Descendants 1: A New Story

De FGF619

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A retelling of Descendants BUT what if Mal had a brother who joined on the adventure. Join Carlos, Evie, Mal... Mai multe

Part 1: Ben's First Proclamation
Part 3: Stealing the Wand
Part 4: Tourney and Assimalation
Part 5: Baking Spells
Part 6: Tests and Date

Part 2: Arrival and Plotting

38 0 0
De FGF619

The VKs soon arrived at Auradon Prep, the limousine comes to a stop in the campus, outside the courtyard garden. Waiting for them was a band playing music and everyone waving and smiling at the newest arrivals to Auradon.

The chauffeur stepped out of the car and opened the back door. Jay and Carlos tumbled out of the limousine, fighting with each other over a blanket of sorts. Jay would come out on top of the fight holding Carlos on the floor with his foot "You got everything else, why do you want whatever that is?" Carlos yelled, with Henrik, Mal and Evie following suit out the limo.

"'Cause you want it!" Jay said mocking him still attempting to pull the blanket away from Carlos

"No!" Carlos held onto the blanket tightly refusing to let go. Henrik just watched in amusement at the sight. Mal and Evie however took in the sight of Auradon, amazed and mystified by the lush green and beautiful sky they saw.

As the admired the sight, three figures, one of them being Prince Ben, walked towards the five carrying smiles on their faces. The other two were two women, one was wearing a light blue outfit and the other a bright pink dress.

"Guys!" Mal looked over at Carlos and Jay, as Henrik quickly tried to remove Jay off Carlos, to which the boys quickly saw the three figures standing there, watching them.

"Just cleaning up." Jay said before muttering at Carlos "Get up." Jay took the blue sheet from Carlos, and tried to hide it from the three.

"Leave it like you found it!" The woman in the light blue dress lady said. "And by that, I mean just leave it." She quickly added.

Jay gave a frown before throwing all the stuff he planned to steal back into the limo before lifting up Carlos. Jay was soon garnering the attention the girl in the pink dress, quickly shoving past Henrik and Mal, with a smirk on his face trying to act suave. "Hello, foxy. The names Jay."  He said as he crossed his arms looking her up and down.

The girl quietly gave him a fake smile and forced a laugh, clearly not impressed by Jays performance. The woman in light blue dress, then spoke. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I am the Headmistress! The Fairy Godmother!" She exclaimed giving the VKs a soft smile.

"Wait wait Fairy Godmother? THE Fairy Godmother?" Henrik asked, raising his eyebrow having his curiosity peeked.

Mal had a glint in her eye as she spoke. "As in, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo?" She asks.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it!" Fairy Godmother responded with smile.

"You know? I've always wondered how Cinderella felt. You know, when you just appeared, out of nowhere." Mal said forcing smile as her hand went under her chin. "With that sparkly wand...and that bright smile."

Fairy Godmother let out a light laugh "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!'" She said gesturing her hands, before waving them in her face.

Both Henrik and Mal raised their eyes brows grinning knowing now that magic was indeed in Auradon.

Ben approached the five with the girl in the pink dress beside him "It's so good to finally meet you all." He said giving them a charming smile and keeping a respectful eye contact on all of them. "I'm Ben."

The girl in pink stepped forward putting her hands on his arm, as she smiled. "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be King." She spoke

Evie immediately stepped forward, the word "prince" catching her attention. She approached him with a smile. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen. Which makes me a princess." She said with confidence

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you." the girl in the pink dress spoke up, putting Evie down with her comment. Evie's smile slowly faded as she stood up straight.

Henrik leaned towards his sister "Charming, ain't she?" He commented whispering in her ear, as she nodded with a concerned face, feeling sorry for her friend.

Ben nervously chuckles, and quickly trying to ease the tension spoke up. "This is Audrey."

Audrey quickly cut Ben off. "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend." Audrey smiled putting emphasis on the word "princess" as she placed her hand on Ben's wrist. "Right, Bennyboo?" Ben just smiled at her placing his hand on top of hers. Henrik made a quiet gagging sound which made Jay and Carlos quietly chuckle.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And we you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." She noted, raising her brow, to which the VK's all laughed politely as she walks away bringing the band with her.

