all places!? But if you thought waking up in... More

CHAPTER 1 | Day 1, Part 1
CHAPTER 2 | Day 1 Part 2
CHAPTER 3 | Day 2 Part 1
CHAPTER 4 | Day 2 Part 2
CHAPTER 5 | Day 2 Part 3
CHAPTER 6 | Day 2 Part 4
CHAPTER 7 | Day 3 Part 1
CHAPTER 8 | Day 3 Part 2
CHAPTER 9 | Day 3 Part 3
CHAPTER 10 | Day 3 Part 4
CHAPTER 11 | Day 3 Part 5
CHAPTER 12 | Day 3 Part 6
CHAPTER 13 | Day 3 Part 7
CHAPTER 14 | Day 4 Part 1
CHAPTER 15 | Day 4 Part 2
CHAPTER 16 | Day 4 Part 3
CHAPTER 17 | Day 4 Part 4
CHAPTER 18 | Day 4 Part 5
CHAPTER 20 | Day 5 Part 1
CHAPTER 21 | Day 5 Part 2
CHAPTER 22 | Day 5 Part 3

CHAPTER 19 | Day 4 Part 6

241 7 13
By YanDanTDM

The rest of the day passes without issue, and the sun is setting over the Battle Life SMP. It's not like Hyper and Tanqr can see it though, as they are mining for gold in a cave.

"Really wasn't expecting Sketch to be the boogeyman. With how Ashley was acting, I was suspecting her, but nope. Plot twist. But what can I say, I love a good plot twist." Hyper tries to make conversation, but Tanqr ignores him, so he's mainly just been rambling.

He's been in a terrible mood since the enchanting table got stolen. Tanqr's been on the border of aggression this whole time, and Hyper's tired of it. Best to confront him.

"Tanqr, you're being a hypocrite." Hyper says, after Tanqr roars while cutting off a zombie's head with one swing of his sword. "We literally stole the enchanting table, why are you mad Megan did the same thing-"

Tanqr whips around to face Hyper, face of rage accentuated by the darkness of the cave.

"I am not a hypocrite!" he hisses. "I'm not mad because she stole it, that I expected her to do, I'm mad because we couldn't get it back. It would've been so much easier to get back if Ashley didn't get in the way, and BigB and Pink weren't so passive."

"Well, you already got revenge on Ashley by getting her killed, so I don't think that really matters. And Fight & Flight were trying to defuse the situation, I'll bet if you didn't go straight to pointing a sword at Megan, they would've been more sympathetic to us."

"Don't call them Fight & Flight."

"Why? Is it because they certainly weren't fighting or flying earlier - they were fawning?"

"No, because it's a stupid name-" Tanqr can't help but laugh a little at Hyper's joke, but he reminds himself to stay serious. "And now we've lost the enchanting table."

"I mean, we're already fully enchanted. What do we have to gain by keeping it and not letting anyone else use it?"

"Firstly, if one of us loses our stuff, we can re-enchant easily. Secondly, it gives us an edge over the others."

"Let's be real." Hyper's learned that by this point, attempting to use emotion to reason with Tanqr isn't going to help. But if he plays along the same wavelength, Tanqr will listen to him. "We already know that most of the people here aren't good at fighting. Pink, Leah, Sanna...what do they have to gain out of enchanting if they can't use the enchantments in the first place? The thing that would help them is armour, and BigB and Pink weren't able to enchant theirs. The only group that we need to worry about already are fully enchanted, so we wouldn't even get an edge over them. So what did it actually give us?"

Tanqr takes a second to think about what Hyper's saying, before realising he's sort of right.

"Uh...bragging rights." he settles on replying, before face palming at his own response. "Alright, you got me there. I guess we can let this go."

"See? Not so bad."

"But I'm not letting Megan go for stealing it. She's taken too much from us, and she's getting in the way. I'll deal with her."

Megan, what have you unleashed? Hyper thinks. You're bullying a dragon!

"She knows too much, Hyper." Tanqr warns. "She's going to lead to us getting caught for any other sneaking we do, we came too close to that last time-"

"Oh, so you admit we came close last time?" is Hyper's impulsive response.

