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By zonedd_out

227 35 37

Y/n had come to Jericho seeking a fresh start, but from the moment she arrived, she had clashed with one pers... More

Prologue + Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

18 4 0
By zonedd_out

Y/N'S POV 🌸🌾

I noticed everyone was spilling out of their houses, and going towards one direction. It's best that I should also join them, so I rushed downstairs, and went outside.

                     OUTSIDE TOWN HALL

Late afternoon 🌞

I joined the crowd outside, my eyes scanning the faces around me. I spotted Eric among the crowd and quickly made my way towards him.

"Eric, what's going on? What happened?" I asked, out of worry.

Eric, looked grim, turned to face me, his expression tense.

" There was an attack, Y/n, probably. We're still trying to assess the damage and make sure everyone is safe." He told me.

My heart sank at Eric's words. I looked around at the worried faces of the townspeople, realizing that Jericho will never be the same again.

As the townspeople gather anxiously, Mayor Green stepped forward, his voice projecting calm and authority.

" Friends, please, may I have your attention. I know many of you are worried and scared right now, but I assure you, we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety." The mayor tried his best to calm them down.

Some people in the crowd begun to murmur, asking Mayor Green what's going on and demanding answers.

" What's happening? What's going on?" Some of the people shouted, sounding worried.

Mayor Green raised his hands, trying to calm the crowd.

" Please, please, I understand your concerns. There has been an attack, but I want to assure you that the authorities are on the scene and we are working to resolve the situation. Your safety is our top priority, and we will do everything in our power to keep you safe." The mayor assured them.

Despite his efforts, the crowd remained uneasy, their fear and uncertainty palpable. Mayor Green continued to speak, his words a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos.

I  noticed Mrs. Green standing off to the side, tears streaming down her face. Concerned, I approached her.

" Mrs. Green, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked.

Mrs. Green sniffled, trying to compose herself.

" It's Jake... He just left a little while ago, and with everything that's happening, I can't help but worry. What if something happened to him on the way? She cried out.

My heart goes out to Mrs. Green, knowing the pain of a mother's worry. I tried to offer some comfort.

" I'm sure Jake is fine, Mrs. Green. He's strong and resourceful." I assured her, trying to calm her down.

Despite my attempts to reassure Mrs. Green, I was unsure too.

April also came, and tried to comfort her mother-in-law.

As I watched Mrs. Green and April comforting each other, my thoughts drifted to Jake and his sudden departure.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for him, knowing that he's out there somewhere, possibly in danger, in the midst of chaos.

Despite our rocky start, I couldn't shake the feeling that there's more to Jake than meets the eye. I wondered what drives him, what demons he's battling, and why he seems so intent on causing trouble for his own family.

As the sun beginned to set on Jericho, my thoughts were consumed by the enigma that is Jake Green.

Evening 🌆

As the evening sky darkened, the townspeople remained gathered outside the town hall, their faces etched with worry and uncertainty. Suddenly, the lights in the area flickered and then went out, plunging the area into darkness. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

" Dad, I'll go and turn on the generator. We can't leave everyone in the dark." Eric announced.

Mayor Green nodded in approval, grateful for Eric's initiative.

"Be careful, Eric."

Eric nodded, then headed off towards the generator, disappearing into the darkness. The townspeople waited anxiously, hoping for the lights to come back on and bring some sense of normalcy.

Relief washed over the crowd as the lights flickered back on, casting a warm glow over the gathered townspeople. Eric returnes, his mission successful, and the crowd applauded his efforts.

However, the moment of respite was short-lived as a group of worried parents stepped forward, their faces filled with concern.

" Mayor Green, our children aren't home yet. They went on a school trip today, and with everything that's happening..." A women spoke up.

The mayor's expression softened as he listened to their pleas.

" I understand your concerns, but I assure you, we will do everything in our power to bring your children back safely. Bill, gather your team. We need to find that school bus and bring our children home." The mayor assured them.

Sheriff Bill nodded, rallying his team as they prepared to embark on a search and rescue mission. The townspeople watched anxiously.

Y/n approached Eric, concern evident in my eyes.

" Eric, what's going on with the lights? Do you think the generator will hold up?" I asked, hoping he had an answer.

Eric shook his head, a worried look on his face.

" I'm not sure, Y/n. We might need to refuel it soon." He nervously replied.

Y/n sighed, knowing the situation is precarious.

" We both know the generator won't last long enough. Even if we use gas, it's only a matter of time before that runs out too." I told him.

Eric nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation.

" We'll have to make do with what we have for now. Let's hope the generator holds up long enough for us to figure out a solution." He sighed.

As the crowd murmured with concern, a bald guy, stepped forward, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

" Well, Mayor Green, it seems your leadership has led us into quite a predicament. What do you plan to do now? Or are we just supposed to wait here in the dark?" The bald guy asked.

The mayor, unfazed by Gray's attempt to undermine him, stood tall, his voice steady and confident.

" We will do what we have always done in times of crisis: come together as a community. We have faced challenges before, and we have always emerged stronger. Rest assured, we will not let this setback defeat us. We will work tirelessly to restore power and order to Jericho." The mayor answered, keeping his cool.

The crowd, impressed by the mayor's resolve, erupted into applause.

