Time After Time. *Complete*

By Caffinated_Mama

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It's been years since the battle of Hogwarts. Years since the class of '99 set foot in Hogwarts. Years since... More

Chapter One - Plot Twist
Chapter Two - A Toast
Chapter Three - Living Under The Spotlight
Chapter Four - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter Five - Memories Of The Way We Were
Chapter Six - Back To School
Chapter Seven - Hex Your Ass To Monday
Chapter Eight - What's The Plan?
Chapter Nine - Is It Me You're Looking For Part I
Chapter Ten - Is It Me You're Looking For Part II
Chapter Eleven - The Flashback
Chapter Twelve - My Woman
Chapter Thirteen - Welcome Back
Chapter Fourteen - The Catch Up
Chapter Fifteen - Breakfast
Chapter Sixteen - The Tour
Chapter Seventeen - The Library
Chapter Eighteen - Comfy Couches
Chapter Nineteen - Potions
Chapter Twenty - Who Is Mia?
Chapter Twenty One - I Need To Say This
Chapter Twenty Two - Ball Prep
Chapter Twenty Three - Shine Bright
Chapter Twenty Four - Guilt? Ron?
Chapter Twenty Five - Hermione and Draco's Game
Chapter Twenty Six - The Vial
Chapter Twenty Seven - I've Put Up With Your Shit
Chapter Twenty Eight - Do You Hear Yourself
Chapter Twenty Nine - Fucking Lies
Chapter Thirty - Molly Weasley
Chapter Thirty One - Clinking Bags
Chapter Thirty Two - Trouble in Paradise
Chapter Thirty Three - Breakfast
Chapter Thirty Four - Amanda
Chapter Thirty Five - Hogwarts Common Rooms
Chapter Thirty Six - You Again
Chapter Thirty Seven - Forgive Me?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Quidditch
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Final
Chapter Forty - Aftermath
Chapter Forty One - Aftermath
Chapter Forty Two - A Final Feast
Chapter Forty Three - An Idea
Chapter Forty Four - In Your Memory
Chapter Forty Five - Surprise

Chapter Forty Six - Next Generation

2.2K 39 11
By Caffinated_Mama

"Just one last picture and I swear I am done!"

Hermione knew better than to believe her father-in-law but she didn't want to ruin the moment for him. He was bursting with pride as the sight in front of him and it was heartwarming to witness.

"I want a copy of that, Luc," Arthur Weasley chuckled as he clapped the blonde man on the back.
"Absolutely Artie old boy," Lucius smiled turning back to the red head. "And you can collect it next week when you pick me up for the match."
"Deal," Arthur smiled as he lifted the little girl out of Ginny's hands and began to tickle her causing her to squeal with delight.

Behind them the steam train blasted its horn causing several of the group to jump and Draco to flinch and look down at the small little bundle asleep in his arms. Hermione leaned in pulling the blanket back a little and peering into her youngest child, a little boy called Keegan. "Did it wake him?" Narcissa asked excitedly.
"No mother," Draco rolled his eyes. "This one could sleep through anything.
Narcissa pouted and gave a large huff. "Damn," she frowned. "I wanted a cuddle."

"What bout me Nanna?" Narcissa turned to look down into the beautiful chocolate eyes of her grand daughter Isla who held her hands up to her grandmother.
"A cuddle with my Isla?" Narcissa smiled bending to lift the little three year old into her arms. "Now that is something special."

"What about a photo with your grandfather's?" Lucius said grinning widely at his beautiful first born grandchild.
Sienna tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and tried not to smile. Any other 11 year old would be mortified at her family showing this much affection but Sienna secretly loved it. "All three of you?" She asked excitedly as Lucius scoffed.
"Of course! Come on boys," he laughed as he passed the camera to Blaise. William and Lucius stood at either side of Sienna and she looked around trying to catch the eye off -
"Granda Art, come on. I want a picture with all my grandfathers." Arthur beamed and almost ran to Lucius' side leaning in and smiling as Blaise took the picture.

Since Hermione came out of hiding, she had spent every other Sunday at the Weasleys house, The Burrow. Molly and Arthur treated Hermione like a daughter and always have done so, which meant that her and Draco's children thought of Molly and Arthur as grandparents. And the Weasleys were happy to welcome them all.

This was Sienna and Brianna's first year at Hogwarts, Hunters and James' second year, Annaloise's third and Noah's 6th. Izaiah and Nova (Blaise and Luna's daughter) were still a little young as were the rest of the kids.

