DYNASTY | ATEEZ game of thron...

De Ghouliafied

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Unrest has fallen over Westeros once again. With Kings and Queens dying like flies, the people have grown res... Mai multe

1: Threads Of Memory, Chains Of Dreams
2: Burning Fury

3: Turn of the Tides

444 15 42
De Ghouliafied


(warning: sensitive content)


''Water, we need water!''

''It's spreading too fast, we can't contain it!''

Seonghwa quickly put his hand in front of his eyes to shield him from the blazing heat. The air around him was thick with smoke as the night sky seemed to be lit up by the scorching fire. The smoke filled his nostrils and continued to travel towards his lungs, effectively giving him the feeling as if he was suffocating. He coughed a few times before he moved his hands towards his mouth and nose, in an attempt to protect himself from inhaling any more foul air.

He tried to focus his eyes on the sight in front of him, though the prickling sense of the smoke made his eyes tear up. He let out a cough once more, dropping his hands towards his side as he knew it was to no avail. The fire seemed to be ever-growing, latching onto the other houses that surrounded him. A village, he saw. As he looked on, his view became clearer and soon he was watching the people getting out of their houses to watch the burning one. Some were running to action, others were desperately watching on the side as the flames engulfed everything in their path. He remained in the far back, where no one stood. He was all alone, though the yelling of the townspeople pierced through his ears.

He had no idea what was going on. All he could see was the burning house, its debris continuously falling down, emitting more sparks of fire. He watched how the townspeople were desperately trying to douse out the fire. Some brave men were creating a chain of people as they each handed over a bucket filled with water to the next person until the last of them threw it onto the flames. However, nothing seemed to help. The water that was thrown onto the fire only made it bigger. Some of the flames latched onto the people who were standing too close to the fire while others came to rescue. Seonghwa saw men holding onto their arms or legs as they became wounded by the raging fire. Women held back their children, watching in shock as their village became a fiery pit of hell. All the while he stood idly by, watching the chaos unfold. He did not know why he had found himself to be standing there, watching from afar, but it felt as if he was put in a trance. His eyes followed the flickers of the flame as he remained in the shadows.

Seonghwa kept listening to the voices who were all yelling out in panic. As the fire grew, it almost seemed as if their voices did too, morphing into anguished cries and pleas for salvation. His heart was pounding with a mixture of fear and confusion. Though, no matter how hard he tried, he remained powerless to intervene, trapped within the confinements of his thoughts. Thoughts that seemed to grow louder than any other sound present. He furrowed his eyebrows, wincing in pain as he felt a burning sensation on his skin. He looked down but saw nothing. No sign of any of the flames. He remained unharmed, and yet the feeling pierced through him like a thousand flaming needles were put into his skin. Tears welled up in his eyes, but it was when the townspeople were crying out in fear that he looked up again.

A boy with light-coloured hair emerged from the burning house. He appeared to be no younger than five years of age, his short legs slowly carrying him out of the collapsing building. He was hugging his arms to his chest, fear written all over the poor boy's face. He could see tears streaming down the boy's face as he was covered with grime. Little of his clothes were hanging onto his body, but what Seonghwa surprised most was the fact that he showed no burn marks. He did not know how long that boy had been in that house, but anyone would have had serious burns, if not, they'd even been dead.

Seonghwa could hear the boy cry out as he watched the townspeople look at the younger with horror on their faces. Everyone seemed to stop with what they were doing as all rested their gaze on the boy. Someone dropped their bucket of water out of shock, another held their child more protectively against their body. Nobody stepped in to help the boy who came out of the aflame house. Instead, they feared him. They backed away, seemingly turning more hostile. The boy seemed to catch on to their panic and cried out even louder.

''He's cursed!'' one of the villagers exclaimed as he pointed his finger accusingly at the boy. ''This boy is cursed, untouched by the flames!''

Seonghwa's mouth fell agape as he saw how the townspeople's fear turned into resentment and disgust. They each became angry at the younger, who seemed to plead with them about something Seonghwa couldn't hear.

''Look at this Devil's child,'' another cried out, ''he's brought death with him and now he's coming to take us and our children!''

The younger dropped to his knees upon hearing the accusations and insults the people were throwing at him. Seonghwa did not know whether the boy could understand them all, but he knew that the boy feared the townspeople as much as they feared the boy. Above anything, he was sure that the boy did not even understand what was happening to him. He seemed fearful of himself and the way he never seemed to be harmed by the flames.

