Rwby AU x male reader

By LordOf_Crimson

4.1K 71 11

Y/n was taken in by the Summer Rose and Tai xiao long he was the youngest of their kids, younger than Ruby an... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 1

656 7 2
By LordOf_Crimson

"" - talking

** - thinking

[] - actions while talking

() - how people say things

We open this chapter to see a 6 year old Y/n sitting on a park bench doing nothing, Y/n then heard two people walk up to him he looked to see :

They walked up to Y/n.

Woman " Hello is everything ok? "

Y/n " Yeah why you ask? "

Man " We were just wondering where your parent's are, do you know where they are? "

Y/n looks around and then shrugged his shoulders.

Y/n " I don't know they said stay here until they come back. "

Woman " And when was that? "

Y/n " [ started counting on his fingers ] 2 days ago. "

Man " Kid I'm sorry to tell you but I think they've forgotten about you. "

Y/n looked at Tai in confusion then started to cry a little.

Woman " Hey It's ok how about you come with us we could adopt you? "

Y/n " [ sobbing ] You'd do that? "

The man and woman nod.

Y/n " I'd like that. "

Y/n stands up and the woman holds Y/n hand they then all started to walk away from the park, they take him to the police and file a report about that Y/n's biological parents left him and that they were going to adopt him. After the process was done, they all started to walk towards the man and woman's home.

Y/n " What're your names? "

Man " I'm Tai and this is Summer my wife. "

Summer " What's your name? "

Y/n " It's Y/n. "

Summer " It's nice to meet you Y/n you're gonna love it being in our family we have two daughters. "

Y/n " So I'm gonna have two sisters. "

Tai " Yeah. "

They then stop in front of a house :

Y/n " You live here it looks beautiful. "

Summer " Thank you. "

Tai then opens the door and the three then all two people running towards them, then Y/n's sees two girls run up and hug Tai. The girls looked like :

Tai " Hey girls have everything been ok while we were gone? "

Yellow haired girl " Yeah everything was ok. "

Red haired girl " And I didn't take any cookies. "

Summer " Well done you two we have a surprise [ Summer points at Y/n ] this is Y/n your new brother. "

Y/n " (shyly ) Hello. "

Red and Yellow haired girl " ... WE HAVE A BROTHER?! "

Tai " Yep his parents left him at a park, so we adopted him. "

Red haired girl " Hey I'm Ruby I'm 7. "

Yellow haired girl " I'm Yang I'm 9. "

Y/n " Hey I'm Y/n I'm 6. "

Ruby then takes a cookie out from her pocket and hands it to Y/n.

Ruby " You want a cookie? "

Y/n " Yes thank you. "

Y/n was about to eat it but saw that Ruby wanted the cookie, so Y/n snapped the cookie in half then handed one half of it to Ruby, they both ate it but then noticed that Summer and Tai had a look of confusion on their faces.

Summer " Ruby, I thought you didn't take any cookies? "

Ruby " ... It wasn't my fault it was video games. "

Tai just chuckled.

Yang " How did you get one I was watching you? "

Ruby " My secrets will never be shared. "

Summer " Anyway let's go have something proper to eat. "

They all walked into the house and Tai closed the door.

time skip

Ruby was now in Beacon in her first year with Yang since she had been moved a couple years ahead, Y/n was in Signal being taught by his uncle Qrow :

Qrow " Now then we'll have Y/n versus Random student. "

Y/n then put on his huntsman armour and grabbed his weapons, then went to a small arena to fight Random student.

Qrow " Ready ... Fight. "

Y/n then twirled his double glaive around while running at the Random student, the student used a gun and started shooting at Y/n, but he put his glaive in front of him and kept twirling his weapon to deflect the bullets. Y/n managed to deflect all the bullets and when he got close, he did a massive upward swing at the student, it hit then student and sent them in the air as they were in the air then threw a grenade at Y/n.

Qrow " Y/n get out of there. "

The grenade was too close to Y/n so even if he moved he would of gotten hit by the explosion, Y/n then could feel something spread through his body and then he ran every step he took left an afterimage behind. Y/n could see that in the split second he ran he was at the other end of the arena, then the grenade went off. Everyone then followed the afterimages left behind and saw Y/n was fine, Y/n then took out his gun with non-lethal rounds in them and shot at the Random student the bullets hit the student and sent their aura into the red.