"Uh- well, yeah, obviously. We had to fight to keep it. I was confident we were going to get away with it, but..."

Hyper notices something and latches onto it.

"You weren't sure about it, though. You gave it to me in case you died." He snarks.

Tanqr seems a little annoyed at Hyper's counter, and scoffs.

"I gave it to you because it would be funnier if I didn't have it. They doubted you so much, so better for you to have it."

Hyper very suddenly gets the urge to go straight to the deep end.

"How would it be 'funnier' if they never got to see it? Unless you had a feeling they might?" He asks with a smile, and Tanqr's indignant sigh only makes him more intent on pushing him further. Yes, it's stupid, and just a few hours ago, he'd never do this- he doesn't even know why he's doing it, really, but he's in it to win it now.

"No, Hyper, it was- a tactical move."

"Tactical for what, exactly?"


"I know what you were worried about, Tanqr. You're not very slick."

Tanqr looks Hyper up and down, completely silent. Hyper tries to hide the fact he's sweating from nerves, as he doesn't know what Tanqr's going to say, but yet, words come out of his mouth anyway.

"Admit it, you were scared you weren't going to win, weren't you?" Hyper smiles in that mischievous way only a few people can truly perfect, not realising it.

Tanqr takes a second to think of his response. He absolutely wants to encourage Hyper to be more daring, but he'd also like to keep his pride here.

He sighs.

"Ugh, fine, you win, whatever. It was...just in case something did go wrong."

Hyper can't help but pump his fist in the air, a little excited that he won the argument.

"Yessss-" He celebrates under his breath, but since he and Tanqr are the only people in the vicinity, Tanqr hears anyway. He smiles. It's almost endearing. Tanqr just waits for him to be done before talking.

"Doesn't matter anymore, seeing as we don't have it."

Hyper shrugs, and Tanqr takes that as a cue to move on and continue mining.

It's silent in the cave, at least for a few minutes. Hyper's found a bit of gold, but not that much. Tanqr said they have spare, why exactly are they doing this? But it's keeping them out of trouble, so he doesn't really mind.

Though it's not difficult to notice something's bugging Tanqr. He seems awfully distracted, and even more irritable.

"Tanqr, was it really only that that was annoying you?" he eventually settles on asking. "You seem stressed."

"Ugh. Yeah, I'm annoyed at everyone right now." Tanqr admits, a little ashamed.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to admit it. What's up?"

"No point in hiding it. It'll only make me feel worse." Tanqr puts his pickaxe on the floor and uses his hands to lean against the wall, looking down. "Thing is, no one's taking this seriously! Everyone's acting like this is just a fun little excursion. But it's not! We're in a death game!"

Hyper senses a point of weakness for Tanqr. He's clearly passionate about this. He puts his stuff down and walks up to his angry ally, patting his shoulder as an attempt at comfort. He has to reach to do so, but still.

"No one ever really takes this stuff seriously." Tanqr continues. "It's just fun. Even when we're in genuine danger. "

Hyper doesn't really know what to say to that.

"...Maybe they're just trying to make early allies? So that they aren't gonna get targeted later?"

"Yeah, no. Alliances and friendships are off the table when your life's on the line. You saw it earlier."

"Then I guess they're just trying to have fun while they can." Hyper reasons.

"That's what BigB said. Enjoy the start so when the end comes there's good things to remember. But what is there to remember if you're dead?"

"Maybe we become ghosts?" Hyper jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Plus it's definitely a possibility.

"We better become ghosts. I'm not dying. I refuse to." Tanqr sounds more serious than ever in that moment. It's clear he means it.

"I don't- I really don't know. But it's not something we can control."

Tanqr laughs mirthlessly.

"You're right. Still, I...I feel weird about it. Like I'm doing something wrong." Tanqr sighs. "Everyone thinks I'm acting unreasonable when I'm the only person actually putting in any effort to survive."

Hyper has an idea.

"What's it matter, actually?" he says, a malicious smile on his face. "It'll only serve to hinder their chances at survival in the end, and we'll stay one step ahead. So why worry?"

Tanqr looks surprised at Hyper's suggestion, before smiling back at him.

"You're a genius, Hyper."


