
By anointedlily17

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All it took was one fateful encounter with her to change his life. More



107 14 13
By anointedlily17

A/N: A BIG thank you to all of you who are reading, saving to reading lists, commenting and voting! I sooo appreciate you! I am glad you are enjoying these two hehe. Since it's Saturday, I decided to upload some more hehe. I just got home from work and I was honestly kinda nervous about this lol. Likeeee omg are they gonna like it. To see the support from you are is so inspiring and I'm thankful. Let's continue their love story hehe. 

The bell from the nearby temple rang and its clear sharp sound awakened him. Funny thing was this day he did not want to get up. He wanted to lay there on his cool futon and sleep. Hide from the world. It had gotten hot during the night and his skin was sticky with sweat. He groaned against his pillow.

"Hiro?" He heard a male voice. Tomo.


"Get up. We have to get ready for Hanami today."

"I don't want to go."

"You not going to Hanami is like me not bathing. The two do not mix." He smirked against his pillow.

"What happened last night? I was with Minase."

"You wouldn't be anywhere else."

"I heard Emi got the taste slapped out of her."

"Mm. Grandmother Takiko slapped her harder than Rae did."

"Oh, I have to hear this." He slid open the shoji and came in.

"Tell me all the details."

"Not much to tell. Emi was being her usual self, my father tried to get her to apologize. She went off and got hit."

"Ooh hoo hoo. Shut her up and shut her down. Damn. I wish I coulda been there to see that."

"I thought you wanted her Tomo?" He grunted.

"I did. But, after seeing how she treated Rae, I changed my mind. No woman is beautiful enough to allow lunacy. She is straight up insane. How the hell did you put up with her?"

"I had no choice." He couldn't help if his voice was bitter. It was truth.

"So, I heard Rae came here to your room last night. And when she left, she was quite... flustered."

"Where are you hearing these things?" His voice was muffled from the pillow.

"You aren't talking. So it must be true. What happened Hiro?" He sighed.

"You are quite nosy."

"You already know that. Spill it."

"I made a move on her." Tomo grinned and pushed at his back.

"Look at me cousin." He turned.

"What kinda move?" He licked his lips.

"The only move I'll ever allow myself."

"What did you do Hiro?!"

"I held her." Tomo snort.


"I put her on my lap." Tomo's grin grew even more cheeky.

"Oh that's good. I am so proud to be related to you." No reply.

"You were hard weren't you?" Again, nothing.

"Oh God Hiro...She felt it didn't she?"

"You're loving this you perverted bastard." He snickered.

"Someone's grouchy cause he didn't get to go all the way."

"I am not discussing any more with you." He turned back around.

"That was a big move. What did she do? Was she scared?"

"Mm." The sound suggested he wasn't sure. But her breathy pants and the way she had gripped him spoke otherwise. No, she was far from scared. She had been turned on. The sweet smell of her arousal wafted across his nose and that was then he knew she had to get off of him.

"I'm glad you did something because it was painful to watch you two." He grunted.

"Well, hop to it. You'll get to see her today. I don't know about you but I wanna see what she'll be wearing tonight."

"Don't look too hard." Tomo snickered before leaving him alone again. He shouldn't have did that. What if he had scared her off? Biting his lip, he groaned into his pillow. Well, it was done. But he wouldn't allow himself to get caught up again. He got up and let the blanket slide away from him. He stood and stretched. Grabbing his discarded yukata, he wrapped it around himself and headed to the bathroom.


She found herself in a hot bath, straight out the bed. A servant had come to get her and they were currently washing her hair. They dunked her and she came back up.

"Could you please not scratch my scalp that hard?" She asked, trying not to go off. She was still half asleep for goodness sake. They nodded and used their fingertips. Better. She sighed and a second pair of hands came under the water and began washing her. She resisted sucking her teeth. Was this the guest treatment or something? If so, she felt bad for all the guests that stayed with them. Soon, she was clean and they nearly yanked her out. She couldn't take it anymore and told them she had it from there. They was gon do something and get cussed out. Sighing, she sat at the small vanity and combed her hair. Reaching in her bag, she moisturized it and sealed it with sweet almond oil. Much better. She heard the door open and Hana came in.

"Good morning!" She smiled.

