Lazy Masterpiece X Genius Rea...

By SimonLikeIcecream

11.3K 327 275

This is a what if scenario that I took interest in and this is a whole lot different reaction with an AU of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

3.3K 91 80
By SimonLikeIcecream

Have you ever considered how you would approach an unknown entity when you have no prior knowledge about it?

When you face something so supernatural, it almost makes you believe whether these kinds of things exist or not? 

If human were to face such things, What would they feel?

Fear, Excitement, Anxiety, Surprise, Stressed ...?

When faced with something unnatural, humans often experience a complex range of emotions. One of the most common emotions is fear, as the unknown can trigger a sense of unease and anxiety. The unfamiliarity and potential threat associated with the unnatural entity can heighten these feelings. However, alongside fear, there is often a sense of curiosity.

Humans are naturally inquisitive beings, and encountering something unnatural can ignite a desire to explore and understand. This curiosity can lead to a sense of wonder and fascination, as individuals are captivated by the uniqueness and novelty of the experience. 

At the same time, it can also evoke surprise, catching people off guard and leaving them in awe of the unfamiliar. However, this awe can also be accompanied by confusion, as the lack of familiarity or understanding can leave individuals feeling disoriented and uncertain.

At any rate, Humans are incredibly complex creatures when emotions come to play.

For example, a person may feel happy and excited about a new job opportunity, but also feel anxious and uncertain about the changes it will bring. Similarly, a person may feel love and affection for a partner, but also experience jealousy and insecurity in the relationship. These emotions can be conflicting and difficult to navigate, leading to complex and sometimes overwhelming feelings. 

But emotions can make a person act in an irrational manner, especially when they are experiencing intense or overwhelming emotions. When we are in the grip of strong emotions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, our ability to think rationally and make sound decisions can be compromised.

When people are angry, they may lash out at others without considering the consequences of their actions. When they are afraid, they may avoid situations that are not actually dangerous or overreact to perceived threats.

In other words Emotion makes human humane.

From childhood, I have always been a distant person. While growing up, sheltered I had no one but myself and I used to experience a lot of emotions when I was just a child.

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Excitement...

I used to felt it but after I knew what kind of world I was living. I knew I have to change, grow and adapt.

But soon I realized, I completely felt cold. 

Sometime I wondered, Was it worth it?

Maybe or maybe not.


[Added all students in reaction hall]

Ayanokoji's Pov:

Hmm Interesting .

I had experienced many things in life which had never made me feel this clueless.

But for the first time in life, I felt clueless on what's going on?

The events that unfolded left me feeling utterly bewildered, as if I had stumbled into a realm of uncertainty. 

I found myself situated in the back seat, on the fourth row, unable to move despite my best efforts. I questioned whether this was merely a dream, as the surreal nature of the situation seemed to suggest.

 What captured my attention the most was the presence of a black screen. Its purpose remained elusive, casting an air of intrigue and mystery over the entire scene. 

Was it somehow connected to the supernatural phenomena that had transported us to this inexplicable place? The question of why we had been brought here lingered in my mind, begging for answers. 

 As I surveyed the surroundings with a calm demeanor, I noticed familiar faces among the occupants. Chairman Sakayanagi, accompanied by several teachers, sat in the same row. Students from various years were positioned meticulously, as if their seating arrangements had been predestined. Among them, figures of significance emerged, such as Shirou Kyo, Sakayanagi Arisu, Ryuen Kakeru, Ichinose Honami, Nagumo Miyabi, and Horikita Manabu, who commanded attention from the second row. 

Amidst the bewildered crowd, I noticed a mix of emotions: anxiety, confusion, and a general sense of cluelessness. Everyone seemed to be grappling with the same question - how did they end up in this bizarre situation? 

What caught my attention was the presence of Horikita Manabu, the former SCP who had recently graduated, accompanied by his secretary. They appeared to have been teleported at the very last moment, as if they were selected in the final seconds.

