Closer to you| JJK ON HOLD

By Taekooksnoona

701 56 2

Lost in desires. More

Coming soon


67 5 0
By Taekooksnoona

Ch. 3

Namjoon's get together, I barely knew the guy to be going to his birthday party. But I also wasn't one who showed up empty handed, so, I got him a custom motorcycle helmet I had been working on for myself over the last few weeks. I didn't want to give it away honestly, but I figured this would score me some brownie points with him. I knew if I had him on my side the easier it would be to pull y/n my way. From what I've gathered she really depended on Namjoon and Beasts opinions about her personal life, in a sense they seemed to be like big brothers to her. So if I wanted to get her organically I would have to get the two on my side, and if they didn't want to be on my side, well then I'd have to take her from them.

"You look sharp, where you headed?"

I glance over at Jimin, he had been staying at the shop more and more lately much like myself. I had been meaning to ask him why he wasn't going home these days but I was running late as it is. "Namjoon's birthday party" he arches his brow and eyes me "What's the real deal with that? Do you know him or need him?" I chuckle, he was my best friend for a reason. We had known each other our whole lives so I was easy to read for him and vice versa. "Need, he uh is best friends with y/n" he laughs as he throws himself down on the shared couch "What's with you? You're not usually this cautious. Usually if you want someone you go and get them. So what's going on? Are you actually intimidated by her or?" I shrug, I honestly didn't know why I was playing the long game with this one. He's right usually I'd make my move by now, we'd fuck like crazy for a few months and I'd move on to the next prey. But something was definitely different about y/n, I can't explain it but I'm just drawn in by her.

"Fuck. Don't tell me you're in love? You haven't even said hello to her or did you finally make a move?"

I roll my eyes as I slip on my leather jacket. I kept it casual today with black jeans and a tight white shirt, it displayed my muscles nicely in my opinion. "We hung out last night at a club" I chuckle as Jimin glares at me now, he hated being excluded. "Sorry Jm next time, I have to make a good impression first, plus it was last minute. Now do I look okay?" He rolls his eyes and nods "Yeah you look like an asshole" I smile wide as he gets to his feet "Have fun with your new friends" I laugh before hugging my tiny friend, he was petite but also really strong. "I'll bring you next time, stop being a brat and go get laid or something. You're too good looking to just sit around this shop and don't think we aren't going to discuss why you've been hiding out here" he groans as I remove myself and grab the gift. "I'm fine" he mumbles, I shake my head as he walks me out to my bike. I had a feeling showing up on my motorcycle would only intrigue my baby girl more. "Sure you are, I'll see you in a bit okay?" Jimin nods as I start my baby up, nothing beat the rumble of my bike.


Driving up to Namjoon's house made me feel out of place, not like I'm surprised I knew these people had money. And it's not like I didn't have money, I did well for myself honestly I just don't show boat it unless I have to. Namjoon's place was quite big and secluded, he had a few neighbors just down the hill while his house sat on top. I can see all the expensive cars parked while I parked my bike closer to the house. When I turn off my bike and take off my helmet I spot a few familiar curious gazes, I smirk as I run my fingers through my hair. Y/n rolls her eyes instantly but has a small smirk on her lips that makes me chuckle. I grab namjoon's present and head her way, she was at the front door with Mari and two other people I don't recognize

"Well look what the wind brought in, you going to give me a ride on your bike later Jungkook?"

I chuckle as I approach the group "If you want to sure" Mari is all smiles at my response while y/n just gives me a blank stare. I raise my brow at her which makes her look away "Jayla, Hajoon this is Jungkook, he's Namjoon's instructor" they both shake my hand and give me smiles. Jayla was actually beautiful, totally my type with her dark hair and sultry eyes. Not to mention her perfectly sized assets. I can feel y/n glaring towards me as my eyes linger on Jayla which only makes that thrilling rush inside me heighten. I loved that she was already getting jealous. "My bro! You made it" I smile as Namjoon appears, he gives me a big hug and pulls me into his home, the rest of the group follows. "Nice place Hyung, oh and this is for you. Happy birthday" his eyes soften a bit as he takes the bag from me. "You didn't have to get me anything" I smile as I glance around, the house was filled with new faces and a few familiar ones. Taehyung's face in particular stands out as he's now hanging on y/n. "It's the least I can do" I add as Namjoon takes the helmet out.

"Wow this is amazing, did you do this all yourself?"