Qrow " Random student's aura is in the red Y/n wins. "

Random student " That's not my name. "

Y/n " No one cares now go to the place where all random people go in these stories. "

The random student faded away and Y/n put his armour and weapons away then walked back up to everyone.

Qrow " So you've unlocked your semblance speed, right? "

Y/n " Yeah I think so I didn't know I could run that fast though. "

Qrow " Hmm meet me in the gym later we'll see how fast you can really go. "

Y/n " OK. "

Y/n then sat back down in his seat.

small time skip

Y/n and Qrow were in Signal academy's gym standing next to a treadmill :

Qrow " This is a treadmill made by Ironwood and his scientists It should handle every speed type semblance, it should read out how fast you're running. "

Y/n " Well here we go. "

Y/n walked on the treadmill and started to run.

Qrow " 10 ... 20 ... 50 ... 100 miles per hour Kid are you pushing yourself? "

Y/n " No you want me to? "

Qrow nods and Y/n starts pushing himself.

Qrow " 100 ... 120 ... 150 ... 200 miles per hour is this everything? "

Y/n " Yeah can I stop now. "

Qrow " Yeah just slow down. "

Y/n started to slow down slowly but when he completely stopped, he fell on his ass then grabbed his shins.


Qrow " What's wrong?! "

Y/n " It feels like I've pulled all the muscles in my legs. "

Qrow then runs to an emergency phone in the gym and picked it up.

Qrow " We need medical assistance in here right now! "

Qrow put the phone back and after a couple seconds doctors came in then took Y/n to the infirmary. Tai, Summer, Ruby and Yang were notified of what happened, so they started to make their way to Signal, Y/n was laid down and a doctor was touching his legs trying to figure out what exactly what's wrong with him.

Doctor " It feels like he's torn apart many of his muscles in his legs what did he actually do? "

Qrow " He was running on the treadmill Ironwood made and he ran 200 mph then stopped slowly. "

Doctor " I'm pretty sure It's the fact that his muscles aren't used to the strain of that speed this will keep happening until his muscles get used to it, but in order to do that ... "

Y/n " I'd have to go through this. "

The doctor nods and Y/n's aura starts to heal him.

Doctor " If his condition changes then call us. "

The doctor left and Qrow sat next to Y/n.

Qrow " You sure you're ok kid? "

Y/n " Not really that hurt like hell. "

Qrow " It sounded like it, your family is gonna kill me. "

Y/n and Qrow then heard people running towards the room they were in also they heard multiple doors slam open, after three seconds the room to the door busted open. The people behind it was Summer, Tai, Ruby :

,Yang :

( author note : Yes Yang has lost her arm earlier than in the show )

Y/n " ... Before you guys say anything, It was me I did it to myself. "

Qrow " No I wanted you to push it to see your top speed It's my fault. "

Summer " Y/n I know you're just saying that to save Qrow. "

Y/n " ( Nervously ) What gave you that idea? "

Tai, Summer, Ruby and Yang walk into the room and sit down around Y/n.

Tai " So how fast did you run? "

Summer " Tai that's what you're thinking about right now? "

Tai " I'm trying to change the subject. "

Y/n " It was 100mph without pushing myself and 200mph when I am. "

Ruby " That's faster than me. "

Yang " And almost faster than my bike. "

Summer " [ chuckling ] Are you ok though Y/n? "

Y/n " Not really I feel same as that one time I accidently cut some of Yang's hair off. "

Yang " You'll never let that one down, will you? "

Y/n " No cause I spent 2 weeks without being able to move my right arm, I was 11 and you had to help me cut my food. "

Yang " [ sigh ] Good times. "

Ruby " For you here Y/n [ Ruby hand's Y/n some cookies ] your favourite. "

Y/n " Thanks Ruby, I'll have them later so want to go home. "

Tai " Are you alright walking? "

Y/n " Yeah. "

Y/n stands up but stumbles a little.

Y/n " See fine. "

Summer " Alright let's go and Qrow you're coming with us. "

Qrow " ( whispering to Y/n ) I'm in trouble. "

Y/n laughed and they all started to walk home but Yang had to ride her bike.

