The Crystal Chronicles: Book 2

By fallenangel531swak

47 5 20

Matt wanders back into Alexs's life... injured and babbling. Why is he here? Alex doesn't have time to argue... More

Terrible Lier
Locked Away

One Human Moment

27 2 5
By fallenangel531swak

September 14th, 2042

Some say one's fate is tied to the land...

As much of a part of us as we are of it.

Others say destiny is like strands woven together into an elaborate cloth.

Forcing one's fate to be intertwined with many others.

Destiny is the one thing people search for or fight to change.

Some can never find it and wonder aimlessly.

But there are those that are lead in the right direction...

Once I finally break the surface of the water, I'm out of breath and my muscles ache. Gosh, I wish I would have known how difficult it was to use my powers after concealing them for so long. I've never forced them to be docile for such a prolonged period, they feel almost alien... something seems wrong... Every step of the way, my powers have been fighting me. It was almost as if they wanted to remain tucked away with Matt as much as I did.

My arms shake violently while I crawl onto the bank. My muscles suddenly give out and I slowly roll onto my back to spit out the gritty sand trapped in my mouth. I will oxygen into my lungs and stare into the night sky while my blue eyes remain activated. I search the walls above for sparkling blue orbs and sigh in relief when I can't locate any near me. My muscles slowly relax, at least I'm safe. For now.

Groaning in agony when I force my tired muscles to move; I know I can't stay here forever. I probably have an entire army tracking me down at this point. I slowly begin jogging to wake up my screaming muscles. As the minutes pass my muscles warm up and begin to move fluidly without pain. I push my legs faster, picking up speed with each step. I am eerily aware I have no weapons to protect myself should I get cornered. I need to get to my safehouse as soon as possible if I want to have a chance at survival. Weaving through the natural corridors with precision I take the long way to avoid the traps I have set in place.

Squeezing through the last crack, I expel all the air in my lungs and wiggle along the two rock walls. Until I reach the other side. Taking a deep breath when the walls open into another large canyon, I look into the starry night and wonder what Matt is doing. Shaking off that thought, he probably hates me now anyway. I begin rubbing my hands along the dusty rock wall searching for the small divot I know is located somewhere around here.

Smiling when my right hand finds it, I slide my thumb into the crevice. Listening to the soft beep I nod my head at the little camera above me and watch as the rock wall pushes back and slides up. Walking into the dark room I quickly find the light switch and the lights flicker to life. As the rock slab scrapes back into place, I throw my wet clothes into a pile on the floor with a loud splat. Quickly getting dressed, I check to make sure everything is operational. The universe must have been looking out for me because thankfully it all still is. Blowing off the dusty laptop I quickly log in and smile when my cameras are still working.

When I miraculously found this place, honestly it was by complete coincidence I stumbled upon this bunker. I was lost trying to find a way out of the Grand Canyon and ended up here. The door was open, and it was stocked with supplies. While I waited for the owners, I browsed through the small five-person bunker. I waited two days, but no one came. Once the sun rose on the third day, I started making the bunker my own. Though I still waited for someone to show, no one did. Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. I waited until I had no hope someone would show. The first day I was here I hacked into the doors fingerprint scanner and uploaded my thumb print to the others. The next time I came back I set up the security cameras and booby traps in the surrounding ravines.

Even though I didn't do well in Ravenna's monitoring department I'm still pretty dang good at manipulating electronics. Leaning back into my chair, my mind fills with images of what I left behind and my chest grows tight. Tonight, I'll let myself feel terrible. Tonight, I'll question whether any of this is worth it. Tonight, I'll give myself a human moment to cry. But tomorrow, I'll tuck all of that away and continue with my mission. Tomorrow, I will go back to who I was. Tomorrow, I will travel to find a way to destroy Ravenna.

The next morning my eyes are swollen and red with deep purple bags under them when I look in the mirror. Groaning at my face, how did actors in the old movies look flawless after an emotion swallowing cry? Rolling my eyes, right. It was all fake. Just like my time with Matt, but this, staring at my tear-streaked appearance. Is reality. Moving at snail speed I slowly begin packing another bag.