I nod, doing my best to look confident about the work but truthfully I felt embarrassed. I've never shown my work to anyone outside of the shop. Again I'm engulfed in a hug, I pat Namjoon's back before we pull apart. "Let me get you a drink then I'll show you around" I nod as beast approaches "What's your deal?" I chuckle, I forget how straightforward he was. Ironically I liked that about him though, maybe in another life we'd be best friends. "What do you mean?" He tilts his head indicating for me to follow, which I do out of curiosity. He walks me out back to the patio, the view is fucking incredible. "Why are you being so nice to Namjoon? Do you need the money or are you after something else?"

I arch my brow now as we both lean over the railing "I don't need anyone's money first of all and secondly he approached me remember? I didn't have much going on and honestly I didn't think he'd need much work but clearly I was wrong. Who gave him his license?" This makes him genuinely laugh but he quickly recovers not liking that I made me chuckle. "So you really don't want anything from him? Or know of him?" I furrow my brows now, should I know of him? I shake my head no and watch as his shoulders relax.

"Good, you're not so bad kid. Now you'll refer to me as Hyung too got it?"

This guy. I chuckle though and nod my head, like I said I needed both of them in my pocket to get y/n to go all in with me. "Whatever you say Hyung, so what's the deal with y/n?" He eyes me before taking a sip of his drink, he then shakes his head at me before turning to look inside at all the people "no way, she's off limits" too late buddy, I already had my hooks in her. "Why because she's with Taehyung?" He chuckles "Nah, Taehyung always hopes for more with her but y/n won't give it to him. They have their set boundaries so that's their deal. I say no because she's like my little sister and I don't know you all that well yet" I nod, so it wasn't a flat out no. Not like I needed his or anyone else's permission to take what's mine but for now I'd play nice. Jimin's words from earlier suddenly ring in my ears, I wasn't sure why I was playing nice with any of these people. Y/n and I should be fucking already and blocking the world out, what was I doing? And why did I feel like I needed to be cautious with this whole ordeal? It was odd. "There you are, I was looking for you. Here is your drink, hope a beer is fine we have harder stuff in the bar area" I smile and take the beer "this is perfect Hyung"


"You look lonely"

Glancing over my shoulder and smile when I see Jayla heading my way with another beer. It was dusk now and I was back out on the balcony in need of some air. Taehyung had been hanging all over y/n most of the evening and doing the most to get under my skin so the distraction was nice. "That for me?" I nod towards the beer "maybe" she smirks, Jayla seemed like fun. The type of girl who's down to fuck around with no strings attached, but she also seemed like the girl to do that sort of thing to piss people off. Which the last thing I wanted to do was hurt my baby girl, I did however want her to get a little jealous though. She walks up to me and places the cold beer against my chest making the moisture from the beer wet my white shirt so you can see my abdomen. She smirks at the sight before I take the beer from here "nice, clearly you work out" I chuckle before taking a swig "What's your deal Jayla? How do you tie into this group?" She softly smiles before turning towards the backdoor and leaning against the railing. I do the same and take a peek at her perked breasts, they were nice but a bit smaller than y/n's.

"I used to date Namjoon actually"

She chuckles at my surprised expression, she just didn't seem his type honestly. She seemed too rough around the edges for sweet Namjoon, he seemed pretty innocent. "What happened there? Clearly you two are still friends" she tilts her head and takes a swig, I glance back into the house and catch y/n's glare. I loved how sexy she looked, she looked like she was ready to attack but it was more towards Jayla than me. I wouldn't mind seeing the two go at it. "He caught me cheating, with Hoseok actually." Damn she was cold. "But he's slowly forgiving me, in his own way I guess. Y/n clearly can't stand me because I hurt her bestie"

I nod following her gaze, it's back on y/n but she's no longer looking at us. "Why'd you cheat? Especially with his friend" she raises her brow as I take another big gulp of my beer, nearly finishing it off. "Namjoon just...he's a busy man and I was lonely. Hoseok always seemed to be around so we got drunk one night and fucked around. Namjoon came home early to surprise me." Fuck, poor Namjoon. Id probably kill Jimin right then and there for hurting me like that. "That was a Bitch move" her jaw drops at my blunt words but quickly recovers with a laugh "I guess you're right"

"I am, so what's the deal with y/n? Has she ever dated any of these guys?"