''I didn't do anything wrong!'' the child replied, as he cried out to the townspeople. ''Please, make it stop! I want my mother and father, please!''

Suddenly, a man moved out of the crowd. Seonghwa's eyes followed his figure as he walked up to the boy. Then he saw the glimmering of an iron sword that the man held tightly in his hand. Seonghwa gasped as he realized what the man was about to do. As if on command, he finally urged himself free out of his spot. His feet swiftly carried him towards the man and the boy as he sped up. The man raised the hand with the sword as he looked down at the boy. Seonghwa's throat tightened up, taken over by fear as he desperately moved to save the boy.

Reaching out with one hand, he cried out for the man to stop. To his surprise, he did not seem to hear him. Instead, the man swung the sword down towards the defenceless child, aiming to strike him with a fatal blow. Seonghwa's heart pounded in his chest as he leapt forward, intending to intercept the attack. But just as his hand reached out to push the child away, a searing pain shot through him. The flames surged forward, enveloping him in their embrace. Heat scorched his skin, blurring his vision and searing his lungs with each breath. Agony ripped through his body, leaving him writhing in torment on the ground.

Seonghwa's senses reeled. He could hear the boy's terrified cries, the villagers' shouts of condemnation, and the crackling of flames all around him. But above the chaos, a single voice whispered in his mind, urging him to endure. And then, as he wanted to stand up to protect the boy once more, a sudden silence enveloped him. A sudden chill went through his body as his shoulders began to feel heavy. The smoke in his lungs faded away as it became easier to breathe and when he looked up, he saw the looming figure of a large tree.

Seonghwa's mouth fell open once more, and he fell back in shock. The village, the burning house and the crying boy had disappeared. He didn't see how the man put his sword through the child nor did he get to save him. It all went away in the brink of a second. Instead, the night sky was replaced with the beautiful colours of white and blue as the sun stood high up in the clouds. Seonghwa felt his hands becoming cold, and as he looked down, he gasped to see the white snow underneath him. It felt numbing to his hands, though it did seem to have a calming effect.

He looked around to take in his surroundings but he saw nothing except barren lands of snow and ice. There was nothing more beyond the horizon and the only thing that he did see was the large tree that stood in front of him. A tree that seemed to carry a certain mystery itself, for he did not know why he was there. He did not know why he had appeared so abruptly in front of the wooden structure. And yet, it seemed to whisper his name. Seonghwa felt the soft blowing winds through his body, yet made no effort to cover himself. All because he felt a calling. The snow that rested on the branches of the tree seemed to move as he did. It was as if he was as much in control of the tree as it was of him. And he did not like it. Too little did he know about it, yet he had a feeling that it knew everything about him.

Standing up, he brushed off the snow that remained on his clothes. It left him feeling all cold and for a moment, he wanted to go back to the village where the flames offered him warmth. Though he felt fear back there, he also felt alive. Here, in the midst of the tundra that seemed to stretch on forever, he felt nothing but the numbing coldness, a reminder to him that he, too, was nothing. He felt immensely vulnerable, and every feeling of weakness seemed to be tied to the tree. The tree to which he felt a calling. Something was pulling him towards it, and he was unsure what it was. Yet, his feet carried him, and without even realizing it, he took a step forward.

The snow made a satisfying crunch as he inched closer to the tree, his eyes ever fixated upon it. He was afraid that, just like everything else he had previously seen in the village, it would also disappear. He was determined to find an answer and to simply know what this was.

The tree almost seemed to appear sentinel. Seonghwa was almost entirely convinced that it was sentinel. Nothing was ever normal, and this tree was no exception. And as he approached the tree, its presence loomed larger. The branches almost seemed to reach out to him while the snow beneath his feet whispered secrets of forgotten ages. With each step, Seonghwa began to feel more strange. The whispers felt as if they were turning into screams, and once again, Seonghwa felt his heart race. He did not know what was happening, but the sudden unease turned into panic.

As if he had no control left inside of his body, he raised an arm. He wanted to feel the tree, to take in all its essence by himself. He held his breath as he was mere steps away from the tree. He could feel a pulse, a heartbeat hidden beneath the layers of bark and wood. His mouth dried up as his fingers almost seemed to brush against it. And right before he could take one step closer and rest his hand against the tree, every sense left his body.

