brittle bones || stiles stili...

By veggiekiwi

3.5K 239 124

"𝐒𝐟 𝐒 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 π›πšπœπ€? 𝐰𝐑𝐨'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐨... More

brittle bones
𝑨π‘ͺ𝑻 𝑰 - the search for self
[1] new beginnings
[3] conversations with a cat
[4] red eyes
[5] the need to pretend
[6] black eyes
[7] fake confidence

[2] the glowing boy

239 23 15
By veggiekiwi

"We are not shining stars,

This I know, I never said we are"

carry on; fun


"Edith Starlight." The man sitting in front of the said girl started, the look in his eyes made her uneasy, "Homeschooled, yes?"

The girl nodded, unwilling to really say anything.

"Your schooling is impeccable, I see you're very advanced in most subjects."

The girl hummed, playing with the peeled back skin behind her nail. Avoiding eye contact with the principles' eyes.

He cleared his throat and leaned forward, placing Edith's transcripts on the desk, "Sadly though, we do not carry over the majority of these credits." The man paused, "Which means you will have to re-take some of these classes."

Edith groaned, finally looking at the principle, "Are you serious?"

The Principle nodded, leaning back into his chair.

The last thing Edith wanted to do was retake classes she's already passed. She sighed, throwing her head against the chair she sat in, letting the silence fill the room for a moment.

The red-headed man in front of her cleared his throat again, "Well, can I take you to your first class for today?"

The man had shown her to her locker, briefly explained where bathrooms were, passing periods and gave her a paper with her schedule hastily written on it.

The longer the man talked the more anxiety filled the girl.

The Principle had finally led her to her second period, explaining she had a free period for first.

So there she was, anxiety bubbling from her chest to her throat as the principle and her new teacher; Mr. Harris spoke. Mr. Harris muttering something about inconvenience.

The girl had tuned them out - her heart was hammering as she gripped her chemistry book between her arms. She felt as though she was going to explode. This would be the first time ever. In her 16 years of existence, that she would be stepping foot into a classroom. She gulped - imagining the stares of her peers and the dread that would consume her.

Even though physically Edith was strong, mentally she still felt brittle in many moments, this being one of them.

"Well Edith, it's not great you are joining us so late," Mr. Harris interrupted her anxiety filled thoughts, "But I hear your academics are incredible, so hopefully I will not need to catch you up on anything." He eyed the Brunette carefully.

"Currently my students are taking a quiz, I will give you a worksheet when you find your seat."

Mr. Harris opened the classroom door and waved Edith in, her body filled with dread and she felt numb. She felt like she couldn't breathe as she stared at her black chucks tied on her feet. Mr. Harris led her to the front of the classroom - keeping her from finding a seat.

The man cleared his throat, "Class, I apologize for the interruption, but this is our new student, Edith Starlight."

As Mr. Harris spoke, Edith took a daring glance up - finding curious eyes staring back at her. One pair of eyes in particular caught her attention.

He sat at the back of the class, his eyes were the most gorgeous color of brown, in the light almost honey - reminding the girl of her fathers bourbon. His face was covered in freckles, dotting his face in a way she would only expect from paintings.

The most eye-catching detail was that he was glowing.

Literally glowing. His aura shone so brightly it almost blinded the brunette. It captivated Edith, as she had never seen such an aura from someone.

Edith realized she was staring at this boy - it felt like forever although it was only a moment. Her cheeks flushed, closing her mouth, as she was gapping like a fish.

Her eyes shot back down to her shoes as Mr. Harris sent her to find a seat.

She found an empty seat next to the windows, beside a tall boy with striking blue eyes and curly blonde hair. She didn't say anything to him as he was focused on his test, she could feel the anxiety seep from him. So glady she left him to work and focused on the worksheet Harris had given her, trying her hardest to ignore the boy with the glowing aura across the room.


When the bell finally rang, Edith was the last to shuffle out of the class, letting all of the other students ahead of her. She watched as the glowing boy rushed out of the classroom and she smiled to herself, he was cute.

She shook herself out of her thoughts as she made her way down the busy halls, searching for her locker, when she finally found it she sighed with relief - anxiety had started to overtake her the longer she searched.

