Slay the princess - Voice of...

By Truenote

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You wake up. More

Chapter 1 T̶h̶e̶ ̶H̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ The Beginning
Chapter 2 The Player (part 1)
Chapter 2 You CAN kill a ghost (Part 2)
Chapter 3 I know (Part 1)
Chapter 3 The True Pristine blade (Part 3)
Chapter 3 Player vs Megalomanic (Part 3.5)
Chapter 3 - Nope! (Part 4)

Chapter 3 What are we even talking about? (Part 2)

483 24 20
By Truenote


The Narrator

"You walk on the short and worn-down path towards your destination. With each step on the ground, it leaves faint marks which turns into a long trail of footprints that lead to you. The dirt appears to be dry and doesn't seem to have seen rain in years."

Voice of the Cold

"Of course... We killed her twice. If her influence is spreading why wouldn't everything look dead?"

Voice of the Player

"Does that make it double dead?"

Voice of the Cheated

"How can something be double dead? That makes no sense!"

Voice of the Player

"Is it supposed to make sense? Nothing has made sense since we appeared here. We killed a ghost last loop. Nothing makes sense and nothing matters."

Voice of the Hero

"That's a rather huge jump in thinking."

Voice of the player

"Meh. I could care less at this point. I just want to see how this route plays out."

(Explore) Hey is it just me or... is it taking MUCH longer to go to the cabin?

Voice of the Hero

"Now that you're talking about it.... yeah... we normally would have been there by now."

The Narrator

"Well, that's just what it says. You don't see any cabin yet and keep walking through the dead woods."

Voice of the Cheated

"Just another way this damn place is screwing with us. We should have just left this place the first chance we got."

Voice of the Cold

"Would it have mattered? We probably would have been brought back to that cabin anyway."

Voice of the Kind.

"...Well at least we can do better this time????"

Kind was confused due to their mind not following the conversation and spacing out.

Voice of the Hero

"Yeah, your right. We just have to go and find the princess and finally give her what she deserves."

The Narrator

"I hope when you say "Give her what she deserves" I hope you mean "Drive the blade through her heart and save the world.""

Voice of the Player

"Yeah, we are not doing that. We died twice and killed her twice. You have to understand I am a person who quickly get sick of repetition, and I REALLY want to see how this path goes."

The Narrator

"Do I really need to say why you shouldn't listen to him?"

Voice of the Cheated

"Not like we would listen to you either."

Voice of the Kind

"I can sense some tension in the group. Maybe we could try something to maybe... I don't know... lower it down?"

Voice of the Cold

"It's pointless."

Voice of the Hero

"I don't know. It doesn't seem like a bad idea."

(Explore) Maybe we could play charades.

(Explore) We could play eye spy.

Voice of the Cheated 

"How would that even work? We are all in the same body and we don't have bodies of our own."

Voice of the Player

"Dumb suggestion."

Voice of the Kind

"Alright, despite how... that suggestion doesn't make any sense. It does not mean you should antagonize anyone."

Voice of the Player

"I am not antagonizing anyone. I am just telling the truth and THAT was a dumb suggestion. Speaking of which, don't be overly kind. You'll just seem like a pushover and people will take advantage of that."

Voice of the Kind

"Well I.... guess your right."

(Explore) We could play eye spy.

Voice of the Hero

"I don't think there are many things we could play eye spy with."

Voice of the Kind

"OF course there are! IN fact I will go first. I spy with my little eye (Voice of the cheated: We don't have eyes) something starting with S. What could it be.

Voice of the Cold

"Is it sky?"

Voice of the Kind


Voice of the Player

"Yet another suggestion down the drain. Narrator. How long till we get the cabin?"

The Narrator


Voice of the Cheated

"What do you mean "huh"."

The Narrator

"It seems we are going to be here walking."

Voice of the Cheated

"You have got to be fucking with us right now."

The Narrator

"Nope. Just give me a bit. It seems it will take a bit to find the cabin."

Voice of the Hero

"Alright. Anymore suggestions to pass the time."

A bit later

Voice of the Kind

"Alright two words. First starting with D second starting with T."

Voice of the Cheated/Cold/Hero/Player

"Is it dead tree?"

Voice of the Kind

"Umm... no?"

Voice of the Cheated

"It's always the fucking same! We have been walking for God knows how long now and all we have been seeing is dead tree, dead tree, dead tree, dead tree, dead tree, dead tree and MORE DEAD TREE!"

Voice of the Player

"Someone's starting to lose their mind."

Voice of the Hero

"Well, you can't really blame them. I'm also getting a little sick seeing the same thing over and over again."