His eyes shot open as his breaths seemed to heave once again. Seonghwa had never felt as disoriented as now. As he blinked a few times, he realized where he was – in his bed. Everything that he had seen was a dream, and when he realized it was just that, it dawned upon him that just like any other night, he had witnessed the same events.

In his dreams, it always felt like he was watching the events unfold for the first time. The way his heart would leap when he tried to protect the boy or the way the icy wind would howl against his skin, it would always feel like it had never happened before. But then, when he'd wake up from his slumber, he realized that it had happened before. It was a vicious cycle of knowing and forgetting, something that seemed to have been ruling his life ever since he could remember. And no matter what, he never seemed to get used to it.

This time, however, he did feel something different. He felt a cold touch inside the palm of his hand, and as he lifted his head to see, he realized what he had held onto all this time.

Opening his hand, he looked at the pendant with a defeated sigh. It almost felt as if the design of the tree was mocking him. Seonghwa realized that even when not plagued by dreams, he'd be followed by the mysterious tree wherever he went. It was a conscious choice to buy it, he knew that, but somehow he felt like he had no other choice. It felt as if he was tied to the tree in more ways than just one.

Seonghwa wondered whether the tree he'd seen in his dreams was real. He pondered on the question if the tree truly did exist, and if his dreams had any meaning. Some part of him wished that it was the case and that he was not chasing after something that seemed as vague as it was unreal. Another part of him, one that he wanted to bury, wanted to chase it. Seonghwa wanted to see for himself. He wanted to get out and search for the mysterious tree that haunted him ever since he could remember. And yet, he knew that it was pointless. Whether the tree was real or not, it would take him forever to find it. And he simply couldn't spend his time doing that, for he had to take care of himself too. He couldn't mindlessly chase after something that could also be a figment of his imagination. And so, he had buried that desire. There was nothing useful to be found in that part of himself, and he had other matters to worry about.

Clutching the pendant tightly, Seonghwa winced as a sudden surge of heat seared through his palm. With a startled gasp, he released his grip, watching in alarm as the pendant tumbled from his fingers. Hastily inspecting his hand, he was taken aback to find a faint, circular burn imprint etched into his skin. A sense of worry filled him as he determined it could only have been the pendant who gave him the mark. Though his mind was racing with questions to which he had no answer. The pendant felt cool to the touch, so how was it that its mark was etched into Seonghwa's skin?

His thoughts turned to the vendor in Pentos, the one who had sold him the pendant with promises of its uniqueness. With a sense of urgency, Seonghwa knew he had to seek answers from the source. Determining that he had to go back to the bustling city of Pentos, he immediately got out of bed to get himself ready for the journey once more. He had nothing to do, anyway. The day before, he had bought all the necessary things and if it had not been for the pendant, he would have had no other reason to visit the city. Yet, in some way, he was glad that the pendant did not only seem strange to him but was in fact strange, for it gave him a purpose. He had something to chase after, and the exhilarating feeling filled him with a strange sense of hope.

It didn't take long for Seonghwa to get dressed and grab the necessary items he needed for the journey, such as his dagger and his bag. Though the sun was already up, he knew that the journey would not take too long, for he only had to get to the vendor. Perhaps he'd see other stalls with interesting instruments but for now, he'd set his mind on a swift return to his hut later on the day.

Walking to the door, he glanced at the herbs he had bought from the woman. He was not sure whether they did what they were supposed to do and he was even more unsure whether he'd drink them again. In a long time, he had never experienced such clear dreams as he had that night, and he was wagering that the herbs had something to do with it. If only they could've erased the dreams in its entirety.

Finally leaving his hut, he was met with the dry air and the rays of the burning sun on his skin. If there was something that would never change, then it'd be the climate that engulfed the area in and around Pentos. Though Seonghwa had already spent several years living in it, he was still not quite accustomed to it. The raging heat dwelled on him, and at times, he wondered what it felt to be near the cold of the North, or the salty air of the seas. In truth, he longed for something else, for he could not call Pentos his home. It would never be his home, he thought, but then again, he did not know where he could it elsewhere. He was desperate to find such a place, but given his present circumstances, he ruled it out, for he could never seem to find an opportunity to leave. And in time, he had to make peace with it, he knew that. As of now, he could only dream of a better place.