She stopped in front of the blue door and fiddled with the lock - glancing at the combination scribbled on her hand a few times. The girl cursed, unable to open her locker. She had gotten a quick tutorial from her principle but honestly, she wasn't paying much attention.

She sighed, and just as she was about to walk away and pretend like she never had a backpack in the first place, a voice interrupted her.

"Need some help?"

Edith turned quickly, startled by the voice. She laid eyes on a boy with dirty blonde hair and gray blue eyes.

The girls heart jumped to her throat - this was the first real interaction with anyone else her age, except for Jackson, who only told her to "Hurry your ass up," that morning.

Edith eyed the boy carefully, noticing he was smiling at her - the smile didn't quite reach his eyes but she brushed that off.

"I take it you're new, I'm Matt."

Edith cleared her throat, "Um... I'm Edith," she mumbled, casting her eyes downward.

Matt didn't seem to mind her awkward demeanor, "Can I help you with your lock?" he questioned kindly.

Edith's stomach filled with butterflies. A boy - was talking to her. For the first time ever. In person.

"Uh... Yeah- sure." Edith stumbled on her words as she took a step back, before she could get far, Matt grabbed her hand, startling the girl. She realized he was looking at the combination on her hand. Edith was uncomfortable with this action but she swallowed her discomfort, letting the boy unlock her locker.

"Where are you from?" he questioned, still fiddling with her lock.

"Washington," she uttered, glad that Matt had finally let go of her hand.

Matt glanced at her in surprise, "Really?" he smiled, finally clicking her locker open, "Why'd you move here?" he questioned her some more, leaning against the lockers beside hers and tilting his head quizzically. .

"Um.. I came to live with my Aunt and Uncle." She answered quickly, digging in her locker for a few books, placing her chemistry book at the bottom of her locker.

Matt nodded before glancing down the hall for a moment before turning back to Edith, "Well, it's nice meeting you Edith, but I've got to get going to class." Matt smiled at the girl before turning to head down the halls, not giving the brunette time to respond. She watched him walk away for a moment before slamming her locker shut and rushing down the halls, searching for her next class.


Edith had finally made it to sixth period, spending lunch alone in the library.

She walked into her sixth period timidly. English. Edith loved this subject, being an avid reader - she was excited to get her work done quickly then move onto reading the book she had brought to school today, the Scorch Trials.

Edith moved to the front of the class, smiling at her teacher who placed her at an empty desk near the back of the class. She was early to class, she didn't mind. She opened up her book and started reading where she left off, her mind picturing the words written on the page.

Reading had become an escape for the girl over the past two months. She had always loved reading, but it used to be all she could do. Then, she wanted to do more, now it was all she wanted to do.

When student's finally started filing into the class Edith kept her head down, immersed in her book. It wasn't until she heard an awkward throat clearing from the desk beside her that she realized there was someone sitting next to her.

She glanced over, making eye contact with the beautiful honey brown eyes she had been trying to not think about. Her eyes widened - he was already staring at her expectantly, he opened his mouth to speak but red flushed his cheeks before he could utter a word. His head shot down to his desk, tapping his pen awkwardly.

Edith smiled, biting her lip and turning back to her book, her own cheeks flushing pink.

After a few moments, Mrs. Halloway had started up class. Edith had put her book down and tried to ignore the glowing boy beside her.

"Today, with your elbow partner, you will be reading a passage from your books, and discussing it." Mrs. Halloway explained, scanning the class.

Edith's heart dropped, she was not planning on working with someone today. She had managed to make it through the day with only a few conversations with her peers, one of them being Matt. She glanced at the glowing boy beside her only to find he was already staring at her. His curious eyes pierced her.

Edith snapped her eyes back to the front. It seemed like in this class her cheeks will just be a constant shade of pink. Butterflies surrounded her stomach, waiting for the best moment to invade - the girl took a deep breath as Mrs. Halloway sent them to work. Edith reached for her textbook and flipped to the page that was written on the board. Starting the text passage - before she could get past the first sentence she hears a whisper from the boy beside her.

"I'm Stiles."

The butterflies finally invaded.

Whispers drifted around the classroom, students already talking to their friends or group partner about the text. Edith turned to the boy as the words left his mouth, a small smile pressing her lips, "Edith." She whispered back, giving herself more time to study the boy.

