Stowaway: A Star Wars Rebels...

By MultiverseEnthusiast

20.1K 515 101

Attempting to retreat from a losing battle, the Ghost Crew unknowingly jumps into a wormhole and crash lands... More

OC Datapad
Brace for Impact
Unidentified Fragmented Object
Detachment In Distress
Quick Recon
Immoral Compass
Sum of Their Parts
Under Pressure
Escape Plan
A Galaxy Far Far Away
A Noble Cause
Searching for Answers
Seasoned Veterans
The Bro Code
Friends Old and New
Search and Rescue
The Fights Get Harder
Newfound Wisdom
Creatures of the Beyond
Conflicting Perspectives
Within Reach
Home Away from Home
Part Two Sneak Peek
Reeling and Recovering
Brothers Divided - Part 1
Brothers Divided - Part 2
A Date With Darkness
In Enemy Territory
Military Exercise
Bridging the Gaps
Close Encounter
A Sign of Things to Come
Breaking Barriers - Part 1
Breaking Barriers - Part 2
Winds of Change
Fading Fast - Part 1
Fading Fast - Part 2
Race Against Time
Going Home
Far From Home
Author's Note

The Bigger Picture

231 8 0
By MultiverseEnthusiast

Y/N's POV:

The one thing they don't tell you about space is that a lot of it is empty. Throughout all of these adventures, the amount of places I've been, the numerous stars that glow in the nighttime sky, they always seem so close together. Even the spaceships reaching supersonic speeds and hyperspace travel make everything virtually interconnected. But the reality is that everything is still very far apart from each other. And the only thing connecting all those objects is the vast vacuum of near-nothingness that is space. In this near-nothingness floats many piles of space junk, mostly from destroyed ships. And in one of these floating piles sat the Ghost. Hera was given orders to hold fuel tanks for a few ships. But the age-old question always arises about intel like this. Who gave it?

Zeb and I were stuck in an endless loop watching HoloNet to pass the time. The only channel available was the news station, which of course, was controlled and broadcasted by the Empire. I groaned, bored and frustrated that after several days, we were still stuck in this pile of space junk just waiting for our visitors. "I'm sick of this! How much longer is this gonna go on?" I spoke up. "Well, I'd say they're late, but we don't even know when they're supposed to show up. Or who we're meeting," Zeb said, matching my irritation with this op. Chopper beeped back with what I assumed was him agreeing with us. That's never a good thing. "Whoever they are, Senator Organa wants them to get where they're going, and he's trusting us to get them their fuel," Hera said. "If he trusts us, then why is he keeping us in the dark?" I questioned. "You know as much as I do," Hera replied. I could hear the annoyance in her voice. Even if she was used to it, she still wanted clarity with what her superiors wanted. Guess that makes two of us. "No wonder Kanan and Ezra went on that supply run," I commented. Chopper warbled rapidly and retransmitted the HoloNet broadcast from his LED emitter. "Breaking news? What's going on?" Hera translated. "Imperial Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila has shocked the Senate with her treasonous remarks against Emperor Palpatine," the anchor reported. "I name the Emperor himself for ordering the brutal attacks on Ghorman," the Senator declared. My eyes widened at this statement. Did she really just call out the leader of the galaxy in an open chamber? "Their peaceful world is one of countless systems helpless against his oppressive rule. This massacre is proof that our self-appointed Emperor is little more than a lying executioner, imposing his tyranny under the pretense of security. We cannot allow this evil to stand." Chopper shut off the broadcast as I sat there, stunned.

