Frozen Lies|Rwby

נכתב על ידי ChivalrousC

329 4 2

Catalina, burdened by her family's legacy of renowned hunters, embarks on a journey with her cousin and frien... עוד

02|Emerald Forest|
03|pieces and people|
05|"Black Bow"|
|Volume 2|
06|new friends?|
07|painting the town |


19 0 0
נכתב על ידי ChivalrousC


The morning light bathed Beacon Academy, casting a warm glow into our new dorm room. The view stretched from the window overlooking the academy to Weiss Schnee and me, we were both still peacefully sleeping. As Weiss awoke and stretched, a sudden whistle from Ruby Rose startled her, causing her to fall off the bed. Her thud startled me away.

"Good morning, Team RWBY!" Ruby cheerfully announced, oblivious to Weiss's bewilderment.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss questioned, rising from the floor.

I groaned, "Why do you always insist on talking loudly?" I joined in, getting up with a groan.

Yang Xiao Long entered the scene, holding an assortment of items for decorating, and alongside her was Blake Belladonna. Weiss's and my confusion grew as the chaos continued.

"Decorating!" Yang declared, adding to the already perplexed situation.

"What?!" Weiss exclaimed, and Blake remarked, "We still have to unpack," as her suitcase spilled its contents.

Ruby, unfazed by the unfolding chaos, blew her whistle again, rallying the team for their "first mission."

"Aaaalright! Catalina, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! Banzai!" Ruby exclaimed, raising her fist as the team joined in the spirited chant.

The girls engaged in a lively montage, adding personal touches to their room. Posters, paintings, and arrangements were made with a contagious enthusiasm.

As the cheerful chaos unfolded, Weiss, Catalina, and Blake showed less enthusiasm, especially when Ruby knocked Weiss back with another blast from her whistle. I sighed catching her quickly.

Ruby then proposed a daring idea to replace beds with bunk beds, met with mixed reactions. Weiss was skeptical, Yang was thrilled, and Blake found it efficient. They looked at me and just shrugged still have asleep yawning.The decision was made through a vote, and Ruby declared the objective complete.

While Weiss and Blake seemed unsure about the arrangement, Ruby, Yang, and I each adapted in their own way.

Ruby, now seated, shifted the focus to their second order of business: classes.

"Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9, we've got to be-"

"What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?" Weiss interrupted, alarmed.

"Uuuum..." Ruby hesitated.

"It's 8:55, you dunce!" Weiss exclaimed, already rushing out.

I chimed in, "Thanks to our fearless leader, we are gonna be late!"

Weiss led the way, and the rest of us quickly followed, peeking out from their doorways. In the hectic hallway, we encountered Jaune Arc and his team JNPR, leading to a comical cascade of students. Jaune, now determined, led his team in a frantic dash.

"We're gonna be late!" Jaune declared.

In the courtyard, Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch observed the chaotic scene, Glynda checking her watch while Ozpin calmly sipped his drink, anticipating an eventful year ahead.


The classroom hummed with eager anticipation as Professor Port, a seasoned Huntsman, introduced the various Grimm species on display – King Taijitu, Death Stalker, Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Nevermore, and Ursa. His weapon, a menacing axe-blunderbuss combo, underscored the dangerous nature of these creatures.

"Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night! The creatures of Grimm have many names, but I simply call them prey! Ha-ha!" Port's boisterous voice filled the room.

We—-,Team RWCBY occupied the front row, each member showcasing their distinct reactions. Blake and Yang leaned forward, genuinely engaged in the lecture. Weiss and I diligently took notes, trying to absorb every detail. Meanwhile, Ruby, perhaps less enthralled, managed a quick nap until a less-than-stellar joke startled her awake.

"And upon graduating from this prestigious academy, you will too be able to protect the safe havens of Vale and the other kingdoms from the treacherous world! We are Huntsmen and Huntresses, sworn to defend those who cannot protect themselves!" Port's eyes gleamed with passion.

A fellow student's awkward cheer garnered strange glances, yet Port continued his impassioned speech. Growing increasingly frustrated, Weiss observed Ruby channeling her boredom into artistic mischief, creating a caricature labeled "Professor Poop."