Pink is running around outside his base now the sun has set, holding his shiny new diamond axe. He hasn't enchanted it yet, but he wants to decide if this or using a sword is easier for him. If he likes this more, he'll enchant it with sharpness.

BigB watches as Pink smacks his axe directly into a zombie's skull.

"Woah! That's intense!"

"It's relieving." Pink admits. "I'm not a crazy axe murderer. I want to know if it's easier than using a sword."

"Well, either way, you're really good at fighting!"

"Thanks." Pink smiles at the compliment. "I want to try fighting a bit more rather than just running away."

"Heck yeah!" BigB pumps his fist in the air, before noticing a creeper. "Oh, look out!"

Pink yelps for a second as he swings around and hits a creeper away from him, knocking it off the hill. It hisses as it hits the floor, and Pink doesn't hesitate to kill it before it explodes.

"I'll keep practising." Pink says, hanging the gunpowder over to BigB. "You don't have to stand here watching over me."

"Well, I'm just making sure you'll be fine out here."

"Don't you dare treat me like a child." BigB realises he's touched a nerve. "Sorry. Seriously though, don't."

"Don't worry, I'll leave you be. Just don't stay out too long!" BigB gives Pink a thumbs up as he runs inside. Pink's not sure whether BigB intended for that last part to come off like a parent scolding their child. He hopes not.

While BigB's inside, he sorts out chests and ensures that everything's in order. He remembers that he needs to craft a brewing stand, so he does that, placing it down on top of one of their furnaces. It's peaceful, with the only noise being the wind and also the deaths of mobs outside.

Meanwhile, outside, Pink's getting confident - he's fended off many a mob. Looking for his next target, he settles on something he hasn't seen before, let alone fought. It's tall and looks vaguely human.

"Hello?" Pink calls out to it, but it doesn't respond. Okay, so not a fellow player. So then what is it?

Pink decides not to run - he needs to not do that. So he steps a little closer as the creature turns to face him, holding a block. They make eye contact, and Pink notes the fact it has bright purple eyes.

He blinks, it screeches, and then it's gone. What was that? Did he hallucinate it? He can still hear the screeching.

"Uh, are you okay!?"

That's when he realises that there's claws around his neck, and the screeching is from behind him.

He ends up screaming in tune, struggling to slip out of its graps - his neck feels sore, did it just try to strangle him?! Pink tries to slash it, but it's behind him again, and whenever it turns, it just teleports out of his axe's range.

Now is a good time to run.

So he tries to speed off, trying to get to a higher ground so he can hide inside, but it keeps getting closer, screeching the whole time, constantly getting blows in while Pink fails to do so. Whatever it is- it has the upper hand. This hurts.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spots BigB running out of the base, sword brandished.

"A little help, please!" Pink yells at him, blinded by panic and pain. BigB looks at him and his predicament, and quickly turns terrified.

"Oh god- Pink! No!"

Pink can't run, it keeps teleporting to where he's trying to escape to, he feels like he's going to collapse in pain, this isn't working - he's got to get out of here, he needs to get inside, he needs to get inside-

BigB runs beside him and swings at the creature from the side, managing to give Pink a bit of distance. He thinks he's safe, but it's not enough distance - what's it matter when it can teleport?

Before he can react, the thing's grabbed his neck, and in an instant-

<PinkLeaf was slain by Enderman>

BigB watches his ally's body fall to the floor before disappearing and becoming Pink's items. The enderman's still enraged, now turning its focus on him, but BigB is prepared. And pretty upset that his ally just got killed.

"No!" he shouts on impulse, before getting underneath the roof of his base and staying there as the enderman attacks him. Under a lower ridge, the tall enderman can't hit him as easily. It keeps teleporting away and coming back, but BigB makes quick work of it, and it dies with a final screech. An ender pearl drops to the floor, and BigB picks up his trophy - it's good to have, sure, but right now, he's worried about Pink.

"Oh dear."


<PinkLeaf was slain by Enderman>

<KreekCraft> F

<DenisDaily> F

<DylanHyper> F

<Tanqr> L


<LeahAshe> Oh uh F

<AshleyTheUnicorn> NOOOOO

<AshleyTheUnicorn> PINK WHY

<PinkLeaf> owwwwwwww

<PinkLeaf> my neeeeck

<MeganPlays> Your neck?