"Did she just..." was all I could manage to say. "I'm surprised she's still breathing. Lady's got guts," Zeb said. "Hera, what is all this about?" I asked, curious as to who this Senatorial figure was. "Here's a quick history lesson for you, Y/N. Before the Empire came into power, the Republic governed the galaxy. Then the Emperor took over and took all the power for himself. The 'Senate' is just his puppet government. Each Senator from each planet is essentially just a yes man to please the Empire's needs. But Mon Mothma knew better than that. She and some other Senators have been working to build this larger rebellion for years. Now with her publicly disobeying the Empire's actions? This could be something greater for all of us," Hera explained. Just as I was about to form a response, I heard an alarm on the dashboard. I looked out the window and saw a flash of light, signaling a hyperspace dropout. "Something just entered our ship's range. Chopper, scan," Hera ordered. Chopper rotated his antenna and beeped. "A probe? What's it doing way out here?" Hera wondered. Chopper responded by displaying the figure. The hologram showed an EXD-9 droid, and it looked very familiar. Wait a minute. It's one of those warhead things! "Karabast," Zeb said, remembering our last encounter with that nightmare. "My thoughts exactly," I replied. "Y/N, get in the nose guns, but don't fire unless we have to. Let's just hope it passes by," Hera said. I scrambled down the ladder and jumped in the gunner's seat. "Nobody make a move," Hera advised. The probe flew away from the Ghost, still searching for its target. "I don't think it saw us," Zeb said. "I'll be convinced when it leaves," Hera countered. As if it were bad luck, the droid turned its ship around. Right back towards us. "That doesn't look like leaving," I replied. The probe's light shined right on the sheet of space junk we were sitting on. "It's headed right for us," Zeb commented. "It's scanning for life signs," Hera said, a little bit frightened. "Well that's just great," Zeb said sarcastically. "Y/N, be ready," Hera told me. "Just say when," I responded. The probe's light shone on the Ghost, looking straight at the cockpit. After a few more seconds of flying, Hera had enough. "Fire, now!" she ordered.

The ship powered up and sprung into action. My guns got back online and I took a few shots at it. The probe's quick movements left my attacks wide. "Come on, Y/N, hit it quick before it transmits our location!" Zeb urged. "Thing's quick, Zeb!" I said. I kept firing at the probe but I couldn't seem to land a thing. It kept flying through the bits and pieces of metal floating around us. "Hera! I need a better angle! There isn't a clean shot!" I requested. "We fly around and it escapes, keep firing!" Hera answered. My lasers kept hitting the space junk as multiple ships came into my field of vision. "Who are those people? I said, getting sidetracked. "Never mind! Stay on target!" Hera shouted. I let out a flurry of shots in desperation to take this nuisance out. A few of my lasers finally connected with the probe, destroying the Imperial. "Damn it, that took too long," I said. "Phoenix Leader, this is Gold Squadron. Did we catch you at a bad time?" a man asked over comms. So these are the rebels we're helping. "Sorry about that, Gold Squadron. Close call with an Imperial probe," Hera said. "Were you detected?" the man questioned. "Chances are high the probe called for reinforcements," Hera answered. Thank God we destroyed the probe's transmitter on Atollon, otherwise we'd be toast. "Begin fueling immediately. We need to get out of here before the Empire arrives," the man stressed. "Acknowledged. We'll dock with your transport," Hera replied. She moved the Ghost to the docking port and opened the cargo bay doors, allowing us to connect the Y-Wings to the fuel pods we were carrying. Hera, Zeb, Chopper and I all walked down to the airlock, anxious to meet our allies.

The doors opened and out stepped two men, one shorter and one taller. "Captain Syndulla, I presume. I am Erskin Semaj, Senatorial Attache. And this is Captain Vander, leader of Gold Squadron," the shorter man introduced, saluting us. "Nice to meet you all. This is Zeb, Y/N, and Chopper," Hera said while all of us returned the gesture. "So what are you transporting?" Zeb wondered. "Please understand. Due to security concerns, we are not allowed to reveal the cargo nor can you board our vessel," Semaj stated. "You're all welcome aboard ours. Let's refuel the bombers," Hera said. We returned to the cargo hold as the first Y-Wing docked with us. I connected the fuel line to the pods, waited a couple minutes, and then sent the pilot back into the bomber. There were no issues with this process, as I had all but mastered refueling ships for combat. But the last ship had one pilot who looked pissed off upon seeing our faces. "We've heard a lot about you, Phoenix Squadron," she said. "You have?" I questioned. "Yeah. You blew up the comm tower on Lothal and Tarkin's Star Destroyer," she replied. "The comm tower wasn't us, but the Star Destroyer? Guilty as charged," Zeb boasted, chuckling at his accomplishment. I remember hearing this story from him during one of our breaks. They rebelled against the Empire on their own at first. Lothal was their home, and they stopped at nothing to defend it. They inspired the citizens of their planet to rise up against the Empire. After blowing up the Star Destroyer, they got roped into Phoenix Squadron, where they've served ever since. All this happened just before they met me. When I was home. Oh, how simpler the times were back then. No war, no spaceships, just me and the people in my city. "You might wanna think twice before you pull another stunt like that. The Imperials have continued to tighten security around the Outer Rim. YOU are making things harder for all of us," she lambasted. "Well we don't mind doing things the hard way," Zeb slammed. "Every way we choose is hard. This war isn't gonna be easy. We have to take things bit by bit," I said, adding my own insight. The pilot scoffed at me for trying to undercut her. When will they learn to see the bigger picture?

