The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Sti...

By SpanishCandy

2.6M 73.9K 60.1K

"We all go a little mad sometimes." [#9 IN "TEEN WOLF"] Cover by idkmstiles Itsselenastiles owns Stella Argent More

Holy crap ✔


142K 2.6K 6.8K
By SpanishCandy

          HER small hand was making small movements as she was trying to perfect her drawing. It was a picture of her father.

Well the way she pictured him in her mind. She never really knew who her father was or how he even looked like. All thanks to her imperfect mother who was never really around the house.

She smiled at her finish piece and gently stroked her fathers face on the paper. A memory the little girl made up in her mind popped up in her mind, making her smile even wider if it was even possible.

It was really depressing at the fact that a seven year old had made up fake memories of her with her father all because her own selfish mother didn't want to talk about him. So, instead of being disappointed with her mother she just created her own little perfect world in her innocent precious mind.

Her bedroom door was slammed opened so that's when she turned her entire body around to see her drunken mother standing there, staring at her. Stella's bright eyes stared at her mother back with a sad look in them.

"What are you doing, Stella?" Kate asked her daughter who's big brown eyes started to avoid her eyes.

Stella tried her hardest to hide her drawing of her father while trying not to make it noticeable. But of course Kate was a well trained werewolf hunter so absolutely nothing went past her.

The adult Argent stormed towards her and then ripped the paper away from the small girls hands. Stella quickly stood up from her chair and ran to the corner of her room, making her small as she prepared for her mother to yell at her for even thinking about her father.

"Are you kidding me?" Kate asked herself and had let out a small dark chuckle when she saw the drawing of her daughter holding hands with her father. The two of them smiling widely, chat bubbles on top of their heads saying 'I love you' to each other.

Kate's eyes were soon filled with hatred as she started to think about that man in the picture. She snapped her attention towards her daughter who was pushing herself against the wall, trying hard to be away from her own mother.

"How many times have I told you to never draw, talk, or think about him! Huh?"

"I'm sorry, mommy." Stella whimpered out to her mom.

"I'm sorry, mommy. Stop being such a cry baby! Honestly! You're weak!" Kate mimicked her before chuckling darkly, getting closer to Stella. "Tell me, sweetie. How would you think your father would be like?"

"B-brave... Strong, tall, and kind." Stella tried to tell her mom but to be honest she was quite scared of her.

"Aw, well that's to bad isn't it? He's none of those things. He's a coward. He's weak just like you. Oh! And he's horrible. So get over it, kid. It's time to grow up." Kate yelled at her once she was right in front of the seven year old who had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I want my daddy! You're a mean mommy! I hate you!" Stella yelled out but ended up choking in her tears.

She gasped and covered her mouth when she realized what she had just said.

"I'm so sorry, mommy! I didn't mea-"

"You want to know something about your dad?" The small girls eyes instantly lit up at the mention of her father.

"He didn't want you. He didn't want to get to know you because he hated you, okay? He didn't want anything to do with you. So, stop trying to make your dad come out as a superhero." Kate spat at her making Stella hit against the wall with her eyes wide with fear.

Her eyes full of light soon turned into a pit of darkness with nothing special inside them. It was just a never ending black space in her eyes as they watched the back of her mom leave her room, closing it with a slam.

A seven year old was just told that her own dad didn't want to get to know her. Although it wasn't the truth about her father.

Millions of horrible thoughts ran through her young seven year old head. She was of course in shock and in denial but she soon believed her mother because she was the only parent she had.

Hours later she slowly started to walk downstairs to see her own mom passed out on the floor. An empty bottle of beer in her hands.

The brunette walked upstairs to grab a pillow and a warm blanket to give to her mom because it was freezing cold. It was the middle of winter after all.

She finally got downstairs to gently and carefully lift her mother's head, placing the pillow under her head. The blanket was extended by her and was then covering Kate. She placed her own pillow on the ground beside her mother's head and wrapped herself around her own Dora The Explorer blanket.

"Goodnight, mommy." Stella whispered and placed a kiss on Kate's forehead before snuggling closer to her mother's body.

Ignoring the horrible stench of alcohol coming from her own mom.

She wasn't able to be disappointed in her mom because she was the only parent she had. She didn't want to lose the only parent she had. She wanted to keep her mom with her no matter how many times she would yell horrible things to her.

That all changed the day her 11th birthday came. That small innocent girl who thought her mommy way capable of change and that her dad might come to her rescue one day was dead.

From then on she had only one thought in her mind. That she wasn't capable of loving someone nor she was capable of being loved by someone. That image was shattered by her own biological mother.

"Hey, Stella. Could you give me a hand?" Chris asked the short brunette when she was currently laying on the couch, flipping through the pages of the latest magazine of 2013.