Along with Brianna and Nova, Luna also gave birth to Atlas who was six and finally little Phoenix who was only a year old.

Pansy and Leo had twin girls after Izaiah - Addalie and Avery who were 3 years old. Pansy was currently pregnant with baby number four and praying that there was only a single baby into there.

Daphne and Theo, who swore blind for years that they were done after the three they already shocked everyone about a year ago a half ago announcing their little late arrival to the clan. Astra, names after Daphne's late sister Astoria who had passed away a few years prior to a blood curse. Astra was the apple of her father's eye and had everyone in the family wrapped around her little finger already and she couldn't even talk yet.

Harry and Ginny always said they wanted a large family. Ginny knew first hand how special it was to grow up in a big household and wanted the same for her own kids. After James came Albus who would be heading to Hogwarts next year. Then came Lily who was now seven years old and every bit as beautiful and gentle natured as her grandmother. Then came the twins, Mollie and Milo who had just turned two last week. And if you were to ask Ginny she would tell you she isn't done yet.

As for Hermione and Draco, they seemed to have the biggest brood of all (for now). It turns out, they left that reunion weekend with a little surprise of their own and before the New Year they welcomed little Hayden into their family. Hayden wasn't so little anymore and he and Albus were best friends spending all their time together and plotting for their time at Hogwarts. After Hayden came Mya Rose who was a carbon copy of her mother and was currently 7 years old. Next was Bowie who was a carbon copy of his father and Hermione was already worried about him going to school and he was only 5. Then there was Isla who was 3 years old and the newest little prince, Keegan who was born 10 days ago.

"Alright, you better get on board so you can get good seats, Luna said as she kissed Brianna's forehead. "Make sure and text me to let me know what house you get sorted into," she smiled at the girl she raised from a toddler.
"I will Luns," Brianna said hugging her again. "And I will see you for family weekend at the end of September?"
"Just try and stop is lil sis," Blaise said scooping his sister off her feet.

Sienna did the rounds hugging everyone there. Her muggle grandparents, her Malfoy grandparents and her Weasley grandparents, then she moved onto aunts and uncle's hugging everyone with George practically twirling her around and slipping something into her backpack. "For later," he winked as he passed her to Harry and Ginny who hugged and kissed her too.

Last was her own mother and father. She leaned in and gave Keegan a kiss on the forehead before kissing her father's cheek. "I will miss you daddy," she sighed.
"We are but a phone call away," he smiled as he put his arm around her. "Knock 'em dead."
She turned to her siblings who all looked up at her each holding back either tears or a lump that was forming. Hayden and Mya Rose both reached in giving her a group hug both whispering something in to her which made her lip wobble.

She then bent down to Isla and Bowie. "You two make sure to watch over everyone in the house," he smiled as Bowie puffed his chest out. "And don't forget to feed Snowbell and Binx for me."
Isla gave a sniff. "I'm gonna miss you," she sighed. "Daddy can't do the voices as well as you can," she huffed.
"Oi! I heard that," Draco scoffed making the little girl giggle.
"You be back for Christamis?" She asked giving her best puppy dog eyes.
Sienna held up her pinky and Isla hooker her own around it. "The Malfoy promise," Sienna nodded making Isla brighten up.
The two kids hugged her again before running off to play with the other kids...and Theo.

Sienna stood and turned to her mother. Hermione felt a pang of heartbreak in her chest. Her first born was off to Hogwarts. Off to have many adventures of her own. "Be good," she said softly as she pushed a perfect blonde curl behind her daughter's ear. "Your father and I got you a little present which will be in your dorm waiting for you."
"You didn't have to do that," Sienna said smiling.
"Of course we did," Draco scoffed. "Nothing but the best for my princess. Now if you need anything make sure to go and see Neville. He will see you right."
Sienna rolled her eyes. "Professor Longbottom daddy. I can't call him Neville at school."

Brianna and Sienna lifted their backpacks and gave a last wave to the sea of people there to wave them off. "Come on," they heard Noah shout down to them. "We have our own compartment."

The group, all family, watched as the girls made their way down the train and into a large compartment, seated with Noah, Hunter, Annaloise, James and a little red headed boy Hermione had never met but recognised instantly. He was the spitting image of his father - Ron Weasley.