"Good morning." She eyed her.

"You glow today."

"I wasn't glowing yesterday?" Hana grinned.

"Not like this. What... happen?" She swallowed and looked down.

"Nothing. Dang." Hana chuckled.

"You think I didn't notice you come in late last night? There is only one person you be alone with here."

"Nothing happened Hana!"

"I did not say anything did." She said with a deep grin. She felt her face flush.

"Ah, sweet hime-chan." She came behind her and hugged her.

"You were safe yes? Condom?" She felt her entire body grow hot.

"Oh God... no we didn't... we didn't do it." Hana looked surprised.

"No do it? Ah, I impress. That feeling was between you two a lot."

"Okay can we stop talking about it?" Hana gently grabbed her hair and started to comb through with her fingers.

"What did you two do then?" She looked up at Hana who curiously looked back down at her, completely ignoring her question. She sighed and took a breath.

"We just... we just... Well... I just... He..."

"He touch you? He was careful yes?"

"No... we didn't... I sat on his lap. And um... I felt... felt... his um..."

"Ah. Sweet hime-chan you don't have to say more. I see now." She felt her entire face glow bright red like a balloon.

"Good you two not do more. Good he control. Too early. Wait more." Wait. That seemed to be screaming at her and she knew she should. She wanted to. She planned to. Hiroto just made it more... challenging than she thought.

"We make you look pretty today."

"Hana, what are you wearing?"

"I wear yukata like you." She replied as if it was a silly question.

"I want to make you look pretty too." Hana blushed.

"Ah, this is okay. I take care of you!" She shook her head.

"You've had my back this entire time. I owe it to you! Before you straighten my hair, let me do something for you!" Hana lifted a hand to her cheek and her blush grew deeper.

"Nails?" Ah, her nails?

"Sure. What color is your yukata?"

"Pale green." Pastel...

"Do you have pale green?"

"Pale yellow. My obi." She nodded. It would do. She got up.

"Let me put something on. Maybe my juban?"

"Ah, yes. It is there hanging on rack." She hurried and put it on. Smiling at her, she sighed.

"Okay. I'm ready! Let's get painting!" Hana giggled girlishly and left and soon returned with this really gorgeous pastel yellow color. It looked like sunlight in a bottle.

"It's so pretty Hana!"

"You get this too?" She giggled.

"Will it match my yukata?"

"Pale pink or blue. I get." She left again and returned with the two shades.

"I'll do you first." She gingerly gave her her hand and she admired her nails.

"Your nails are so nice! Nice long nail beds! It makes your fingers look slender." Hana blushed.

"You have too. Nice slender hands."

"But my hands are so small." She laughed.

"Cute! Dainty hand!" She shook the bottle.

"Hana?" She was quiet as she carefully made the first stroke with the brush.


"Can we get to know each other a bit? We haven't had time to really talk."

"Ah, yes! I want to know all about you." She smiled.

"Me too."

"Ah, my life is boring." She waved with her free hand.

"It can't be! Can you share a little?" As Hana began to ponder, she gently scrapped excess polish from the side of her finger with her nail.

"Well, I marry into Iwase family. I am not 100% Japanese blood." She glanced up at her.

"You're not?" Hana shook her head.

"Father Chinese. Mother Japanese. But I hear I look more Japanese."

"Well I don't care what you look more of. You are gorgeous." Hana blushed darker, her cheeks pink.

"You are kind Ebere-hime."

"Rae. Just Rae."


"Did you have a hard time growing up?"

"Yes. At time, and sometime still, it is hard for half blood children." She felt her heart break. What kind of treatment had she gone through?

"Um... Hana... if you don't mind me asking... why haven't I seen your husband? Isn't he an Iwase? Shouldn't he be here?" Hana took a breath and smiled weakly.

"He is here."

"He is?!"


"How come I never see you two together?" She was quiet for a moment.

"We are... it is... well..."

"Sorry if I got too personal." She shook her head.

"It is okay. It is complicate." She glanced over at Hisae who played with the folded blankets.

"We were young. About you and Hiroto age. We weren't suppose to see each other. His parent did not like me because I was half Chinese." She listened intently, moving on to her fourth finger.

