By khadeem1131

678 190 395

Ummi why do you despise me so much? Is it because of my condition? Ummi I didn't make myself blind. Allah mad... More



14 5 12
By khadeem1131

Sameer, please don't leave me. Afnan cried. I don't love you Anymore. Sameer muttered.
Afnan sniff.
Your brother hate to see me with you. He doesn't want us together. He is blind but he keep stalking me. Your brother said I'm not religious and I'm not a good person for you. Afnan I have moved on.

I will be right there. Affan muttered and hung up.
He quickly march to the gate to attend to his customer waiting for him in front of his shop.
Despite being the CEO of Mr Sani's company Affan didn't let go of his business.

Affan open the gate.
Afnan's heart skipped a beat.
Affan has warned her to stay away from Sameer but Afnan won't listen because she is blindly in love with him.
I am getting married soon. Can't you get it? Your blind brother caused everything for you. He said I'm not religious he want you to marry a religious man. Sameer thundered.

Affan twirl around and walk to them.
Didn't I warn you to stay away from my sister? Affan Yell.
Ya Affan, Afnan called.
Afnan go inside. Affan spat.
Ya Affan, I'm not a child and I...
Afnan, Affan Yell. Afnan shuddered and ran inside the house.
Get out of my house. Affan spat.
Sameer shook his head and leave the gate.

Affan hissed and walk to his shop.
I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Affan apologize to the customer.
He open the door and enter the shop.
Affan take the medicine and package them inside the nylon.
He give it to the man and he paid him.

Affan plug in his earpiece and play Quran recitation by Sudaiz.
He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the recitation peacefully.
His phone started ringing.
Affan flicker his eyes open. He pick up the call.
Affan I want the wedding to take place next week. Mr Sani muttered and hung up.
Affan couldn't say Yes or No.
Affan scoffed.
Is he going to control me? I hope he won't. Affan muttered.

His phone started ringing again.
He pick it up and place it to his ear.
Assalamualaikum came Khadija's voice.
Wa Alaikum salam. Affan replied.
How are you feeling now? I hope you are feeling better. Khadijah ask Affan.
Alhamdullilah. Affan muttered.
Khadijah, the wedding date has been fixed. Affan muttered.
Congratulations, when? Khadijah asked.
Next week. Affan muttered.

Are you ready? Khadijah ask him.
No, I am not but Mr Sani didn't give me the chance to explain. I don't know why they are doing this. I agree to marry Kamila because of my father's best friend. He has done a lot for me. Affan muttered.
May Allah help you through. Khadijah prayed.
Ameen. Affan muttered.
They talk for a while.
Affan, I will bring lunch for you later. Khadijah muttered.
No, I'm okay. Thank you. Affan declined.

Affan, is it because of Jameel?
Yes. Khadijah I don't want to be the one who caused conflict in your relationship. Jameel feel insecure seeing us together. You might hurt your father too because he likes Jameel.
If Jameel reported you to Your father he will be upset with you. Allah has forbidden us to do something that will upset our parents because if we do Allah will be upset with us. Affan muttered.

Khadijah Humm.
I can't eat when you haven't eaten. Khadijah mumble.
Affan chuckle.
You can give it to the chauffeur to bring it to me. Affan muttered.
Khadijah mumble okay.
Thank you, see you on my wedding day.
Bye, I want to attend to a customer we will talk later. Affan muttered and hung up.

She is dramatic. Affan muttered.
He stand up and attend to the lady.
Thank you. Affan muttered.
He open the box put the money inside and locked it up with a padlock.
Affan heard the call of Adhan. He take the kettle and Saunter out of his shop to perform ablution.

Affan finish performing ablution he take the kettle back to the shop and lock it up with the key.
He march to the gate and enter inside.
Affan take a long stride to the mosque.
He walk in.
Ismail and Musa enter the mosque.
Affan lead the prayer and they prayed.
He finish praying and give little lectures on Faith.

He finish lecturing people in the mosque and stand up.
Assalamualaikum. Affan muttered and Saunter out of the mosque.
He head inside to take a nap.
Affan enter the living room.
He take a long stride to his bedroom.
Affan heard Afnan's cry. He shook his head and walked to his bedroom.
He twist the doorknob and walk in.
Affan take off his clothes turn on the AC and lye down on his fluffy bed.

Ya Salam. Affan muttered and closed his eyes.
He dozed off immediately he closed his eyes.


Khadijah, it's been weeks since I see Jameel in my house. Are you two good? Alhaji Abdulmajid asked.
Khadijah blink her eyes at him sceptically.
We are good. Khadijah muttered.
Khadijah, are you ready to get married to him? You two have been together for three years. It's high time I get you two married.
I just discussed this with Jameel's parents. Alhaji Abdulmajid muttered.

Okay, Abbah but I need little time, please. Khadijah muttered.
Okay, dear. Alhaji Abdulmajid muttered.
Khadijah I want you to prepare smoothie for me.
Call Ibrahim for me I would want him to deliver a message to my friend. Alhaji Abdulmajid muttered.
Ya, Rabb! Khadijah muttered inwardly.
Abbah I sent him to buy something for me from the shopping Mall. Khadijah lied.
Alhaji Abdulmajid muttered okay.
Khadijah puff a relieved sigh.

She stand up and march towards the kitchen.
She open the fridge and take out the banana. Khadijah peeled them and cut them into pieces.
She put the banana inside the blender and blend them.
Khadijah prepare the smoothie for Alhaji Abdulmajid.
She take it to him and sit beside him on the couch.