She looked up at him with both of her eyebrows raised up and thought about whether or not she should use her strength to get up but she eventually sat up from the couch and started to clap loudly as he held onto all four of her huge luggages.

"You can do it, Chris! Woo!" She cheered for him and started to jump around like an over excited cheerleader making him glare at her but she was able to spot that ghost smile on his face.

It made her warm inside because she knew how hard he was having it at the moment. He did just lose his wife and he had to get use to the whole his daughter had many supernatural friends even though they were a werewolf hunting family.

So, making him smile was an honor. All she wanted for her uncle Chris was for him to be happy.

"I was just kidding, geez." Stella mumbled and ended up walking over to him, grabbing two of the luggages from his hands.

"Follow me, you little delinquent." He smirked and ended up walking away from her with the other two luggages that belonged the one and only Stella Diane Argent.

"Very funny." She faked laughed at him and ended up just narrowing her eyes at him while following him into her new room.

As she walked in she was looking around to see that her bed and all her other stuff were all there. Everything was white though and that kind of made her uncomfortable. It didn't feel like home to her but she was determined to change it up.

"Oh my god! I wish I was a wizard so I can just poof my things into my room. Things would be so much more easier." She groaned loudly as she then leaned against the wall after she had left the luggages in her new room.

"Oh, Stella. If you were a wizard you would end the world."

Stella opened her mouth widely and stared at her uncle in shock as he just walked out of her room as if he didn't just offended her.

"No I would not! That's just being rude."

"I wasn't being rude. I was being truthful."

She was able to hear her uncles laughter from down the hall making a corner of her mouth pulling up into a side smile. But either way she rolled her eyes dramatically.

After that she pushed herself away from the white wall and started to circled around the room. Her brown doe eyes scanning across every detail of the room. While, thoughts of her ridiculous life started to jumble in her head.

"What are you thinking about, Ella?" Allison asked her younger cousin when she walked into the half empty room.

"I'm thinking about how my family kill werewolves for a living. Nothing so big for a teenager, you know?" She responded back with a sarcastic but yet playful question to Allison which made her sigh.

"Yeah, I sometimes get overwhelmed by that from time to time but I'm starting to get use to it I guess."

"Well, obviously. You have more experience with werewolves and such considering your ex boyfriend is one for crying out loud. Me? Well, let's just say that the first time I ever saw a werewolf up and personal he ended up running off, afraid of a human because I ended up stabbing him like a thousand times with some kitchen knife." Stella ranted quickly leaving a puzzled Allison in front of her. "I've got to admit though. I was kind of scared."

"Wow, you really are Kate's daughter." Allison laughed lightly but then quickly stopped when she noticed the smile from Stella's face faded in an instant at the hearing of her mothers name.

"Sorry. Too soon?" Allison asked her awkwardly.

"Very soon, dumbass." Stella scoffed.

"Ouch. Well, I deserved that and I'm sorry." Allison frowned making the brunette shake her head no.

"No, it's not like I care about her death, Allison. I just don't want to be compared to her. She's a backstabbing bitch, okay? And I don't ever want to become like her."

"You're not like Kate and you'll never become her, trust me. But, you can't just deny who your mother is, Stella. Kate Argent may have been a backstabbing bitch but she also cared about her family."

"The only thing that my mother gave me was some of her facial features. Nothing else. Okay? And if she cared about her family so much then how come she never told me she loved me? Or came to any of my soccer games as a kid? Came to my stupid dance or choir concerts huh? She doesn't care about this god damn family. So, you have to stop talking about her as if she's not some psycho who killed almost a whole pack of Hale werewolves." Stella muttered to her and walked out of the room, to wait for her to take her to school, leaving a puzzled Allison.

The ride to Lydia's house was extremely silent due to the two Argent girls not talking to each other. The radio wasn't even on because in the mornings all they did was talk about unnecessary stuff. So, Stella turned it off the second the car was turned on.

"Have you thought about joining art class?" Allison spoke up after she cleared her throat snapping the brunette out of her thoughts but she kept staring out the window to see all the bright green trees in a blur.

"I'm not sure. You see I kind of have a small problem with socializing with other people. You know like how one says hi and then you have to say hi back in order to not seem rude, but really all you want to do is to throw them out the window in order for them to leave you alone." Stella ranted while she scrunched her face in disgust.

Allison couldn't help but to laugh lightly at her cousin. She always knew how little she liked talking to other people. But again Stella wasn't shy. She just simply didn't like to talk to other people. Talking about how they annoy her a lot.

"You need to make friends, Stella. You can't just be mean to everyone."

"Watch me, Katniss." She replied back to her with so much sass in her voice while she raised up the volume and started to tap her foot to the beat of the music, not the type of person to burst out singing.

"My friends are gonna like you. When I was new I made friends on my first day." Allison tells the other version of herself when she lowered the volume to one of Stella's favorite songs which made her sigh heavily before turning to her.