"He said he love me. Didn't care. And... it happened. We laid together. And soon he left me." She paused and glanced up at her.

"He left you?"

"For little while. When I found I carry Hisae, I told him."

"What did he do?"

"He was scared. He tell me I make mistake. But I tell him he only one I lie with." She paused, her hand forgotten. She knew Hana had a story. It was heartbreaking.

"Hana..." She weakly smiled and sighed.

"His parent demand he abandon me. But, he do honorable thing. He marry me. At least Hisae get name."

"Do you love him Hana?" She looked down.

"How can I not... I am foolish. He was first love. It hurt to see him with other girls. But, our marriage is show." She swallowed thickly and softly gripped her hand. Hana looked up and smiled.

"I am fine Rae-chan. Hisae is my life. The only good thing I get from him."

"But don't you wish..." She trailed off.

"Of course I do. I fear I might love him forever. How foolish I am."

"Hana, don't say that. If he can move on, you can too. You deserve happiness! Hisae deserves a dad. Not a father. But a dad. A man who will love and take care of her and you!" Hana's eyes grew teary and she bit her lip.

"You are so kind Rae-chan. Nobody tell me this. They treat me like servant. Like I don't belong."

"This why I support you Rae-chan." She looked up at her.

"You remind me of younger self. Innocent and pure heart. Gentle but fighter spirit. What you have with Hiroto-kun...It is real." She gripped her hand in return.

"Hiroto not play game. He not lie. Unlike my husband. No. He really truly love you Rae-chan. He mean his word. This bring me hope. Not all Iwase men are same. Hiroto different."

"He love till end. Take care and provide. Treat you good. I want you to be with him and be happy Rae-chan. Do not turn into me. In loveless marriage with child. True love come one time. Do not miss it. Chase it if you must to not lose it." She felt emotion in her chest and tried to steady her hand before dipping into the nail polish again. She bit her lips and continued painting.



"Can we meet again when I go home?" Hana smiled wide, her teeth showing.

"I like that very much! Yes, we must!" She smiled back.

"How old are you?"

"I am 20 years old." She nodded. She wasn't far from her age. Which meant that this marriage was somewhat recent. She had a problem with the man she called husband. How dare he be with other women right in front of her! While she sat with HIS child. Hana loved this guy with all her heart. Did he not realize the good thing he had? Sighing, she reached for her other hand and took her time, making sure there was no extra paint. Once done, she sat back with a grin.

"Wah! It looks so good!" Hana said, holding out her hands. She laughed softly.

"Thank you!"

"I dry then you!"

"Okay!" Hana got up and went over to Hisae who was playing on the engawa just outside their room. She watched them and pondered over Hana's words about Hiroto. Was it possible? To love someone like she claimed in such a short time? Hana had such trust in Hiroto. But... how could... how could she know for sure? Could she.. honestly say she... loved him? All of this was making her head dizzy.

After a while she heard,

"You ready for nail?" Hana's voice snapped out of her thoughts.

"Ee." As she began to paint her nails, she looked out through the open shoji door nearest the back and watched as a small butterfly landed delicately upon a large green leaf. What was it telling her?


The sound of breath heavy and the loud solid hit of an object against another echoed in the quiet of the morning. Sweat dripped from his face. Gripping the bokken in his hand tighter, he assumed another stance. In front of him was a wooden structure but in his eyes, it was an physical manifestation of his stress. He took a deep breath. Letting out a grunt, he charged forward and struck the target. Jugular. Straight in the throat. He let the early morning sun dry up the perspiration that had formed on his face and neck and sighed...the wind picking up sifting through his damp strands. He didn't know how long he had been out here. It was still early and most of his family members were still asleep.

After Tomo had come to his room, he had bathed and changed into a pair of hakama and decided to practice his swordsmanship. He had recently been neglecting to attend the kendo club after school. It had become something he had associated with his family. But, he enjoyed sparring with the sword, kendo or otherwise. Hitting the structure again, he took a deep breath. Calm. Calculating. Breath in. Breath out. He closed his eyes. Sliding the bokken into the band of his hakama, he stood still, letting the wind caress him.

"Haven't seen you do that in a while." He turned to see his mother standing on the engawa, watching him. He didn't reply. She sighed at his lack of response.

