Regal | Taennie

By jjeninii

12.5K 1.5K 565

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to his royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Cr... More



489 60 25
By jjeninii

In the days following their unexpected encounter, the halls of the palace buzzed with the usual political intrigue and preparations for the upcoming diplomatic summit.

Yet, amidst the flurry of activity, Taehyung found his thoughts drifting back to Jennie more often than he cared to admit.

Jennie, on the other hand, was fully immersed in her duties, the situation with the dam having been resolved efficiently under her command.

It wasn't until the eve of the summit that their paths crossed again, this time in the palace library.

Jennie was there, pouring over maps and reports, when Taehyung walked in, seeking refuge from the relentless demands of his role as Crown Prince.

"Working late, Jennie?" Taehyung asked, his voice echoing softly in the quiet of the library.

Jennie looked up, surprised to find him there. "Taehyung," she greeted, quickly masking her surprise with a neutral expression.

"Yes, just reviewing some plans for the border defenses. And you?" She questioned, raising her hand to fix her glasses properly.

"Escaping," he admitted with a half-smile, walking over to where she sat.

"The summit preparations are... overwhelming at times." He admitted, fixing the cuff of his sleeve absentmindedly, his focus solely on her right then and there.

There was something about the way she looked...about her. No matter the relentless hours and what he for sure deemed as overwhelming work from being a duchess, a commander, and his personal guard, she always managed to look...beautiful.

Honestly speaking, Taehyung wasn't one to consider women based on their appearances.

But somehow, her entire persona only added to her allure, one he found himself unable to resist.

"I have to issue another speech tomorrow." He continued his conversation as he noticed that he found himself staring.

Jennie nodded, understandingly. "I can imagine. These summits are crucial, but the endless discussions and negotiations can be taxing on a person physically."

"Exactly. Sometimes, I envy the simplicity of the war general role I used to have." Taehyung pulled up a chair, sitting across from her.

"Commanding an army, dealing with clear and present dangers—it seems more straightforward than navigating the unnecessary complexities of politics." Taehyung pulled up a chair, sitting across from her. He sighed, his eyes roaming over the books in front of her.

Jennie chuckled, a hint of irony in her laughter. "I wouldn't call it simple. But I get your point. At least in battle, you know who your enemies are. In the courtroom, I feel more out of element than anyone." She admitted, increasing the brightness of the lamp beside her.

"Out of your element? Believe me, all I've heard for the last few weeks is how annoyingly good you are at your job. I was supposed to bargain for higher tax rates on the Dukedom, yet somehow you managed to mitigate that as well." He recalled as Jennie chuckled, knowing her rather cold-hearted political attitude had caught up with her.

"Annoyingly good only comes with exhausting decisions. You'd know better than anyone, Your royal highness." She smiled, as he tsked.

"I told you to drop that." He glanced at her as she nodded.

"Right, sorry. Old habits die hard." She shrugged.

"Why are you so insistent on me breaking one of our longest standing royal disciplines?" She questioned after a minute as he reached out to toy with the hourglass on the library's desk.

"Because I want at least one person I don't have to pretend with." He replied, rather earnestly as Jennie froze a moment, her eyes lingering on his somewhat somber face.

"I hope my insistence on using our first names didn't make you uncomfortable." He added a moment later, finally raising his gaze to her's once more.

Jennie met his gaze, her expression thoughtful. "No, it didn't. It was unexpected, but... it reminded me of simpler times. I think we could all use a bit of that these days."

"I'm glad. I just wanted to ensure there's no awkwardness between us. We have to work closely, after all." Taehyung nodded, a sense of relief washing over him.

"Agreed. And, Taehyung?" Jennie added, her voice softer. "Thank you. For treating me as an equal, not just as a duchess or a general, but as Jennie."

"And thank you, Jennie, for seeing me as Taehyung, not just the Crown Prince." Taehyung's smiled a bit at her words, a warmth spreading through him that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Their conversation flowed naturally from there, a comfortable silence settling between them as they both returned to their respective tasks.