<PinkLeaf> it snapped my neck

<MeganPlays> Ouch

<iAmSanna> Bad news and good news, PinkLeaf

<iAmSanna> The bad news is that you've joined the yellow club

<DenisDaily> It's not that bad here, promise

<iAmSanna> The good news is that Ashley now owes you a cookie! >:D

<AshleyTheUnicorn> >:((((


Pink has not gotten off his bed in shock. He's looked at the chat, but that's it.

What in the hell just happened? What was that thing? His mind is racing with questions, and still trying to calm down. He feels like he's going to have a panic attack.

BigB bursts in, struggling to carry all of Pink's items. He drops them beside the bed.

"Is it gone?" Pink asks, as he notices BigB's a little injured - but at the very least he's not dead.

"Killed it, don't worry. I even got an ender pearl, look! That'll be very helpful in case we get into any sticky situations." BigB confirms, holding it up.

"Oh, that allows you to teleport, doesn't it?"

"Yep, or go to the End! Which we will not be doing. So there we have it." BigB sits beside Pink on the bed. "Are you alright? That looked nasty."

"My neck hurts. And I don't know what that thing was. I just went closer to it to get a closer look and suddenly it attacked me."

BigB pauses and thinks.

"Pink, Pink...did you look it in the eyes?"

"Uh, yeah? Was I not supposed to do that?"

"Ohh, yeah that's why you got attacked. That was an enderman, as I'm sure you've seen. They react aggressively if you make eye contact, and they can teleport. They like to snap necks."

"I felt that." Pink rubs his neck. The pain dulled quite quickly, but it definitely hurt.


"Why is it called an 'enderman'?" BigB makes a cheeky smile at Pink's genuine question.

"Well, it tends to end-a-man."

Pink groans in exasperation as BigB bursts into laughter.

"Please tell me they didn't actually name it after a pun."

"Well, I don't actually know. Endermen are commonly found in the End. So it's a case of what came first - the Enderman or the End?" BigB explains. "The End's another dimension, by the way."

Pink mentally categorises the 'End' beside the Nether in 'incredibly dangerous Minecraftian dimensions that he doesn't want to go to (in the Nether's case, again)'.

"How many of those are there?"

"Just 3. The Overworld - that's where we are now - the Nether and the End. There's rumours of an Aether, but that's only in modded servers."

"Okay, good. I was worried there were going to be too many."

"Well, we can't talk, isn't the average number of dimensions in a Robloxian experience 4?"


BigB and Pink start laughing before that conversation goes any further, bringing them back to the topic at hand.

"Well, you're a yellow life now. Be careful." BigB warns, an uncharacteristic fear in his tone.

"Red lives are hostile. Right. I remember that." Pink takes a second to think. "You said a war broke out when two major players in one of your games lost their second life. So being a red life must be weird."

"It's just bloodlust. And not the boogeyman kind where it hurts, but the kind where indulging in it is enjoyable." is BigB's explanation, which sends a chill down Pink's spine. "It's a lot more subtle, which is why it's so insidious. Once you die the final time and you're freed, it all hits you at once. It's not the nicest experience." That's a bit of an understatement, but BigB doesn't want to scare Pink. Well, maybe he should, but he's not going to.

"Are you in control of yourself? And if you're not, are you aware of what you're doing?"

"Totally in control, totally aware of what you're doing. All your choices will be your own. No mind control or anything like that."

"Oh. So you're still yourself. You're just murderous."

"Yes. Some can resist it, some don't get a single kill, some stay sane. Some indulge in it, and they...don't. Stay sane, that is." BigB nervously laughs, wanting to move on from this conversation. "Anyways, Ashley owes you a cookie."

"She does." Pink laughs as he pulls out his communicator. "I will hold her up to that promise. It's what I deserve after having my neck snapped."

"You better!"


<PinkLeaf> ashley can I have that cookie soon

<AshleyTheUnicorn> ...I don't know how to make one.

<Tanqr> never make promises you can't keep, ashley

<AshleyTheUnicorn> It was a JOKE!!!!