I had to ask right? Jayla was the only honest one here thus far. Her brow raises as she turns back towards me "You like her?" I shrug taking one last glance at y/n, she's looking at us once more but when she catches me glancing her way her eyes quickly look away. "She's beautiful that's for sure" I look back at Jayla and see her roll her eyes "And another one bites the dust. Almost everyone here has tried to get with little miss perfect aside from Namjoon and Seokjin, though Seokjin likes to hype her up all the time for some reason" I nod, I caught that in my months of surveillance but I was happy to hear neither of them had actual feelings for her the way I did. "Someone's bitter" she rolls her eyes again and slaps my chest. "I just don't like her, she's a brat who gets whatever she wants because Namjoon and Seokjin give it to her or fight for her. It's annoying really" I tsk, clearly she was jealous of my girl.

"What about Tae? Have they been together long?" She shakes her head no and glances back at the house "Not really, she was with this other blonde guy a few months back. She really loved him I guess because when he broke up with her she went a bit crazy. I mean crazy enough to start fucking Tae. Poor dude has been in love with her for years but she never wanted to cross that line. That was until her ex cheated"

I'd fucking kill him.

"What was his name?" She looks back up at me with curious eyes, I can tell she's trying to get a read on me but she can't quite figure out my interest. "I think his name was yuki or something like that I only met him once. He was hot, way too hot to be with her" I tsk again making her smirk "I like you, you're not like the others. I can tell you have a bit of crazy in you" I chuckle as I push off the railing "I see you have that too, thanks for the beer Jayla" she bats her lashes at me as I head back into the house. I want to split honestly but I also don't want to leave y/n just yet. She hadn't really spoken to me all night and that was starting to piss me off. She eyes me as soon as I'm in the house though and gives me a weird look. She wasn't happy with me clearly, but honestly I did nothing wrong. "I'm surprised you haven't dipped yet, you having fun?"

I'm surprised when smiles approaches me, it was hard to believe that he slept with one of his best friend's girl. "Yeah, it's been an interesting evening" he nods as Jayla comes back inside, she flashes us a grin before she heads back over to some other group. "Be careful around her, she likes to cause drama" I slowly nod as he glares in her direction. "Will do" he forces a smile and then disappears into one of the other rooms. I go to the kitchen to discard of my now empty beer.

The kitchen is empty and rather messy, I hated when it was messy like this. So as odd as this may be I start to pick up a bit "you don't have to do that" I glance up at the sound of my girls voice, she's alone and clearly still upset. Her arms are crossed over her perfectly plump breasts as she stares me down. "I don't mind, messes bother me. Plus I know Namjoon won't be cleaning tonight" I continue to clean up as she fights the urge to smile, I can feel it all around me that she's fighting to stay mad at me for whatever reason. "What did Jayla want?" My back is to her as I toss a few cans in Namjoon's recycling bin. I smirk, so she was jealous of my attention on Jayla huh? I guess my plan worked. "Not much she brought me a beer because I looked lonely" I turn back towards her and catch the end of her eye roll "Doubt that, she probably wants to fuck you" I bite back a smirk, she was cute when she was fired up. "That a bad thing?" I couldn't help myself I had to push a little.

She tsks and leans against the counter "Nope, you two would probably suit each other well" now I glare which makes her bite back a smirk. "I don't fuck around with cheaters" I spit back which surprised her and me also, I'm usually more in control of my mouth. "So she told you about Namjoon and Hoseok" I slowly nod as she takes a few steps closer, her hands rest on the island of the kitchen. "What exactly did she say?" Does she not know? It surly doesn't seem like she knows. I step closer as well and rest my own hands on the island as I stare her down. "That her and Hoseok got drunk and fooled around, then Namjoon walked in on them" I watch her face carefully as she takes in my words. This seems to be new information, or more like missing information. Maybe she only got part of the story? Or maybe Jayla told me her own version.

"What else did you two talk about?"

Her curious gaze catches my own, her bottom lip is almost pouting which makes me want to grab her face and kiss her with everything I have. "Not much" I sigh, she eyes me as I run my fingers through my hair. "Bullshit, Jayla not talking about me? That'd be a first" I lowly chuckle now as her lips finally twitch into a soft smile. I step back and lean against the counter as she takes a seat at the other side of the island. She leans onto the surface a bit letting her breasts relax on the marble surface. "You two clearly love each other" she cutely rolls her eyes "what did she say about me?" I smile as I eye her upper body quickly, a hint of blush paints her cheeks as she watches me check her out. "Just that she's jealous of you, which clearly she has good reason to be" I smirk as the pink turns into crimson, though she does her best to be composed. "She Told me you got your heart broken not long ago and now your messing around with Tae"