Voice of the Player

"That would be my line."

Voice of the Cheated


The Narrator

"Wait wha-?"

"It isn't long till you are only steps away from your destinatio- wait, excuse me?! What just happened? What did you just do?

Voice of the Hero

"I feel... dizzy."

Voice of the Kind

"I think I am going to throw up."

Voice of the Unknown


Voice of the Cheated

"Hey what is that giant thing behind the cabin?"

Voice of the Hero

"Looks like a wall."

(Explore) [Look up and sideways at the wall]

The Narrator 

"You look up and to your sides at the giant pitch-black wall. The wall seems to expand endlessly in every direction... strange."

Voice of the Unknown


Voice of the Cheated

"Hold on. What do you mean by Strange?"

The Narrator

"The wall isn't supposed to be here. Although I suspect it's because her influence is spreading."

Voice of the Cheated

"Still don't know what that means."

Voice of the Player

"Remember. Only a few can know the truth."

Voice of the Cheated

"Still call total bullshit on that."

(Explore) I think there is someone trying to talk.

Voice of the Cheated 

"Oh right. Look who finally decided to show up."

Voice of the Unknown

"Can I speak now? Nice. Wha-"

Voice of the Player

"Let's try and not make the same mistakes like last time."

Voice of the Hero

"Well, I think the blame falls on you for killing her."

Voice of the Unknown

"Could you all sto-"

Voice of the Player

"Hey. The bitch was going to kill us and don't say "it's because you didn't give her what she wanted". Blame the one controlling the body. Since he makes most of the decisions." 

Voice of the Kind

"You really shouldn't call her a bitch."

Voice of the Player

"SHE. KILLED. US. I only got back at her."

Voice of the UNknown

"Alright that's i-"

The Narrator

"I sugge-"

Voice of the UNKNOWN


The long quiet clutched its ears before falling on its knees as blood came out of their ears.

The Narrator

"The noise that voice made ruptured your eardrums as a loud ringing is suddenly in your head as you fall to your knees as blood seeps out of your ears. You can no longer hear anything besides the voices in your head. Why did you do that? You just made their mission more difficult."

Voice of the Cheated

"OW! That actually hurt! What the heck was that for!?"

Voice of the Unknown

"OH? You're finally letting me speak? Prick? Finally."

Voice of the Player

"That's... unnecessary and cold."

Voice of the Cold

"Not really. Just anger."

Voice of the Hero

"So.... how are we supposed to hear the princess now?"

Voice of the Kind

"OH. Hey. You. The one controlling the body right now. Could you... maybe? Place your hands on your ears."

(Explore) No. I don't trust you.

(Explore) [Place hands on ears]

The Narrator

"You place your hands on your ears which were still bleeding as a... greenlight begins to glow on your hands as your vision turns green for a second as all the blood disappears as your hearing comes back to you... what?"

Voice of the Cheated

"How the hell did you do that?"

Voice of the Kind

"Well, I could just feel it. Y'know? It just felt natural to use."

Voice of the Hero

"Huh... nice. I guess we can now heal if the princess tries to kill us again."

Voice of the Player

"Which she hopefully won't do."

Voice of the Cheated


Cheated contemplates something.

Voice of the Kind

"Is something on your mind?"

Voice of the Cheated

"Why did.... he say, "What are we even talking about?" Shouldn't he already know unles-"

Cheated was quickly interrupted by Player.

Voice of the Player

"Don't think about it. Just focus on the cabin. I mean... look at it. Also, I think YOU should go CHECK something. Maybe we could actually SAVE the princess this time."

Player tried to keep their minds off what Cheated implied with it actually working but with the thought being pushed back to everyone's head for the time being. Unknown quickly checked their saves while also making a new save as they quickly absorbed all the information.

(Explore) Yeah. The roof of it look a bit... caved in?

Voice of the Hero

"Looks old too. Like it can break at any moment."

The Narrator

"I'll be doing the narrating thank you very much, but yes. It does in fact look ancient."

Voice of the Cheated

"Great. Just great. We are going something that can collapse on us at any second."

Voice of the Cold

"Does it matter? We can heal ourselves after all so what is a little pain?"

Voice of the Hero

"That is true, so we should be fine."

The Narrator

"Just try and remember the fate of the world is at hand. Make the right decision."

Voice of the Cold

"We have and it led us nowhere."

Voice of the Player

"I just want to see new and fun things happen. Doesn't matter if we die or not in the process."

Voice of the Cheated

"I prefer not dying a third time today."

[Proceed to the cabin]


Well time to think of a brand-new princess. Wish me luck since this will probably take a while. 

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