"I wonder when your father is going to make you swordplay." He took a breath and turned his back to her slowly bending his knees until he sat on the ground. Silence.

"Hiroto," Finally, his mouth opened.


"Why haven't you been practicing?" He took a withdrawn sigh.

"I do have a life outside of kendo and aikido."

"I'm sure. I just want you to be ready. Your father brings in the best from around the country. Just to spar with you. You need to keep your skills sharp."



"This is yet again another showcase for you. I do not want any part in it."

"It is tradition."

"It is a stage in which I am forced to play a part." He replied, turning his dull gaze on her.

"You enjoyed swordplay as a child." He still did. But, being forced to dress up extravagantly and parade around in a room full of people was something he despised.

"This has nothing to do with my enjoyment. You and I both know that Mother. When has it ever been?" She sighed loudly.

"I wish for once that you would not fight me so hard. For once..."

"For once what Mother? I have always bit my tongue and done as you asked. Even if I hated it. To make you happy, I would have done anything."


"I wonder if Himeji-dono sparred in a room full of people in full regalia." He spoke with a neutral tone, referring to one of his ancestors, a well known samurai of the Edo Era. His mother was quiet.

"Did he make a spectacle? Just to prove himself?" He heard her step off of the engawa and come to sit next to him.

"We will never know. I believe Himeji-dono must have at some point sparred publicly in order to show his skill."

"Is it absolutely necessary to paint my face and have me wear that heavy armor? This is not battle. This is humiliation."

"You know that it is not the same as feminine makeup. It shows rank, lordship and aristocracy. You are the descendent of Emperors. It is only fitting."

"It makes me sick." It was a while before he spoke again.

"Why must I be subjected to this?"

"You will because you have to. Regardless of whether you want to or not. When you were named Iwase, that name came with responsibility. As our only son, you have duties Hiroto. Don't let that girl distract you." He turned to face her, dismissing her last statement.

"My unhappiness has nothing to do with her. You will look for any reason to put this on her won't you? Since you have so kindly brought her up, why have you not visited her?" That was not expected. She faltered.

"Do you not think she is deserving of condolence? She was nearly killed."

"I have done my best to come visit her but she has always been away or not present." He chuckled humorlessly.

"Not once have I seen you even venture towards her room."

"You would know. You've been with her every day since she got here. Quite familiar with her room are you?" He ignored her implication. If he was, that wouldn't be any of her business.

"As a proper host should be. You have forgotten how to entertain guests?" He knew he sounded like his grandmother and that irritated her. She took a deep breath.

"Why have you not entertained those I have invited?" Ah, what a way to turn the conversation around.

"Skipping around the topic does not help you Mother. Admit that perhaps you think Emi was justified in what she did."

"I never would think this. Your mouth has gotten so loose recently Hiroto!" He got up.

"If I am to live the rest of my life, I cannot allow you or anyone else to speak for me."

"Why do you insist on rebelling?"

"It's time you stop running from the truth."

"What is the truth Hiroto?"

"You know the answer to that." She glanced at him and looked longer than he would have liked. He withdrew his bokken and steadied it in front of him, pressing the smooth polished cedar in the middle of his palm.

"Hiroto...what must I do to ensure you happiness?" Her question was quietly asked.

"Leave me alone." He heard her bristle.

"If that is what you want." She got up and left him in the quiet. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Before his legs moved and he struck the figure again.


"Hana, what are we doing?" She found herself in a room with a kettle, long stick with a wooden cup on the end and little black container.

"We practice tea ceremony."

"But I thought we were going to go eat lots of food at a picnic." Hana laughed.

"Yes we do. But first tea." She slid some of her hair behind her ears. It had taken a while before all of her hair was straight but she was honestly shocked it had gotten that long. It came to her mid back. Hana had gushed and ran her fingers through it so many times. For now, she had put it into a ponytail but she had no idea what Hana had planned.

"Okay so... how do we do this tea thing?"

"Very elegant like. Movements old as time. Take years to master." She snort.

"And y'all want me to do all of this in a matter of hours?" Hana laughed.

"You probably just pour tea."

"Okay, I think I can do that." The shoji slid open and two of the older women she had seen at the beginning of the trip came in dressed in really pretty yukata.

