Goddess {Bucky Barnes}

By catchfirewithme

172 17 9

Alexia, daughter of Aphrodite and Hermes, has always loved Midgard. It is simple, humans are...pure. No matte... More

The First Avenger
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

26 4 2
By catchfirewithme

At first, he thought, maybe, the loud crashing noise he heard was an animal falling out of a tree. Or, the worst case scenario, an enemy soldier who had been spying.

The last thing he expected was it to be a...rather pretty dame.

He had only a few hours before showtime for a show he'd rather not do. The last thing he wanted to deal with is women somehow falling from the sky. His life just gets weirder and weirder lately, it seems. 

She wore a red sweater, and a grey skirt. She was dressed like a normal dame,  but obviously something had just happened to her. Possibly something awful. 

As she opened her eyes, Steve could see that they were greener than the usual green. She had very delicate features, and the body to match. She groaned and lifted her head, looking Steve in the eyes. Hers widened as she noticed the tall man standing in front of her, and she stood up quickly. "Who are you!?" She said in a panic. 

He put his hands out in an attempt to show her he doesn't mean any harm. "I'm Steve Rogers. Now, I don't know where you came from-" 

"Is this Midgard?" She asked, not caring for whatever speech he was about to give her. 

"Midgard?" His head tilted, confused by her words. Maybe the pretty dame is insane. That...has to be it. Right? 

She used her hands to dust off her clothes, "Earth. Am I on Earth?" She huffed, looking back up towards him. 

"Yeah. And...where did you come from?" He asked, unsurely. 

She tilted her head slightly upwards, as she was taught to do on Olympus when introducing herself to someone. "I am Alexia of Olympus, daughter of Aphrodite and Hermes. I traveled here to help aid in ending your war." She spoke, seeming a little too confident. 

Steve nodded slowly, "Okay, Alexia. You mind coming with me?" He stuck his arm out; a failed attempt of getting the girl back to the base and shipped off to a psych ward where she clearly belonged. 

"Are you who the humans are worshipping during their battles?" She questions, looking at the suit. 

He thought for a moment. He could tell her the truth. Say that he is just a dancing monkey, put on a stage with singing girls to convince people to buy war bonds. Or, the other option, he could lie. Tell her that yes, he is the god of...battles. Although, it seemed a bit sacrilegious for his liking. 

Sometimes, compromises are made. 

"Yes...yeah. Kind of. Come with me?" He stuck his hand out. She eyed it for a moment before grabbing it and starting to walk with him. 

She looked around at all the trees, seeming very calm for somehow just falling out of the sky. He has no idea where she really came from, but it was not Olympus. If Olympus, and Greek gods were real it would pretty much disprove his entire idea of religion.  Of the afterlife. 

"My father must have cut me off from the Bifrost once I reached Midgard..." She thinks out loud. 

"The Bifrost?" 

"Yes. It is how we travel through the realms." She replies absentmindedly, "I was banished from Olympus for coming down here, I assume that is why the Bifrost stopped carrying me once I reached Earth." 

Steve hummed, turning onto the base. Peggy was waiting anxiously by the backstage area, twiddling her thumbs. If he was late, she ended up being the one in trouble. He understood her anxieties, but the dame holding onto his hand was more important at the moment. 

Peggy turned towards Steve with a sigh, her red painted lips pressed into a thin line. "You're almost late." She scolds, then her eyes land onto Alexia. "Who is this?"

"Alexia of Olympus." He replies, giving Peggy a look that screams just go with it.

"Right." She replies sharply, then glancing back at Steve. "Well, I will keep Alexia company. You go get on with your show, Cap." 

He walks away, leaving Alexia with Peggy. 

"He thinks I am unwell." Alexia says shortly, "I assure you, I am not crazy." 

Peggy presses her lips into a line, thinking. "How can you prove that?" 

"I- I can manipulate emotions." She thinks quickly, then looks at Peggy. "May I?" Peggy nods. Alexia filters through Peggy's mind, brining out only the pieces of her that make her feel joy. The only way Peggy is able to tell that it is not a placebo affect, is the light glow to Alexia's eyes.

Peggy laughs, a smile on her lips. "That is...quite the trick you got there." Alexia lets go of Peggy's mind; the woman returning to normal. 

Alexia is forced to turn away from Peggy when she hears loud music; her green eyes finding the stage. The man who told her he was a god is standing up there, surrounded by women in revealing clothing, the girls sing and dance while he stands there awkwardly, reciting something that she assumes he has said a million times before. He is unhappy; she can sense that from him.  

"I...do not understand." Alexia turns towards Peggy with a pout, "Is he not a warrior?" 

Peggy sighs, "He should be." 

"This is some sort of...punishment? Has he done something wrong?" She wracks her brain trying to figure out why the very strong man is not fighting with his people. 

"No, he has done everything right." The brown-haired girl replies, mimicking Alexia's frown. Alexia looked confused, so Peggy went on to explain; "Steve was chosen for a project a few months back. A scientist by the name of Abraham Erksine sought to create the perfect soldier. After a test trial, he realized that with the serum he had created enhanced a mans physicality while also enhancing his mentality. Good becomes better, bad becomes worse. Steve was chosen because he is a good man, who now should be doing more than dancing around on a stage in tights." 