Up until now, I had only seen current students from ANHS among the group. However, the inclusion of Horikita Manabu and his secretary, who had just graduated, added another layer of intrigue. It made me wonder if the selection process was based on the actions or achievements of the individuals involved. 

I couldn't help but wonder if the selection process for this gathering was based on the actions or achievements of the individuals involved. If that were the case, it raised a perplexing question: why were students from our class, including myself, who hadn't accomplished anything significant in the past year, also present?

The notion of being arbitrarily chosen crossed my mind, but deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there must be a specific reason for our presence. Perhaps there was something hidden beneath the surface, a purpose that would gradually reveal itself as events unfolded.

"Kiyopon!!!" Startled by the sudden shout from my right side, the sound seemed to echo in my ears, temporarily deafening me.

I look at Haruka who shouts at me clearly worried about me as I have been silent for few seconds after being teleported here.

"I can hear you, You don't need to shout so loudly" I said which cause her to poke my cheek with her finger.

"Hmm but you were so quiet.. I thought you were dead ." She states with a giggle. How did she even reach that conclusion?

"I am alive as you can see." I said with as exasperated sigh as she keep poking my cheek.

"Kiyopon you seem strangely calm." She pointed out.

"I--ts ama-z--ing that y--ou alw--ays seem so ca--lm" Airi from my right stutter.

Rows of seats are divided by one or more aisles so that there are seldom more than 20 seats in a row. We were on the last row with some other Class D students. I felt glad that I was with the group I knew.  I could see Horikita Suzune too who had grown incredibly rash, cold, distant and isolated from the class. Despite her losses, she still  has that superiority complex. Seeing her brother whom she respect, she constantly look down not meeting his gaze and many other students were here too.

In short, Horikita Suzune had completely become a defective product and I knew very well who turned her that. She doesn't really respect other than her dear brother.

But Horikita Suzune respects Shirou Kyo for some reason. The fact that something behind the scene had happened which made her respect to him. I could only wonder what had happened? 

Well its not like I care.

Next to Horikita Suzune, there was Kikyo Kushida, one of the representative among Class D with her smile trying to comfort her but like always backfired and sitting to another side was one of my seat mate Matsushita Chiaki. She tries to seem normal but there is also the case where she is trying to hold back for some reason. But I didn't decide to pry. But recently she is trying to help the class for some reason... and so on most of the other Class D were on the 4th row, Class B on 1st row and Class C on the 2nd row. The teachers were on their respective row where their class is and the chairman was on the 3rd row. 

And I could also see that little devil, Amasawa Ichika grinning at me and Yagami Takuya sitting on the 5th row with other 1st year students. But I wonder how much have they progressed? Well I hope they wouldn't cause any problem to me. 

I turned my head and I could see the third year were on the 6th row chattering with each other. Hmm I haven't really interacted with them but the OAA app that Nagumo installed is quite useful to look. I had already memorized the name and face of every students. 

[Note: This happens in 3 seconds.]

"Well I feel quite nervous inside but there is no reason for me to be rash. Being calm is the only way to analyze thing clearly." I responded her as my eye wander to the screen and I saw a person walking in front of the crowd.

"Even so-" Haruka was about to say something but she stopped midway as she saw a person walking in front of the crowd.

I don't know but I could feel an strange aura emitting from him. It's something different.

If he is the one who teleported us here, I suppose he will explain us about this situation.

Most of the student's attraction went to the person who was walking. 

"Excuse me... Could you perhaps explain why we are here?" 'The supposed prince of ANHS' (as claimed by Haruka) spoke with a calmness in his voice. Most of the girls look at him with a heart in their eyes, even Haruka.

What could he possibly done to attract the opposite gender? 

Thought I must admit he is quite handsome and accompanied with his look, he is athletic as well as smart. In the eyes of girls, he was a perfect figure.

Perfect huh? 

"Shirou Kyo, Well the god of entertainment had told me to do this and I have no idea why he decided to do this." The person spoke.

If he is telling the truth then, the reason for which we are here is -

"The reason for which you all are here is to react something."

As if reading my mind he answered the question. Well it was quite obvious but it is incredulous for a god to summon us to react on something.