"Ruby chill out." I whispered she ignored and continued her antics.

"That is what you are training to become. But first, a story – a tale of a young, handsome man... me! When I was a boy..." Port's storytelling unfolded.

As Port's story continued, Ruby's mischief escalated from an artistic prank to more disruptive behavior, notably picking her nose. While Blake and Yang enjoyed the comedic relief, Weiss and I were less amused.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Professor Port asked.

"Well, then, let's find out! Step forward, and face your opponent!l

" he shouted turning to gesture at the glowing red eyes surrounded by shadow shaking the cage that traps it.

"I do, sir!" Weiss declared, raising her hand.

Port seized the moment, directing them to face an opponent represented by glowing red eyes surrounded by shadow, enclosed in a cage, growling ominously.

I roll my eyes at Weiss acting rash.

Weiss, in her regular attire, stood poised with Myrtenaster as she faced the growling creature confined within the cage—a mystery unveiled from the. occupying the front row, we rallied behind her.

Yang Xiao Long raised her fist. "Goooo, Weiss!"

I chimed in, "Don't disappoint, Weiss."

Blake Belladonna, waving a small flag marked "RWCBY," encouraged her, "Fight well!"

Ruby Rose, full of enthusiasm, exclaimed, "Yeah, represent Team RWCBY!"

Weiss, lowering her sword and directing her gaze at Ruby, reproached, "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"

Ruby, a touch sheepish, responded, "Oh, um... Sorry..."

Professor Port, next to the cage, holding Blowhard, declared, "Allllright! Let the match... begin!"

With a forceful swing, the professor broke the lock, releasing the Boarbatusk from within. It wasted no time, charging straight at Weiss. Swiftly wielding Myrtenaster, she deflected its initial attack, skillfully rolling to the side to prepare for the creature's next move. The Grimm, however, kept its distance, studying its opponent.

Professor Port chuckled, "Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?"

Ruby cheered, "Hang in there, Weiss!"

I interjected noticing Weiss's aggravation, "Ruby, I wouldn't."

Undeterred, Weiss surged towards the approaching Boarbatusk, thrusting her blade at its skull. The creature, however, ensnared Myrtenaster in its tusks, tossing Weiss around as she fought to retrieve her weapon.

Professor Port commented, "Bold, new approach. I like it!"

Ruby encouraged, "Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!"

Glaring at Ruby, Weiss watched as the Boarbatusk ripped her sword from her grip, knocking her back with its tusks.

Professor Port chuckled, "Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?"

Witnessing the Boarbatusk charging again, Weiss rolled out of the way just in time to avoid being trampled. She hastened towards her sword, sliding to reclaim it. Simultaneously, the Boarbatusk leaped into the air, rolling into a ball and gaining speed before launching itself at Weiss. Activating a blue-white circle, she blocked the roll and leaped into the now-black snowflake symbol, turning it blue again as she drove the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach, silencing it.

Professor Port applauded, "Bravo! Bra-vo! A true Huntress-in-training indeed!" Weiss stood at attention, Ruby frowned. "I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss glared, walking hurriedly past her teammates toward the exit.

Jaune Arc, observing her departure, remarked, "Sheesh, what's with her?"

The remaining members of Team RWCBY exchanged questioning looks, and I simply shrugged.

I reassured them, "She's gonna be fine; she gets like this sometimes."


I trailed behind Ruby, keeping hidden while she conversed with Ozpin. Once she finished, I stepped forward.

"Ruby," I uttered quietly.

"Oh, Catalina," she responded, surprised.

"Listen, Weiss didn't mean it. She has good intentions; she's just stressed. We have a lot to prove, both me and her, okay?" I expressed my concern, pausing.

"Yeah, I get it," she replied, looking down.

"I wasn't all for it in the beginning, you being the leader. But I have great belief you will be great," I reassured her, placing my hand on her shoulder and offering a smile.

She looked at me strangely and then smiled. My smile faded.

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

"Nothing. You don't smile much," Ruby teased.

