Desire | Kim SeokJin

By captain_botha

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Being victorious, having beauty with brain, great sense of fashion, loyal people surrounded, enough time for... More

Intro :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part I6
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 2I
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75

Part 54

12 4 21
By captain_botha

Jin's phone rang as soon as he stepped out of the elevator of sixth floor of the hospital.


["Kim. Seok. Jin.. I'm right, right?"]

Recognizing MinYeong's voice he felt his blood boiling in anger. "did you call me because you're ashamed that those silly men of yours couldn't take Yoon Eunseo?"

Hearing her name, Eunseo immediately looked at him with with widened eyes as she figured out it was MinYeong or Richard.

["Oh come on! It's Kang MinYeong.. Do you think I can ever fail? Do you think I don't know that my son is working for you now?"] he laughed. ["You should not make a move only knowing half of the information."] he said in a low voice.

"what do you mean?" Jin asked getting tensed but didn't express it in his voice.

MinYeong chuckled and said, ["try to figure out yourself."] he cut the call.

"what did he say?" she asked as Jin pulled away his phone from his ear.

"Something's wrong.. He must've done something." he said and ran forward. "check on Ella." he said and ran to Namjoon's cabin as it was the closest one.

He found him ok so moved towards Taehyung's.

Opening the door he found the room empty and walked in.

He got worried as negative thoughts started crossing his mind and just then the door of the washroom opened and Tae came out on his wheelchair.

He ran to him and asked while checking him, "You're ok right? Did anyone unknown come here?"

"uh.. Yeah. What'd happen to me?"

"Don't get out of this room and lock the door. Don't let anyone come inside other than one of us or your mom ok?"

"everything's ok right?"

"I don't think so.. Kang MinYeong tried to attack Eunseo but fortunately she didn't get hurt but Something's wrong."

"what? Is she really ok?"

"yeah, yeah. But MinYeong did something else for sure so please listen to me."

"Okay..." he said and Jin turned around to leave. "be careful, hyung.."

Jin again turned around and stared at him for some seconds and walked out of the room.

Eunseo's phone buzzed as she took it out of her pocket and opened the group chat.

@Handsome Jin😎
Everyone's ok right?

Give a thumbs up.


👍 But why did he suddenly attack?

Eunseo you're ok right?

@Tae 😘
Jin hyung I think I should stay with Ella Noona?

@Handsome Jin 😎
Yeah, right. That'll be better.

Wait I'm coming back.

@Hobi🥰 I'm ok don't worry🙂

Wait wtf's goin on?

Kang MinYeong tried to kidnap me today. He sent some men to out office building but thanks to Jin I'm all ok.

Meanwhile Jin entered Ella's room with Tae.

Wait wtf.

So what's going on now?

@Handsome Jin😎
Kang MinYeong called me...

He said I did something knowing half info from Samyeong and I'm sure he did something.

Now don't tell me you're talking about Kang SamYeong...

@weirdo fr🙄
well how do you know him?

Well he worked- no actually pretend to work in our company for a while and he was such a good employee but then we got to know he was just leaking all important infos.

Woah.. He's really something.

Jin took a glance at all three of them an said, "You're getting discharged tomorrow. And we'll move Taehyung and Namjoon out too. It's not safe here at all."

"but where? They need treatments too." Ella asked.

"Don't worry. I've taken care of that already."

"Mister Jeon Jungkook..." MinYeong said as soon as SuHee removed the black cloth from Jungkook's eyes.

MinYeong smiled and at the same time Richard entered the room.

Suhee then removed the other cloth covering his mouth too as he glared at MinYeong in front of him.

"You're just too shameless huh?" He asked gritting his teeth.

"oh why are you being so rude? I didn't do anything to you yet."

"You look young.. How old are you?" Richard asked.

"why do you care?"

"26." MinYeong said.

"woah.. You must be so hurtless to plan on doing these to someone so young." Richard said and laughed.

"Kang MinYeong.. You always just loose in front of us.. Do you think you'll be able to do anything this time?"

"of course! I was just playing around all this time. But now.. The real game has begun." he said and pointed a gun at him.

Jungkook stared at the gun's barrel then at MinYeong and he suddenly pulled the trigger as he shut his eyes expecting to feel the pain but felt nothing as he let a heavy breath out.

MinYeong chuckled and said, "do you think you'll get such a boring death?.. I'm making some amazing plans on how to finish you a little by little. You wanna hear?"

"but you said him and that girl's on me?" Richard dramatically said.

"you can just take care of that girl. I have some things to discuss with the guys."

"hm.. Except Park Jimin."

"What do you mean except Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"well Park Jimin's the one and only Son of my favorite enemy and is really annoying so I plan on throwing him in the middle of the sea." Richard said with a fake smile.

Jungkook scoffed hearing him. "do you think we're so easy?"

"I don't.. But I think it's gonna be a fun memory."

It was almost Midnight.

Eunseo finally entered her room after the hard day.

Her body was just giving up at that point and she just wanted to sleep.

After taking a short shower she got out of the bathroom and lied down on her bed.

And just then her phone started ringing.

Getting annoyed she picked it up with her half closed eyes but opened hem properly after seeing the caller ID of Jin's as if all the annoyance vanished away all of a sudden.

"Hello Jin."

Jin on the other side just sat down on the dark and empty corridor of the hospital. "Eunseo.. Are you ok?"

"yeah.. What would happen to me?"

"no in the parking lot.. That guy held you really tightly. Your wrist is not hurting now right?"

"no it's just a little red and not paining at all. You reached home?"




"Thank you."

He smiled a little and asked, "What is it?"

"You're.. Really great.. You're the best Jin." her voice was heavy because of the lump she was holding in her throat. "You're just doing everything on your own, you're always helping everyone, without you.. Maybe we couldn't even survive till now.." she paused. "I know it's not easy at all.. I wish I could comfort you a little.. But I'm not good with words like you." she chuckled on her own sentence.

A teardrop escaped his eyes. "no.. It's really comforting. Thank you Eunseo-yaa, I really needed it.

It was all dark.
It was all silent.
No one said anything.
But the silence was soothing.

While everyone was busy with themselves,
And their heart felt empty,
It was finally the time for them to heal too.
By finding each other.

He was just passing his days with loads of burdens and responsibilities not caring about himself.

And the same went for her.

But it was to change when they found someone to care about themselves too right?

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