Vander looked up from his datapad, visibly irritated with the ensuing debate. "Let's have this argument another time. Your little encounter may have jeopardized this mission," he said. "Oh, you mean the probe. Well, what did you expect us to do?" Zeb questioned. "Avoid detection, as ordered. This assignment is extremely sensitive," Vander scolded. "With all due respect, Captain, maybe you should have given us a few extra details instead of being so sensitive about your assignment. You can't leave us guessing," I countered. Chopper beeped something that drew an angry look from the female pilot. "Did your droid just insult me?" she shouted. Zeb and I looked at each other, snickering at what Chopper did. "My crew did the best we could, but you didn't give us much information to go on," Hera repeated. "Look, that probe you ran into, it was probably looking for our detachment. We are carrying a cargo highly valuable to the Rebellion, and desperately wanted by the Empire," Semaj explained. An alarm beeped rapidly, signaling that something entered our vicinity. "We have incoming!" Hera alerted. Vander's comlink beeped, and he picked up, expecting a response. "Gold Leader, we have enemy contact. Imperial cruiser and fighters," a pilot reported. "Move to intercept, I'm on my way," Vander responded before climbing up the ladder. The ship got hit multiple times by the TIE fighters, shaking it violently. Vander got knocked down while the female pilot got knocked out. I checked her pulse. She's still breathing. Good. "Gold 2 is down! Vitals should still be stable," I called out. "Zeb, get her to Medical, then get on the guns," Hera commanded. Zeb picked up the unconscious pilot and carried her away. "What about her ship? We need all the firepower we can get," I said. "Do you have anyone who can fly it?" Vander questioned. "Yeah, me!" I asserted. Vander gave me a skeptical look before turning his attention to Hera. "He can do it," she said. Vander nodded and climbed the ladder to get his own Y-Wing into the battle. "Y/N, just remember what I taught you," Hera told me. I disconnected the fuel line and jumped in the cockpit. I powered up the ship and descended from the cargo hold. "Gold 2 moving to engage," I announced over comms.

I flew to the closest TIE I could see and destroyed it swiftly. "All bombers, form a defensive perimeter. We have got to protect that transport," Vander ordered. I swung my ship around and chased another fighter. This one was much more skilled and anticipated my moves as it escaped from my laser fire and shot at our transport. "Transport's lost shields!" a man shouted from comms. "Gold Leader, we need a diversion!" Hera called out. "Copy. Gold Squadron, follow my lead," Vander said. I redirected myself and trailed behind the other Y-Wings. The TIEs got confused by our maneuver, landing one of them in my scopes. "Take your shot, Gold 2," Vander told me. I didn't hesitate and quickly took it out. One of our pilots then went for the cruiser and shot something out of its top guns. The cruiser glowed green and red, seemingly powering down. "Hey, what's that?" I wondered. "Ion cannon. Disabled their shields," Vander answered. Another pilot went through and bombed the cruiser, crushing it in an explosion and stopping the Empire's assault. Unfortunately, the transport didn't make it. I hope we didn't just lose anyone important. "Make the jump," Hera said. I followed the Ghost and the bombers, punched in the coordinates, and jumped into hyperspace. We might have evaded this detachment, but I had a feeling that this chase would be far from over.

