universe | kim minji

By xerobyone

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"maybe in another universe..." short stories + imagines » i appreciate your support :) Start: February 10, 20... More

✧ xero ✧
adieu, mon soleil
sign, please?
arts in you
we can't be friends
we can't be friends (2)
maybe in another universe...
pov: comforting her
pov: celebrating her birthday

pov: you're newjeans' manager

278 11 4
By xerobyone

» you are newjeans' manager
» 1991 words

Your POV

I am a manager of Newjeans, one of the most famous K-pop groups in South Korea. Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein make up this talented and energetic bunch. They're incredibly gifted, but their carefree behavior can sometimes drive me up the wall.

One day, during rehearsal, the girls were supposed to be perfecting their choreography for their upcoming music video. Instead, I found them goofing off, playing with plush toys and trying to teach each other silly dance moves.

"Girls, come on! We need to focus," I exclaimed, trying to get their attention.

But they just giggled and continued with their antics. I felt like I was herding cats.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "That's it! No more games. Everyone, focus!"

I marched over to the stereo and cranked up the music, signaling for them to start. With determined looks on their faces, the girls finally got into formation and began to dance.

But as they started, I noticed something wasn't quite right. Instead of the sleek, synchronized moves I had envisioned, they were all doing different dances, laughing as they tried to outdo each other with ridiculous moves.

I sighed and threw myself onto the couch, feeling the weight of managing Newjeans, Minji noticed and flashed me a sympathetic smile before plopping down beside me.

"Hard time?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I chuckled ruefully, "Yeah, thanks to all of you."

Minji laughed, nudging me playfully. "Sorry, manager-nim. We'll try to behave... maybe."

Before I knew it, the other four members joined Minji and me on the couch, practically smothering me in their affectionate antics.

"Aww! Our manager is so cute!" Danielle exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine adoration.

I chuckled nervously as the weight of all five of them pressed down on me, making it difficult to even breathe properly.

"Guys! Stop!" I managed to protest weakly, squirming beneath their enthusiastic embraces.

But they only laughed and continued to pile on top of me, completely ignoring my feeble attempts to escape. It was moments like these that reminded me why I loved working with them, even if they drove me crazy sometimes.

As I gave up trying to escape and stayed quiet, closing my eyes in mock exasperation, I heard Haerin's voice pipe up with concern.

"Is she dead?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and worry.

Hanni quickly backed down from the pile and leaned in closer, peering at me with wide eyes filled with uncertainty. Slowly, I cracked one eye open and smirked at them.

"Not yet," I muttered, earning a chorus of laughter from the group as they finally relented and allowed me to catch my breath.

As we were joking around on the couch, the dance teacher suddenly entered the practice room, her expression a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"Girls, time to focus!" she announced firmly, her voice cutting through our laughter.

The girls quickly scrambled off of me and got into their positions, their playful demeanor shifting instantly into professional focus. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them transform.

As the music started, they moved with precision and grace, their movements synchronized and powerful. It was moments like these that reminded me why I loved working with them, their talent and dedication never failing to impress me.

After leaving the dance room, I headed to the café, needing a moment to unwind and recharge after the hectic rehearsal. I ordered seven cups of drinks, including coffee, tea, and some refreshing smoothies, one for each of us-myself, the five girls, and the dance teacher.

I also picked out an assortment of snacks and pastries, knowing that we all deserved a little treat after working so hard. With a few bags filled with delicious goodies, I made my way back to the dance studio, eager to share the treats with the rest of the group.

As I entered the room with the bags of drinks and snacks, I was met with an unexpected sight. Instead of sitting at the table, I found the girls sprawled out on the floor, looking exhausted from their intense rehearsal.

Before I could say anything, Hyein's voice broke the silence. "Whoa! Food!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the treats.

The other girls quickly followed suit, jumping up from their spots on the floor and rushing over to me with excited smiles.

"Manager-nim, you're the best!" Hanni exclaimed, reaching for a pastry with eager hands.

I couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm, feeling grateful for the opportunity to bring a little joy to their day. Together, we enjoyed the snacks and drinks, savoring the moment of relaxation before getting back to work.


Fast forward to the girls' schedule in Japan, and the bustling streets are filled with excited fans eager to catch a glimpse of Newjeans. As their manager, I walk alongside them, navigating through the sea of fans with the help of our trusty bodyguards, ensuring everyone's safety while also keeping the girls in line.

Despite the long and tiring day, Danielle seems to have boundless energy, darting off to interact with fans and pose for selfies at every opportunity. I keep a watchful eye on her, gently reminding her to pace herself and not overexert.

"Danielle, remember to take breaks," I say, trying to reign in her enthusiasm.

But she just grins back at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm fine, manager-nim! I can keep going all night!"