<LeahAshe> I'm bad at humour ;)

<bigbst4tz2> i can teach you how to make one!!

<bigbst4tz2> if i can find any more cocoa beans

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Ugh fine I'll make you a cookie

<PinkLeaf> :]


KreekCraft looks up at the dark night sky, leaning on the enchanting table building - well, where it was kept anyway - and thinks to himself.

The Bromance Bros have successfully done a loop of the whole server, and Kreek has been absorbed in his plans for the future. They know where everyone is - well, they only have a vague idea where Tanqr, Hyper and Megan have shacked up, but that can be narrowed down. He knows they want to get more redstone, and lots of TNT - for traps around the base, to prevent any more thievery. He knows where to go to get that.

He's been planning meticulously for the past while, until Albert snaps him out of it with a yell.

"Okay, Kreek, ethics question!"

"Albert- what- what are you talking about?" Kreek needs some time to focus on the present rather than his own thoughts.

"If you were to meet a ghost that's attacking people, what would you do?" Albert asks. Right. Albert used to be a ghost hunter too, before he became popular enough to quit that and just start doing his own thing. He probably wants to make sure Kreek's on the right track. Does he really have to ask these complicated questions now?

"Well, I'd try my best to make contact with the ghost, and try to figure out their motives. There's usually a reason why they're acting the way they are." Kreek explains, much to Albert's interest.

"Okay, so you get their motive. What do you do after that?"

"Highly depends on the situation. A lot of the time, their reasons are totally understandable - like getting revenge on their killer, or looking for a missing parent. In that case, we try to help them as much as we can."

"Ooh, good idea."

"Otherwise, we defeat them. Get them thrown in jail, and hopefully not killed. Why are you asking me this? I was trying to-"

"Well, I just want to know how you're going about it! You're a much better hero than I, from what I hear." Albert compliments, making Kreek smile.

"Aww, thanks."

"I just want to make sure that's true! So, more ethics questions incoming!"

"Oh, boy- can we wait until after I'm done?"

"After you're done what? Walking around the base while mumbling to yourself about attack plans? Nah, it's ghost hunting question time! You need to get a life, and I intend to remind you of that." Albert elbows Kreek playfully.

"Excuse me?"


From across the base, Sketch and Denis watch this conversation go on.

"Oh boy, here Albert goes again, pissing off anyone he talks to." Sketch jokes, and Denis chuckles a bit.

"Well, I don't mind. He's doing a very important job."

"A very important job?" Sketch questions.

"Distracting Kreek. Distracting everyone, reminding them not to take this game too seriously."

Sketch ponders this, but decides that that's stupid.

"Denis, our lives are on the line. What do you mean 'not take this seriously'?"

"Okay, I've assumed this is just a normal hardcore server but with 3 lives instead of 1. I don't think we'll actually die here. And I think everyone knows that."

"That would be a fair assumption. But most people here don't really know how Minecraftia works." Sketch points out.

"But we do. And so I don't think we should be worrying." Denis points to Kreek. "Especially him."

"Well he's worrying because he's Kreek- Ooh, I get it, you're worried he's gonna get killed trying to beat Tanqr, right?" Sketch catches on quite quickly and of course starts teasing about it. "Really, bro?"

"Well, kinda. Don't give me that face, Sketch, you said it yourself."

"We've done this a million times before, Denis." Sketch says, leaning back against the wall. "Is this why you didn't want me taking back the enchanting table? 'Cause you're worried this game might get too tense?"

"Yeah. Exactly that." Denis doesn't even try to deny it.

"It's about the principle of the thing, Denis!" Sketch pouts. "They stole it, we stole it back! Simple! I was gonna let the girls have it after a while. But I'm sure no one's taking it that seriously, it's just a silly game. It'll be fiiiiine . "

"I don't think so. Even if it's just a game, people are going to try and win. I have a feeling this is going to get really hostile, and I don't want to see that." Denis looks over to Kreek, to make sure he's not paying attention. It should be safe - he's dealing with Albert's many questions. "Any stick can snap with enough pressure. Especially if it's self-inflicted."

"You know, for the guy saying not to take this seriously, you're taking this quite seriously." Sketch teases.