Hera's POV:

I still tried wrapping my head around the fact that Mon Mothma was the cargo our allies were carrying. Moments ago, I heard her call out the Emperor by name. I knew she'd be running away from the Empire after that stunt, but never in my wildest dreams did I think she would run into us. However, I had taken orders from people just like her. Those with fame around the galaxy couldn't - and shouldn't - let me stray away from the objective at hand. Getting the Senator to safety was the priority. Zeb and I walked into the lounge, where she and Semaj were waiting for us. "Senator Mon Mothma, this is part of my crew. Standing next to me is Zeb Orrelios. And in one of your bombers is Y/N L/N," I said, formally introducing her to my squadron. "I have heard of the stories of Y/N L/N. I commend him for joining the fight voluntarily, even from a place none have traveled to before," Mothma said. "We heard your speech on the HoloNet. You really gave it to the Emperor," Y/N complimented over comms. "I only wish my words were more impactful," Mothma replied. The disappointment in her voice was clear. She understood that they could make a difference, but that difference right now wasn't enough to really show a major threat to the Empire. "Senator, let's forget this mission and get you back to Chandrila. We can find you a proper hiding place," Semaj pressed. "No. No more hiding. My presence at the meeting is not optional," Mothma decided. "You mean THE meeting?" I asked her. "We're building an alliance to unite the various rebel cells across the galaxy. My challenge to the Emperor was a call to stand against the Empire. My hope is that all who answer will know they are not alone," Mothma declared. Rebels like us from everywhere weren't alone. We did a speech just like this one on Lothal a few years ago. A call to fight back against the Empire. Only this time, it would be done on a galactic scale. We're fighting to save everyone from tyranny and oppression. And the Senator knew it. "Her involvement has been a secret, but the Empire is on a manhunt. We need to get her there without being followed," Semaj stressed. "I know a way to sneak us through," I replied. "Very well. Send her the coordinates to Dantooine," Semaj said. We returned to the cockpit and punched the new coordinates in, then sent them to our Y-Wings. "All pilots, you have been sent new coordinates. Follow us on the jump," I reported. We dropped out of hyperspace, rerouting ourselves to the correct position. Then we jumped back in, determined to finish our task.

"Sometimes I envy pilots like you, flying amongst the stars. You can leave all your problems behind you," Mothma said to me. "I can't imagine you running from your problems," I replied, respecting the work she's done in the Senate for years. "I've spent my life in the Senate trying to do good, to preserve the rights of the people," she acknowledged. "And we are grateful," I thanked. "For all the good it's done. The Emperor has crushed freedom over the years, bit by bit. I've opposed him where I could, but I've begun to see that the fight cannot be won in the Senate," Mothma resigned. "The stakes are higher out here on the front lines. Instead of being outvoted, you're outgunned," I explained. "Life or death. It's a new experience for me, being on the run. But if that's what it takes..." Mothma trailed off. "Whatever it takes, this Rebellion is worth it," I assured. Even if her battle may have turned into a losing one, she was still alive, inspiring the people to join the fight. It's all just a matter of perspective.

Y/N's POV:

We dropped out of hyperspace, the first thing appearing in front of us was a big orange and yellow cloud. "The Archeon Nebula. Stars are forming in there. Get too close and you'll burn up," Vander advised. Unfortunately, our secret route became not so secret as I saw a few ships on my scopes. "Fighter inbound, looks like a TIE of some kind," Gold 3 reported. "Since when did TIEs have hyperdrives?" Gold 4 wondered. I heard the TIE fly above me, so I looked up and I instantly recognized its design. "Oh no," I muttered. All of a sudden, everyone's comms were tapped into. "Attention, rebel ship. This is Commander Vult Skerris of the Imperial Navy. You are harboring a traitor to the Empire. Surrender immediately," he ordered. "Gold 3 and 4, send them our reply," Vander said. "Both of you, do not engage! I know that ship. It's a prototype TIE Defender, and it's armed with heavy cannons, shields, and missiles," I said, listing off the ship's armament while trying to talk our own pilots out of fighting it. "Negative. We won't let them take the Senator away from us," Gold 3 responded. They both fired at the TIE, but it just absorbed their shots. The fighter took out both Gold 3 and Gold 4 almost effortlessly. I really wish they hadn't said that. We wouldn't let the Empire get to her. "Close formation. We might be able to lose them in the nebula," Hera suggested. I flew my bomber in right next to the Ghost and we entered the nebula. "Stay tight and disable your proton torpedoes," she followed up. "Why?" I asked. "They've been known to ignite the gas in clouds like these," Vander answered. "Gold 2, press the top right button on your dashboard and flick the second lever to your left." I knew the basics of flying Y-Wings, but I hadn't done so in combat operations. My expertise was restricted to A-Wings, TIE Fighters, and the Phantom. I did as he said and we pressed forward into the illuminated space cloud, the TIEs hot on our tail.

Sadly, our rear was left unprotected. Zeb fired multiple successful hits at the Defender, but it did no damage. "Its shields are too strong!" he grumbled. I stayed tight with the Ghost, precisely maneuvering my way around the TIE fire coming from behind us. "He's got a lock on you!" Gold 5 shouted. She flew right into the line of fire and her Y-Wing exploded, heroically sacrificing herself and saving the Ghost from damage. "We lost Gold 5!" Vander reported. "It's just us now," I said. We tried to move around a few clouds but the TIEs weren't fooled. They stuck with our formation, forcing us to turn away from the Ghost for a little. "They're too fast, we can't outrun them," I called out. "Ain't over yet! Gold Leader, Gold 2, stay tight. We're going in close to that forming star. Put all power in your deflector shields. This is our only chance," Hera commanded. "Gold 2, push the first and second buttons on the top left of your dashboard, then flick the lever on the far right," Vander instructed, further highlighting my inexperience with the bomber. I followed his orders as we descended towards the fireball. I felt the underbelly of my ship heat up and smoke start to form, but I didn't see any warning signs on my dashboard. The same could not be said for either Interceptor, however. The first one exploded from the extreme heat, and the second one broke away at the last moment. Zeb managed to shoot it down before it could get away. I heard shots coming from above me. The TIE Defender came back. Where was it all this time? "Break off, kid! Break off!" Vander urged. I pulled up and away from the star, but the Ghost stayed close to it. "Hera!" I shouted. At the last possible moment, both ships pulled away. "He'll be back. And that star took its toll. We're losing power!" Hera reported. "Go! We'll deal with the Defender while you get the Senator out of here," I said. "He's right. Go now, we got this," Vander agreed. The Ghost flew out of the nebula while we searched for the missing TIE.

Somehow, the TIE didn't take long to find us, unleashing a barrage of laser fire. This startled me, but I couldn't afford to hesitate. "He's on top of us! Take evasive action!" I said, banking right to avoid getting hit. "He's coming around to .138," Vander alerted. We broke off, barely dodging the shots that the Defender took. This was one exceptionally skilled pilot. Now he's chasing me, deciding it would be easier to take us out one at a time. "Gold Leader, I'm bringing him right to you. Be ready with that ion cannon," I strategized. "He's too fast, I'll never hit him," Vander disagreed. "Sure you will, just fire when I tell you," I said, elevating vertically and creating some space between me and Vander. I kept changing directions with extremely precise movements. One wrong turn and I'm one with the stars. Turn after turn, I got the Defender confused, then straightened out to execute my plan. "I'm bringing him right through your sights. Get ready to fire," I said. "What if I hit you?" Vander questioned. "You won't," I stated. I did a few subtle movements to prevent the TIE from firing at me. Just a few more seconds. "!" I called out. Vander fired his ion cannon, scoring a direct hit on the Defender, sending it tumbling aimlessly further into the nebula. "Woo! You got him!" I cheered. "He'll recover from that ion blast, but you bought us some time," Vander said, reminding me that our work still isn't done yet. "Let's get out of here. We have to find the Ghost." "You take the lead," Vander said. We turned a little bit and flew out of the nebula, but what I saw next was horrifying: Two Star Destroyers and the Ghost caught under one of them, floating there haphazardly.