Taehyung watched Jennie from across the table, her focus unwavering as she analyzed the maps and reports spread out in front of her.

As the clock ticked away, Jennie finally closed her folder, signaling she had finished her work for the night.

She looked up, meeting Taehyung's gaze, a slight exhaustion visible in her eyes.

"I think that's enough for tonight," Jennie said, stretching her arms above her head, trying to relieve some of the tension that had built up over the hours of meticulous planning.

Taehyung nodded, standing up as well. "I should probably head back too. These documents won't sign themselves, unfortunately."

They both laughed, the sound echoing softly in the library, a brief respite from the weight of their roles.

Eventually, they parted ways, Taehyung back to his chambers to face the pile of documents awaiting his attention, and Jennie to finalize her defense plans.

But as they left the library, both felt a lightness in their steps, a sense that, despite the challenges ahead, they had found an ally in each other—an unexpected, but welcome, development in their unusually close newfound relationship.

Jennie, clad in her military uniform, arrived at the border with a sense of duty swirling in her stomach.

However, today, alongside her commitment to her role, there was an unusual twinge of curiosity regarding Taehyung's instructions for Princess Seraphina's of the Lumina Kingdom's escort.

The specificity of the route, the emphasis on making the journey memorable for the princess, hinted at a personal interest that Jennie couldn't help but question.

Was there an underlying romance she wasn't privy to? She wasn't aware of?

Lumina was one of the newest kingdoms to join the Empire, so new that most hadn't step foot outside the Kingdom's border and into the other territories of the empire.

This visit would mark the first time a Luminian royal would visit the capital, creating a sense of importance for the event.

As Jennie approached the meeting point, she noticed the Princess's personal guard, Viscount Jimin, whose reputation as a vigilant and skilled warrior preceded him.

Before Jennie could introduce herself, Jimin, mistaking her approach as an assassin's threat, drew his sword with a swiftness that spoke of his experience and suspicion.

He clearly was very new to the Empire himself, unable to identify the Asteria Dukedoms insignia adorned by all the knights, including Jennie herself.

Instantaneously, all five of Jennie's guards drew their swords, a metallic chorus echoing Jimin's action, creating a tense standoff.

Jennie raised her hand, signaling her guards to stand down. "Viscount Jimin, I'm the Duchess Jane of the Asteria Dukedom. We're here to escort you, not harm you," she declared, her voice steady yet tinged with an unexpected edge of annoyance, not at the misunderstanding but at the whole peculiar situation Taehyung had placed her in.

Jimin, realizing his mistake, sheathed his sword with a curt nod, though skepticism lingered in his eyes. "My apologies, Your excellence, Duchess Jane. These are dangerous times, and caution often outweighs courtesy," he stated, his gaze briefly flitting to assess Jennie's guards before settling back on her.

The Princess Seraphina observed the exchange with an air of calm, her serene composure unshaken by the brief confrontation.

"Apologies for my party's reaction. It was my fault for not memorising our co-territories in time." The Princess smiled, easing the tension slightly as Jennie refocused on her.

"It's quite alright Princess. As Viscount Jimin stated, times are dangerous." Jennie courteously replied with a rehearsed and reserved smile.

"Please, you are of higher status than I as Asteria's Duchess. Feel free to call me Seraphina, or even Roseanne, if you wish to do so." Roseanne smiled with a subtle curtsy as Jennie retaliated the same way.

"As you wish, Seraphina." She smiled politely, choosing to be friendly but not over friendly by using a personal name when they had just met.

After all, according to Jennie, this woman was the closest to the position of a prospective Valorian empress.

As introductions were made and the group set off on their journey, Jennie found herself walking alongside the princess.

The beauty of the Valorian landscapes unfolded around them, yet Jennie's thoughts were clouded with unspoken questions about Taehyung's intentions and an unfamiliar feeling of jealousy that she couldn't quite shake.

As they walked, one of Jennie's guards, noticing the princess's interest in the surrounding flora, took the opportunity to explain Jennie's significance in the kingdom to the Viscount, who was still evidently skeptical about the entire ordeal.

