
By anointedlily17

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All it took was one fateful encounter with her to change his life. More



82 11 10
By anointedlily17

A/N: Emi makes me want to punch all her teef, yes I said TEEF out ha mouf LOL. LAWD. 

"Did you think I would disappear?" The space suddenly seemed too tight. The water came down in rivulets and would have been refreshing if he hadn't heard that voice.

"How did you get in?"

"You can never keep me out." He turned around to find Emi standing behind him, completely naked. The sight of her repulsed him and he felt a wave of nausea hit him.

"I thought I told you what would happen should I see you again." She eyed him from head to toe.

"It seems at least one part of you is happy to see me."

"Don't flatter yourself." She grew closer and reached out to grab him but he gripped her wrist.

"Emi. I'm going to give you one chance to get dressed and leave my apartment."

"What if I don't want to leave? I know you are still pissed about what I did to your little whore. Show me. My body has missed you." He squeezed harder, making her cry out.



"You're invading my privacy." She laughed.

"Come on Roto-kun don't act as if this is the first time." He smashed her back into the glass door of the shower.

"Don't ever call me that."

"Does it remind you of her?" He breathed heavily, anger starting to spread across his chest like wildfire.

"You sick twisted bitch." She grinned.

"Aww come now Roto... we both know that little midget couldn't ever handle you like I do." She reached for him and stroked him.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"Let's play baby. I've missed you." He grabbed her hand and yanked it up away from him. Gripping her fingers, he squeezed in a brutal grip.

"I will break every last one." She sighed as if bored; as if he had not just made a threat.

"Why does she mean so much to you?"

"I am not going to ask you again to get out."

"I actually came here to be nice."


"I have a proposition." He let go of her fingers and turned away from her, the steam clouding his view.

"I'm done being propositioned."

"This one I'm sure you'd be interested in." The water continued to fall like rain.

"Where would my interest lie?"

"If you sleep with me, I won't harm your little girlfriend."

"You wouldn't dare..." He turned around with the quickness, his cheeks growing warm with anger. She giggled, her eyes aglow with glee.

"Oh, I would. I may even succeed this time." He clenched his fists.

"This has nothing to do with Rae. Why even mess with her?"

"She decided to take you from me. I tried to be nice. But she just didn't know when to quit. And now she's gone too far. I can never forgive her. So," She leaned back against the glass, arms crossed.

"Sleep with me."

"I'd rather die."

"Think of what is at stake here Hiroto. I can have her disposed of with one phone call. She'll never see it coming. You wouldn't dare let anything happen to her. I know you... even under the ice you're warm. How would you sleep at night knowing I got rid of her?"

"You don't fucking know me. Or of what I can do." His eyes had grown dark with fury.

"You don't really know what I can do to you." At the tone of his voice, she shivered and grinned.

"Show me." The water turned cold. He looked into her eyes, her body trembling. Mouth shut, he turned off the water. Repulsion prickled his skin and he felt the moment he receded into his psyche and became numb. Grabbing her, he pushed her out of the shower and shoved her down on the bathroom floor. She groaned as he roughly came into her, holding her body down so that she could not move.

"I missed you. I knew you'd come back to me..." He dug his fingers into her hair and pressed her head against the floor, crushing her lips into the marble. He didn't want to hear her talk. Somewhere in between the sickness rising in his stomach and her wild screams, he felt his eyes water. He felt empty. Turning his gaze away from her, he caught them in the bathroom mirror, the fog starting to clear. The sight of what they were doing made him want to vomit.

"I hate you." He spoke, his voice almost too calm. But inside, he was screaming. She mumbled against the floor but he quickly shut her up. She grabbed the rug on the floor and wailed as she orgasmed. He pulled out of her suddenly, the pain of no release hitting him in the stomach. It was nothing compared to the pain in his chest. In his head. Letting her hair go, he stood up, leaving her there on the floor. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped over her body and left the bathroom, his body shaking. Alone, the tears fell and he sobbed quietly, hugging himself.


Four and a half weeks had passed and not one word from Hiroto. It was funny how time had flown by. It seemed like forever. She had fell back into the routine and gotten up in the morning and went to school everyday. She sat in her seat and the expectation to see him sitting behind her never quite went away. She was starting to get the lessons a bit more and was proud to share the news with Minako. But if she were honest, she would be lying if she said she did not miss Hiroto.

She wanted to call him and hear his voice. She missed his jokes. His laughter. She missed the stupid little grin he got on his face when he said something cheeky. She missed him. His scent. His presence. His whole being. She felt like she had been going through a withdrawal and it was sad that she had grown so attached to him. But she didn't regret it. She wondered how he had spent the four weeks going on five. By the end of this week, it would mark a full month and a week since they had last seen, talked to or been around each other.