"Huh?" Shirou was also surprised as well as most of the students were too.

"But why us exactly?" Horikita Manabu, the former SCP spoke calmly.

"Oh you are also here, senpai." Nagumo Miyabi the current SCP spoke. Nagumo huh... I heard that there was numerous expulsion because of him and had increased two times. He is utilizing his power quite effectively.

"Well it was not my decision but it was something that had been decided by the God of Entertainment. I just did what he told me."

"Kuku... "

"Of course... it will be my favorite Kouhai, right Shirou" Fūka Kiryūin student of 3rd year Class A. According to OAA she has shown great academic and physical abilities.

"Kuku... Shirou do you know her?"

"Well family relation"

"So we might react to something relevant to us huh?" The tyrant 'leader' of Class B spoke with a grin etched on his face. As soon as he states that, I noticed a flicker of worry on Kushida, Hirata, Karuizawa. I see what he is trying to do. 

If I must say so,  it is very concerning for someone who hold some secret. Hmm wait shouldn't I also be worried? If I had to describe how I feel right now, it would be more like "discomfort". 

"It may appears so, Dragon boy. But the question lies, Who will we be reacting to?" The leader of Class A, Sakayanagi Arisu spoke smugly glancing to Shirou who just sighs.

"Oe Loli, If you call me that again then I will tear that smug face of yours." Ryuen spoke irritated as Loli, I mean Sakayanagi Arisu, laughed smugly at him.

"B-but the exposed student will lose his private life?" Ichinose asked.

" About this, we have our own solution, you don't have to worry." A vague answer

Shirou look at the person with a smile which captured almost all the heart of the girls as they look at him with lust. 

"What should we call you then?" Shirou asked unexpectedly.

"For now you can call me Ice cream kun" .... That name

Shirou again shows his magical smile ONCE AGAIN and nods which for some reason had dealt a critical attack on girls.

'Fufu Shirou kun... you will be mine' Some loli's thought and blushing like hell.

'Uwahhh Shirou kun look so handsome. I wonder-' Let's not delve into thought of tomatonose and other girls.

Most of the girls were clearly smitten by him and some boys were glaring him like they would kill him right there.

"What do you think about this, mina?" Haruka secretly asked Ayanokoji's group.

"I don't know, but this sounds interesting to me xD" Akito chuckled


How is this even possible? 

My teacher, Professor Sotomura Hideo, had once mentioned the concept of overpowered characters and their ability to easily attract the attention of others, particularly in anime. He spoke of their ability to defy logic and the existence of something called 'plot power.' It appears that this is what he was referring to—a power that transcends explanation. 

So does that mean I am just a background character. Sounds like a good deal.

 I glanced at Professor Sotomura, who seemed unperturbed by the situation, sporting a knowing smirk as if he had witnessed such occurrences countless times before. He murmured under his breath, "So, a new fan-"

"He... his existence is dangerous," Ice cream kun muttered, their words barely audible to my ears due to the commotion. It was clear that there was something about teacher that posed a threat or risk, though the details remained unclear.

  Amidst the confusion, the students began whispering amongst themselves, their voices filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. 


Ice cream kun spoke with an authority which made the entire hall silent.

"Now lets start the reaction: Phase 1"

Well obviously the reaction won't be on me, Right? Cause who would look at boring, monotonous, dull student like me. I hope...


Reaction starts:

Shirou's Pov:

"Seems like our attention has shifted towards Shirou, as expected," Sakayanagi commented with a smug smile.

"Kuku lets see what the monster is capable of?" Ryuen with a smirk etched on his face spoke glancing at Shirou.

"O-oh, it's Shirou-kun" Haruka, the mother of Ayanokoji group, looking up at the screen with a bit of lust on her face

"Oya oya, As expected of my favorite Kohai who even got recognized by god?" Fuka Kiryuin  , smiling like a villain I often see in the manga the Professor gave me.