"Allison, that's because you're... You. You're more likable. And me? I'm more difficult to understand. Hell, I barely understand myself." Stella's natural wavy hair bounced slowly as she was shaking her head no.

"Stella, you need to learn how to love yourself. That is your problem."

"Oh trust me, Ally. That is not my problem. In fact, I love myself very dearly! I am just saying that not everyone will love me for who I am. My mom tried to change me into another person for gods sake. I'm just saying that I am perfectly fine without your friends." Stella simply stated herself and stared at her cousin for a few seconds before raising the volume once again.

But this time Allison didn't bother to lower the volume in order to try to talk to her. She knew she wasn't going to win this argument but she also knew that Stella would end up liking her friends. That maybe one day she'll be able to stay behind when there's danger and fight for them like how Allison does.

"Freshman. Tons and tons of fresh men." Lydia says in a daze while pausing in between fresh and men, staring out to the sea of new freshman.

"You mean fresh boys, Lydia. They're 14." Allison tells her as she opened her locker in order to get her books for the last class of the day and luckily for her she had Lydia along with Stella in that class.

"Eh, some are more mature then others." Lydia responds while smirking and winked over at the other Argent who was only smirking along with her.

"You know it's okay to be single, right?" Allison asked her with her eyebrows furrowed down in concern for her best friend while Stella was only looking down at her phone not caring about the situation next to her.

All Lydia did was hummed in response.

"Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person. I agree with Stella, it's okay to be single." Allison tells her but there was something off in her voice, something that Lydia knew very well.

"Allison, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine." Lydia told her and rolled her eyes slightly, causing Allison to smile at her shyly not knowing how to respond to her.

"But I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction." She told her as she put her hand on the lockers.

As if on cue, twin brothers walked past them. They had on leather jackets and had bike helmets in their hands. They were pretty much the definition of dangerous but of course Stella wasn't the type of person to run the other direction when someone screams out dangerous. Oh, no. She runs towards the danger and that's what she's going to do.

"Stella likey." She licked her dry lips before speaking to her cousin and her new friend.

"Brothers?" Allison asked trying hard to avoid Stella's comment.

"Twins." Lydia and Stella both breathed out the answer to the brunette.

"Stella." Allison says her name warningly, not wanting her cousin to get into any kind of trouble.

"Oh, come on Ally! You can't just expect me to let those two sex gods walk around here fully clothed. Let me have some fun." Stella bit her bottom lip and tilted her head to the left to see the twins turning into a hallway.

If only she knew that they were werewolves and had basically heard their entire conversation.

"You are not allowed to have sex with any strangers!" Stella only had an amused look on her face when Allison was scolding her.

Stella was quickly growing on Lydia while they walked to their last class together. Although, they barely met it seemed like they knew each other forever. Allison was pretty much over joyed that the two people she loved dearly were enjoying each other's company.

Lydia sat down right in her usual spot while Allison on the other hand quickly pushed her own cousin out of the way in order to sit down behind Lydia. Stella finally regained her balance only to see that the only seat open was right in front of Allison's ex boyfriend.

She had the biggest urge to push Allison off of her seat and make her sit in front of him but she knew that would all go bad. So, that's when she slowly walked to the desk while Scott was to busy looking over at Allison.

"Is someone sitting here?" The four words made him pay attention to her only to have him stare at her with his mouth wide open along with his eyes.

Scott found her extremely attractive but the thing that made him just stare at her awkwardly was the fact that she looked almost a lot like Allison. And he has never before in his life had ever seen her in any of Allison's family pictures.

After a while of just staring at the long haired brunette he finally opened his mouth in order to speak to her.

"No, no, no, no, no, it's all you, all yours. Uh, it's totally vacant." He said nervously and started to shift uncomfortably in his own seat.

"I would say that it was the school's chair but it could be mine too." Scott instantly detected her playful tone making him mentally slap himself in the face repeatedly.

"I-I'm sorry, I uh... Oh my god." He scolded himself as Stella only pulled up one corner of her lips at him before introducing herself to him.

"It's fine. I'm Stella Argent." She grinned this time and his face then turned into realization.

She was an Argent.

"I'm Scott." He gave her a short nod with a small toothless smile.

"So, you're the famous werewolf that dated my cousin, huh?"

"Uhh, well...." Scott only trailed off not knowing how to respond to her which only made Stella mentally laugh as she just faced forward pretending like nothing just happened.

The new teacher in Beacon Hills High School made a huge weird entrance by texting her entire class a quote from a book they were going to read. Of course, when she told them to turn off their cell phones Stella didn't bother to do that. Slipping her iPhone into her back pocket.

As the class went on Stella didn't even pay attention to the teacher or to any of her surroundings which included a certain brunette male staring at the side of her face.

