Dear Reader [1]

By KillerFrost298

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To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there Where I pace in my pen and My friends found friends w... More

Cordelia Cesel
ACT I Dear Reader
00 - Prologue/ A Girl Washed Up By A Lake
01 - A Kid Blows Up A Toilet
02 - Capture The Dumbass
03 - I Remind A Horse About Child Protection
04 - I Reunite With My Mother...Sort Of?
05 - This Time We Blow Up A Train
06 - I Break My Promise
07 - I Question My Sanity
08 - Note to Self; Take Away Percy's Sword
09 - I Come Face To Face With Love
10 - Another Note; Never Let Percy In The Driver's Seat
11-I Finally Make It To The Underworld; Seventy Years Later
12-My Grudges Against Shoes Prevail
14-Father-Daughter Talks

13-My Baby Brother Picks A Fight With The God Of War

37 1 0
By KillerFrost298

'Sore loser'

Cordelia sat on the edge of a small pier, her toes hovering over the lake. Wind gently blew her long dark hair as the stars danced in the sky. Her sandy skin glowing in the moon's light as her tears glistened.

"I thought I'd find you here"

Cordelia bit her lip as Helena sat next to her. "Go away" Cordelia whispered, looking at the water as it reflected the night sky. "I never wanted to hurt you C, you know that" Helena looked at her only friend, a girl who she had unexplainable feelings for. Cordelia looked back in pain, her eyes red from crying as her lip quivered. "But you still left, you left Helena" Cordelia sobbed, bringing her knees to cover her face.

Helena rested her head against Cordelia's shoulder, tears slid down her warm ivory skin. "You are too good for this world" Helena's voice was soft as her hands ghosted next to Cordelia's. The daughter of Poseidon turned her head slightly, her sand coloured eyes peering in Helena's direction. "Every challenge you face, all the curses and blessings...the enemies, you never let them stop you from being a good person" Helena continued, her pinky interlocking with Cordelia's.

Cordelia shook her head. "Stop...stop please just..." Corey gasped as her body went rigid. Helena held both her cheeks in her hands, "We are Forbidden kids, we don't get happy endings not like Perseus" Helena was more serious now, her stormy eyes piercing Cordelia's sandy coloured ones. "You're gone, this isn't real...none of this is real" Cordelia clenched her fists, her nails digging through her skin.

Helena's hands gripped over Cordelia's, "C...I..." Helena looked at her sorrowfully. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for everything...If I had just been brave enough to say tell you" Helena tried to explain to Cordelia, only the daughter of the sea didn't listen. "We had a promise...don't you remember? If one of us ended up like they said, the other would kill us so it never came true...instead you get yourself killed, leaving me to be the only one that passed sixteen" Cordelia edged closer to the water, her feet fully submerged.

"I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am"

Cordelia looked at her, "You're dead...there is no explanation, no apologies. If it's me...then it's me" She glared at the ghost, the lake becoming aggressive with her. The waves still momentarily, almost glitching as Helena's ghost froze. "Corey..." She dragged out as her body became transparent.

"Cordelia!" Helena's voice was drowned with darker one. "Look at you" a dark voice spoke, sending chills down Corey's spine. But no one was there, she was alone. Helena's ghost had faded with the morning mist. A cold chill ran down her cheek, like someone had gotten an icicle and had caressed her cheek with it. "All alone... no hope" the voice made a pop sound as it pronounced hope. Corey felt her either body squeeze together, failing to claw at the invisible force as tears began to fall. "You shall be perfect... you will be the key Cordelia Cesel, daughter of Poseidon" it continued.

Corey whimpered. It was the only sound that left her lips as she felt her body drop abruptly. She swore her bones had shattered as she felt sand under her hands. She turned to see a dark pit. "Just enter dear child...Follow my voice and find her...find your daughter". It was so tempting. Corey could hear Elise's laugh, feel her small arms wrap around her neck.

"NO!" a warm voice boomed from behind Corey. Her body became heavier, the water rising up as the lake's water suffocated Corey's body. She felt her eyes grow heavy as the sun faded the deeper she sank until her back hit the bottom of the lake. She felt a warmth on her cheek, contrasting the cold one she had received moments before.

"Now you are safe, my daughter. Until it's time for you and for the prophecies"


Corey felt the ocean touch her fingertips, her body slowly getting stronger as her fatigue was washed away with the tide. She looked up to see Annabeth, the young girl smiling innocently at her. For a split moment, Corey almost saw Elise in her smile as the sun made Annabeth's figure glow like a true god.

"Need a hand?"

Corey's hand slipped into Annabeth's as she began to stand. In front of the older half-blood was Grover and Percy. Corey could sense the anger flossing from her younger brother as he stared to his left. Following his sight, Corey felt her gut tighten. Ares walked slowly towards them, his infamous sword resting snuggly in between his neck and shoulder. The look on the god's face made Corey want to strike him right there.

