WSL Story - Eye on the Ball

By slwritesxc

2.3K 33 0

WSL Fanfiction story about a young adult academy player coming to terms with becoming an adult & growing, fin... More

Swiping for joy! (Not)
Plans for the Weekend?
Goodbye Chelsea
The Night Out (I)
The Night Out (II)
The (Almost) First Kiss
Call me Senorita
Starlight and Pillowfights
Reaching the Summit
The Morning After The Night Before
More Plans?
The Kissing Booth
Interlude II

Flustered Moments

49 0 0
By slwritesxc

I'd almost finished my pint before the door next opened. I looked up to see Millie who looked concerned.

"What are you doing out here on your own Y/N?" She asked, sitting down next to me underneath the shaded trees.

I sighed. Millie was my closest friend and I had so much to consider both about my behaviour and whether it was correct but also my feelings and sexuality. Millie had helped me come out to the Chelsea girls. Her support is what got me over that line.

"To be honest I just got a little overwhelmed inside, I just came for some fresh air." I replied, not taking my eyes of the glass in front of me.

"What happened to you last night? Are you gonna tell me? You know I won't tell a soul, but you need to get it off your chest. I can see it's weighing on you." She said, placing her hand on my leg.

"I went home with Alessia." I said, grimacing. "I wasn't supposed to. She jumped in my uber and I agreed to drop her and continue to mine, but we matched on Tinder earlier in the day. I suppose there was a mutual interest. When we arrived at her hotel she invited me in..." I trailed off.

"Okay Y/N, and?" she said, almost asking me what the big deal was.

"That's not it Mil." I paused. "I went home with Less barely an hour after the most passionate kiss of my whole human existence - that wasn't with her! I am such a shit person." I said shaking my head and visibly getting more frustrated.

"Oh my god!" Millie jumped up, shocked. "I'm sorry, I'm not saying Oh my God for any other reason than that you've been single with no peep of any love interests for ages, then you get two in one night! Who was it?" She asked, curious. Fuck it, I thought. She knows half of it, I can't expect advice of her if she doesn't know the full story.

"Leah." I said, looking her straight in the eye as she sat back down.

"Carnage aside I am absolutely buzzing for you Y/N. I'm really proud of you. It's like my little sister getting her first kiss!" Millie laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't get me wrong, I am buzzing with it too. I am punching ridiculously high with both of them. I just feel like a player and dirty for the way it played out. I told Alessia everything and she still pursued the night together, she said no pressure. I couldn't have hoped for a better reaction but I can't help feeling wrong in it all." I responded, taking the last swig of my drink.

"It's understandable for you to feel like this, you've never had to deal with any of it before. I won't lie and say it gets easier, but I will be here for you. Less sounds like she is more than accepting for you to get to know both of them. Put it this way... How many cars did you test drive before you got your Fiesta?" she asked.

"That's the most misogynistic thing you have EVER said Millie. I test drove 4, but you can't compare girls to cars." I laughed, standing up.

"You know what I mean and my point stands Y/N - I've got you!" She said slinging her arm around me and pushing me back through the door. "Let's get you another drink." She pointed me in the direction of the bar. I added the drink to the tab and headed upstairs after her.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Ella asked as I took my seat.

"Yeah I'm alright now, it was just way too hot in here earlier I needed to cool down." I said, glancing at Leah who had happened to sit down right across from me. She smirked as the word hot came out my mouth, her smile getting smugger by the second. We chatted for ages, sang to the music, ordered more drinks and playing some drinking games. Our 2 hours of bottomless drinks was coming to an end, but we asked to extend it by another two hours. I excused myself to the bathroom not noticing I had been followed. As I walked into the bathroom, out of nowhere I was pushed from behind as I felt cold hands across the bottom of my back turn me around and pin me against the side of the bathroom door. "Wha-..." I was interrupted as Leah threw her lips onto mine, pinning me to the wall now with her body as her hands cupped the sides of my face. I kissed her back immediately and slid my arms round her waist pulling her into me closer as the kiss became deeper and our tongues entangled with one another, as did our murmurs.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you Y/N." She pulled away. "I know it was just a kiss but it was powerful, it has a hold over me like nothing ever has before." I looked away, I knew she was right but I couldn't have this conversation here. Not with everyone back at the table in a group setting.

"I can't lie, I do feel the same Leah but there are more things to it than that. Can we speak about this when it's just you and I? I don't want any of this interfering with our night out and into the group. Let's grab a drink tomorrow, before the final?" I suggested, knowing that if I let this continue without having the same conversation as I had with Less it would eat me alive.

"Yeah sure, things get complicated in a group anyway. Are you going to the final by the way?" she asked as I headed into the cubicle to finally do what I had come in here to do. Take a leak.

"Yeah, we're in Club Wembley or something, I have no clue. Millie just told me I need to be ready for 12." I giggled. I came out the cubicle and washed my hands.

"See you there then, but can we meet before?" She asked as she leant in.

"Yeah, otherwise it could be an alcohol fuelled conversation which I think needs to be had sober." I replied, glancing down at her lips.

She kissed me once more and I knew as much as I wanted this moment to last I needed to get back to the table before too many eyebrows were raised about our timely disappearance. I smiled as I pulled away from the kiss. "See you up there" I said as I walked back out the door. Like my head could be anymore jumbled than it was right now. I sat back down at the table to a fresh beer and the good news we had two more hours of bottomless. This could get quite dangerous, quite fast. I had 6 already, maybe it was time to swap drinks to something that didn't have such an effect on me. My hangover had gone but suddenly this had turned into another night out. I turned to Alessia next to me and placed my hand on her knee smiling. She caught my eye and smiled back.

We drank and laughed more than I had in a long time for the remaining few hours.

"Where to next then guys?" Millie said as we all stood up from the table and headed down the spiral staircase to settle our bills.

"We're going to get going, I don't know if I can drink for much longer anyway." Lucy said referring to herself and Kiera.

"Yeah I'm the same to be honest, I can't handle two nights on the bounce so I need to go home and sober up." Ella agreed. "Plus we all need to be on our best behaviour tomorrow at the final. I've got some media duties." she added as we filtered out the front doors.

"I'll stay out for a bit Mil." Georgia said while Alessia nodded in agreement with Georgie.

"I'm gonna head home, quiet night needed for me!" I laughed as we all headed down the street. The party goers flagged down a taxi as I waited for mine back home. I could have walked it but if much rather a quicker ride home in 5 minutes rather than a 20 minute walk. Ella had already jumped in a taxi with Lucy & Keira which left Beth, Viv, Leah and myself.

"Are you sure you want a quiet night on your own Y/N?" Beth asked before adding. "We're having a movie night at ours if you fancy it?" I considered and straight away my mind flashed to a double date scenario, would I be intruding or is my company actually wanted?

"Movie night sounds good but I don't want to intrude on your evening?" I asked, making sure the invite was genuine.

"No of course not! It would actually be nice to get to know you a little bit more, we've never spent that much time together apart from league social events!" Viv replied in her slight accent. We jumped into the taxi, stopping by the shops to get some refreshments and snacks. My go to was Coke Zero & walkers sensations. Beth and Viv got Fanta fruit twist with Doritos and Leah got Coke Zero and Walkers ready salted. We arrived back at Beth & Vivs within 10 minutes. 

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