Alexia sensed something, on top of Peggy's anger there was another emotion. "You love him." She says, not realizing she was overstepping. Peggy looks at her; an offended look to her features. "I- I am sorry. I do not know much about humans. Did I say something wrong?" 

Peggy's face went from slightly angry, to sympathetic after a second. "No, just- most of us won't like you prying into our emotions." 

"Oh. I will stop, then." She nods, turning back to Steve who was now getting tomatoes thrown as him. The man blocked them with his shield. 

The so called soldiers were heckling Steve, ordering him to bring the girls back. Steve was stiff in his movements, confused and nervous. It didn't take her digging into his emotions to figure that out. 

He climbs off the stage, pushing past the two woman and going to calm down somewhere else. Peggy sighs, and decides to let him cool off for a while. 

Peggy turns to Alexia, "Well, if you are on earth to help end this war, you need to meet the colonel." 

The two women walk off, ending up under a tent. The Colonel has a sort of melancholy look on his face as he types something out with his typewriter. Alexia stands there awkwardly, waiting for Peggy to say something. She clears her throat, "Colonel Phillips, I have someone I think you would be interested in meeting." 

He glances up from the typewriter, his eyes moving to Peggy first, then Alexia. "That one of Roger's girls?" He questions rudely. 

She found herself quite offended, "My name is Alexia, of Olympus. And I woul-" 

"She is from another planet sir, Steve found her somewhere out there and brought her back here." Peggy cut her off, saving herself from getting her head cut off  by the colonel. "She has proven herself...enough. To me, at least." Peggy shrugs. 

"How do you know she can be trusted?" He spoke about her as if she was not right there. 

Alexia held back a scoff, "I assure you, I mean no harm. Midgard is a beautiful place and I would hate to see it torn apart by it's own people. I am only here to help." 

"Have you ever shot a gun before, Ms. Alexia?" The colonel leaned forward onto his desk, making harsh eye contact with her. 

She shook her head, "I am very handy with swords and spears, though." 

The colonel sighed, "Bring her to Stark, have blood samples studied and her evaluated. Then we will talk about her spot on my army." 

Peggy and Alexia walk off, and Peggy leads her to a building filled with men building things, and in a few rooms nurses are helping wounded soldiers. They find a man who is welding something, Alexia thinks it looks like a shield. 

"Howard." Peggy says, causing the man to take off  the welding mask. "This is Alexia, the colonel requested you take her blood samples and evaluate her to make sure she is fit to fight." 

Howard eyes Alexia up and down, "Why the blood samples?" 

"I am...not human." Alexia replies, getting nervous at the mans looks. Why is he staring at her like that?

Howard's brows furrow, "Like Steve?" 

"Uhm- no. I am from Olympus. My parents are Aphrodite and Hermes." She says, confused. From what she understood, Steve was just an enhanced human. 

His eyes widen, "Aphrodite huh? I could've told you that." 

Peggy groaned, and walked away. Presumably to go talk to Steve, since the woman was basically pining over him. She wondered if the star spangled man would ever get to do what he wants to do. Clearly, he thought he would be fighting for his country, just to be thrown on stage like a dancing monkey. 

"Well, right this way, Ms. Alexia." Howard grins, leading her into a small room that she assumes is where Migardians medical treatment goes on. 

She sat onto the tall, uncomfortable bed; waiting for this to be over with. The man pulled out a few syringes, and set them onto the blue countertop. 

"Is there a reason for all of the distrust surrounding me? I do not believe I have done anything wrong, and everyone I have met seems to look at me like they are staring at an alien." 

Howard chuckles, pulling out a box of alcohol pads. "They kind of have." He replies, wiping off the first needle and gesturing for her to stick her arm out. "The weirdest thing Pegs, the colonel, and I have seen up until you was Steve." 

She gives him her arm, and he goes to find a vein. "But...you created Steve. Why do you think he is strange?" 

"I don't. Peggy and the Colonel, however, do. If you had seen Steve before, you would understand." He sticks the first needle into her skin and starts to pull out the blood. "He was a little guy. Loads of issues. It was just...a shock, I suppose." 

Alexia hums, watching as he moves onto the second syringe. The pair sit in silence for a few more minutes while Howard gathers her blood samples. 

Alexia began thinking. She was banished from her home, and now she is going to fight in a Midgardian war. It seems surreal, and the more she thought about never being able to go back to Olympus, the more her anxiety filled her. She hated Olympus, but it was the only home she had ever known. 

Perhaps, she should just forget about it completely. Make new friends on Midgard, and be a different person. That could prove to be a good idea. She would be happier than she ever had been on Olympus. 

"Alex, you okay?" He asks softly. 

"Oh...yes. I am fine." She hummed, and the man gave her a look that said he didn't believe her. "Before I arrived here my father...banished me from Olympus. I no longer have a home, or a family. I- I guess I am just afraid of what I am going to do after I am done fighting." 

Howards lips press into a line as he looks at her sympathetically, "I can offer you a place to stay after all of this, if you'd let me." 

"That is extremely kind of you, Howard. Thank y-" 

The duos conversation was cut off by Peggy bursting into the room. There was a look of worry on her features, and she looked at Alexia for a moment before speaking to Howard. 

"Steve needs a jet." 

A/N: longer chapter just like i said !!
anyway, so im hoping to keep updates going regularly but between work, and the end of my senior year and college things going on sometimes i might dissapear for a while, sorry. 

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