I Scream (Book 1)

By TheNeopolitan

151K 3.7K 1K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 + 1/2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Book 2

Chapter 24

2.3K 78 15
By TheNeopolitan

Yang and I flew down the city streets on her motorcycle. Luckily Yang had tried her hair back into a ponytail so her golden locks didn't fly into my face.

"What's our plan?" I shouted up to her over the roar of the engine and the wind rushing past us.

"Just wing it!" she shouted back to me. I said nothing in return. Part of me scoffed mentally, but the other part grinned in appreciation for how Yang was going about this. She was probably used to being able to just walk in into places and using her strength to take control of situations. This would probably work now. The goons we were headed to see were just the next step in the messenger line. They were expecting to move a dead body or me defeated and securely tied up.

Yang made the bike come to a screeching halt as the tires slid to the side and we parked next to a stone wall. She pulled off her yellow helmet and took her hair down. She shook her gold hair loose and tucked her sunglasses into her shirt. I removed the spare black helmet that she had lent to me and I slid off the bike. We were parked at the docks. Looking around I could see the giant metal containers.

"Actually, I may have a plan," Yang said, looking down at me. I arched an eyebrow at her, silently asking what her big plan was.

"Its a bounty on your head right? Who has access to that bounty?" She asked me.

"Anyone with a criminal record and access to information. Why?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm thinking we could get some money out of these creeps before we beat information out of em," Yang grinned down at me, putting her hands on her hips with confidence.

I smirked up at her saying, "I like the way you think. We might not want to tell Ozpin though. How do you want to pull this off?" Saying nothing, Yang grinned wider and pulled some thick rope out of the side bag on her bike. Part of me wanted to ask why she had something like this in her motorcycle bag, but I didn't bother asking. She tied my arms behind my back in very complicated looking knots. Then she took my umbrella in one hand and my elbow in the other, winked at me, and lead me though the maze of shipping containers.

She found the one labeled for my bounty, opened the door and gave me a small shove inside. It was a giant room, made by a few containers welded together. It was very dark. It was so dark that Yang and I couldn't see the walls of the container. There was a single bulb hanging in the middle of the room. Two White Fang  men sat at a table directly under the light.

"Its about time you showed up," one of the masked man said gruffly. "Man, how hard is it to nab one little girl?" Clearly he was expecting one of the three White Fang members that attacked me at the library.

"Its a lot harder than you'd expect," Yang told him with attitude as she pushed me into the light. The two men were surprised, and raised their guns at us.

"Who the hell are you?" The other shouted. 

"Just a girl looking for some extra cash," Yang smirked at them. "My buddy Jr. said you'd be willing to pay a good price for my friend here." She gave me a little shove forward to sell the bit, but the glare that I gave her was genuine. It was her turn to smirk at me. I could tell that this bit wasn't part of the act, but probably to pay be back for some of the times that I had smirked at her to get her angry. To be honest, I respected that, but I couldn't show that now. 

The two men looked at each other until one of them shrugged. The other opened a silver briefcase that was sitting on the table. Inside was a considerable amount of money. Even more than I was expecting for my head. The man shut the briefcase and held it out to her as the other man came around the table to hold my other elbow. Yang took the money and held my umbrella out to him. I took this as my chance to strike. I kicked the handle of my umbrella, sending the tip into the man's gut with a lot of force. At the same time, I tugged one small part of the rope and it fell off of my arms, so I could catch my umbrella as it rebounded off of the first guy. The force in his stomach caused the front part of his body to lurch forward, which then met with Yang's fist, punching him down into the table. As she knocked him out, I kicked the legs out from under the man that was holding my arm, and then used my umbrella to knock him into the ground. He was unconscious as well. Yang and I looked at each other. Was that it? More lights flicked on, lighting up the rest of the container and revealing several other White Fang members, all of them locking their guns and preparing to fire. 

"Oh good," Yang sighted. "I was worried that this was going to be too easy." Then she grinned down at me and asked, "You ready for this?"