I simply glared in response.


  Weiss quietly entered Team RWCBY's room. Blake lay wrapped in peaceful dreams under her covers, while Yang, gently snoring, sprawled out on her bed. I lay beneath my covers, pretending to be asleep. As Weiss lifted the blanket of my makeshift tent, she discovered me deeply engrossed in my studies – head resting on notes, pencil in hand, and open books scattered about. Impressed by ruby's determination, Weiss cleared her throat and gently roused me.

"Weiss! I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry..." Ruby stuttered apologetically.

Weiss placed a hand over her mouth, signaling the need for hushed tones, and gestured towards the empty Beacon coffee mug near my pillow. She inquired about my coffee preferences, her gaze fixed on me.

"How do you take your coffee?" Weiss asked lowering her hands

" I... I don't..." Ruby replied confused.

"Answer the question!" Weiss whisper yelled growing slightly irritated.

"uhh, cream and five sugars!" She beamed.

"Don't move." Weiss sighed andshe ducked under her bed and resurfaced with a fresh cup, offering it to me


"Um... Thanks, Weiss." Ruby nodded.

Weiss smiles, then looks apologetic.

" Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader.Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have! Good luck studying!" Weiss paused, "Hey, Ruby?"

"Uh-huh?" Ruby answered.

Weiss stands in the doorway with her hand on the knob

"I always wanted bunk beds as a kid." She said as she walked out.

I smiled to myself, savoring their conversation secretly listening, and soon drifted back into a peaceful slumber.


Me, at 7,  I struggled to keep up with the demanding training, my father's voice cutting through the air.

"Stop being useless, Catalina! You need to push harder," he admonished, delivering a swift kick as a stark reminder.

I flew into the wall.

With tears welling in her eyes, I whispered, "I'm trying, Papa."

"Trying is not enough! Stand up and show me you can do better. You have to be strong, I won't have a weak daughter. You won't embarrass me." he insisted, his words fueling both frustration.

Waylon walked out realizing what he was gonna do I got scared.

Gasping for breath, Catalina looked up at her brother with pleading eyes.

"Waylon, please...anything but that please- big brother. " I implored, my voice strained.

Waylon hesitated, conflicted, but their father's voice echoed in his mind, "Use it, Waylon. Show her the strength we possess."

Torn between family ties and the pressure to conform, Waylon reluctantly whispered, "I'm sorry, Catalina," as the tendrils of his power wrapped around me, draining not just my aura but also eroding the love between us. Fear began to creep in.

My scream echoed through the training grounds as Waylon's power intensified. I felt everything being sucked away – not just my strength, but the trust, the warmth of family bonds, all dissipating into an abyss of fear and emptiness. The anguish in my cry mirrored the shattering of our sibling connection. Because in the moment I never hated anymore more.

In the midst of the turmoil, my mother rushed onto the scene, summoning her glyph soldier to stand defiantly between me, Waylon, and their father.

"Enough!" she exclaimed, her voice commanding attention. The glyph soldier radiated a protective aura, shielding me from the draining powers of my family, as their mother confronted the destructive forces.

Cradling me in her arms, my mother whispered, "I'm so sorry, my dear," tears streaming down her face. The weight of regret and sorrow hung heavy in the air as the family confronted the consequences of their unique abilities and the toll it took on the bonds that should have been unbreakable.

I jumped awake shaking and wipe my forehead covered in sweat. I look around in relief as I realize where I am. Thankfully everyone was still asleep.I hold my knees to in my chest.


  Me and the team sit in combat watching jaune and Cardin battle if you even wanna call it that.

   Cardin laughs at Jaune's tiredness, but Jaune gathers strength to charge forward, swinging his blade. Cardin jumps out of the way, causing Jaune to look back in surprise. The Executioner sends Jaune's shield and himself flying back. Armed only with his sword, Jaune persists in attacking, but Cardin blocks with the mace's hilt. Their weapons locked, Cardin forces himself up, towering over the struggling Jaune.

"This is the part where you lose," Cardin declares.