Stiles on the other hand, couldn't control his heart, he couldn't believe he actually introduced himself, after the first attempt he cursed himself over and over again in his head, he didn't actually know what they were supposed to be working on right now.

The boy grinned, "Do you - know what we are supposed to be doing right now?"

Despite the anxiety that was welling in the girls chest, Edith couldn't help but giggle. This sound was music to Stiles ears, his cheeks were flushed with a permanent tint of red as the girl leaned over, pointing with her pencil what subsection they were on in the text.

Stiles tried to read it, he really did. But he was too distracted with all of the questions swirling in his mind for this girl. He wanted to talk her ear off, but she was focused on reading. He hoped she would be done soon, so he could talk to her again. So Stiles resorted to staring at her again, studying her features more closely.

When Edith was done she turned to face Stiles, her eyes almost blinded by how bright he was. She bit down a smile realizing he was already looking at her, "I'm sorry I took so long," she quickly apologized, feeling bad for leaving the boy waiting for her while she read.

Stiles shook his head quickly clearing his throat, "Uh no.. I didn't read it."

This made Edith giggle again. Stiles felt triumph but he didn't let it show, "Where are you from?" He questioned.

This made Edith sigh internally, this was about the tenth time she answered this question today, but coming from Stiles she didn't mind as much to answer it.

"Washington," she said looking down at her textbook for a moment before meeting his bourbon eyes again.

"Washington! That's so cool," he smiled, then paused - as if realizing something, "How long have you and Jackson been dating?"

At this Edith's eyes widened, "What?" she sputtered, her face scrunched up in disgust, "No- he's my cousin." She corrected him quickly.

Stiles' shrunk with embarrassment, "Oh."

There was an awkward moment of silence before Edith mustered up the courage to ask Stiles a question, "How long have you lived in Beacon Hills?" This was the first time she actively tried in a conversation with a peer, usually she just answered the questions. But this glowing boy, she had to get to the bottom of.

Stiles smiled at the break of the silence, ecstatic that she was asking him something, "My whole life," he answered, tapping his pen on his textbook. "Why do you live with Jackson?" he questioned, genuinely curious.

This question brought dread upon the girl, immediately her relaxed demeanor changed into something Stiles couldn't quite identify. To Edith, she felt like a big ball of grief every time someone asked her about her living situation, reminding her of what she once had.

"Um.. It's a long story," she finally answered, only making Stiles want to pry more, but he didn't.

So he nodded, changing the subject, "What are you reading?"

The girl perked up, her eyes turning to meet his. Stiles noticed how bright her eyes had gotten at this question and he became giddy. He smiled as the girl picked up the book to hand it to him.

"It's called the Scorch Trials," she explained. "It's the second in the Trilogy "The Maze Runner."" She beamed as the boy read the back of the book, genuinely looking intrigued.

As Edith explained the plot of the books she felt for the first time in a long time, happy? She couldn't explain it but it had been too long since she had felt whatever this was. It made Edith even more excited that Stiles seemed genuinely interested in whatever she had to say.

When the bell finally rang, Stiles got up as she did, walking to the door with her. Their conversation had never been about the assigned reading, instead all of the girls favorite books. Stiles didn't mind, he loved the girls' voice. He felt off about enjoying her company so much - as the girl he was in love with was lost in the middle of the forest, but Edith had helped soothe his anxiety - literally just by talking to him.

They walked together in the Halls, and then Stiles groaned, remembering he had detention. The girl looked at him curiously, "I have detention with Harris." he answered, already knowing what she was going ask, "I'm sorry Edith, I'll see you tomorrow?" he grinned at the girl and turned to rush down the hall, not giving the girl a chance to reply.

This time though, she smiled, watching the boy dodge and weave through the students.

Edith sighed, finally losing the boy from her sight and turned to her locker - opening it (with struggle) and leaving the building in search of her cousin's car, her mind never leaving the buzz cut boy with the glowing aura.

wc: 2.5k
a/n: I AM SO EFFING SORRY this was supposed to be up two days ago :( some family stuff came up and i didnt get the chance to finish editing it

to make up for it heres a picture of my dog


chapter 3 is completely planned it just needs to be typed out and editiedddd ughhhhhh

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