Ben grins widely, walking to Jay going to shake his hand. "It is so, so, so good to finally me-" he was cut off abruptly when Jay grabs his hand giving him a rough chest bump instead. Ben winced but kept his smile. "Meet you all. This is a momentous occasion..." he continued shaking Mal's hand, spending a few seconds longer to stare at her, clearly mesmerized by her before snapping out of his trance and moving on to Carlos. "And one that I hope will go down in history" Ben stopped as he looked at his hand after shaking Carlos's hand " that chocolate?" He asked to which Carlos just shrugged "As the day our two people..." he begins going to shake Henrik's hand but Henrik just slapped the front and back before giving a fist bump smiling at him, leaving Ben slightly confused. He ends on Evie, who quickly latches his hand. "Began to heal." He finishes.

"Or the day that you showed five people's where the bathrooms are." Mal retorted as her brother chuckled at the joke

"A little bit over the top?" He asked

"A little more than a little bit." Mal said, as they both chuckled. Henrik and Evie shared a look, smirking, knowing full well Ben had his eyes on Mal and maybe she was showing some interests in him.

"Well, so much for my first impression." Ben said jokingly, looking over at Mal as they both laughed with each other as they stare into each others eyes.

Audrey quickly broke the silence. "Hey! You two are Maleficent's son and daughter, aren't you?" She asks pointing at both Mal and Henrik. Henrik raised an eyebrow standing beside Mal as she just nods lightly. "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying t kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..."

"Beauty. Yeah. we've heard the name. No need for the formality." Henrik said monotone clearly getting annoyed at Audrey.

Mal quickly jumped in with a retort "And we totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but our mother to their stupid christening." Mal adds, with a snark to her comment at Audrey, as tensions brewed between the two.

"Water under the bridge." Audrey said sarcastically

"Totes!" Mal replied with Henrik rolling his eyes close to losing his temper, as Audrey and Mal both sarcastically laughed. Audrey shifted her gaze to Henrik, who kept an emotionless expression trying not to lose his temper while flashing a sarcastic smile at her.

Ben quickly jumped in attempting to ease the tension, clapping his hands together "Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah?" He said turning around and walking to the academy as the VKs followed behind him. "Auradon Prep. Originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he become king." He spoke walking and giving the VK's a history of the high school and its founding.

The VKs walked around campus until they came across a statue of King Adam. "Wow. Very interesting statue." He said sarcastically. Ben smirked at him before looking at the statue clapping his hands and the statue morphed from Adam changing him into his beast form, causing Carlos to scream and jump into Jays arms cowering in fear. Henrik laughed as he then pointed at the statue "I change my mind, that is SO cool"

"Carlos, it's okay." Ben spoke with a light chuckle. "My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." He continued looking at the VK's.

"Does he shed much?" Mal jokingly asked Ben while still eyeing the statue.

"Yeah, Mom won't let him on the couch." Ben said seriously, looking at Mal. Mal narrowed her eyes at him, and Ben just smiled at her letting it be known he was just kidding, before he turned around and walked them all inside.

"So..... you guys must have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" Henrik asked out of the blue, still acting casual.

"You know, Like wands and things like that?" Mal asked jumping in with her brother.

"Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals." Ben explained to the two.

Henrik looked at Ben with a raised eyebrow confused by his answer. "Ordinary mortals  who happen to be the kids of kings and queens." He said sarcastically.

"That's true." Audrey cut in quickly flipping her hair towards Henrik. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She said as she putting arm around Ben's shoulders making Henrik scowl at her.

Ben looked up the staircase to see a boy in a marching band uniform coming down. "Doug. Doug, come down." Ben shouted to the boy walking up to him. "This is Doug. He's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." He said to the VKs.

"Nerd alert." Henrik blurted out making Carlos and Jay snicker as Mal and Evie just glanced back at him, thinking his comment was immature.

"Uhmm actually I'd prefer the term intellectually gifted." Doug said attempting to correct Henrik's insult.