I was curious about the exchange,so I  leaned towards Eric and asked in a hushed tone.

" Who's that bald guy? Why is he trying to make trouble?" I asked, with a look of disgust in my eyes.

Eric glanced towards the bald guy, his expression filled with disdain.

" That's Gray Anderson. He's from the opposing party. He's trying to defame dad in front of the townspeople, but don't worry, dad can handle him." He answered.

I nodded, understanding the situation a bit better. I watched as Mayor Green stood his ground, unwavering in the face of criticism.

I saw Mary approaching us.

She reached and  and stood beside me, her eyes filled with concern.

" Eric, what's going on? Why is everyone so worked up?" She asked.

Eric, trying to keep a calm demeanor, placed a reassuring hand on Mary's shoulder.

"It's nothing to worry about, Mary. We just had a minor issue with the generator, but everything's under control." He smiled.

I felt out of place in the midst of Eric and Mary's conversation, shifting uncomfortably, suddenly aware of the awkwardness of the situation. I tried to blend into the background, feeling like a third wheel in their interaction.

As I continued to observe the interactions between Eric and Mary, a thought crept into my mind, unsettling and persistent.

" If April is Eric's wife, then why is he always flirting with Mary? There's definitely more to this than meets the eye." I thought to myself while standing in between them.

As the crowd stood outside the town hall, their worry palpable in the air, a sound breaked through the tension—a bus horn. All heads turned towards the source of the noise, and to everyone's relief, it was a school bus.

I, intrigued by the commotion, squinted my eyes to get a better look at the bus and was surprised by what I saw—the driver was none other than Jake.*

The sight of Jake behind the wheel raised questions in my mind. Why was he driving the school bus? Where did he come from?.

As Jake brought the bus to a stop, the townspeople gathered around. Especially the parents.

As the school bus came to a stop, a wave of relief washed over the crowd, and parents rush towards the bus, their faces filled with a mix of anxiety and joy.

The atmosphere was charged with emotion—tears of relief streamed down the cheeks of parents as they reunite with their children, hugging them tightly, grateful for their safe return.

The air was filled with the sound of joyful laughter and tearful reunions, a stark contrast to the tension and fear that gripped the town just moments ago.

I watched the scene unfold, touched by the raw emotion and the display of love and gratitude among the townspeople.

As the parents reunited with their children, Mrs. Green's eyes search the crowd until they land on Jake, who was limping slightly, favoring one leg. Without hesitation, she rushed towards him, her maternal instincts kicking in.

Eric, sensed something was wrong, followed his mother's gaze and saw Jake's injury. He rushed towards his brother, concern etched on his face, while April, sensed the urgency, also moves to help.

As the crowd begun to disperse, April s called out to me, waving me over.  Sensing urgency in April's voice, I  hurried towards them.

" Y/n, could you do me a favor? I need to attend to some other people. Could you help take care of Jake at the clinic? He's hurt his leg." April told me.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Before I can respond, Jake interjected with a humorous remark, catching me off guard.

" Well, well, well, if it isn't my savior in shining armor. Looks like I'm in good hands." He smirked.

I chuckle nervously at Jake's comment, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. However, when I caught Mrs. Green's worried expression out of the corner of my eye, I knew  I couldn't refuse.*

" Alright, I'll help. Lead the way." I answered.

With Jake limping slightly, we made our way towards the clinic.

As we walked towards the clinic, April turned towards me, a look of concern on her face.

" Do you have any basic medical knowledge? Like cleaning wounds?" She asked.

I nodded, my confidence shining through.

" Oh, I know much more than just that. I can handle it." I smirked.

April smiled gratefully, relieved to have found someone capable to help.

" Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate your help. Jake's in good hands with you." She smiled.



As we arrived at the clinic, April handed me the necessary medicine and supplies. Despite the late hour, the clinic was well-equipped.

" Mrs. Green, why don't you go home and get some rest? I'll take care of Jake. Don't worry, he's in good hands." I smiled towards her.

" She's right, Mom. You should get some sleep. We'll stay here with Jake. He'll be fine." Eric spoke up.

Mrs. Green, though hesitant, nodded. With a grateful smile, she left the clinic, leaving me, Eric and Mr. Mayor alone with Jake.

After Mrs. Green left, the atmosphere was tense, but Mr mayor broke the silence, his voice filled with admiration and gratitude.

" You did a brave thing, Jake. Driving that bus back here, making sure the kids were safe." The mayor spoke up.

Jake, usually sarcastic and aloof, seemed touched by his dad's words. He looked away for a moment, collecting his thoughts.

" Thanks, Dad . I just did what needed to be done. Those kids... they're the future of Jericho. We gotta protect them." Jake responded.

The mayor nodded, a sense of pride evident in his expression.

" You're right. We all have a role to play in keeping this town safe. And tonight, you played yours perfectly." The mayor had a proud smile on his face.

Eric turned towards me.

"I should go check on the others. Make sure everyone's okay." Eric said and rushed outside.

" And I need to go out and assess the situation. Make sure everything's secure." The mayor spoke up.

With that, Eric and the mayor exited the clinic, leaving me and Jake alone.

A/N: I know, not a good way of finishing a chapter, like Jake and yn alone in a room!? Lol jk he is hurt so- See ya in next one!

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