Formula of Forever | Liskook

By liskook_diaries

1.3K 118 14

❝In the depths of grief, they found each other-a lifeline in the storm of loss.❞ In the aftermath of her boy... More



81 8 1
By liskook_diaries

As we reached her house, I stood there, gazing at the front door. She invited me in, and as we entered, I heard the faint sound of a baby crying, causing my body to freeze.

The realization that she had a baby, which I couldn't fully process when she first mentioned it, hit me harder as I saw the baby with my own eyes. Someone else was tending to the baby, casting a perplexed glance at me.

"Hey, Lalisa. Where were you? I called you multiple times, but you never answered," the woman scolded, while Lisa chuckled and apologized.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll be more attentive next time, I promise," Lisa laughed, easing the tension. The woman continued to regard me with confusion until Lisa intervened.

"Oh, that's Jeon Jungkook, my junior from high school," Lisa explained awkwardly.

"High school junior?" the woman chuckled, amused by the notion.

"Jeon, this is Aria, my best friend," Lisa introduced, and I bowed politely, reintroducing myself.

Aria simply laughed, and as she left, leaving us alone, Lisa focused on tending to her child.

"Jeon, just give me a minute. I'll be back. In the meantime, please make yourself at home," she smiled, while I realized I had been standing the whole time. Hastily, I took a seat, surveying the tidy yet slightly disheveled house adorned with photos of Lisa's family, friends, her baby, and her late boyfriend, Jacob.

As I glanced around, Lisa returned to the living room, cradling her sleeping baby. The sight of the peaceful infant elicited a small smile from me, and Lisa noticed.

"Do you want to hold him?" she asked politely, bringing me back to reality.

"Me? Can I?" I hesitated, surprised by the offer.

"Of course, come here," Lisa said gently, carefully passing the baby into my arms. As I held the small bundle, a wave of warmth and tenderness washed over me.

The baby stirred slightly, blinking up at me with innocent eyes before settling back into sleep. I couldn't help but marvel at the tiny features and delicate innocence wrapped up in my arms.

"He's beautiful," I whispered, feeling a lump form in my throat.

"Thank you," Lisa replied softly, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and exhaustion. "Being a single mom has its challenges, but moments like this make it all worth it."

I nodded, unable to tear my gaze away from the baby's peaceful face. In that moment, the room felt filled with a quiet understanding and acceptance.

As we sat there, enveloped in the tranquil atmosphere, I realized how much I admired Lisa's strength and resilience. Despite the obstacles she faced, she remained steadfast in her love for her child, creating a nurturing and loving environment against all odds.

"Thank you for letting me be a part of this," I murmured, meeting Lisa's gaze with a newfound sense of appreciation.

She smiled warmly, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Anytime, Jungkook. You're always welcome here."

And in that simple exchange, I knew that our bond had deepened, transcending the boundaries of friendship and intertwining our lives in unexpected ways. Holding onto the precious bundle in my arms, I felt a sense of belonging and purpose that I had never experienced before.

Together, we would navigate the challenges and joys of life, cherishing every moment along the way.

After arriving home, I realized my mom had returned and was cooking for me. Despite my exhaustion, I felt a rush of happiness seeing her, so I quickly hugged her from behind while she cooked, eliciting a chuckle from her. As we ate, my mom noticed my distracted state and gently inquired, "What's wrong, my son?"

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I couldn't keep it from her any longer. "Mom, I had a crush on a girl back in high school, and I recently reconnected with her at a reunion a few weeks ago," I confessed with a sigh.

"Really? That's wonderful, son! Did you two talk?" My mom remained composed, her concern evident in her tone.

"Yeah, we did. In fact, I ran into her today at the shop while I was grocery shopping. And I found out something about her life..." I trailed off, grappling with conflicting emotions about whether to continue pursuing her despite her being a mother and her partner having passed away. I felt lost, unsure of what to do or how to feel.

"So, what's on your mind?" She gently prodded, sensing my inner turmoil.

"Well, her boyfriend passed away, and she's now a mother to a baby," I admitted, feeling a sense of emptiness as conflicting emotions overwhelmed me.

My mom listened attentively, her expression thoughtful as she processed the information. After a moment of silence, she reached out and placed a comforting hand on mine.

"Son, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes, we find ourselves facing situations we never imagined. But what matters most is how we navigate through them with love, understanding, and compassion," she said softly, her words infused with wisdom born from experience.

I nodded, absorbing her words and feeling a sense of reassurance wash over me. "But what should I do, Mom? I'm so confused," I admitted, seeking guidance from the one person whose advice I trusted above all others.

"Take your time, dear. Think about what truly matters to you and what you're willing to accept and embrace in a relationship. Love isn't always straightforward, but if it's genuine, it can overcome any obstacle," she replied, her gaze gentle yet firm.

Her words resonated deeply within me, offering a glimmer of clarity amidst the uncertainty. With a grateful smile, I squeezed her hand, silently thanking her for her unwavering support and understanding.

"Thank you, Mom. I needed to hear that," I said, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Anytime, my dear. Remember, I'll always be here for you, no matter what," she said, her eyes sparkling with warmth and love.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination and resolve, I knew that whatever path I chose to take, I wouldn't be alone. With my mom by my side, I felt confident that I could navigate the complexities of love and life with courage and grace.

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