"Shirou-kun/Shirou?" Both Ichinose and the silver-haired girl from Class C, Shiro-kun, appeared quite delighted to witness Shirou's perspective. It seems this individual has a talent for charming the ladies.. In shot a womanizer. 

Meanwhile, Ike and the other male students grit their teeth in frustration. Is this what you call a womanizer? Ike and other homies grit their teeth

"Hmm, I would be interested in observing our upperclassman as well, but let's see what he is truly capable of," the red-haired individual remarked, casting a seductive smile in my direction. Caught off guard, I couldn't help but blush - wait, what? Just kidding.

Well it seems we will be reacting to Shirou. Hmm perhaps it will be interesting.

As I sat on the school bus, adorned in my red uniform, with my eyes closed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation brewing within me. Today was the day I would become a student of the esteemed Advanced Nurturing High School, a school that boasted a 100% employment rate. As the bus drove through the quiet morning streets, the cool breeze whipped past me, and it was oddly calming. I took a deep breath, relishing the peace and quiet, knowing that the hectic and fast-paced life of an ANHS student awaited me.

"I'm so lucky when I came to this school..." One girl name Manabe Shiho from Class B spoke.

"Y-yeah" Thirsty girls were staring at the young man with his eyes closed, his head leaning against the window frame, the breeze brushing his hair. 

'He looks so amazing and-'Ichinose blushes.

"Ara ara~ Honami-chan, what's on your mind? Are you lost in deep thoughts?" Amikura Mako, a girl who resembles Karuizawa, playfully teases Tomatonose as she notices him with his eyes closed, his head leaning against the window frame, enjoying the gentle breeze that brushes through his hair.

"I-I'm not thinking about anything like that! Don't be ridiculous.... Baka!" Ichinose exclaimed, her face turning red as she quickly covered it with her hands.

While the Class C girls and Chie-sensei continued to tease their unfortunate leader and the majority of the boys felt a twinge of jealousy towards the white-haired boy in pain, I couldn't help but feel a sense of internal delight. It seemed that luck was on my side, and I silently whispered to myself, "Ah, the goddess of luck must still be watching over me."

In pursuit of my professional goals, attaining a 100% success rate is not my sole objective. With my unique set of skills and abilities, I am confident in my potential to secure a rewarding and financially prosperous career.

As the atmosphere of romantic humor permeated the room, a sudden interruption brought it to an abrupt halt. All eyes turned towards the source of the surprise announcement, leaving everyone in a state of bewilderment. The unexpected revelation caused a collective sense of astonishment, as individuals struggled to process the unexpected turn of events. 

The atmosphere shifted from lighthearted amusement to a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, as everyone eagerly awaited further details or explanations to satisfy their newfound curiosity.

Unique set of abilites eh... I wish I could also have..

Nagumo grinned and teased, "Hmm, Kohai-kun, you seem quite confident in your abilities! But remember, getting a steady job isn't as easy as acing a test or fooling some school kids." They highlighted the challenges involved in securing employment and emphasized the need for more than just academic success.

I wonder if I could open an Ice cream parfait after I graduate from here.

With a mischievous smirk, Sakayanagi fired back, "School kids, huh? Fufu, student council president, are you implying that I am weaker than you?" Her tone carried a mix of anger and agitation, clearly offended by the comment. She reminded everyone of the final exam where she barely managed to secure a victory against him. However, In the overall competition, Class B emerged as the victors, winning most of the rounds. [Note: I do agree that Nagumo wins against her in overall situation.]

This competition clearly struck a blow to her pride, as Sakayanagi takes great pride in her abilities and is fiercely competitive when competing with others.

"Kuku Mr. notice me senpai... You are being quite arrogant like Suzune... You don't want to be in state like her right? or did you get smug loli's virus?" Ryuen roasted Nagumo ignoring the glare from Mr. notice me senpai, Smug Loli, Suzune and surprisingly Shirou.

"Who gave you the right to use my first name? and I am not arrogant.." Suzune spoke clearly annoyed and furious.

"Kuku... you did let Shirou to use it, Suzune" Ryuen kuking again.