I grinned as I opened my umbrella and rested it on my shoulder as the White Fang goons took their aim. "Oh yeah." I replied. Before the first shot was fired, Yang and I were in motion. Using my umbrella to flick the unconscious man's weapon into the air, I then spun and kicked it, sending it flying into someone at the end of the room. Another man came up behind me. I quickly dodged his swing and avoided a gun blast as I ducked under his arm. I used my umbrella to jab him in the gut and then brought my knee into his jaw. With a sickening crack the jaw bone broke and the force of his teeth cracking together rendered him unconscious and he fell backwards to the ground.  I then held my umbrella in front of me for a brief moment, using it to block a few shots as I checked to see how Yang was doing. 

The blond was practically burning with energy. As she took a running start, she pounded her two gauntlets together and then punched one of the members in the face, taking out two behind him as well. I closed my umbrella and used it to block the fists of two more White Fang members that had rushed me. I kicked one back and then kneed the other in the gut. I brought my elbow down on his head, knocking him to the ground before I kicked him in the face with enough force to take him out as well. I flipped away as the other one came at me and more shots were fired. As he  came closer I back flipped into a handstand and used the upward momentum to knock away his gun. I brought my legs back down as I stayed in a crouching position, dodging a few more of his swings. I then brought myself up, using his shoulder to push myself into the air and behind him, locking my arms around his neck in a hold. Other White Fang members fired at me, the blasts hitting the man I was holding instead of me.  For a moment I paused in disbelief. Who would shoot one of their own so carelessly? I let the man's dead body fall to the ground before I charged at the others. 

Yang got swarmed by many members at once. She managed to hit a few, knocking them out with a single hit each, but then four members grabbed her arms, two holding her on each side as a female White Fang member held a gun to her face. 

"Die pathetic human," she sneered and readied to fire. I ran up behind Yang and the remaining members, I jumped up, landing on Yang's shoulders with my hands before I pushed off of her and towards the White Fang woman with the gun. My legs wrapped around her head and using my momentum to swing my body, she flew backwards with force. I released her, rolling gracefully back to my feet and attacked another goon holding Yang's right arm.  The woman flew a good distance back and cracked her head on the ground. 

With only one guy holding her right arm, Yang brought her left knee into the guy's groin, he groaned in pain, releasing her arm and falling to the ground. Yang then used her waist strength to bring her leg back down, twisting her hips and using that momentum and  a blast from her gauntlets to punch through both people holding her left arm. They fell to the ground a good distance away as Yang punched the man that was holding himself and kneeling on the ground with enough force to dent the floor of the crate. I folded my umbrella and looked to Yang, who was panting slightly. 

"Well that was fun," she told me, looking around at the scattered unconscious bodies of the White Fang. 

"Fun's over," a familiar woman's voice said from a door at the other side of the crate. Yang and I looked up to the voice as Emerald and Mercury walked in. Yang recognized them as the two who had snuck into the school. Realizing how close these creeps had gotten to her little sister set Yang into a rage. With a furious snarl she charged at them, just as recklessly as if they were two more White Fang goons. 

"Yang wait!" I called but she had already reached them. She raised her loaded gauntlet high, ready to punch Mercury in the face, but he moved quicker. He spun very similar to the way that I did, and kicked the blonde with enough force to knock her all the way back to me. She landed on her back, smacking her head into the steel floor and slid a ways. She wasn't getting up. I took a defensive position near Yang and got ready to fight. 

"Hello again sweetheart," Mercury taunted me with a grin as he and Emerald casually walked forward.  I glanced towards Yang and readied myself. If she didn't get up soon, this wasn't going to end well for either of us. 

{A/N: Hello everyone! I'm just going to take a second here to let you all know that I'm going to be opening up a RWBY roleplay book if any of you are interested! Instead of just chatrooms I'm going to try to structure it so your characters will be put on teams (whether you want to be a bad guy or a good guy) and send you on missions to help save or conquer Remnant! If you are interested, please check it out! Or if you're not, please spread the word! Have a lovely day! :D }

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