Fated to walk with LUCIFER.

By Ruth_lusy001

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.."Lucifer happens to find his mate in your clan,..And his MATE happens to be your Dearest Daughter...", All... More

CHAPTER 1: Annoying...
CHAPTER 2: TheKiss
CHAPTER 3: He's Mine
CHAPTER 4: Holy shit
CHAPTER 5: Terms And Conditions
CHAPTER 10:Disasters

CHAPTER 8: Its Okay Not To Be Okay

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By Ruth_lusy001

"Okay, But hope we can come over?", Naomi asked sarcastically .

I rolled my eyes,"Yes of course, Its been three days already , I'm going to die of boredom in this house, Everyone just seems busy especially with the situation at hand,....Jeez, Abigail has been the only one making me still have my sanity in check", We all laugh,

Just then the door bash open.

"There she comes again", I said rolling my eyes, They both laugh at the other end .

"I've told you for the umpteenth time, To always knock before entering my room, You dumbass", I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Come on Sis, Let go watch the movie", She said pouting .

"What movie again? ", I asked irritatedly .

She stared at me with a poker face, "You've forgotten already..., This morning I told you another episode has been release,...You said when its Eleven, We'll watch the movie together, But now its Twelve noon already...".

"Oh I almost forgot, I just finished an online class, I was on my way to the theater room, when Naomi call came in", I lied scratching the base of my neck .

"Oh really?", Naomi said on the other end, Beauty laughed along, Cause it was actually the opposite, I actually called, After I was done with my long and boring lectures .

"Okay fine..., Which of the movie are we even watching?",

Right at this point Abigail has made me watch almost all the movie on Netflix, Some were to my liking while some are not, Especially the horror ones, I giggled, As I tried packing my hair with a pink hair band .

"Walking dead", She said in enthusiasm .

My hand drape to my side, Making my unfinished packed hair fall over my shoulders .

"You're joking right...?, I asked .

Her smiley face now replaced with a feign frown .

"No I'm not".

I laughed sarcastically, "The last time we watch that movie, I couldn't sleep peaceably for two whole night, You even came to my ro..., Ugh", Unable to finish my sentence, I bit the bottom of my lips, brushing my tangled hair with my hands, signing in frustration, I sat back on the bed .

She crawled into my bed, Pouting her mouth .

"I was just thinking we should finish what we started you know, Please... So when I get back to school and my friends start discussing about this latest episode, I will also have something to say, And yo..."

I cut her off, "So when do you start getting bothered, For not contributing in a conversation, "I said putting my hands under my chin, Feigning lost in thought.

"Yes now I remember...", I said sarcastically, Clicking my middle finger and thumb together, I shook my head, like I just confirmed something very important.

"What?"...She asked pouting.

"It's since Leo started attending your school, Now I remember", I jumped off the bed staring at her .

She stared at me with a straight face, Trying hard to show no emotions .

"ABIGAIL...", Even Naomi and Beauty joined me, As I stressed her name .

Her filters broke, Her cheek turned pink, As she face palmed, blushing hard, She threw a pillow at me, Then immediately buried her face in my other pillows, We all laughed heartily .

"Fine don't watch with me, I'll also call my friends over..., But watch your back Zia", She said as she hurried through the door .

I placed the phone to my ear, "You really played your card well", Beauty said giggling .

"Of course with that sister of mine", I smirked, "You need to have some extra card under your sleeve, I was just waiting for the right time...", I said giggling .


I open the double door with a grin, "Hello miss Edwin, hope we're not intruding", Naomi said with a smile, Peeping from side to side .

"Not at all miss...little miss has been waiting like forever", I said stepping aside .

"Good", Beauty said as she stepped into the house or mansion, Anyone you're comfortable with.

She threw her back Park at me, I caught it before it landed on the ground, I miss this Hata** like shit .

"See who we have here", Mrs Hannah said opening her hands widely .

Beauty and Naomi ran towards her giving her a tight warm hugging .

"Ella didn't tell me, You both were coming over", Mrs Hannah said throwing me a quizzical look .

"It came on short notice, And beside I didn't want to bother you?", I tried defending myself .

"And when did I tell you that cooking for my girls bothered me?", She asked defensively .

"It's not like I'll make them starve, I plan on giving them, Red velvet cake roll, And orange juice".

"You denied us the pleasure of eating Mrs Hannah food", Beauty said with a poker face .

I laughed throwing her back park at her, She's caught it almost falling to the ground .

Opening the fridge, I took out the container of orange juice, While using my other hand to open the top Cabinet, I grabbed four glasses,

Naomi came to my side of the counter assisting me with the glasses . I rolled my eyes chuckling .

I poured the orange juice into the glasses placing them nicely on the tray, Returning the container back to the fridge, I brought out the Red velvet cake roll placing them on the counter, I closed the fridge solidly .

"Mrs Hannah can you please cook one of those your exquisite delicacies for us", Naomi said with a puppy eyes .