She sighed and decided to straighten her hair again with Minako's help. She made sure that it was wrapped up and properly moisturized at night and in the morning so that it did not burn under the sun's rays. It still looked and felt healthy and she knew she needed to get some more of her natural hair care products from overseas soon.

She got dressed in a tank top and some shorts and grabbed her phone. He was right about one thing. She did need more friends. Preferably girls. She put on her school uniform over her clothes and sighed. Back to summer school she went. That holiday was a much needed break and she needed to get her mind back on it. She wanted to be up to date and caught up. She slid on her Mary Jane's and grabbed her book bag.

Heading downstairs she found Minako sitting in the living room watching tv.

"I'm off."

"Ah, Hiroto still not see you?"

"Nope." Minako turned to her shocked.

" Okay then." She got up and hugged her.

"You look so cute." She giggled and pinched her cheek.

"Mina-chann, that hurts." She gushed and let go of her cheek.

"Sorry sorry..." She grinned.

"Okay I'm going."

"Bye bye. Call me when you done. We do something fun."

"Sounds good." She waved and closed the door. The sun blared down on her making her fan herself. Woo, it was hot. She prayed her hair did not start to curl in the heat. Humming to herself softly, she made her way up the road and soon came up the hill to her school.

Stepping inside the gates, she found the lot empty. Hm? There were no cars in the parking lot and no one was standing outside waiting to greet her. Did they not have school today? Why didn't anyone call Minako and let her know? She paused, looking around. Coming to the door, she tugged and found it opened. The door was open? Stepping inside, she looked down both sides of the hallway.

"Hello?" Nothing.

"Hello?" She tried in Japanese. Hm. It was quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Clutching her bag, she turned to leave.

"Hey!" The voice made her jump and she spun around with the quickness, ready to hurt somebody. It was a girl in her school uniform. She stared at her. She wasn't like the rest of the girls. Her skin was an almond color, almost akin to hers. She looked black. She gawked, her mouth dropping open. Whoever she was, she was gorgeous. Her long silky hair fell down her shoulders.


"What are you doing here?"


"Yes you."

"Um...I..." The girl smirked.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Her English was perfect and fluent and she was shocked that it had come from her mouth.


"Do you always stare at people like this?"

"No trust me I don't. Uh, why are you here? Nobody else is?" She shook her head.

"I just got here myself. Apparently, nobody thought it nice to tell us we didn't have school today." She chuckled.

"Tell me about it. I walked all the way from home in this hot ass uniform." The girl laughed.

"You are funny." She grinned.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. I stared you down so hard because I didn't think there was another black person here but me." The girl grinned back.

"There are a lot of mixed children here as the years go by but yeah. We exist."

"Wow. So you're black and Japanese?" She nodded.



"I get that a lot. I'm glad I could make you more comfortable in your skin here." She nodded.

"I appreciate it. It kinda makes me wonder how many more are here?" The girl ran fingers through her hair.

"There's a couple white and Japanese students. But I'm the only black and Japanese one."

"How is that being the only person of color?"

"Person of color?" She asked, a confused look on her face.

"Yeah. It means non-white person. People with brown skin. Like us."

"Oh. Well, it's been hard. But I don't consider myself an outsider. I'm Japanese just as much as I am a black person." She nodded, reflecting back to her conversation with Hana.

"Where you from?"


"What state?"

"New York." The girl got excited and jumped for joy a little.

"Me too. My family in Harlem."

"Shut up. I'm from Brooklyn."

"Yasssss." She switched so quick to African American Vernacular and it made feel her instantly at home.

"So you have to tell me your name." She laughed.

"I'm Ebere."


"Nice to meet you."

"Same here." She sighed and looked around.

"I guess we should go then." She agreed and they walked out of the school.

"Tell me about yourself Ebere." She asked with a friendly smile as they walked down the hill.

"Well, I'm a army brat. My grandfather was stationed in Okinawa during the war. And my dad followed his footsteps and fell in love with the people and everything." Aiko squealed.

"Why did you just tell my life though?" She looked at her.

"For real?"

"Yes. My grandfather was in WWII and had my dad. He was stationed in Okinawa during the eighties but you know nothin really happened here. He met my mother and they got married and here I am."

"Wait your daddy Japanese?" She laughed.

"Yeah. Mom is Black."

"I never heard of a Japanese man with a Black woman before." Aiko grinned.

"Neither did 80's Japan. But Otousan and Okaasan thought outside of the box."

"If you don't mind me asking, where your mama from?"

"Originally from Mississippi."

"How you get to New York then?"

"Fam moved up there and been there ever since. I lived there for some time, being raised back and forth 'tween here and states. But my otousan wanted me to come here so I been livin here for a few years."

"Wow...that's cool. I'm sorry if I was all up in your business. I just never met nobody like you before."