"Over my dead-!" Jaune begins, but Cardin knees him in the gut, making Jaune drop his sword and fall to the ground in pain. Cardin raises his mace, ready to strike, when the buzzer rings, the lights come back on, and Glynda Goodwitch's voice halts him.

"Cardin, that's enough!" she commands, approaching the stage and tapping her tablet. Glynda informs the students that Jaune's Aura has dropped into the red, indicating he's no longer fit for battle. Jaune, defeated on the floor, Pyrrha looking sad, Glynda advises him to refer to his Scroll during combat to gauge his Aura.

As Cardin walks away, Glynda reminds the students about the upcoming Vytal Festival and encourages them to keep practicing. The bell rings, and students start leaving, Pyrrha still frowning. Jaune, sitting on the floor, hangs his head in shame.


As my friends engage in lunchtime chatter about Jaune's ongoing struggle with bullying, I find myself sitting in silence, absentmindedly pushing around my food.

"So, Jaune really needs to stand up to Cardin, don't you think?" Ruby asked her voice laced in concern.

"Absolutely. No one deserves to be treated like that." Yang added worried.

"I'd hit him with my hammer if I were Jaune!" Nora said.

"Nora, violence isn't the solution." Ren sighed.

While my friends continue their conversation, Weiss looks at me, concern evident in her eyes.

"Catalina, you seem a bit off. Is everything okay?" Weiss asked her voice laced in concern.

Knocking me out of my daze.

"Yeah no I'm great,just tired." I said quickly

"You've been quiet all day. Are you sure everything is okay?" Weiss pushed.

" Yeah, just some weird dreams messing with my head. Nothing to worry about." I said with a forced smile.

"Nightmares? Anything you want to share?" Blake asked worried.

"Not it's okay I'm good." I said quickly.

"If you ever feel like talking about it, we're here." Ruby said pausing.

"Thanks, Ruby. I appreciate it," I said quickly, looking down. Lost in my thoughts, I continued pushing my food around while my friends chatted around me.

As I excused myself and entered the bathroom, a wave of emotions hit me like a tidal wave. Inside, I couldn't contain the tears any longer. I lifted my shirt, tracing the scar on my abdomen, a grim reminder of battles endured, all at the hands of one man—my father.

Just as I was struggling with my emotions, Yang walked in. I quickly lowered my shirt, trying to hide my vulnerability. Wiping away the tears hastily, I attempted to compose myself before she noticed.

Yang's gaze fell on the scar, her expression shifting to one of concern. "Where did you get that?" she asked, her curiosity mixed with genuine worry.

"Oh, it's just from a freak accident when I was younger. Nothing to worry about," I replied, trying to downplay the significance of the scar and deflect the conversation.

Yang's sincerity caught me off guard. "Look, I know we haven't exactly been close, and you've kept your guard up, but you can talk to me. I won't tell anyone else. Don't shut me out. I've noticed the changes in you, even Miss Ice Queen," she said, bridging the gap of understanding in that vulnerable moment.

I nodded, acknowledging the weight of my responsibilities. "I understand, Yang. It's just... right now, I can't afford to show weakness or make mistakes," I admitted, the harsh reality of my situation making it hard to open up.

Yang persisted, her concern unwavering. "Even if you can't right now, Catalina, remember that you're not alone. We're a team, and we've got each other's backs," she reassured, her determination to break through my walls evident in her eyes.

Her words struck a chord, and despite my efforts to stay composed, tears welled up again. I looked away, unable to hide the emotions her genuine support stirred within me.

Sensing my vulnerability, Yang approached and pulled me into a comforting hug as tears streamed down. In that embrace, her silent support spoke volumes, offering a moment of solace amid my struggles.

As the tears continued to flow, Yang held me tighter. "You don't have to face this alone, Catalina. We're here for you, no matter what," she comforted, her words a soothing reassurance that I wasn't alone in facing my past burdens.

Gathering myself, I put on a brave front and wiped away my tears. Yang stood silently behind me, offering her silent presence. I turned to her and whispered, "Please keep this between us, okay?" Yang nodded, understanding the unspoken agreement we had just forged.


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