"Of course dear just give me few minutes", Mrs Hannah said bring out some utensils from the cupboard .

"Come on girl just taste this... I bet you won't regret it" .

Beauty rolled her eyes crossing her hands over her chest, But Naomi being Naomi, Grab the plate of cake, After taking a bit, She hummed rolling her eyes to the back of her head .

"Whoa...this taste nice...delicious", Naomi blab unable to find words to describe the exquisite taste, She pushed some pieces into Beauty mouth .

"Stop that will you?", Beauty said giggling, She swallowed, Her eyes brows raised slightly,

Her eyes now fixed on the ones on the counter, She was about to take some slice of cake, When Little demon bashed into the kitchen .

She went straight for the fridge .

"Humhum", Beauty feign coughed, Catching Abigail's attention .

"Beauty.., Naomi.., Sorry I was so caught up in my search, That I didn't notice my surroundings, Sorry for my manners", She said smiling. As she moved closer to our side of the counter with a grin .

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what she was about to do, Old habit never stops.

She rushed to our side of the counter taking the plate of velvet cake, She ran towards the door then halted at the kitchen entrance smirking.

"I'm really sorry guys , But my friends just arrived, I plan of giving them this, Before this lady here gave them to you, But....".

Naomi chased after her with full force.

"That girl can be so tricky,.. Just imagine the way she tricked us with her smile, I thought she was about to hug us or something", Beauty said in a huff.

Naomi came back panting,

"Jeez...your sister runs like hare, I...I..", Naomi just sat on the stool close to the counter panting, I laughed .

"But I thought you both weren't satisfied with what I had to offer", I said giggling .

"You knew she was going to do that right?", Naomi said point her finger at me , I rolled my eyes chuckling .

"Of course I knew, She is my sister after all, I didn't just interfere since you guys didn't like what I offered ", I said folding my hands to my chest .

"Come on girlfriend, we were starting to like it, Before Abigail showed up , And snatch it right under our nose, Right?", Naomi said glancing at Beauty.

"I didn't actually tast...", She blinked multiple times, As Naomi gave her a poker face.

"But from the little that entered my mouth, It actually tasted nice though...Good", She look away shyly walking towards Mrs Hannah .

I laughed hard holding the edge of the counter, "Did you guys see her face", I said mimicking Beauty .

"So no any appetizer", Naomi said pouting disappointedly. She glancing at me .

I smirked. She jumped off the stool almost stumbling .

"Tell me you got some reserved already?", She asked, Raising her eyes brows teasingly, Beauty glanced at me in anticipation.

"Let go to my room, I actually came down stairs to get some glasses before you guys came in, So I gave you the ones here, Since you both plan on staying here, I actually kept that one in the fridge for that little demon, She told me are friends were also coming over,...Let's go", I said gesturing to them .

"I will call you girls when I'm done okay just give me few more minutes", Mrs Hannah said, As she does what she do best in the kitchen .

"Okay,...Thanks"..., We all said in unison

"So how was your online lecture?".

"Fine,...But boring, You know it's actually different when you're in a lecture hall with so many people, Than when you're alone in your room with just your pajamas", I said, As we all laughed.

"I understand you girl", Beauty said hissing through her teeth's .

"So how was college,..Any juicy gist?", I asked in anticipation .

"College is fine nothing really much, But...", Naomi said glancing at Beauty.

Beauty continue, "Monica and Elvis are now the talk of college, She's all over him like she's his shadow, That girl does not have the word "shame" in her dictionary".

"Since when have you spoken to Elvis?", Naomi asked.

"Last night... Yes I spoke to him last night", I nodded my head in affirmation .

"You girls should just chill, I'm not that stupid to think Monica would just stay ideal while I'm away, She has never liked me from the onset, Neither does she want to accept the fact that Elvis is now mine, She better enjoy it while it last", I smirked .

"That's my girl", Naomi said giggling .

"But have you guys heard about the Banquet taking place a day after tomorrow", Beauty asked in enthusiasm, I rolled my eyes .

"Hey don't be a joy killer Girl, Whats with that face of yours", Naomi asked cheekily .

I signed rolling my eyes, As I looked away, sipping my juice .

"Don't tell me your Dad..." Beauty clamp her mouth with her hands, cackling unable to finish her words .

"And what's funny about that", I asked slightly annoyed .

"Nothing...", Naomi replied with clamp lips waving her hands in the air .

We were all quite for some few seconds, As their laughter finally died down.

"So what now?", Beauty asked seating up straight .

"Meaning?", I asked pulling the side of my lips up .

She smirked mischievously, I rolled my eyes.

"No.Way....", I said stressing each word .

"Stop trying to play righteous here , Its not like it's the first time you'll be doing something like this anyway...", Naomi said bluntly .

"I wasn't proud of what I did the first time", I said throwing the chair pillow at Naomi.