The walk to Pentos seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, just like it had been the day before. Perhaps it was because Seonghwa had walked on it for so long that it became engraved into his mind. Nothing seemed to surprise him anymore, though he was always delighted to see people travelling on the same road as him. It made things less of a routine when that happened, though much to his dismay, it did not happen very often. Sometimes, Seonghwa felt as if he was the only one living on the outskirts of Pentos, and though he knew that there was truth to it, it always made things feel more desolate. Then again, it was a conscious choice, like many of his other choices. He had done that for a reason, and living in a bustling city like Pentos would only draw unnecessary attention to him in ways that he did not like. Solitude became his companion, though it would always remind him of what could have been.

As Seonghwa approached the familiar streets of Pentos, he immediately began making his way to the main market in the hopes of coming across the familiar stall of the vendor who had sold him the pendant. If there were one person to knew why this pendant seemed to be burning yet remain cold, it would be him. It was dire for Seonghwa to know, for he had never been this close to unravelling something in his life. For most parts, he remained a mystery, but this pendant would change it. He would finally begin taking control, and he liked that thought.

He had now been a couple of streets removed from the city gate and he could feel his heart thumping louder with each step he took. Seonghwa was sure that he found himself in the same street the man had previously been with his stall, yet to Seonghwa's great dismay, he did not see him. The street was empty, apart from the people who occasionally walked past him. Seonghwa felt like he was attracting their attention for the way he was aimlessly looking for the man and he grew nervous with their glances. He wasn't meant to be seen like this, especially not in a state where he felt vulnerable. Though, the longer he spent looking for the strange man, the more he began to realize that he had gone.

Seonghwa's hope faded as he rested against a stone wall, hiding himself as much as he could from the bypassing people. His eyes lowered to the ground where he saw a puddle of water. His gaze softened as he looked at his reflection. His black hair appeared to be messy and his eyes told the same story. He looked crazed, as if he was out of his mind, though in a way, he was. Even his reflection could not find a way to freedom, for it would always reflect a prisoner in those same eyes. It only seemed as if the universe was trying to trap itself in it too. Whenever he looked for answers, he'd always be met with a barrier that seemed to close himself off of the world. Never did he once touch the answers he so desperately reached for, and as he felt the pendant in his pocket, it would not be changed anytime soon.

Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed the time passing as he wrestled with the revelation. It hit him like a punch to his guts, and all he wanted was to go home again and lay in his bed to then never get out of it. He did not want to see anyone or anything ever again, because it was all pointless. Nothing ever worked in his favour, so why was he constantly trying to uphold this dream of fixing everything?

Pushing himself off the wall, he let out a sigh before walking towards the city gate. This trip had been pointless, for he had not only wasted precious energy, but the man who held the answers to the pendant would most likely never appear again. Despite the sun setting high up in the sky, he felt no warmth. It was as if he had been embraced by a cold mantle that seemed to cloud his vision. He returned where he began – unknowing.

As he made his way to the city gate, his hand fiddled with the pendant he kept in his pocket. Taking it out, Seonghwa's fingers traced the outline of the pendant as he stared at it, lost in thought. The burn mark on his palm throbbed faintly, a reminder of the strange occurrence that had happened earlier. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this pendant than met the eye, and the vendor's disappearance only added to the mystery. Frustration clawed at him, for he knew he would never find out the true essence behind the pendant. It seemed to reflect his own, both of them raising more questions than they could provide answers.

Suddenly, a strange sound interrupted his thoughts. It was a low, rhythmic flapping noise, unlike anything he had heard before. Startled, Seonghwa glanced up, his eyes searching for the sound, though saw nothing but the clear blue sky above. He was sure that he had heard something, a sound that he could not recognize, for it was too loud to be a bird though too faint to be recognized. Taking a few steps into the open street, he searched again, though the sky seemed undisturbed. That was until he spotted a large, dark figure looming above. His eyes widened in shock as the figure neared, though it never landed. It kept on flying, even above the street he was walking on. It was then that he realized.

From what he could see, the figure was as black as the night and as large as a mountain. Its wings spread across the sky like a veil and every beat of its wings sent a shiver down his spine. His mouth was agape as he watched the figure fly over, and as soon as it appeared, it disappeared behind the many buildings.