Khadijah's phone started ringing. She glanced at it and it was Affan.
Khadijah glanced at her father who was engrossed in the News he was watching on the TV.
She stand up and walk to her bedroom to pick up the call.
Assalamualaikum came Affan's husky voice.
Wa alaikum salam. Khadijah muttered.

I have eaten your food. It's so delicious. Thank you. Affan muttered.
Awww I'm delighted about the compliment.
That's what friends are.
Affan, Khadijah called.
Yes, Affan muttered.
My Dad want me and Jameel to get married. Khadijah let out.
He want the marriage to be soon.

Khadijah got tired of Affan humming.
Maybe I shouldn't tell you about it if you don't have anything to say to me than to Humm. Khadijah muttered exasperatedly.
Khadijah, are you okay with it? Affan asked.
I don't know. I'm confused. Khadijah muttered.
Please start waking up at night pray to Allah, seek Allah's guidance. Affan muttered.
Thank you, Affan.

Dije, Dije, Khadijah heard Alhaji Abdulmajid's voice.
Dije Jameel is here to see you. Alhaji Abdulmajid enter Khadija's bedroom.
Your Dad right? Affan asked.
Yes. Jameel is here. Good night. Khadijah muttered and hung up.
She turn to her father and scramble out of bed.
Who is the person you are talking to? Alhaji Abdulmajid asked.
It's a friend. Khadijah muttered.
Alhaji Abdulmajid muttered okay and Saunter out of Khadija's bedroom.

Khadijah Saunter out of her bedroom.
She march to the living room.
Khadijah roll her eyes and sit down on the couch.
Hi, Jameel muttered breaking the silence.
Hey. Khadijah retort.
Dee, are you upset with me? I'm sorry I overreacted. I promise I won't do that again. Jameel apologize.
Khadijah muttered okay.
She stand up head to the kitchen and take the refreshments.
She return to the living room and drop the tray on the table.
Thank you. Jameel muttered.

My parents want us to get married. Jameel muttered.
Mine too. Khadijah add-in.
Khadijah, I told my parents I'm not ready for Marriage now. I need some time to sort some things out. Jameel muttered.
Jameel raised a confused brow at Khadijah.
Are you okay with it? Jameel asked.
Yes, I am. Khadijah muttered.


Affan finish showering. He saunter out of his bathroom.
Hajiya Hafsah, Amaan and Afnan barge inside his bedroom.
Who is there? Affan muttered.
Hajiya Hafsah landed a slap on his cheek.
Affan staggered he holds the vanity table to maintain his balance.

Ummi what did I do again? Affan asked with a cracked voice.
Why do you always ruin everyone's reputation in the house?
You ruined My happiness and now Your sister's.
Do you want her to stay in the house without getting married? Why are you so selfish?
You insult Sameer and warn him not to come near Afnan again.

Ummi Sameer is not a good man. He is not the best for Afnan.
Afnan is blindly in love with the wrong person.
Sameer is not religious and his characters are bad.
He doesn't come from a good family. I did a research on him.
I'm only protecting her. Affan muttered.

I don't need your protection.
Protect yourself before you protect me.
Ummi is right you always bring sadness to the house. You are unfortunate.
You are worthless. You are selfish Ya Affan.
You care about yourself but not others.
Must everyone be religious like you? Because of you, Sameer have leave me.
I hate you, Ya Affan. I wish you just leave our house and never return. I hate seeing you. Afnan cried.

Now you've seen who he is? I thought you were siding him. Isn't he Your favorite brother? Amaan muttered.
Affan, it's time you leave my house. You are grown up to stay alone.
Get yourself a house and what to eat. I have disowned you. Please leave my house. Hajiya Hafsah muttered callously.
Affan kneel searching for his mother's feet.

Ummi please don't send me out of the house. I don't have anywhere to go to this hour.
I promise to leave in the morning but please let me stay for the night. Affan pleaded.
Ummi please don't listen to him. Let him go. Afnan cried pleading with Hajiya Hafsah to send Affan out of the house.

Amaan take his clothes and luggage out. Hajiya Hafsah commanded.
Amaan smirk.
He walked to Affan's closet and began to throw his clothes inside the luggage.
Affan ran to the closest and pushed Amaan away. Don't touch my clothes else I will beat you up. Affan thundered.
Affan if you don't want me to curse you that you will regret it leave my house. Hajiya Hafsah spat.

Affan's heart started beating rapidly.
He shook his head wiped off his tears and packed all his clothes inside the luggage.
I want to put on my clothes. Affan mumble.
Amaan, Afnan and Hajiya Hafsah Saunter out of Affan's bedroom.
Affan put on his clothes put the towel inside the luggage and zip it up.
He walked to his shoe rack and packed all his shoes.
He ensure he take everything he has in the room before exiting the room.

Affan wheel his luggage out.
He break down immediately he Saunter out of the living room.
Affan wheel his luggage to the gate he open the gate and Saunter out of the gate.
Affan sat outside his shop thinking of where to go.
He haven't married Kamila yet so he haven't been given a house.
Affan haven't started enjoying the wealth as the CEO of Mr Sani's company.

Wind started blowing.
Ya Rabb it's about to rain. Affan muttered.
He searched for his shop key but couldn't find it.
Ya, Rabb! I left the key under the pillow. Affan facepalm.
He walk to the gate and knock.
No one opened the gate for him.
Rain started falling.
Affan began to knock on the gate again as the heavy rain fall on him and his luggage.
Musa, Affan called.
No one was there to open the gate for him.
Affan run to his luggage and take them.

He run to the uncompleted building and hide inside.
Affan started quivering. He take off the wet clothes and put on another clothes. He spread the prayer mat on the floor and lye down.

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