"Its was your first, Not gonna be your last, Right?...", Beauty said sipping her juice,

She smirked as they both glanced at me, I gulp my juice, Lost in thought, As the gentle breeze caress our faces.


"Hello Love"

"Hi wassup"

"I'm good..And you?",

"I'm not really good, But just hearing your sweet voice make me happy now",

I blush hard, Thank jeez he was not here, he would have seen my already pink flushed face, I face palmed.

"What happened?", I asked

"Nothing really..",

There he goes again, Trying to hide something from me, I rolled my eyes in despair, Balling my fist .


" why?...", I ask cutting him off .

"Why what?..",

"Why do you like hiding stuff from me?,




" I've been your girlfriend for the past two to three years Ell, Still I know nothing....Absolute nothing about you, What's going on Elvis?".

"And what's with this question?..",

"So I can't ask my boyfriend to tell me about himself, Since he didn't plan on doing so himself"

"Why all of a sudden?,...You never cared about that, So why all of a sudden, what has changed now?..."

"Whoa.., I never cared, Like seriously", I scoffed.

"Yea...seriously, You never cared, Not until...Wait...Don't tell me your Da..."

"Don't you dare, My Dad won't stoop that low".

"Says the person who said HER Dad won't involve his personal life with his business life, And even imprison you in your house", He said smirking.

I balled my knuckles in anger, Hissing through gritted teeth .

"All this insult, All because I wanted to know more about you, Because I wanted to know more about MY man", I said in a shaky voice .

"You've disappointed me greatly Ell, I never knew you were like this ,Thank you and good nig...", I said in a solemn voice

"W..Wait babe", He said cutting me off.

"Wait for what?, Oh...to hear more insults from you,...Here I was beating myself up for being the most horrible girlfriend anyone could ever have, And..You..You..."

My voice cracked as I held back my tear, I was unable to finish my sentence, My hands Clamp my mouth as I held back my tears.

"I..I'm sorry babe",




"Babe are you there?,Hun...
Ella..Babe are you okay?", He asked worried .

I blinked the tear away from my eyes . Sniffing, But I guess he heard it.

"I'm really sorry....I was just...I was just directing my anger and frustration on you,..Things aren't really going very well over here...Hun".

We were silent for some minute, As we both inhale and exhale. The gentle breeze caress my face, But showed no mercy to my hair.


"I'm really really sorry",

"I'm sorry too, I guess I'm also kind of exhausted, And this not something I should have said through phone", I said, Brushing my hair from my face .

"Don't worry Hun, I will tell you all you need to know when we get to meet, It really not something we should discuss through phone okay?...".

"Okay", I said now smiling, That's a little progress I guess.



"Are you coming to the Banquet?, He asked as our silence was becoming awkward .

"I thought you would never ask", I said beaming .

"So will you be my date for that night Mi Amor".

He asked, I can imagine him stretching his hands toward me, I chuckled.

"I would have like to,...But I can't", I said disappointedly .


I bit down on my lips, folding the hem of my pajamas.

"Don't tell me your Da....shit" , He cursed as he kicked something hard at his end, I heard a screeching sound.

"I'm sorry babe...But don't worry, I know this too will pass, We just have to be patient", I said encouraging him, But jeez...it's like I'm encouraging myself, It's taking every single cell in me to say NO to his enticing offer, I miss him like crazy.

"I just miss you babe"

"I miss you like crazy"

"I miss your warm comforting hugs".

"I miss your touch"

"Your left dimple smile",

"The sound of your laughter",

" And...And", He said in a sultry voice .

"And?.." I asked sultrily, Biting my lips.

"You got one hell of a innocent dirty mind babe, And I like that...No I love it, I know you know what I'm about to say , But you just like hearing it from me over and over again,...How I wish I can see your now flushed face, Okay babe... What do you want to hear?.." He asked.

"Nothing..", I gulped, My face turn pink.

"Nothing?...",He said stressing the word 'Nothing'.

I blushed hard my face now burning, My cheek hurt .

"Really Nothi..."

"When I get to see you, I will kiss you like I've never before babe,...I'll place your lip in its rightful place, Which is on mine, And when I start kissing you I won't stop till it get swollen" He said in a low slow sultry voice.

I was dazed, As different images run through my mind .



I snapped out of my reveries.

"Yes", I responded subconsciously raising my voice slightly.

He chuckled "I think someone is at the door".

"What's? "I asked confused , Just then I heard a loud bang on the door.

"Jeez", I stood up in a hurry.

"I love you, Till we get to talk again...Good night", He said hurriedly as he blew me kisses through the phone... hanging up.

"Oh God this so embarrassing", I said holding both my cheek, The bang on the door till persisted.


"What?" I shouted as I sluggishly walked towards the door.

Hello guys✋

I will be coming the end of her flash back on the ne atch out for the next chapter guys, I'll be coming to a conclusion on her flash back on the next And thanks again to those that read up to this chapter, Thanks for your support and love

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