Jay snickered at his attempt and looked at Henrik and Carlos "Yeah like that's any better" he joked as the boys let out more laughs, making Doug just awkwardly looked down in shame.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Ben said, but it seemed to be more towards Mal. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to..."

"Ask Doug." Audrey quickly interrupted. She and Mal then gave each other another fake laugh before Audrey walked off pulling Ben with her.

Afterwards, Doug waved to the VK's. "Hey guys, I'm Doug. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." He suddenly saw Evie and stopped in his tracks, going completely wide eyed, mesmerized by how beautiful he thought she was. "Heigh-Ho." He muttered to himself .

"Evie." She said as she walked towards him. "Evil Queen's daughter." She continued.

Doug broke from his trance and spoke "Okay. So about you're classes." He started as Mal and Henrik walked over behind him as he showed them a clipboard. "I put in the requirements already. History of Woodmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet and Remedial Goodness 101." He said as Mal looked down at his clipboard over his shoulder.

"Remedial Goodness, eh?"  Henrik asked sarcastically, already knowing this class was specifically made for all of them.

Mal stuck another piece of candy in her mouth. "New class?" She asked Doug with a smirk as he just nodded. She then looked back at the other VK's. "Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms." She said as she tossed the candy wrapper on the ground before her and the other VK's ran up the stairs that they were next to.

They stopped in their tracks as they heard Doug speak up "Oh. Uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys." He said pointing to the other staircase.

All of the VK's had awkward looks on their faces feeling a little bit embarrassed by the situation. "Right..... w-we knew that" Mal said.

"Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." Doug went on mumbling to himself as the VK's walked past him.

"Sneezy." Carlos told Doug as he paused looking confused

Henrik stopped beside him with an emotionless expression before turning his head looking at Doug. He then suddenly moved his head forward shouting "Boo!" making Doug flinch "Hahaha nerd." Henrik said as he walked to the dorms making Doug lean his head back frustrated

Jay, Carlos and Henrik entered their dorm and loved what they saw. They had double beds of their own and great decor. They even had a couple windows that showed a great view of the campus grounds and gardens. "Okay I am low key loving this place." Henrik commented. All three plopped on their beds sighing loudly in relief and comfort. "Ooohhh so THIS is what a real bed feels like." He said

"Oh yeah." Carlos said. Then something caught his eye, it was a controller and a video game console. He quickly got up to check it out, and saw that a game was already in so he hit the power switch and took the controller ready to give it a try.

Jay soon popped up from his bed and stretch "Well, now that that's out-of-the-way, I'm gonna go look around and see if there's anything I can 'borrow'. You guys want in?" he asked gesturing to the door.

But Henrik just continued to lay on his bed relaxed, and on top of the world "No, I'm good. Better idea though, you take stuff and I'll just take whatever you bring back."

Jay just chuckled rolling his eyes and looked over at Carlos "I'm good man, I really want to give this thing a try" he said getting somewhat invested in his game.

"Your losses" Jay responded as he headed out the room leaving the two to their own things

Meanwhile, Mal and Evie had finally entered their dorm room. Their room was a little bit fancier and brighter than the boys room. Their mind room had a roseate conterminous bed with a fuchsia desk on each allocation. The crosswise had another bed and there were three wide reflector windows with pink curtains which offered an incredible view of the outside.

Evie was absolutely in awe with how beautiful the room was to her, just looking around with a twinkle in her eyes "Wow!"This place is so amaz-"

"Gross." Mal blurted out making it fairly clear evident she did not see the room the same was Evie.

Evie stammered a little bit before responding "I know, Amazingly gross." She said trying to back track what she was going to say.

"I'm going to need some serious sunscreen." Mal muttered  as she walked over to the window, closing the curtains and pointing to Evie to do the same with the others to which she reluctantly did so. "Much better." Mal said with the room having less light.

Later that night, boys' dorm were still doing their own thing, just enjoying the luxuries they were introduced to. Carlos continued to play the video game and Henrik was now lying on his bed flipping an emblem of sorts in the air occupying himself.