Stiles didn't intend to stare at her for so long but something about her made his heart pound faster against his chest. He couldn't help but feel a pull between him and the new female Argent. The way her long wavy brown hair would shift into a perfect position every time she moved. Or the way she would bite on her pencil when ever she took a break on drawing on her notebook. Although, Stella was about three seats away from the Stilinski kid, he was able to slightly see that she was drawing a werewolf.

He couldn't help but to smile widely at her when she started to dance a little that was rarely noticeable but he found it adorable. The way she would try to fight back a smile and just the way she looked so carefree.

But he decided not to trust her easily.

Stella had secretly put on her ear buds to listen to her music and didn't even notice that the boy behind her left minutes ago. The loud sound coming into her ears calmed her down more considering she was a bit nervous to be in a new school but obviously she wouldn't tell her cousin that. Or else Allison would have been teasing her for having a soft heart.

The ink of her pen slowly drew light and soft strokes onto the paper to show more fur on the werewolf. It wasn't that she was so obsessed with idea of werewolves being real. She was just so curious of the supernatural.

A bird hit the classroom's window making everyone jump in their seats besides Stella. Being to busy jamming out with her music and so into her drawing.

That's when the next one came and then the next one until finally a huge crowd of birds came flying towards the window making everyone get alarmed.

"Get down, everyone! Get down, get down!" Ms. Blake yelled and started to make everyone get onto the ground.

Stiles shoved a whole role of desks in order for him to get to Lydia, pushing her to the ground. But he turned to his right to see Stella still sitting in her chair. Before any of the birds could get to her Stiles all of sudden got off of Lydia, making sure she was safe now, and started to pull Stella to the ground.

Stella was on the ground with her hands above her head when she realized what was going on. Stiles was right on top of her making sure none of the birds would scratch her.

"Uh, thanks." Stella blurted out awkwardly when everything was soon over not knowing what else to say to him.

She could be a real bitch but she had her manners.

"It was stupid of you to listen to music that loudly. You know those things can make you go deaf right?" Stiles scolded her once they were both standing up.

The comment made Stella open her mouth in shock and got her angry.

"What? Excuse me?" Her voice cracking in the process and had raised her eyebrows at him in amusement while the other two girls were staring at them.

"You can't just help me and then argue with me. I can do whatever the hell I want, okay? You didn't have to save me. I could save myself just fine." She muttered to him angrily.

"Really? It sure didn't seem like it a few seconds ago." And the truth was that Stiles didn't even know why he had scolded her instead of making sure that she was okay.

His mouth kind of just opened and then there was no going back to what he had just done.

"Hm, I thought they were going to like each other. So, much for your plan to hook them up, huh Allison?" Lydia teased her best friend who was only staring at the two pair arguing with each other back and forth.

"I still have hope for them. They're both just so stubborn. They are going to take a while."

"Is it me or is Beacon Hills turning into more like Beacon for the totally bizarre and supernatural?" Lydia asked and shut her locker.

"Well, my first day of school was pretty interesting." Stella trailed off while she looked down at her phone, looking for a song to play on her phone.

"Where's Scott McCall? You're Allison right?" A dark skinned female walked up to the three girls, her face showing tiredness and determination that made Stella look at her with so much interest.

"Yea, how do you know..." Allison asked softly in worry.

"Where's Scott?" The unknown female asked again with so much force in her voice.

"He had to leave. He was suppose to be back in class.." Allison answered her as she kept looking at her cousin and Lydia.

"Is he coming back?" She asked urgently and grabbed onto Allison's wrist tightly.

"Hey, easy with the physicality, sweetheart." Lydia got in but the stranger did the same to her and she looked behind them, leaving them to their thoughts.

"Ugh, well, she bruised me." Lydia groaned.

"Huh, me too." Allison told her.

"Come on, let's get you three girls out of here." Chris says out loud as he walked up to the three girls and started to walk them out of the school.

"This one, it's perfect." Lydia says as she held up the shade of pink paper up against the wall so that the two girls would be able to see.

"Mm, no, I like the blue one." Stella said with no interest in her tone of voice as she flipped her magazine, staring at the pictures of clothing.

"You're choosing blue because it's your favorite color, Stella. Plus, you're not even paying any attention to this." Lydia rolled her eyes at the young Argent but looked at Allison.

"Allison, pink is perfect right?"

"I don't know. I'm still thinking maybe a shade of blue." She says and then holds up the blue one next to Lydia's making Stella smirk as she kept flipping through the magazine.

"Fine you want me to pay attention. I will." The brunette sighed heavily and put away her magazine only to keep her focus on both of their arms.

They both had bruises on them and the thing that freaked Stella out more was the fact that they were symmetrical.

"Okay, so I might have payed attention really well." Stella says out loud and then grabbed both of their arms so that they were right next to each other again.

"What does it mean?" She asked confusedly.

"We're going to find out." Allison tells her with confidence in her voice.

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