Looking at my array of weapons on the back wall I sigh and walk over to the bed and lay back down. None of those bows could ever compare with my hand carved one. Besides, I know it'll be safer to travel at night. I'll be harder to spot, and I'll be able to run faster because the temperature won't be a million degrees. So, I don't need to decide now. Hopefully the ghosted won't get close enough to track the crystal. If that happens, I'll be in trouble, but until something happens, I should be fine.

I try to fill my day with various little activities; assembling arrows, checking the backed-up security footage, and going over my strategy for San Jose. Everything I did took twice as long as it should have. Every time I'd be in the middle of something I'd find my mind wandering back to Matt. Once I started thinking about him, whatever I was doing would get completely derailed and I'd have to start over. Creating mind numbing hours of frustration mixed with painstakingly slow movements.

By the time the sun finally sets I'm going stir crazy, wondering why I can't remove Matt from my thoughts. I try to distract myself by choosing my weapons. Feeling disappointed with my bow choices I stand there trying to figure out which carbon fiber bow I want to take. Personally, I prefer a wooden bow, I like the way it feels in my hand. In turn giving me an easier shot, but carbon fiber isn't a bad choice.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My proximity sensor screams through the speakers. Running to the wall I quickly shut down the alarm and slid over to my computer. With a few keystrokes I have my cameras pulled up to show me their feeds. Gasping when I see the face that's been haunting me all day I freeze and rub my eyes. It.... Can't be? Can it?

Perhaps he's a figment of my imagination. Or Ravenna found someone who looked a lot like him. Realizing those are both highly improbable situations. The only option left is that it really is Matt. He's outside my bunker. Rushing to the door without a second thought, I quickly scan my thumb and pray for the door to open faster. Matt's body hits the ground with a hollow thunk just as I emerge. My chest tightens... he must be hurt. I skin my knee on the rough terrain but I ignore the stinging pain and slowly laid him flat so I examined him.

"Matt?" I implored before he closed his eyes. My voice dripping with worry between each word, "What are you doing here?" I muttered more to myself that him. Fear rises from deep in my belly, I pray he didn't get into what I think he did. Scanning his body, I gulp as I notice the blood trailing down his left arm.

Slowly peeling his shirt sleeve up a two-inch slice spreads across his deltoid. Gently touching the wound, I rub his blood between my fingers and smell it. My eyes grow wide when the bitter after note of poison stings my nose. He must have been nicked by one of my poisoned arrows. Wrapping my arms under Matt's armpits I groan as I drag him inside the bunker. Come on Alex. He's not that heavy. Nearly dropping his upper body, oh yes, he is. Lift with your legs!

Dragging him far enough inside the bunker that I could close the door without squishing him. I gently set his upper body down and ran into the bathroom. Not even caring that the bunker door is still wide open. Rummaging through my medical supplies I become agitated when I can't find the correct vials. Closing my eyes and focusing: 'relax' I tell myself. I take a second to center myself before I open my eyes. I'm no good to Matt if I'm a frantic fool. My heart beat slowly steadied and my thoughts become clearer. Opening my eyes, I continued to search for the antidote.

Finally finding it I grabbed the little bag of leaves and small metal container before I bolted back to his side, sliding halfway there. Once I reach him I gently pick up his arm. But my eyes are pulled away from his festering wound. Matt's entire body glistens with sweat. Beginning to sweat myself, I know I must get the antidote in his system within twenty minutes of metabolization or else his organs will shut down and he'll die. I shakily rubbed the gritty gel into his wound. I use the rest of the ointment in the dingy metal box. Suddenly his body stiffens and his brow furrows.

Unfortunately, I have no knowledge as to when he was shot. The three operational cameras only cover: the door and down each direction of the ravine. Sadly, their quality during the day is... mediocre at best. At night it's even worse, but they do pick up the ghosted's bright blue eyes from afar. It creates a glare across the screen. When I first found this haven, I used myself as a guinea pig to test the theory. At the time seeing the ghosted was all that mattered. The most important thing was that I could spot the hounds before they found me. Now I'm thinking I need to upgrade my security system.