Yang " So bro you got a run in you? "

Y/n " That a challenge sis. "

Yang " Yeah. "

Summer " Y/n you alright enough to do it? "

Y/n " Yeah someone count us down. "

Ruby " Are you ready [ Y/n stands next to Yang and her bike ] steady [ Y/n leans forward slightly ] GO! "

Yang rides off as Y/n uses his semblance and runs, at first Y/n sped past Yang but as Yang's bike picked up speed, she was right next to Y/n, they both then saw a massive truck and trailer blocking the road and instead of stopping Y/n just slid underneath it while Yang went around it. They were getting close to their house, but Yang picked up speed and started to get in front of Y/n, they then came to a part where they could see where the road turns toward their house.

Y/n * Wait a minute I don't have to stay on the roads. *

Y/n then ran off the road and into the woods next to it, if Yang didn't speed up Y/n would definitely win but she didn't realise Y/n had turned away. Y/n made it to the house and after 30 seconds Yang came into view as she stopped in front of the house Y/n waved.

Y/n " [huffing and puffing ]  What took you so long? "

Yang " How did you get in front of me? "

Y/n " Simple I didn't use the roads I ran through the woods. "

Yang " That's cheating. "

Y/n " Says who? "

Yang " Me. "

??? " Ok don't fight. "

Y/n and Yang looked to see Ruby as a petal burst :

heading their way then Summer, Tai and Qrow dropped out of it then it formed into Ruby.

Y/n " ( shocked ) Since when could you do that? "

Ruby " I learned I could do it from Penny, she told me I could do it. "

Y/n " Really that's cool [ bends down a little ] I need to do a lot of cardio to keep using my speed oh my Oum. "

Ruby " Really I don't have that problem. "

Y/n " Yeah cause I have to run you don't sorry that sounded mean. "

Ruby " It's fine. "

Y/n " I'm gonna go lay down for a minute. "

Summer " It's fine gives us time to talk to Qrow. "

Qrow " ( whispering to Y/n ) Help me. "

Y/n laughed and walked into the house, he went to his and laid down on his bed then fell asleep by accident.

time skip next day

Y/n woke up and walked downstairs to see Tai and Qrow talking.

Qrow " Where could they have gone? "

Tai " I don't know I asked Ozpin about the mission they told me about be he said he never gave them one. "

Y/n " What's wrong? "

Both Qrow and Tai turn to Y/n.

Tai " Listen son this isn't going to be easy to say but your mother and sisters are missing, they left last night, and we don't know where they've gone It's not just them but Ruby's and Yang's teammates have gone as well. "

Y/n " ( shocked and confused ) But It didn't seem like they were unhappy and ran away, this is twice now my family have gone. "

Tai and Qrow " What are we? "

Y/n " You know what I mean how many miles is Remnant as a whole? "

Qrow " It's around 25,000 miles why? "

Y/n " It can run that in a couple days and find them. "

Tai " No I lost two of my kids and wife to Oum knows what I don't want to lose you from running around the planet. You're also only 14 I'm not letting you do that ever. "

Y/n " Alright I won't but I'm going to be a huntsman and find them. "

Qrow " If you are then we need to up you training. "

Tai " And I'm helping. "

Y/n " Thanks did they leave anything behind? "

Tai " No. "

Y/n " Alright then let's get started. "

Y/n, Qrow and Tai then walk outside to start training.

time skip

Y/n was now 16 and decided to do a little investigating he went to Junior's bar he opened the door to see :

( author note : without Yang )

Y/n then saw the man he was looking for at the bar it was Junior :

Y/n walked up to him and sat next to him.

Y/n " So you're Junior? "

Junior " Yeah what you want kid? "

Y/n " I'm looking for three people [ shows a picture of Ruby, Yang and Summer ] you seen them? "

Junior " Hmm no sorry kid. "

Y/n " I thought someone as famous as you would but eh what do I know I'm a kid see ya Junior. "

Y/n put the picture back in his pocket then started walking away but before he could leave the bar Junior grabbed his arm, Y/n turned around to face him.

Junior " I haven't seen them, but I have seen their teammates Weiss and Blake, Winter Schnee came in a couple days ago asking about Weiss. I saw her here drinking with Blake talking about how good their lives are since they left Beacon. "

Y/n " Alright thanks anyway. "

Y/n then walks out the bar and then remembered that he needs to buy some ammo for his pistol so he walked to a dust store called dust till dawn.