Seonghwa could feel his heart beat loudly like it had never before. He stood still for a few seconds as he processed what he had just seen. Seonghwa rarely believed in the legends that seemed to rule the lands. Kings and Queens who people claimed were closer to the Gods than any other, entire kingdoms burning to ash in one night. But the beasts of old had been long gone. For more than a century, there had never been such a sighting since the War of the Five Kings. And yet, as Seonghwa stood there in the street of Pentos, he realized that the tide had turned, for he had seen one. He had seen a dragon.

When he came back to reality, he immediately dropped everything he was doing. He could not go back home, knowing that a dragon, a real dragon, was flying about. It added another mystery to his life, but this time, he did not mind. He wondered what the beast was doing here and why it had come only now. Why had Seonghwa never seen it before?

Chasing after such a large figure proved to be harder than Seonghwa thought it would be. He had no clue where the beast took off. The only thing he knew was that it flew to the east. Seonghwa prayed that the sounds of its wings could lead him once more, but as he ventured deeper into the city, the noises of the people overtook him. The streets were crowded, as was usual on midday, and he struggled to pass them. Several people glared at him, some threw insults as he accidentally bumped into them, but Seonghwa could not care. He had to see the dragon for himself, he had to know something.

It was when he entered the market square that he caught a faint glimpse of the black figure. It was a lot further away than Seonghwa had expected it to be, but despite the distance between him and the beast, he kept on running. The market of Pentos blurred past him as he ran, his breath heavy and his ears ringing. He had not even realized that he moved out of the market square when he found himself running along the narrow streets again. He could hear more faint sounds, those of crashing waves as the clanking of wood against stone. It was only when he had finally passed the streets that he found himself entering the harbour of Pentos.

Seonghwa rarely showed himself in the harbour, simply because he had no reason to and no means of acquiring a ship. Nonetheless, he thought it to be an interesting place, where ships of various sizes docked, their sails billowing in the wind. The salty scent of the sea filled the air, mingling with the myriad of sounds – the creaking of ropes, the calls of sailors, and the rhythmic lapping of waves against the docks. The harbour was a chaotic place of activity, with merchants haggling over goods, fishermen unloading their catches, and travellers bustling about.

Despite the commotion, Seonghwa's attention remained focused on the sky, scanning for any sign of the dragon he had glimpsed earlier. But to his dismay, there was no trace of the massive creature amidst the clouds. It seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a lingering sense of awe and disbelief. Seonghwa had never felt such frustration like this before. Once again, the world dangled something in front of him, just to take it away right when he was so close to unravelling it.

As he stood there, grappling with a sense of loss and uncertainty, Seonghwa's eyes were drawn to the horizon beyond the harbour. In the distance, he could see the vast expanse of the Narrow Sea, stretching out towards the western horizon where the distant shores of Westeros lay. The shores of the land he'd so desperately wanted to go to. Lands that could offer him more opportunities than in Pentos. There, he'd not be chained to living his life away from the crowd. There, he could forget once more, though draw a line and start a new chapter. There, he could start again.

It was then that he realised how much he longed to go there. He wanted to go somewhere else, to live his life in a different narrative than he had planned. Perhaps in the lands beyond, he could find people to answer his questions. He knew of the many regions of Westeros, and it would very much be possible for someone to be able to tell him who he was or who he could be. That was all he ever wanted. To know what he meant, to figure out his destiny. And perhaps beyond the Narrow Sea, it was possible.

A strange sense of clarity washed over him, as if everything suddenly fell into place. It was as if the events of the day, the burning of the pendant and the sighting of the dragon, had all led him to this moment. And as he stood there, facing the direction of Westeros, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was where he was meant to be.

He looked at the skies again, though saw nothing. The dragon, if it even had been a dragon, was large enough to be spotted by everyone who was around the harbour. It would have been impossible to miss it. He knew he couldn't have been the only one who had seen it. And thus, when he saw a man who he deemed kind enough to help him, he approached him.

The man was much older than him, with a grey beard though very little hair on his head. He was wearing dark robes, one that would be able to protect against the heat though not be overbearingly warm. He carried many scars on his face and as Seonghwa saw him carrying some crates, he could see they extended to his arms. Seonghwa began to grow nervous, for he was not the one to approach people. But the lingering feeling that he had to look for the dragon plagued his mind. He could not let this one go, and perhaps this man had seen the beast too.