"It's cool." They walked some more and that's when the sun started to blaze. The wind that picked up their skirts was hot and muggy. Aiko groaned.

"This summer heat gotta go. It's gon make my hair poof." She laughed.

"I'm tryin to save mine." They laughed again.

"You're all right Ebere. You should come chill with me sometime when school is actually in session." She nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"My stop is that way so I'm gonna go. Do you have a cell?"

"Yeah sure." She pulled out her phone and Aiko put her number in.

"Text me sometime."

"Sure thing."

"Bye Ebere."

"Bye Aiko." She waved and watched as she turned down another street. Smiling to herself, she inwardly gushed. Aiko was mad cool. It was so refreshing to meet another girl from New York and who was brown skinned just like her. She was sure it was challenging growing up in Japan looking the way she did but from what she could tell, Aiko had a tough skin. Grinning, she called Minako and told her school was out. She honestly did not want to go home just yet. The day was not even started yet. She wanted to get out and explore some. Hm. Maybe she would go to the mall or something. 

Dialing Minako back, she asked where the mall was and how to get there and she told her about the train. It would not take long she said. All set. She was glad she put her wallet in her bag this morning. Heading towards the station Minako instructed, she smiled brightly. Japan was becoming her home and she wasn't honestly sure she wanted to go back to New York. Not right now. There was too much to discover here in this foreign place and she would not be satisfied until she had eaten up every place and seen everything there was to see. Like an explorer, she headed off in search of her next destination.


He stood by the platform, waiting for the T train into Downtown Tokyo. He sighed and slid his hands into his pockets. Nestled in his arm was a bouquet of flowers. Today, he was going to visit Hana. She was still in the hospital, a month later she was still recovering. she had broken ribs and other bones that needed time to heal. He didn't want to visit her angry so he took a deep breath but at the thought of Aki, his lips twisted up. He felt the warm air blow his freshly cut hair out of his eyes and deeply inhaled. Closing his eyes, he let the wind blow against him.

After a while, he heard the sound of metal and looked up to see the train approaching. Spotting a seat near the window he wanted, he waited until the doors opened.

"AH. WAIT. Oh my God..." He turned just as he stepped onto the train. A girl was running to the door. His neutral expression changed. Those legs were brown. That voice. His heart leapt in his chest. The girl huffed as she got on and grabbed on to the pole nearest his seat. Swallowing he prayed she lifted her head. She slowly lifted up and exhaled with a heavy breath.

"Lawd... I almost missed it." Rae. He gripped the flowers in his arm and took her in. She wore a pair of shorts and a white tank top and some rose pink sneakers. Her hair was straight again and was pulled back from her face. Her legs were so shapely and he knew the skin on her thigh was smooth like butter. Swallowing thickly, he looked away.

"Excuse me..." Her Japanese sounded like it was directed to him. He bit his lip.

"Excuse me?" He slowly lifted his eyes upward and she grew still, her eyes widened. She gripped the pole next to her seat.

"Hi...Hiroto?" It had been far too long. He missed the way she said his name.

"Hi beautiful." Her eyes grew watery and she took her hand down and clutched them together in her lap. She didn't reply for the longest.

"Why the hell haven't you contacted me..." She asked quietly, not making eye contact with him. Guilt hit him in the face.

"I'm sorry I didn't Rae."

"That's not what I asked you."

"It is the only answer I can give you." She sucked her teeth.

"So you just decide to ignore me for a straight up month?! Everything's good with you and you just decide to leave me in the dust right?"

"It's nothing like that."

"Oh? It ain't?"

"Not even close."

"Well enlighten me then. I'd love to hear it." He licked his lips. He had opened himself like a book and she had tenderly caressed the pages. Without her soft fingers there to keep him in order, he had felt frazzled.

"Where are you headed?" She looked up at him.

"Where are you headed?" She repeated, crossing her arms.

"Hana." Is all he said. Her irritated expression fell away and the tears welled back up in her eyes.

"Hana... Oh God... Hana... How... How is she?"

"Better." She wiped the tears that had fallen.

"You should come with me Rae."

"Okay sure." Silence grew between them and this time it was not quite as comfortable as it used to be. He blamed himself. Everything within him wanted to contact her after the three week mark was up and now it was almost approaching a month and a week. Circumstances had gotten in the way. The announcer railed off the stop in a friendly female voice and he stood up. She got up too and followed him off of the train.

"Talk." She said not looking at him. He opened his mouth but no words came out. How would he best explain what happened to him this past month?

"I have a lot to tell you. But we should save it until after we meet Hana."

"Fine." They walked in silence and entered the hospital.

"How may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Iwase Hana. Room 15 B."

"Ah, yes. Mr. Iwase."


"Her brother correct?"


"Who is the young lady accompanying you? We only allow kin at this time. She is still very critically injured."