I probably shouldn't be pushing but I felt bold suddenly and I needed to know more about this ex of hers. I can see the hurt flash through her eyes at the mention of her heartache. "Is that true beautiful?" Her eyes soften and get glossy but again she's doing her very best to act as if she's fine. "So what? It's been months I've moved on. She clearly needs to get a life" I nod agreeing with her but I felt enraged, seeing the hurt still fresh in her eyes made me want to kill this guy. "Enough about all that, what's your deal? I know nothing about you. How do I know you're a good person? Namjoon can be naïve you know. I mean clearly look who his ex is" I chuckle and lean on the island now so I'm closer to her, I see her check out my biceps for a brief moment before her eyes meet mine. "What do you want to know beautiful?"

I can tell she enjoys the nickname just by the way her body always seems to react. Weather it be blush, goosebumps, subtle lip bite or a slight shiver, her body always seems to have a reaction. "Well I know you own a motorcycle shop, I know you're helping Namjoon. Which thanks by the way, he needs all the help he can get when it comes to driving any type of vehicle" I chuckle knowing that's true. "And I know your single, so tell me about your ex since you seem to know a bit about mine" I nod as she rests her head in the palm of her hand, her cheek is squished a bit making her look more baby girl than before. "My ex? Hmm not much to tell. We had more of a physical relationship, actually most of my relationships have been purely physical. So not sure that counts as a real relationship, does it?"

She rolls her eyes and fake gags making me laugh. "I knew you were an asshole the moment I laid eyes on you" I shake my head as her smile widens a touch "I'm a respectful asshole, I mean I'd never hurt a woman. I always make sure they get home safe or have eaten, I'm just not relationship material. Or so I've been told a million times over, so I've just accepted that. Why give anyone my heart if they aren't going to take care of it? I'd rather fuck then get hurt. If that makes me an asshole so be it" I'm honestly shocked in myself for being so honest and not giving her some bullshit answer. I instantly regret it too because I can see the pity look in her eyes. I hated that look, I didn't need anyone's pity. I was content with my life. "Clearly there is two broken hearts in this kitchen" I roll my eyes but she seems serious and that makes me nervous, maybe I let too much of myself show. I don't like being vulnerable with anyone. "Just one, I'm fine beautiful" she shakes her head at me "I'm sorry he broke your heart, if you want me to go kick his ass or egg his house I will" she cutely giggles making my heart thump a bit too rapidly in my chest. "I might take you up on that Jungkook, now what about your friends or family?"

I shake my head and plop down next to her "you first" she turns towards me and rolls her eyes, our knees bump as she gets comfortable. I didn't like how she was making me feel right now, I wanted a sexual relationship and nothing more. She didn't need to know any details about my life just how good my cock would feel deep inside her as I bent her over this island. "I asked first" she challenges, letting her knee rest between my parted legs. She clearly liked the touch and wanted more but she wasn't going to let me move forward without getting a few things from me first. I sigh and rest my own head against my palm as I face her "I have one best friend named Jimin and another closer friend named Mingyu, both work for me and I've known them my whole life. Family I don't see or talk to anymore just send them money. Your turn" her smile drops a bit at the mention of my family but thankfully she doesn't push any further.

"Fine, you know my friends since you wiggled your way into my friend group" I chuckle, little did she know. "I don't see my family much either, my mom got remarried after my dad passed so she kind of has a new life. She's a great mom but just preoccupied. I'm close with Namjoon and Seokjin's family though so that's nice" I nod as I rest my free hand on her bare thigh, I give it a gentle squeeze which makes her smile. "There you are! We were looking for you! Let's go skinny dipping!" I pull away as y/n chuckles at a very drunken Namjoon, Seokjin is close behind him holding him upright. "Birthday boy I think you need to go lay down" y/n says cupping his cheeks, his dimples deepen as he looks at her. "I love you" he giggles before looking my way "Jungkook! Oh my friend, did you have fun? I love you man. You're the fucking best!" I chuckle as I get to my feet "Love you to man, need help getting him to his room?" Seokjin nods giving me a reassuring smile "Thank you" he mumbles as I grab hold of Namjoon's waist, Seokjin does the same as Namjoon wraps his arms around both our shoulders. He was a big muscular dude and with him being as drunk as he is, made him extra heavy. "Say good night birthday boy" Seokjin says as he guides us slowly up the stairs to Namjoon's room. "Goodnight everyone! I love you! Best birthday ever!"



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