Impossible... She did?

"Although the President does have the right to freedom of speech, I kindly request not to associate me with the general population in this vicinity."

"Hey there! How could you guys show such disrespect towards the student council president!?" Many 2nd-year students are standing up for their leader.

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense as the 1st and 2nd-year students cautiously held back their laughter. Ryuen's remarkable skill in roasting both  and Nagumo simultaneously captured everyone's attention. It was particularly amusing for Ike, who struggled to suppress his laughter, fully aware that such an act would have severe consequences on his academic life.

"Haha, Smug Loli and Notice me senpai, what's the nick name Buhaaa!!" It seems Yamagod wants to be Yamadead. Everyone were looking at him with horrified eyes. Truly, Yamagod is a master of intrigue, leaving everyone bewildered by his audacious act.

I came here in search of a new challenge. Since childhood, I have been considered genius since I have excelled in various areas, including sports, academics, and more. And I also want to do something here which would help me in future . However, to enroll here, one of the reason is that I began to feel a sense of boredom due to the lack of stimulating challenges. It was then that I made the decision to enroll here, knowing that it was recommended by my father. He told me that I will have some interesting and fearsome foe here.  Interestingly, he also informed me that my younger brother will be joining me next year. 

Everyone were quite intrigued by hearing him saying 'Excelled in various areas.'

'fufu, challenge huh... I must say its same for me too, do something here which will help him in future huh... and his younger brother huh... I wonder if he is capable like his brother' Arisu thought intrigued and happy as they have same common thing.

'I see... so that's the reason huh... excelled in various area huh, He is really a monster and I wonder if his brother is like him.' Ryuen thought.

'Hmm Interesting... Kohai kun so that's the reason and I am quite intrigued what on earth are you planning in future' Fuka pondered.

'Hmm challenges huh. How arrogant to think himself genius... It would be your demise if you challenge me' Nagumo thought smirking.

'Hmm big brother... so that's the reason' Someone thought.

Genius huh? I wonder if a genius could beat a monster?

Since childhood, my parents have taken extra care of me, and they informed me that I had lost my memories due to an accident. My mother showed her strive for perfection by hiring a teacher to provide me with education. Although I consistently achieved good results, my mother often seemed displeased and would say, "Be perfect, Shirou."

 However, I am determined to fulfill her aspirations, and as a naturally gifted individual since childhood, I am certain that I will become the perfect person my mother envisions me to be. In fact, this was one of the many reasons why I took the decision to enroll here.

Everyone is the theatre was shocked by his claim.

Manabe Shiho class C, her short green hair catching attention, confidently remarked, "Well, considering what he has demonstrated in ANHS, it's not too difficult to believe that nickname, is it?" Her statement gained the agreement of several other girls in the class. 

Many girl addressed Takuya-kun, reassuring him that he didn't have to put in so much effort because he was already perfect. The sincerity of her words resonated with the other girls, who expressed their agreement. 

Shiro, receiving these compliments, closed his eyes and smiled, appreciating the kind words. "Thank you," he responded, his gratitude evident in his tone. 

It seems like the anime's rule could be applied in real life, as many girls blushed at the sight of that smile, including the class rep, and my cranky neighbor, exactly what happen in the manga Professor gave me. 

Damn Professor... You have my respect... Hmm maybe I should try boku no pico he recommended. It must be good, right?

"Haha, it appears that Shirou's mother hasn't had the pleasure of witnessing my beauty." It seems like nobody even bothers to acknowledge Koenji at this pace. 

As I was lost in my own thoughts, a voice broke my concentration with a sudden query, "Why not offer your seat to the elderly woman?" When I turned towards the sound of the voice, I saw a well-built young man with blonde hair in conversation with an office worker. To my observation, it appeared that she urged him to relinquish his priority seat for an elderly woman. However, he not only seemed indifferent to her request but also believed that in today's progressive society, the elderly served as nothing more than a hindrance to societal advancement.

"Ah, I had no idea you were in my brilliant presence at that time, play-boy!" Koenji, who had been busy filing his nails until this point.