Mal and Evie soon walked in taking in their surroundings. Mal noticed Jay standing in front of one of the beds and walked to him seeing a few valuable things strewn across the bed. "Jay, what are you doing?" She asked him.

"It's called stealing." Jay informed her as if stating the obvious.

"Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked not seeing the point of doing so while they are all here.

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." Jay explained as he pulled out a stolen laptop waving it around before opening it up

Mal laughed at Jay, finding it somewhat amusing. "Okay. you can do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." She said.

"Since when did you become like mom?." Henrik asked continuing to flip the coin as lied on his bed.

Mal flicked his head making him react in pain as held his head, allowing Mal to catch the coin. "Someone had to take this seriously and it certainly wasn't gonna be you." She told Henrik sternly. She looked at the coin confused as it wasn't like any currency she heard of and showed it her brother "Where'd you even get this?" She asked.

Henrik shrugged his shoulders "Found it?" He responded, clearly lying but not really caring to tell the truth to his sister.

Mal rolled her eyes in frustration, not getting her brother's antics at all. "Why do you even want this?" She asked him.

"Cause it's cool looking and I don't have one." He answered before snatching it from her hand, giving her a devious smirk "Well, not until now." He said laughing

Jay jumped in defense for Henrik "Look, you do it your way and we'll do it ours." Jay told Mal before hi fiving Henrik, and going to where Carlos was to see what he was playing.

"Die, suckers!" Carlos screamed at the video game he was playing, still going at it, enthralled with it. "Jay, Henrik, come check this thing out! This game rocks!" Carlos yelled out handing the controller to Jay as he started playing the game and getting into it.

Henrik jumped off his bed now interested in seeing how good the game was with Evie following behind to see for herself. "I get next turn" Henrik called out as him and Evie approached the boys.

"Guys!" Mal yelled now growing impatient with the others, making Evie, Henrik and Carlos turn to her, while Jay just continued going at it with the game. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy Godmother... blah, blah, blah.. Magic wand... blah, blah, blah." Jay said staying focused on the game, occasionally glancing back making everyone laugh except Mal.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." Mal said lead the others to turn to her. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" She asked them while nodding her head a little, trying to get them to understand.

"Yeah." They all said in agreement bringing a smile to Mal.

"You could at least let us have fun." Henrik commented sounding a little bummed out.

"You can have fun after we rule the world." She said in a patronizing tone patting his face, as Henrik scowled at her feeling insulted. "Evie, mirror me." Mal ordered as everyone gathered at the table she was at.

Evie reached into her purse and pulled out the small magic mirror as they all stared in anticipation. "Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand." Evie said strongly yet a little clumsy still learning how to use the thing . "Where is Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?" the mirror shimmered and showed them a close up image of the wand itself.

"Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. It is here" Henrik comment.

"Zoom out." Carlos told Evie.

"Magic mirror, not so close." Evie whispered, however it took her request to literal and showed an image of the Earth.

"Too literal E." Henrik said frustrated

"Closer. Closer. Closer." Evie kept saying until it finally stopped on a sign on a building.

Carlos began to get antsy and groaned "Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three." Carlos was getting up to leave before Henrik yanked back down with looking at him, making Carlos pout.

"Stop!" Jay suddenly shouted.

"It's in a museum. Where know where it is now." Mal said as she looked into the mirror.

"One problem though Mal." Henrik spoke up holding up a finger, not noticing Carlos getting back up. "We just got here, we don't even know where the museum is." Henrik pointed out

Carlos typed on the laptop. "2.3 miles from here." Carlos told everyone as he showed them the laptop screen.

Henrik just shrugged "Never mind."

Mal quickly got up from her seat walking over to the door opening it. She poked her head into the hallway to see if the coast was clear. Seeing it was Mal whispered to the others "Come on." Running out into the as she, Henrik, Jay and Evie followed her.

Carlos however stayed back to play the game some more. Henrik quickly stormed back into the room, with an annoyed expression on his face, grabbing Carlos by the ear, and pulling him out.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ear. Ear. Ear. Ear."Carlos yelled in pain as he stumbled behind Henrik out the room grabbing his jacket in the process.

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