I shake my head, chuckling at her endless energy. With a mix of pride and exasperation, I continue to guide the girls through their schedule.


As I arrived at the hotel in Japan, I felt relieved to know that the company had reserved the entire floor for security and privacy purposes. After ushering the girls to decide on their rooms, I made my way to my own room, looking forward to finally getting some rest after a long day of travel and preparations.

Just as I was about to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, I heard a sudden knocking on the door. I paused, feeling a sense of apprehension washing over me as I wondered who could possibly be knocking at this hour.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to the door and opened it cautiously, only to be greeted by the sight of the girls barging in with excited smiles on their faces.

"Surprise!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with excitement.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their unexpected intrusion, feeling a mixture of amusement and exhaustion wash over me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, trying to hide my exhaustion behind a smile.

"We couldn't sleep, so we wanted to hang out with you!" Haerin exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

I shook my head in disbelief, but couldn't help but feel touched by their thoughtfulness. With a resigned smile, I welcomed them into my room.

"Why don't you guys spend time with the others? Like, maybe Ms. Hong? Your vocal teacher?" I suggested, hoping to redirect their energy elsewhere.

The girls exchanged glances before Haerin spoke up, "We love spending time with everyone, but sometimes it's nice to hang out with you too, manager-nim. You take care of us all the time, so we want to take care of you too!"

Their sincerity touched my heart, and I couldn't help but smile at their kindness. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself enjoying their company.

"Alright then," I said, surrendering to their insistence. "Let's hang out for a bit before we all try to get some rest."

And with that, we settled in for a cozy night of laughter and companionship, cherishing the moments we shared as we navigated the highs and lows of the K-pop industry together.

Excusing myself for a while to meet with the other staff, I returned to my room, expecting to find the girls either chatting amongst themselves or perhaps settling down for the night. However, what I saw made me scoff in disbelief.

The room was a scene of chaos, with the girls sprawled out everywhere. Danielle and Hyein snuggled up in the beds, Haerin curled up on the couch, and Hanni even asleep on the floor.

I shook my head in amazement at their ability to fall asleep anywhere, even amidst the chaos of our impromptu sleepover.

But then, my gaze fell upon Minji, who was sitting quietly at the balcony, her gaze fixed on the moonlit sky. Unlike the others, she seemed lost in thought, her expression thoughtful and serene.

Walking over to her, I joined her at the balcony, the cool night air washing over us as we sat in a companionable silence.

"Can't sleep?" I asked softly, breaking the quiet.

Minji shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Just needed some fresh air. It's nice out here."

I nodded in understanding.

"I know you want to have some fresh air," I said, glancing at my watch, "but it's already past midnight and you have a schedule tomorrow."

Minji nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "You're right," she admitted.

"I'll head to bed first," she said, preparing to stand up. But when she looked around at her fellow members sprawling everywhere in my room, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Let's go and sleep in my room. There's no space for you to sleep here," she suggested, gesturing towards her own room down the hallway.

I laughed, realizing she was right. With a nod of agreement, I followed Minji to her room, grateful for her thoughtfulness and the chance to finally get some rest before the busy day ahead.

As we settled into our respective spots for the night, I couldn't help but feel thankful for the bond we shared.


The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, rousing me from my slumber. Just as I began to stretch and yawn, my peaceful awakening was interrupted by incessant knocking on the door, the sound echoing loudly in the room.

I opened my eyes groggily, only to find Minji already making her way to answer the door. With a sense of curiosity, I followed her, wondering what could possibly be so urgent this early in the morning.

Before I could even fully comprehend the situation, Danielle's voice cut through the air, filled with panic. "Our manager is gone!"

Confusion clouded my mind as I sleepily made my way to the door, trying to process the situation. "I'm here, girls..." I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

But as I stepped outside, I was met with gasps of disbelief from the girls. "How come she's here?!" Hyein gasped, her eyes wide with shock.

Minji's laughter filled the air as she teasingly pointed out the irony of the situation. "Are you expecting her to sleep in her room when it's full of you guys?" she joked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

I couldn't help but join in the laughter, realizing the absurdity of the scenario. "I guess not," I replied with a chuckle, feeling grateful for their lightheartedness in the midst of the morning chaos.

As the laughter subsided, I shifted into serious mode, knowing that we had a schedule to keep and responsibilities to fulfill.

"Alright, go and get ready," I instructed firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument.

"But-" Hyein began to protest.

"No buts," I interjected firmly, my gaze meeting theirs with determination.

The girls whined in protest, but I stood my ground, knowing that sometimes tough love was necessary to keep us on track.

Reluctantly, they nodded, knowing that there was no point in arguing further. With a shared sense of determination, we set about getting ready for the day ahead.

Seeing them off to their respective rooms, I let out a deep breath. "Peace, final-"

*Knock knock


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