Truth is, he was still upset at the Kingdoms choice to merge under the empire. They held their own just fine and he didn't agree with the establishment of an even higher authority.

Hence, his easily apparent suspicion towards the guards and Jennie herself. The same suspicion the first command guards took mild offence to.

"Her excellence Duchess Jane is not only the Duchess of Asteria but also the commander of the first command of the empire. Among her many accolades, she is recognized as one of the ten exclusive sorcerers within the realm," a guard beside him had suddenly said, pride evident in his voice.

Roseanne's eyes widened with respect and curiosity, having overheard the conversation and turning to her company with a wide eyed smile.

"That's quite remarkable. It's an honor to be in your company, Duchess Jane. Your contributions to the empire are well-known beyond your borders," the princess commented, turning to Jennie with a newfound appreciation.

Truth is, the minute she laid eyes on her, Roseanne couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging to them being close, almost as if it were meant to be.

And it certainly didn't help that she preferred pretty girls over handsome men for friends.

The only men in her life were the ones she'd known since she was an infant; the King, her older brother, and Jimin.

Jennie offered a modest smile, her heart warmed by the princess's words yet still apprehensive of her role in the Kingdom.

The journey continued, accompanied by occasional conversations and the breathtaking vistas of the Valorian countryside.

As they transitioned from the scenic route to the technological marvel of the flying car, Jennie's professionalism never wavered.

"Duchess." A voice called her out of her thoughts as Jennie faced Roseanne.

"Yes Princess?" She answered, unaware of her serious face.

"Seraphina." Roseanne quickly corrected as Jennie nodded.

"As you wish. Yes, Seraphina?" Jennie addressed once more.

"What're the rules governing a royal's marriage in the empire?" She questioned, as Jennie only felt even more irritated for no reason.

This almost felt like a certain confirmation that this woman would be their next empress.

"You can marry whom ever you wish. Although, the norm is for royals to marry other royal and nobles to mare other nobles for political benefits." Jennie explained as Roseanne's eyes drifted out the window to where the other guards were in a separate car, including her personal guard.

"What about a direct royal line member, for example me, marrying a viscount?" She asked, turning back to Jennie as a gleam took over her eyes.

Jennie, instead, let out a silent gasp as her eyes darted amongst the two.

The question caught Jennie off guard, her initial assumptions about Roseanne's visit and the potential implications for the Valorian Empire suddenly shifting.

She recalibrated her thoughts, trying to mask her surprise with a composed response.

"A marriage between a royal and a viscount is uncommon but not unheard of," Jennie began, her voice steady. "Such unions are typically scrutinized for their political and strategic benefits. However, they are there."

"I'm glad to hear that. It seems the empire is more progressive than I thought." Roseanne's eyes sparkled with a mixture of mischief and relief.

"May I ask why you inquire about this, Seraphina?"Jennie studied Roseanne for a moment, realizing her earlier assumptions might have been misplaced.

"Let's just say, I'm considering all options for my future. It's not only political alliances that shape a kingdom." The princess hesitated, glancing briefly towards the other car, where Viscount Jimin rode.

"I apologise, but, are you not here as an official candidate for Empress?" Jennie questioned, thinking about the relevance of her timing.

"Unfortunately, the Emperor summoned me to the summit. But one look at my and the Crown Prince's lack of chemistry will probably change his mind and let me resolve my actual reason to visit, trade routes." Roseanne  explained as Jennie nodded, taking it all in.

It seemed there was more to Princess Seraphina's visit than met the eye.

"Seraphina," Jennie began, breaking the silence, "whatever your decision, know that it will have my support. As a commander and a duchess, I understand the weight of such choices."

"Thank you, Duchess Jane. Your support means a great deal to me." Roseanne's gaze met Jennie's, a smile gracing her lips.

"Jennie." Jennie stated rather casually as her eyes glanced at the rivers of the Empire.

"Sorry?" Roseanne questioned as Jennie turned back with a smile.

"It's Jennie, Roseanne."

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