"I know, I know." Denis chuckles in mild embarrassment. "I'm just worried, I suppose. I consider everyone here my friends. I don't want to see them stressing. Especially my teammates."

"Hmm, I don't know, Denis." Sketch responds, still doubtful. "I'm sure there's a solution to your problem. Maybe you should do the normal person thing and talk to Kreek? I know what you're implying, dummy."

"Yeah, I'm not exactly trying to hide it." Denis sighs in resignation. "I would if it was anyone else. But Kreek's good at pretending that nothing's wrong and that he can handle it, so then nothing will change. I'm just hoping that we can set a good example."

"Well, if we're talking about not putting pressure on people, how about you stop putting pressure on yourself to make everyone else's lives better? The best you can do is talk to him - if he doesn't listen, your hands are tied." Sketch shrugs. "Don't stress yourself too much. You can't-"

"You can't save everyone, Kreek. That's how life is." Albert says to Kreek at the same time as Sketch- making Denis do a double take. Just a coincidence, but it still surprised him.

"I know, but I'm sure as hell going to try." Kreek responds, unbothered. Denis can't help but agree with him.

There's a second of silence after, as Kreek realises that Sketch and Denis are done with their side conversation.

"Hey, Denis, Sketch!" Kreek waves, wanting an excuse to escape the conversation with Albert. "Are you guys alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I think I just heard a zombie." Denis covers, still a little unsettled by Albert's timing.

"I'll go outside and check." Kreek gets up and starts to walk towards the door, pulling out his sword. Denis and Albert both try to reach out to him, but for differing reasons.

"Waaait, I'm not done!"

"Oh, I'll come with you. Don't want you getting hurt." Denis gets up, but Kreek shakes his head.

"I'll be fine, don't worry! You stay safe inside."

Kreek doesn't notice as Denis shoots a knowing glance at Sketch.

" I'll come with you! I'm not done asking you questions!"

"Albert, if you distract me any longer, you're going to get me killed. Again." Kreek pushes Albert off his arm, who pouts in response. "It'll only take me five minutes max. No need to worry about me. Focus on...well, getting to sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow!"

"Wait, what are we-"

Before Sketch can finish his question, Kreek's gone.

"See what I mean, Sketch?"

Sketch rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, alright, fine, we'll do it your way. I'm sure you're just stressing for no reason."

"About what?" Albert asks, tilting his head.

"I'll tell you in a second. Let's just...sleep. I'm tired." Denis sulks off, grabbing Albert's arm and pulling him away. Albert and Sketch look at each other in varying states of confusion, but neither really cares. This game doesn't mean much to either of them.

Sketch can just hear Denis whispering the same thing to Albert he said to him.

(Hey, where was Denis's concern about him when he had to kill someone in cold blood? Whatever. He supposes that's a one time thing.)

He only has one question - what's so bad about getting ahead? It's just a game, not unlike those they've been in before, how bad can it be?

The moon has risen and the tranquillity of the night leaves many people alone with their thoughts. From wondering why death has been consuming their every waking moment, reminding oneself to not get attached to those they're supposed to be manipulating, using the future as a tool to ward off the ghosts of the past, to worrying about the state of those they care about.

One thing they have all settled on, however, is that they have to play this game, and they don't have any tools to escape. It would be futile to try to escape when they don't know how to navigate.

That, and it's clear something is watching them.

Of course, however, there are those that do not know this, and they want to get their friends back.


<Direct Message: Grian ≥≥≥ bigbst4tz2>

<Grian> I'm really sorry, B, people just don't listen!!!

<bigbst4tz2> it's alright, G!

<bigbst4tz2> you're forgiven

<bigbst4tz2> for now

<Grian> For now????

<bigbst4tz2> for now

<bigbst4tz2> what brings this all up, anyway?

<Grian> I think your friends from Robloxia are looking for you guys

<bigbst4tz2> oh!

<bigbst4tz2> that's a problem

<Grian> You can say that again

<Grian> If they try to interrupt the is not gonna go well

<Grian> Even if this wasn't supposed to happen

<bigbst4tz2> can't you warn them not to? idk if i can contact any of them rn

<Grian> I would, but I'm not the one they're asking to help


The door to an office opens, and a very confused man is pushed inside by PrestonPlayz.