"Hera, do you read me?" I said through comms. "Y/N!" Hera responded. "I got some bad news." I squinted my eyes and saw the Ghost slowly getting pulled in. They got caught in a tractor beam. "Oh, great," I mumbled. Then both Star Destroyers fired their batteries at us. "Shit! Full speed ahead!" I shouted, desperately turning to get away. "Calm down, Gold 2! Lower your altitude!" Vander commanded. I followed him down to have less of a chance of getting hit by the batteries. "We're caught in a tractor beam. Can you break us free?" Hera asked. "Kid, charge your ion cannon and arm your proton torpedoes. Top right button, second lever from the left, top left button, second lever from the right," Vander ordered while teaching me the specs of my Y-Wing. "Negative, do not attack the Star Destroyer. Fire at the nebula!" Hera replied, changing our approach. "The nebula?" Vander said, confused. "Of course! The gas clouds react with the torpedoes, remember?" I remarked. "Understood, Phoenix Leader. We're going in," Vander confirmed. We tilted our ships and fired directly at the big orange cloud, causing violent, fiery explosions that burned up big chunks of the Star Destroyer. We repeated this action and the other crumbled as well. "We're free! Form up and make the jump," Hera said. We sped down toward the Ghost and punched in the coordinates, jumping through hyperspace.

We dropped out over Dantooine and docked with the Ghost for debriefing. Vander and I entered the cockpit and found Hera, Zeb, Chopper, Mothma, Semaj, and the female pilot, who seemed to be doing much better now. "Phoenix Leader, that was some of the best fighting I've ever seen," Vander complimented. "I could say the same, Gold Leader," Hera replied, returning the kind words. "Kid, you can fly in my squadron any day," the female pilot said. "Thanks. Hopefully, you can show me a few tricks with that bomber sometime," I quipped. Hera pursed her lips at the subtle stray I threw her. I faintly smiled and winked, letting Hera know that I was just messing with her. She chuckled at that. I owed my piloting experience all to her. After she worked on Chopper for a little bit, the droid rolled in front of the Senator. "We're ready to transmit," Hera stated. Chopper's camera was live, tapped into every online electronic device with the ability to transmit. "We're broadcasting now, Senator," Semaj said. This was our last piece of unfinished business. Everyone tensed up and waited for Mothma to speak. She took a deep breath and began to speak. "I am Senator Mon Mothma. I've been called a traitor for speaking out against a corrupt Galactic Senate, a Senate manipulated by the sinister tactics of the Emperor. For too long, I have watched the heavy hand of the Empire strangle our liberties, stifle the freedoms of our people, promising safety. But no longer. Despite Imperial threats, despite the Emperor himself, I have no fear with every action I take, for I am not alone. Beginning today, for every rebel cell across the galaxy, we stand together as allies. And with that, I hereby resign from the Senate to fight for you. To fight with you. Not from the distant halls of politics, but from the front lines. We will not rest until we bring the Empire to an end and until we restore our Republic. To all those who are listening, I ask you one question: Are you with me?" She ended the transmission as we all looked at each other in silence, hoping that someone did in fact receive our message.

Each passing second felt like an eternity. Those seconds turned into minutes. A feeling of dread started to overtake each of us. As headstrong and hopeful as we were, things were certainly looking bleak. But just when all hope seemed lost, we faintly heard a sound coming from the distance. "Look!" Ezra pointed out, seeing a transport. Then another ship came. Then two more. Then three more. They all dropped out of hyperspace, facing us. And more kept on coming. My jaw dropped in awe at just how many people were fighting the Empire. It felt like everyone from the galaxy had received our message. They shared the same concerns. "Look how many there are," I said giddily. "This my friends, is what we've worked to build. This is our Rebellion," Mothma said proudly. We all looked in astonishment at just how big this rebellion truly was. The intel, the people, the missions, it all made sense now. This was no longer just numerous cells fending for themselves. We were an alliance, unified under our desire to take down the Empire for good. We were one.

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