''Excuse me,'' Seonghwa began tentatively as the man looked up with an expression Seonghwa was not quite able to read, ''did you happen to see a large, black figure flying over the harbour just now?''

The man turned to look at Seonghwa, his expression puzzled. "A large figure, black? A dragon, you mean?" he replied with a chuckle. "No, my friend, I'm afraid I haven't seen any dragons today, nor any other day. Though I've heard tales of such creatures, they're nothing more than legends, aren't they?"

Seonghwa's heart sank as the man dismissed his question with a chuckle, his hopes dashed once again. He nodded politely, trying to hide his disappointment. "You're right, they're merely stories. Thank you anyway," he muttered, turning to leave, eager to put the encounter behind him.

But before he could take more than a few steps, the man's voice called out behind him, dripping with a strange mixture of malice and intrigue. "Wait a moment, young lad," he said, his tone taking on a sinister edge that sent a shiver down Seonghwa's spine. Reluctantly, Seonghwa turned back to face the man, his nerves on edge.

The man's gaze lingered on Seonghwa in a way that made him squirm uncomfortably under his scrutiny. "You're quite pretty, for a boy," he said, his lips curling into a twisted smirk that made Seonghwa's skin crawl.

Seonghwa's breath caught in his throat, his instincts screaming at him to get away from this man as quickly as possible. But before he could move, the man took a step closer, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger that sent alarm bells ringing in Seonghwa's mind. Suddenly feeling trapped, Seonghwa backed away instinctively, his heart pounding with fear. But the man followed him, his movements slow and deliberate, like a predator stalking its prey.

"Come now, don't be shy," the man purred, his voice oozing with false charm. "You're looking for riches, aren't you? The dragons, they'd be costly, but I'm sure you'd even make more money with that face of yours."

Seonghwa's stomach churned with disgust, his mind racing as he searched desperately for a way out of this nightmare. He thought of the dagger he had kept in his bag, but before he could reach out to grab his weapon, the man reached out and grabbed his arm, his grip unyielding. Panic surged through Seonghwa as he struggled to break free, his heart hammering in his chest. But the man only tightened his hold, his fingers digging into Seonghwa's flesh like sharp claws.

"Let go of me!" Seonghwa cried, his voice rising in desperation as he fought against the man's iron grip. But his efforts were futile, the man's strength overwhelming him with ease. Just as Seonghwa began to fear the worst, a voice rang out from behind them, cutting through the tension like a knife.

"What is going on here?''

Seonghwa's heart leapt with hope as he turned to see another man, roughly his own age, striding towards them with a determined expression on his face. He was tall and brought a commanding attention with him, his face adorned with his sharp features. His eyes bore a deep and soulful feeling to them, and as he approached them, Seonghwa could feel the man's grip on his arm falter as he was fortunately let go.

''Nothing of your concern, Pirate,'' the man snapped, his voice laced with venom. He looked at the stranger with hateful eyes and Seonghwa knew that the stranger who had saved his life interrupted a plan Seonghwa did not want to give any thought to. He knew Pentos attracted many people, and he knew that such an audience hid good or malicious intents, but never did he expect that he would be caught in the middle of it. It only fueled the thought that living in solitude, away from the people, was Seonghwa's best choice. But then again, how could he ever return to his hut when he was sure of the fact that he had seen a dragon?

''It is to my concern,'' the stranger retaliated, his voice deep and intimidating, ''because you seem to be harassing this man who wants nothing to do with you and your shady business. Now get along, before I do something that you'll regret.''

The man let out a vile laugh, looking at the stranger with a glint in his eyes that made Seonghwa feel uneasy. However, when he looked at the stranger, he didn't seem to be impressed by the man.

''I'm only trying to support local businesses here, and this man would be perfect for it,'' the man continued. ''You know, the type where people let loose and find themselves in the arts of-''

''I know what you mean, sea rat,'' the stranger hissed, getting angrier the more the man talked. ''Leave him be before you lose something you'd rather want to keep.''

Seonghwa felt the tension and grew ever more uncomfortable. The man scoffed as he looked at the stranger while straightening his back, giving one last look to Seonghwa as he walked away. Seonghwa sighed as he was finally freed from the man's presence. Of all the people in the harbour, he just had to ask the one person who pried him like an object, rather than a person. He shuddered at the thought, thinking what would have become of him had it not been for the stranger.