"Here they are! Enjoy!"

Preston doesn't stay for long, slamming the door behind him and running off. The man looks around taking in the place he's in. It's a very fancy office, with a white desk facing away from a blue screen with a logo plastered on it. Russo watches him go from gazing around the room to having his eyes flick between him and his friends and the glowing swords on their backs.

"He seems nervous, Russo." Sabrina whispers to him. "I don't think he likes the swords."

Russo nods and lightly motions for her to move back before turning around to his invitee.

"Hello, I'm RussoPlays! As I'm sure you've been told. This is DJ Monopoli, and this is SabrinaBrite." Russo greets and points at his friends in turn, trying his best to be comforting. The introduction settles the newbie's nerves a little, but not much. "Sit down, we might be here a while."

The new person, a guy with blonde hair and a blue denim jacket tied around his waist, sinks into the chair.

"So you guys must be the 'RB Battles Hosts'?" he asks, trying to not seem distracted.

"Indeed we are. So I'm sure you know why you're here."

To Russo's surprise, the man shakes his head.

"I actually don't know why I'm here."

"Did...Did Preston not explain anything to you?" DJ questions. While they can't see his eyes from behind the sunglasses, they can tell he's annoyed.

"Uh, no?"

"Ugh, that clown..." Before anyone can respond, there's a bolt of electricity and a gust of wind beside him - the door slams, and DJ is gone. Russo chuckles a little at hearing DJ start yelling Preston's name and inevitably chasing after him.

"How did he-"

"So sorry about that. So..." Russo looks at a note on his laptop. "You must be Solidarity."

"Yeah, uh, that's me. But most people call me Jimmy. How did you find out about me?"

"We had Preston do some snooping for a description you fit, so to speak." Russo explains without going into full detail - mainly because he doesn't really know how Preston did it.

"Right. What is that description?"

"Let's start with a bit of context. Recently, 12 popular Robloxians went missing. From our findings, they are currently stuck in a server in Minecraftia. Since we don't know our way around there, we need someone who does." Russo smiles. "You willing to help us out?" Sabrina nods rapidly beside him, seemingly trying to encourage Jimmy to take the deal. He's skeptical however.

"Uh...I mean, sure, but that still doesn't explain why you picked me over anyone else." Jimmy asks. He already met someone who lives here that's also Minecraftian, and he knows BigB lives here when not in-

"We've been informed you're friends with BigBSt4tz2, right?"


"Is he missing?"



"And we have reason to believe he's gone missing in Minecraftia multiple times before - three times to be exact. Do you know anything about that? Where he might be?"

Oh no.

In that moment, as Russo explains the situation, everything settles in for Solidarity, and he realises just what Russo's referring to. What happened to those twelve people.

Something that he's gone through before.

It must be clear on his face, or maybe it's because Russo's eyes just glowed the same hue of blue as his sword, but Russo knows he knows too.

"You do, don't you? Could you help us out?"

Jimmy starts nervously laughing from the pressure, and it all spills out.

"Oh. Oh no. I can explain what's going on, but... good luck trying to get them out."

<End of Day 4>


Oh hey, posting on time for once. That means you get 2 chapters this month, nice!
So...this chapter, huh. Firstly, RIP PINKLEAF, you were a real one. Secondly, Tanqr's starting to crack a little and Kreek's close to shattering, so that's great. Ashley's suffering. And finally...the one you've been waiting for...JIMMY SOLIDARITY HAS ARRIVED! And with him comes the arrival of the hosts! I've been hinting at this for some time, because you didn't think the hosts wouldn't notice or care about 12 Robloxians going missing, did you? I chose Jimmy over Grian, Martyn or anyone else more fitting for a few reasons - the main reason being Jimmy's actually got a Roblox channel! Which means he's canonically visited Robloxia, so he was a perfect fit. Now get ready for the unlikely duo of Jimmy and Russo. You won't be seeing them too often, but they are there.
(Now I need to add them to the tags.)

As for the next day? I can't wait for you guys to see how it plays out. It's one of the more dramatic ones :)
Thanks for reading, and see you when the day starts!

- YanDan

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