Rushing to the little kitchen I run the hot water as I grab a pestle and mortar bowl from the shelf. Placing a cup of water on the stove to boil, I look over my shoulder at Matt's disheveled form. His body is still covered in a thick layer of sweat and his skin is beginning to turn cherry red. Becoming more worried, I quickly ground the leaves from the bag I retrieved and dumped the hot water into a cup. Sticking my finger into the liquid, I sigh in disappointment. The water isn't scolding like it should be, but I don't have time to re-boil it. With a shrug my shoulders and a quick prayer I beg the Gods that this will work. I need to get this mixture in his system now or else he is going to die. I quickly stir in the crushed paste and give the medicine a minute to brew. Steadily walking over to Matt, I gently tapped on his face.

"Matt...? Matt, I need you to drink this." I urged him while I brought the cup up to his lips and slowly trickled the liquid into his mouth. His face crinkles in disgust and he spits the medicine out. "You have to drink this!" I commanded. Matt mumbles something incoherent and I sigh. Bringing the cup back up to his lips, "Please Matt. I need you to drink this... if you don't you'll die. And I... I can't be a part of a world that you're no longer in." I desperately begged him as a tear slipped down my cheek and landed on his forehead.

Something in my words must have resonated with him because suddenly he took a large gulp followed by a disgusted expression. This process continues until the bitter liquid is gone. I bring my hand to his forehead again. His temperature is still high. I guess we will have to wait and see if the medicine works. Quickly washing my hands, I leave his arm unwrapped in hopes more of the antidote will soak into his skin. I look down at Matt. He's still lying on the floor covered in blood, sweat, and his body is shaking. There is no way I'm going to be able to get him onto the bed by myself. Instead of taking the risk of injuring him more I walk over to the little bed, grab a pillow and thin blanket. Before I quickly tuck the pillow under his head. However, when I go to cover him, his eyes open and his arm grabs mine tightly.

"Help.... Trapped... hole..." Matt incoherently muttered before his body started convulsing and he blacked out again. Tucking him under the blanket, his words worry me.

Something must have happened to his group. Perhaps they are all stuck in the safe house and Ravenna's army is closing in. But why would he use the word hole to describe his safe house? That place means everything to him. Then it hits me. Matt must have traveled to me with other people. His group wouldn't have let him go alone. Someone would have come with him. Taking one last look at Matt I quickly gather weapons and leave the bunker. Watching until the rock door shuts Matt inside, I take off toward my traps.

Sliding through the ravine I groan in annoyance when an arrow sinks into my calf. Ripping the arrow from my flesh I stumble and activate my powers. Once the world turns blue, I feel my body begin to heal. The poison coated arrows won't kill me. Sure, it hurts like hell, and it slows me down, but the crystal burns away the toxins. After a moment of pain, they don't do much to me. They do, however, drop the ghosted without another thought. Perks of being an unwanted freak, chased by both sides. I can do more than both sides combined. I am more powerful than either side can imagine.

Finally reaching the spot I assume Matt was blubbering about, I turn off my powers and flick on a flashlight. Shining the light into the hole the scene laid out before me cracks me up. Ashley is on Ty's shoulders. Wyatt is behind them attempting to steady Ashley on his tippy toes. Fear is clearly painted across Ashley's face. Ty looks like he'd go to war with Ashley on his shoulders and Wyatt... looks lost. Ashley is digging her nails deeply into the sandstone, desperately trying to climb her way to freedom. Cocking my head to the side.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled as I watched Ashley continue to claw her way to the top of the pit trap, I made a while ago. "You're like a foot too short to reach the top."

"Alex is that you?" Wyatt called from below while he tried to block the light shining at them with his hand. Remembering I'm pointing the flashlight in their faces I shine the light toward me.

"Yes, it is. Now let's get you guys out of there." So, I can kill you later. Reaching down I slowly lifted Ashley out. "Go stand over there." I said to Ashley. She nods her head and walks toward the canyon wall, "I'll be back for you two."

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