''I must thank you for this,'' Seonghwa began, his voice calm though he hid his nervousness, ''It appears to me that even after living in Pentos for so long, I'll never quite get used to it.''

The stranger chuckled, ''It's not your fault, I reckon. These cities are meant to attract visitors like him. Are you alright, though?''

Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders,'' I don't know. It just felt like in that moment, before you stepped in, I felt helpless. I carry my dagger everywhere I go, yet I could not find the strength to wield it. I felt like a coward.''

The stranger nodded in response, acknowledging his worries, ''I get that. Just remember that the world wouldn't miss people like him. Teaching the way of respect by using your dagger wouldn't be that wrong of an idea, would it?''

Seonghwa took a moment to consider the stranger's words, finding solace in the idea that perhaps defending himself wasn't a sign of weakness, but rather a necessary act of self-preservation. He was once again reminded of the way of the world and how there would always be people who would seek to disturb the peaceful balance of the world. If there even was a balance in this world, he thought.

"Thank you for your words," Seonghwa said, offering a sincere smile. "I'll keep that in mind for the future."

The stranger returned his smile with a nod of his own before glancing around the bustling harbour, his eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for something. Seonghwa watched him curiously, wondering what thoughts were running through the stranger's mind.

"I have to ask, but, have you seen a dragon around here?" Seonghwa blurted out suddenly, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

The stranger's attention snapped back to Seonghwa, surprise flickering in his eyes at the unexpected question. "A dragon?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "No, I can't say that I have. I don't think I ever will, at that. Dragons disappeared more than a century ago with the passing of the Dragon Queen. No one has ever seen one since then. Why do you ask?"

Seonghwa's heart sank at the confirmation of what he already suspected. The sighting of the dragon had felt so surreal, like a dream that had slipped through his fingers as soon as he tried to grasp it. But hearing the stranger's words only served to reinforce the notion that perhaps he had imagined the entire encounter. Seonghwa chuckled, almost entirely convinced that he had imagined the encounter. He felt stupid.

''The heat must be playing tricks on my mind," he murmured, his voice tinged with disappointment. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

As Seonghwa turned to leave, a sudden thought struck him, causing him to hesitate. He turned back to face the stranger, his expression determined.

"I have another question, actually," Seonghwa began tentatively, "I know this is a lot to ask, but... would you happen to know of any ships departing for Westeros?"

The stranger's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the unexpected question, his gaze appraising Seonghwa with newfound interest. "Westeros?" he echoed, a hint of curiosity creeping into his voice. "What business do you have in Westeros? You do not seem like a person who travels for a living.''

Seonghwa hesitated before answering. He could not possibly return on the subject of the dragon, as he was not even sure whether it was true that he had seen one, but ranting about his dreams of a tree which were ever so vague would make him seem even more delirious. But he had to go there. Seonghwa had to leave for Westeros. He was determined, and even though the dragon could only have been a figment of his imagination, he could not seem to let it go. It felt like the final nail in the coffin, a reminder that the answers he was looking for would never be found in Pentos, nor any lands surrounding it. He had to look beyond the sea, and he had a gut feeling that Westeros could help him.

''It's hard to explain,'' Seonghwa began, ''but there's something I need to see. Something that I can only find beyond the Narrow Sea. I have to leave this place.''

The stranger looked at him with a puzzled expression and Seonghwa did not blame him for it. Had he been listening to himself, he would have also found him to sound out of his mind. But how could he explain something that he didn't even understand himself?

''You want to leave for Westeros, because of a feeling that you have?'' The stranger questioned. ''And where to? Westeros is large and I'm not sure whether you realize the gravity of what you're requesting.''

''I know that, trust me,'' Seonghwa quickly defended, ''I just... I need to get to the North. There is something that I have to see for myself and I will forever regret it if I don't take this opportunity. If I stay, I might never get the chance to leave again, and I don't think I can live with that.''

The stranger pursed his lips though he said nothing. Seonghwa looked at him with pleading eyes. The stranger looked like a sailor himself. He was dressed in a weathered leather coat, its once-dark hue now faded by years of exposure to salt and wind. Bronze clasps adorned the coat, glinting faintly in the sunlight. Beneath the coat, his linen shirt, though simple in design, its fabric was softened and worn. His trousers were practical, designed to withstand the rigours of life at sea. Tucked into well-worn leather boots, their surfaces polished to a dull sheen by the salt water of the ocean and Seonghwa knew that the stranger could provide him with what he needed. He bore the unmistakable marks of a seasoned sailor.