"She is her sister."

"She does not look like kin."

"She is her sister-in law." The lie came out but he was not going to let them keep her away from Hana.

"To whom is she married to?" He didn't look down at her and knew he had no right to touch her but he had to make this woman believe him. He put his arm around her and pulled her against him. He sighed a little and his lips twitched in a smile.

"She is married to me."

"Aren't you two a little young to be married?" He ignored her and looked down at Rae, who was pressed gently against his side. She didn't look at him but he could see her reddened cheeks.

"Rae, I need you to act with me a little."


"This woman is not going to let you in to see Hana. I told her you were her sister-in law."

"So...we're married?"

"As far as she is concerned." He heard her suck her teeth.

"You liar."

"You want to see her right?"

"Hm. What I gotta do?"

"Put your arm around me." She slowly did and pressed her face against his side.

"When did you two get married?"

"Is that any of your business?"

"It is if you wish to see Mrs. Iwase." He looked at her, his expression quite dull but the irritation he felt in his chest was on fire.

"You are not in the position to question me about my personal life. You will let us see our relative. That is all." The woman scanned Rae from head to toe, completely disregarding his statement.

"She can't be married to you. I don't see a ring."

"Your actions will reward you without a job if you continue. Do not insult me." The woman paled.

"Now, take us to her." She eyed Rae one last time before leading the way. Rae let go of his waist and gently took a finger of his instead. He smiled at the action. He missed her touch. He glanced at her. She rolled her eyes but she couldn't hide it. Her lips had turned into a small smile.

"15 B. Iwase Hana." He bowed and pulled Rae into the room. She let go of his pinky and stood by the door, her eyes on Hana who laid in bed. The monitor beeped and the pump of her oxygen was steady.

"Does she need that to breathe?" She asked quietly. His throat grew tight. Without it, Hana would not be breathing.


"I thought you said she was better."

"She is. She's not nearly the same as when she got here. Bones take time to heal Rae."

"That disgusting creep. Hana..." She grew closer to the bed and grabbed her hand.

"Hana... It's Rae. Rae-hime..." He watched her and gripped the flowers.

"How are you doing? Can you hear me?" Beep. Pump. Beep. Pump.

"It's been such a long time but you are still so beautiful Hana-chan. What that monster did to you doesn't show. Honest. You still are glowing bright. Even if your light is a little dim right now..." She stroked Hana's hand.

" have to fight. Remember what you said about me? You have the same fighter spirit. You have a little girl who misses you, waiting for you. She wants her mommy. You have to show her that you made it." He could hear the tears in her voice and placed the flowers on a nearby chair. She let the sobs out and they grew loud and unrestrained.

"Hana.... Hana...." He gently pulled her back against him in a hug and she turned and gripped his shirt.

"It's okay. Let it out." His voice was soft and he gently rubbed her back. She leaned against him, holding onto him to stand. After a long while, her sobs grew to soft hiccups. He held her close and sighed against her, her sweet scent invading his deprived senses.

"How could he do that to her? How..." She asked tiredly, pressing her face against his ribs.

"She will survive this. I know her. She will pull through." He reassured her.

"I'm praying to God that she does. She has to." He let go of her slowly, letting his arms drop to his sides.

"I needed to get that out...God..." Her voice was coarse.



"Emi came back." She looked up at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"Emi... came back?!"

"That's why I have been away from you so long." She nibbled on her bottom lip and ran fingers through her hair.

"Don't do that, you'll break the skin." She stopped but took it into her mouth.

"You telling me that crazy heifer just popped up out the blue?"

"In my shower to be more precise." She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Shower?! She came up in your shower?"

"I'll tell you more when Hana can't hear. But yes. This past month... it's been..." He clutched his fists and looked away from her.

"It's been hell." She gently unclenched his fist.

"I said I was going to protect you Hiroto. Have you forgotten that?" He found his eyes suddenly filling with tears.


"Have you?"

"Of course not."

"Well. Why the hell are you fighting this alone? You don't have to."

"Your life was in danger Ebere. I had to do something." She sighed.

"I can't stay mad at you even if I wanted to. That bitch must be asking for a death wish." She looked into his eyes.

"Tell me all about it." He took a shaky breath.

"Not here."

"When you are ready." She didn't let go of his hand and he was glad she didn't. He gently slid his fingers through hers. He was going to end this. He would fight to the death for this girl. He had to let her guide him and wherever she led, he was sure to follow. He had to do this. It was time that he felt whole too. Just like Hana, he was broken in pieces but the glue that stuck him back together was her. Slowly, bit by bit he was coming back. He didn't know if he would truly ever be made completely whole but he wanted to try. She made him want to give a damn. 

A/N: She deserves you trying, Hiroto. You deserve it too. :) 


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