"Shut up u narcissist !" Some students cried. Koenji ignore them.

"Hey, but aren't you in a priority seat?" Sato asked, glaring at Koenji.

"What can I say... this sure is Koenji-like behavior" Matsushita commented.

"Why didn't you offer your seat to the elderly lady, Koenji-kun?" Ichinose inquired, hoping to appeal to Koenji's sense of the norm. 

Hirata and the rest of Class D exchanged amused glances and sighed as they knew that Ichinose was attempting to reason with someone who seemed beyond reason. They understood that helping elderly individuals is a common and compassionate gesture

"I an do whatever I want, Tomato-girl"

"To-mato g-rl" 

I don't necessarily disagree with him, but I'm surprised by his boldness in speaking his mind directly despite the pressure from the other passengers in the bus, particularly when the beautiful girl  questioned him.

As I sigh and continue to observe the conversation, I can't help but notice the dynamics of those around me.

Amidst the uproar of Ike and the enthusiastic simps, their loud exclamation of "Kushida-chan!" attracted disapproving stares from the girls around them. The girls responded to Ike and the simps' loud outburst with looks of disgust.

" And I like his sighs. It's like those sighs from hentai videos." Someone spoke which garner the attention of everyone.

Wait what? 

"What is hentai videos?" I ask Haruka who was surprised by my unexpected question and blush.

"Well it's you know... I WILL EXPLAIN YOU WHEN YOU GROW OLD ENOUGH" I tilt my head confused. I wanted to google it but my sensei is more reliable than him.

Professor look at me and and gave me thumbs up as if saying that 'Don't worry my dear follower... I will lead you to the new world'

"What? Do you really think that only guys watch this?" She spoke...

"Which hentai have you already watched, my lady?" Professor/Sensei ask her curiously.

"Well futaba was my last one."

"Hmm she is girl of culture as well" Professor/Ice cream kun mutters and look at each other and nod. Guess what, a new friendship might bloom.

As I sat there, quietly observing the people around me, a sudden shiver ran down my spine, causing goose bumps to form on my arms. It was an inexplicable sensation that sent a jolt of electricity through my body. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as I tried to make sense of this overwhelming feeling. The air felt heavy, charged with an energy that hung palpably in the atmosphere. 

Everyone were surprised by this development and surprisingly they also felt the pressure. They tried to be more attentive. hmm must be cause of Ice cream kun.

'Hmm who is this person... to cause him this disturbed' Ryuen thought intrigued.

'Fufu this person must be special to cause him this unconformable' Arisu ponders.

'Hmm' Nagumo and Manabu look at the screen with interest.

I sigh... hmm so this is what he felt. His perception is scary.

Inclining my head towards the direction my instincts compelled me, I was met with a sight that contrasted greatly with my initial expectations. Instead of encountering a formidable person or a commanding figure like my father or mother, my eyes fell upon a rather unassuming, slender boy with a mane of brown hair.

 He appeared to be lost in his own thoughts, his gaze fixated not upon me, but on the outside world beyond the window. Yet, his eyes lacked vitality, seemingly drained of any animated spark. I couldn't help but feel surprised by this unexpected encounter, questioning the message my intuition sought to convey through this seemingly ordinary individual.

"Is that Ayanokoji? Kiyopon? Kiyotaka!" The trio, accompanied by Haruka and the rest of the Ayanokoji group, exclaimed in an excessive manner, capturing the attention of those nearby. This unexpected outburst caused individuals unfamiliar with me to redirect their gazes towards my location. Internally, I couldn't help but sigh as I recognized that the composed persona I had diligently cultivated over time had been abruptly shattered, leaving me with a sense of disappointment.

"He's on the same bus as Shiro-kun, how fortunate," the girls muttered with envy evident in their gazes directed towards me.

'Hmm he is my seatmate but due to his dull nature... I don't really know him but the fact that Shirou describes him as formidable... He is more than he looks.' Chiaki thought

'Of course... he is a beast. I challenged him once and It was one sided massacre' Yagami thought shivered while remembering that day.