''You have a ship, don't you?'' Seonghwa asked.

The stranger was taken aback by his question, though nodded at him, confirming Seonghwa's thoughts.

''Could you take me there?'' He then asked, his voice masking a tone of desperation. ''Can you sail me to the North?''

The stranger smiled at him, ''Look, I understand that you want to venture on your own journey, but so do I. I left Westeros to look for something else, just like you do. However, the thing is, I have no desire to get back anytime soon. There is nothing for me there, so I'm afraid I won't be able to take you. Perhaps there are other people anchored here who'd take you.''

Seonghwa huffed, displeased by the stranger's answer. He was his one-way ticket to uncovering something about himself. Not only that, if the dragon he had seen was real and it had flown to Westeros, then there would be nothing else to look for that would be greater than a dragon. He had to convince the stranger. His life depended on it.

''You don't understand,'' Seonghwa continued, ''if whatever I'm looking for is there in the North, then it will change everything. Not only for me, but it could change for you too. There is something out there that holds greater value than anything else you've ever dreamt of. Believe me. Take me to the North, and you'll see it for yourself.''

He could see the stranger think. He hadn't rejected Seonghwa's offer right away, which sparked hope inside of him. Seonghwa had never felt such a greater desire to leave than he had in that moment. Everything seemed so close to him. This stranger was his opportunity to see for himself whether the tree in his dreams was real and whether the dragon he had seen was truly like the beasts of old.

''And what if it's not there?'' The stranger questioned. ''What if you sail all the way to Westeros, only to find disappointment waiting for you?''

Seonghwa's resolve wavered for a moment as doubt crept into his mind. What if he was chasing after mere illusions, driven by nothing more than his own fantasies? But then he remembered the feeling of awe and wonder that had washed over him when he first laid eyes on the dragon, the sense of destiny that had stirred within him as he gazed upon the ancient tree in his dreams. He couldn't let doubt hold him back now, not when he was so close to uncovering the truth.

"I have to take that chance," Seonghwa replied, his voice firm with determination. " I can't ignore this feeling any longer, not when it's calling me so strongly."

The stranger studied him for a long moment, his gaze searching Seonghwa's face as if trying to discern the truth of his words. Finally, he nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Very well," the stranger said, his tone decisive. "If you're willing to take the risk, then so am I. I'll take you to Westeros, to the North, as you requested. But I must warn you, the journey will be long and perilous. Are you sure you're ready for what lies ahead?"

Seonghwa met the stranger's gaze with unwavering determination, his heart pounding with excitement at the prospect of finally embarking on his journey. He had spent far too long confined to the shores of Pentos, dreaming of distant lands and adventures yet to come. Now, at long last, the opportunity was within his grasp, and he wasn't about to let it slip away.

"I'm ready," Seonghwa declared, his voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

With a nod of agreement, the stranger gestured for Seonghwa to follow him, leading the way through the harbour to where his ship awaited. As they walked, Seonghwa couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration building within him, the thrill of the unknown beckoning him forward into the adventure that awaited beyond the horizon.

''What's your name, by the way?'' The stranger asked. Seonghwa remembered how they hadn't exchanged names due to the encounter with the man from before.

To Seonghwa, it felt weird to give his name. Nobody had asked him in so long, and he hadn't given it to anyone ever since that night. It almost felt unfamiliar to say his name aloud, like it was something he had almost forgotten himself. But then again, the journey would be long, and if he were to sail with the stranger to Westeros, giving his name would only be the slightest of courtesies.

''Seonghwa,'' he reluctantly said as they continued walking.

''Just Seonghwa?'' the stranger asked. It felt strange the way his name rolled off his tongue. He hadn't heard anyone say it for so long and in some way, he felt more vulnerable than ever.

''Yes, just 'Seonghwa''' He replied, giving him a slight smile. ''It's a long and complicated story and frankly, I don't even understand half of it myself.''

The stranger chuckled, ''We all seem to carry parts of ourselves that are difficult to bring to the light. Some of them never even want to.''

''And yours?'' Seonghwa then asked, turning to look at the stranger who kept his gaze in front of him. ''What do they call you?''

''Mingi,'' the stranger replied, ''Captain of the Iron Tide.''






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