"Hello. Good morning. We are here to teach you the basics of tea ceremony."

"Thank you Baa-chan. Ebere here does not know. I thought it would be good for her to come see what it is about." One of the women looked at her. Here we went again with the staring.

"This your hair?" She asked suddenly, pointing at her head. She reached up and touched it.

"Oh... Ee."

"Pretty. Long."

"Thank you very much." The woman smiled and bowed in return.

"So polite."

"Now, Miss Ebere, come here."

"Go to Hamako-san."

"Where is she?"

"The one who spoke to you."

"Oh..." She blushed and scooted closer to the woman.

"Come. I teach you to pour." She came closer. Hamako-san reached to the side of her and pulled a beautiful royal purple cloth out of her obi. It matched her yukata.

"Take fukasa and delicately fold it like so." She gently gripped it and smoothed it out before gently folding one side first before folding the other side. She lightly held it in her hands.

"Hold like this. Now, get natsume." Natsume?

"Black contain." She gently pushed a pretty lacquer container towards Hamako-san. She nodded.

"Wipe like this." She gently picked it up and wiped one side partially and then the other side. Sitting it down, she reached for the next thing.

"Now, chashaku." Chashaku? What the heck was she saying?


"Here." She lifted the long slender utensil with a curved point at the end. Oh...

"Wipe." She wiped it with the cloth and set it on top of the black container top.

"Chasen." The whisk thing. She did not wipe it but turned it upside down and placed it next to the natsume. She watched her as she folded the cloth again and took off the lid of the tea kettle. It was one she'd never seen before but it was so very plain. Guess it didn't need to look as pretty. She grabbed the ladle.

"Put water in hishaku. Put in bowl." She nodded and she took a tiny white cloth out of the bowl before pouring the water into the bowl. She swished it around a couple times and then emptied it into a bowl by her thigh.

"Wipe, open natsume. Get tea. Pour. Whisk. Serve." She smiled as Hamako-san did it all, slowly and almost thoughtfully. No rush. Her movements were delicate and extravagant but beautiful nonetheless. She soon pushed the bowl her way and she picked it up.

"Thank you so much."

"Please enjoy." She gently took a sip. The tea was bitter and she tried not to scrunch up her face. Hamako-san smiled.

"Bitter yes. We have sweets to go before bitter." Well, it woulda been nice to give her one before...

"You try."

"Hana, I know you are proficient. After she is done, you guys must start getting ready. We will leave for the hill at 3 pm." Hana nodded.

"Rae-hime... please try to do what Hamako-san instructed."

"Okay." She took a deep breath and felt a flash of nervousness come across her stomach. What if she forgot everything she had just watched?

"You be fine." The other older woman said, nodding at her. She went over and grabbed the fukasa that Hamako-san offered her. She tried her best to mimic the movements she made when she did it. She got through cleaning the utensils and once she got the water, the other woman came close.

"Careful. It will be hot later." She proceeded with caution as if the water was hot and cleaned the bowl. She didn't actually put the tea into the bowl because she did not want to drink it again. Placing everything back into the bowl, she looked up at Hamako-san, Hana and Baa-chan. She didn't know her name but she looked like a friendly grandma. They smiled and Hana gave a thumbs up. Woo Lord... She did it. She knew she would look like a novice but hey, considering they had only had a couple hours to practice, it would be good enough.

"Good! Quick learner!" Hamako-san said with a big smile. She bowed her head with a shy smile.

"You two get ready now." The other woman said before bowing. She bowed in return and soon, they gathered the tray and left. She turned to face Hana.

"How did I do?"

"Very good job!"

"Hana, what is the purpose of the tea ceremony? Why do all that?" She bit her lip.

"It was way of showing respect, have peace and appreciate nature and zen."


"I just want you to see up close. Japanese culture and history. " She smiled and hugged Hana.

"Thank you Hana-chan. I appreciate it. It's such a great experience."

"We have more all summer!" She giggled.

"Yes we will!"

"Come now, we must get ready." She led her back to their room. Today had to be one of the biggest days for the Iwase family. They went through such lengths to keep everything "traditional". She wondered what else was in store. She was excited to take this trip back in time. Everything thus far was amazing. Humming to herself, she began to get ready. 

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