She shrugged off the feeling of being watched and waved goodbye to the kids as the train gave a small jolt and pushed off. Hermione gave a sigh as Draco wrapped his free arm around her and she leaned back into him. "I can't believe she is off to start her own adventures."
Draco kissed his wife's head. "So long as she doesn't get up to anything even remotely dangerous as you did and I will be able to sleep at night."

They chuckled as they turned watching as Narcissa and Monica lifted a child each, Bowie and Isla and Arthur held little Mollie and Molly held onto Milo, walking with Lily and Nova chatting happily. Harry was having a heart to heart with Albus and Izaiah. Theo and Daphne were walking hand in hand with Astra swinging in between them. Pansy was rubbing her bump as Leo and Lucius were running after Addalie and Avery. To her left Hermione could see Blaise was pushing Phoenix in a pram chatting happily to Hermione's father and Hayden about Merlin knows what. Then there was Luna walking with Atlas just ahead of them.

This group of people meant more to Draco and Hermione than even they realised and the fact that they were all here, walking and chatting happily was much to the young Malfoy couples ears.

"Everyone heading back to ours for some brunch?" Draco shouted as they made their way to the Apparition points. "Hermione will you tell George and the gang?" He asked as he began to organise making sure every child was accompanied by an adult.

Hermione nodded and turned back, looking around the emptying platform for the usually red head, spotting him off in the corner. He looked to be arguing with someone.
She took a few steps towards them, wondering if she was going to have to break something up when she froze. A voice she hadn't heard in a long time rang out around her.

"I was just going to say hello," the voice sulked. "See if she was still with that prick or if she had come to her senses."
"Would you give it a rest?" A second voice spat. This voice she knew was Bill Wesley's. "Of course she is still with him. She's married to him. She just had a baby!"
"Another one?" The voice groaned. It was huskier and more shallow than she remembered it she knew it was Ron's. "So she is still happy?"

There was a sigh and George disappeared from view. Hermione assumed he stepped closer to his brother. "She is happy and she does not need you bringing her down." There was a scoff.
"You need to move on," Bill said finally. "She will never go back to you and it's pathetic that you are still pining after her. She's too good for you."

Hermione wasn't sure she wanted to hear anymore but at the same time she couldn't move away. "I could have made her -"
"Miserable," Bill cut him off. "We already saw that."
"I'm different now. I was only going to say hello."
"And you're not allowed to. Remember that retraining order. There's no timespan on it. It's still in effect," George was getting fed up. "Ron, go to work. We will see you later at home."
"Ok," came the sad response. "Will you tell her I said hi at least?"
"Sure lil bro," Bill said.

Hermione moved quickly away from the group, turning and bumping into Harry who caught her but sighed as she looked up at him. "He's getting better," he said not meeting her gaze as he spoke. "He still has a long way to go but he is at least tying."

Hermione nodded. "That's good!"
"He's working with his dad in the Ministry and now sees his kids every Saturday and spends the night every other weekend." Hermione wasn't sure what to say so she nodded. "He's quit drinking and he is almost done with paying back his debts." He shuffled his feet. "He's even sort of started seeing someone."
"I'm pleased," she smiled again.
"He still pines for you though. Still tells us you are under the influence of a love potion." He shrugged. "When he dies, we smack him on the head." That made her laugh.

Harry then looked back and sighed. "I know things will never be as they were but I miss it. I miss the trio."
Hermione took his hand. "Never say never. Maybe things will be ok one day."

"You think so?" He asked hopeful.
Hermione nodded as George, Bill and their families caught up to the group, passing by Hermione and Harry.

"One can only hope," she smiled. "I mean I can see he is trying and who knows maybe in time, we can get together the three of us a talk about the old days. Maybe we could try to get back to what we were. It won't be easy but I'm willing to give it a go. I do miss our little trio very much."

Harry took her hand, leading her towards the group and into Draco's open arms as Ron watched from where he stood leaning against the pillar.

Could they get back to what they used to be? Could he get overcome his jealousy, finally let Hermione go and be happy? Could he watch as she looked lovingly at Draco and not him?

He wasn't sure but he knew he wanted her back in his life. He missed his friends. He wanted to be included. He watched as they all apparated one after the other making plans about brunch and spending the day together. And he knew he could have been a part of it. He could be off with them now if he didn't let his temper and jealousy get in the way.

So yes, he would overcome his issues and work on being a better version of himself. He would do whatever it took, even if it meant accepting a few snakes.

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