Love's Wicked Game || Daerin

By Alexis_Hue

3.9K 287 17

"All fun and games until you hurt someone you realize you deeply care about." This is mainly a Daerin short-s... More



320 28 1
By Alexis_Hue

Haerin's footsteps echoed hollowly through the empty corridors as she made her way towards the school clinic. Each step felt heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of her own defiance and the looming consequences of her actions. "Damn it." She cursed inwardly. She couldn't shake off the feeling of resentment gnawing at her insides, fueled by the knowledge that she was being forced into a situation she wanted nothing to do with. 

As she pushed open the door to the clinic, a wave of antiseptic scent washed over her, mingling with the quiet hum of medical equipment. Her eyes scanned the room, coming to rest on the figure of Danielle lying on a bed, her form shrouded in bandages.

Haerin's breath caught in her throat as she approached, suddenly a pang of guilt twisting in her chest at the sight of Danielle's battered state. She couldn't understand what she was feeling. "Damn it" she cursed again.

She hates what she's feeling. She have to remind herself that this is the same girl whose mother destroyed her family. Despite herself, she couldn't help but be struck by the delicate beauty that still lingered on Danielle's unconscious face, even amidst the bruises and cuts.

Gingerly, Haerin reached out a trembling hand, tentatively brushing a strand of hair away from Danielle's forehead. She watched as Danielle's chest rose and fell in steady rhythm, a faint whisper of vulnerability seeping through the facade of toughness Haerin had built around herself. "Damn it"


As Danielle slowly stirred from the depths of unconsciousness, her senses gradually returned to her. The first thing she became aware of was the dull, persistent ache radiating from her back, a painful reminder of the events that had landed her in the school clinic. Groaning softly, she shifted on the bed, wincing as the movement exacerbated the soreness that seemed to permeate every inch of her body.

Blinking bleary-eyed, Danielle glanced around the dimly lit room, realizing it was probably already afternoon. Her gaze came to rest on the figure seated beside her bed. At first, she thought she was still caught in the haze of a dream, for the person before her seemed almost ethereal, bathed in the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the windows.

As her vision cleared, however, Danielle realized that the figure was all too real – it was Haerin, the cold beauty, but in this moment, she appeared different somehow. Gone was the usual mask of arrogance and hostility, replaced instead by an expression of quiet serenity as she slept peacefully in the chair by Danielle's bedside.

Then suddenly Haerin's eyes flickered open, she found herself locking gazes with Danielle, uncertainty clouding the air between them. They stared at each other in silence, words hanging unspoken on the precipice of their lips, neither knowing where to begin.

Before either of them could break the heavy silence, the door to the clinic swung open, revealing Minji standing in the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

"Danielle, how are you feeling?" Minji asked gently, her eyes searching Danielle's face for any sign of discomfort or distress.

Danielle hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put her feelings into words. "I'm... I'm okay," she replied softly, offering a weak smile in an attempt to reassure Minji.

Satisfied with Danielle's response, Minji turned her attention to Haerin, her expression grave. "Haerin, the dean wants to see you again," she informed her, her tone careful yet firm. "She said it's important, and she wants you to bring Danielle with you."

"Fine" she said dejectedly.

Before Minji bid them farewell and left to attend to her errands she made sure to assure Danielle first and hugged her warmly. After she left, an awkward silence settled between Haerin and Danielle. Haerin's frustration simmered beneath the surface, angry at being put in this situation. Meanwhile, Danielle felt a pang of fear gnawing at her insides, unsure of what Haerin's next move might be.

Tension hung heavy in the air as Haerin reluctantly reached out to assist Danielle, who was still struggling with discomfort. Danielle flinched at Haerin's touch, her muscles tensing involuntarily. Haerin's gaze hardened as Danielle recoiled, her anger flashing in her eyes.

"I'm trying to help you," Haerin muttered through gritted teeth, her frustration evident in her voice. Haerin tightened her grip on Danielle's arm, her voice low and dangerous. "Let's get one thing straight, Danielle. I'm not doing this because I want to. This is punishment, plain and simple. I couldn't care less about you or your discomfort."

Danielle's eyes widened in surprise and hurt, but Haerin wasn't finished. She leaned in closer, her tone becoming even more menacing. "But if you think for one second that I won't make sure you suffer the consequences if you don't cooperate, you're sorely mistaken. You'll do as I say, understand?"

Danielle swallowed hard, fear mingling with the pain she was already experiencing. She nodded weakly, too intimidated to protest. Haerin's gaze softened imperceptibly as she caught the flicker of fear in Danielle's eyes. But she quickly masked her emotions, maintaining her facade of indifference.

"Come on, let's just get this over with," Haerin muttered, her tone less harsh than before. She adjusted her grip on Danielle's arm, this time with a gentleness that surprised even herself.

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