Y/n * Hmm catchy. *

Y/n walked in and started to look at the ammo they had mainly ones that had fire and electricity dust in them, Y/n then heard multiple people walk in and saw Roman Torchwick :

and some of Junior's men :

Roman walks to the shop's owner.

Roman " Hey it's been a while 2 years where has the time gone [ to the henchmen ] grab the dust. "

Y/n just shook his head and grabbed the space between his eyes.

Y/n * God damn it. *

Y/n walked out and ran at one of the henchmen and drop kicked one out the store through the door, Y/n then used his semblance to run behind the other henchmen then hit them with the bottom of his gun knocking them out. Y/n then ran then stopped by sitting on the front desk in front of Rowan, Roman stumbled back and looked to see all the henchmen knocked out.

Roman " ( shocked ) W-well kid you're a fast one [ sees the rose symbol on his hoodie ] Oh you're their brother. "

Y/n pupils narrowed, and he used his semblance to grab onto Roman then run onto a rooftop, Y/n stopped and threw Roman to the floor then pointed his gun at him.

Y/n " I know you faced my sister Ruby, but she never would of told you about me and Yang would do the same, so how do you know I'm their brother? "

Roman " It's simple kid you wear little red's symbol of course you're their brother. "

Y/n " Roman you're a bad liar that's not how you found out so tell me how told you? "

Roman " I would tell you kid, but you wouldn't believe me. "

Roman then points his can at Y/n then the bottom of it opens Y/n realises it's a gun then gets out the way. Roman still shot were Y/n stood but all he hit was an afterimage, Roman then looked at the real Y/n and shook his head in disbelief he then rubbed his eyes.

Roman " There must be something in my eye you were just their? "

Y/n " It's called an afterimage I can run that fast that I leave them behind. "

Roman " [ stood up ] ( in complete shock ) K-kid you might be the fastest person of Remnant. "

Y/n " ( cheekily ) Oh stop you're making me blush ( serious ) so Roman time to hand yourself over. "

Roman " Well you see blur ... yeah blur I don't want to, and my ride is here. "

Then an airship :

flew up behind Roman and he jumped backwards, the airship's door opened, and he landed in the airship. He then took out a fire crystal :

he stole and threw it towards Y/n, he then shot it making it explode. Y/n was about to use his semblance to run away but the something appeared in front of Y/n protecting him :

Y/n then looked behind him to see a huntresses one he knew :

Glynda Goodwitch, Y/n took out his pistol and started to shoot the airship, but the airship flew away before the bullets could do too much damage.

Y/n " Oh no you don't. "

Y/n used his semblance so he could catch airship but as he was running, he found himself floating, so he stopped then looked back to see Glynda pointing her riding crop at Y/n.

Y/n " What are you doing I can catch them? "

Glynda " You can't face Roman and whoever else was in that airship. "

Glynda then stopped using her semblance on Y/n making him fall to the ground, Y/n landed on his feet and crossed his arms.

Y/n " I could have put a tracker on the airship. "

Glynda " Do you have a tracker? "

Y/n nods and takes out a tracker.

Glynda " Well either way It's dangerous. "

Y/n " Ok ok I get it. "

Glynda " Now come with me. "

Glynda then started to lead Y/n somewhere.

small time skip

Y/n was sat in an interrogation room cleaning his gun while Glynda was stood up behind a table separating the two.

Glynda " Do you have any idea what you did? "

Y/n " You mean stop a robbery without causing too much damage and almost took down Roman Torchwick. Apart from that I have no idea. "

Glynda " You put yourself and others at risk. "

Y/n " If I didn't do anything then Roman and whoever he's working with would have had more dust. "

Glynda " Grrr whatever someone wants to see you. "

The door opened and Ozpin :

walked in and sat down across from Y/n.

Ozpin " You're like your sister I remember when she was sat in that seat for doing what you did. "

Y/n " Yeah she told me about that sooo know what? "

Ozpin " I'd like you to join Beacon early so I can help you find your mother and sisters. "

Y/n " Deal so can I go? "

Ozpin " You may. "

Y/n stood up and walked out the interrogation room and saw Tai waiting for him outside the building.

Tai " Never thought you'd be in there like Ruby. "

Y/n " Well apparently I'm just like her according to others. "

Tai " You're in some cases let's go home so you're ready to catch the airship tomorrow for Beacon. "

Tai and Y/n then started to walk home and as they did the screen turns black as this chapter ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 3839

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