"Yagami, Having some bad memories" Ichika teased Yagami.

A crowd of intelligent onlookers fixated their gaze upon me, their eyes seemingly hungry for any vulnerable display. Their countenances bore an unmistakable mark of fascination, as if the word "Interesting" had been etched in bold upon their very faces. The way Shiro likened my presence to that of a formidable person seemed to have left a profound impression on them.

'It appears that a group of exceptional individuals have a propensity for veiling themselves within the obscurity of the shadows' Arisu thought looking at me.

'Kuku for the monster to think this. Seems like there are individual who is dangerous' Ryuen/Hosen thought. 

Ishigami, Nagumo, Kiryuin etc. look at the screen with interest.

A sense of peculiar fascination engulfs me as I gaze upon the seemingly ordinary figure standing before me. Every fiber of my being detects an inexplicable energy emanating from this unassuming young man, challenging my initial perception. Though his appearance may suggest a mundane existence, an unyielding instinct resonates within me, urging me to dig deeper, to unearth the hidden depths that lie beneath the surface.

Ayanokoji's Pov

"Huh why is it's his POV" Many girls were clearly displeased and annoyed.

'So it's on his Pov... let see'  Many smart individual thought(I don't want to write everyone thoughts as I am tired lol)

Why am I hated so much? I am just a normal dude.

My eyes, which were about to close, snapped back open. Huh? Could this person be angry with me? But I realized that it was someone else being scolded.

A young, well-built blond man of high school age had sat down in one of the priority seats. The elderly woman stood right next to him, and another woman beside her. This second, younger lady appeared to be an office worker. Their verbal battle continued and At any rate, I had to at least partly agree with this boy.

"Hmm truly a defect thoughts" Ryuen says.

"You should have given you seat, Ayanokoji kun" Ichinose angrily says as she shake her head.
"I thought you were a good person"

Huh where is the logic... Shirou also did told that he agreed with Koenji. And Ichinose I thought you were my friend.

"Hey don't antagonize him" Akito defended me as he glares Ryuen. "And it's his decision to give the seat, Ichinose you didn't antagonize Shirou who also thought the same thing as him "Akito attacked Ichinose.

"Well..." Silence hangs heavy in the air as Ichinose, momentarily at a loss for words, attempts to find a defense, only to come up empty-handed. 

"What a hypocrite!" Truly bro over hoe... He didn't even care what other would think but defended me...

"Well Ichinose, I agreed with him partly, as he wasn't legally obligated to give up his seat"

"O--h I- see" She mutters and apologize me.

Hmm I observed my surrounding and glance outside the and the most interesting person beside that Blonde guy, Two faced girl... is this boy who glanced me for 2.39094 seconds. He is definitely capable and unique.

A sly smile curls upon Koenji's lips, as he directs his attention towards me, hinting at a subtle acknowledgement of my perceptive abilities. "So you recognized my superiority from that brief exchange, Ayanokoji-boy? I am impressed by your perception. Though I wouldn't like you to put me together with those two" Koenji looked to have no idea the anger that was being directed toward him but that wasn't true. He knew perfectly well.

'He knew!!!!!???????' Kushida thought clearly shocked and terrified that someone could see her face.

'Two face huh' Shirou thought...'And how in the world he knows I looked at him despite the fact he was looking outside the window? The fact that he immediately saw through her mask show how impressive his perception is... He has monstrous perception and did he calculate the time when I looked at him too?''

'Kuku... Interesting' Ryuen thought looking at me with his preying eyes...


'Hmm how does he know?' Horikita ponders as she thought she was the only one who know about the rumor and incident but wasn't so sure. 'Perhaps he was also related to that incident 'She thought

'Another interesting Kouhai' 

I shivered when I felt the gaze of certain some senpai who look at me with her villain grin.

'Hmm I should make a deal with him.. I hope he will accept it' Manabu thought.

'How handsome!!' Ichika/Sakura thought as they both look at screen with lust.

How annoying. 


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