"Sea Pup" Corey called out softly. Percy looked back at her, a storm in his eyes. She walked up to him, hands gently placed on his shoulders. Corey looked down at her little brother, her own eyes softening as she did. "Don't become me...Become a hero only you can be" Corey told him, kissing his forehead softly. Percy nodded at his sister's request. Percy unsheathed his sword, walking towards Ares as his sister and friends walked far behind him.

Annabeth looked at Corey, fear clear in her eyes and Corey's. "Why didn't you stop him?" Annabeth asked her, watching as Percy held his sword up. " Only he can forge the path the Fates have foreseen, no matter how much I wish it was me. Percy is not me" Corey explained as she fiddled with her rings.

"Single combat!" Percy shouted at Ares. He looked slightly taken back as he scoffed at the twelve year old, "What?" He questioned. "What?" Grover and Annabeth also asked, only Corey was silent. "One-on-one, but I set the terms" Percy added, his voice felt like waves crashing against rock. "If I draw first blood, I keep the bolt and you surrender the helm" Percy explained the terms of their battle. Corey crossed her arms, "Colour me impressed Sea Pup" She smirked to herself.

Ares burst out in a maniacal laugh, looking at Percy as if he had just asked a stupid question. "Do you accept?" Percy spat, making Ares stop for a split second. "I mean it's your funeral, kid. Although, just to be clear, no funeral. Any trace of you leaves a trace of my plan, and we can't have that" Ares had a smug grin, he was the God of War of course he was gonna win this. "It wasn't your plan, though, was it?" Percy raised his eyebrow, "It was Kronos. It was his idea to frame Poseidon's kid and steal Hades' helm and Zeus's bolt to start a war" Percy continued.

Corey was quick to pull Annabeth and Grover back from Percy. "Stay behind me" She warned them, her eyes focused on her little brother, who was walking towards Ares. "Is that where he got to you, too?" Percy raised an eyebrow at the god. "Through your dreams?"

Corey could feel Ares' anger radiate through the air, even the smell of the sea water was becoming tainted. "Gods don't dream, little man..." Ares' voice had changed from his cocky one to a darker tone. "...and no one tells the god of war how to start a fight!" Ares bellowed across the beach.

"And after you die...say hi to your mommy for me"

Percy raised his sword, face turned into an angry scowl. Ares marched over to the young half-blood, his sword much larger compared to Percy's as he swung at him. Percy ducked underneath the larger man by the skin of his teeth.

Percy dodged his first few strikes before both swords began to clash. Ares was getting closer and closer to drawing blood, Percy moving backwards as he stopped each attack. He was pushed onto his back, using his swords to create a small distance between him and Ares, who attacked with fueled rage. The god pushed his sword against Percy's with force after a lucky dodge.

Ares caught Percy by his shirt and lifted him off the ground before dropping him. Percy reacted fast, swinging his sword at Ares' and using his size as an advantage. Percy dove under Ares' arm once more, only he wasn't so lucky this time. Ares managed to use his sword to throw Percy's from his hand. The god grabbed Percy's shirt and lifted him into the air before slamming him onto the ground.

"PERCY!" Corey cried out, trying to keep Grover behind her even though her whole body was fighting itself from helping her brother. Annabeth stood next to the older half-blood, gently gripping her arm and bringing her back to the moment in front of them.

As Percy struggled to get up, Ares walked over to his fallen form just as the blonde raised his head. Ares kicked his little body across the shore, Percy's body landing with a thump as sea-water splashed around him. Annabeth and Grover both latched on Corey who tried to take a step forward. "Corey, you can't" Grover reminder her of the terms of the fight. Corey looked back at the satyr, "He just...lying there" Her voice broke as she looked back at Percy's unmoving body.

The god walked closer to Percy, who still hadn't moved from the sand. "Please, Sea Pup. Get up. Just get up" Corey clasped her hands as she watched her little brother. Percy slowly began to stand up, much to Ares' surprise. That's when she could feel it. The warmth from seventy years ago spreading around her whole body. A warmth she felt that Percy could feel too. " I warned you... if you're not careful..." Percy began to stand up, a wave behind him becoming bigger that it should be as he did. "You'll find out...who I am" Percy stood proudly as the wave towered over Percy and Ares.

The wave came crashing down over the pair, the water taking its sweet time returning to its domain. Corey felt the tail of the wave, covering Annabeth and Grover with her body. She was the first to turn back. The eldest daughter of Poseidon looked back at the battlefield, her face morphed into utter shock. There laid Ares, the God of War, flat on his stomach as he crawled towards his sword.

As Ares began to stand back up, Percy was running up behind him, swinging his sword like no tomorrow. With one final slash of his sword, Percy skidded across the sand as Ares' grabbed onto his leg.

"Ichor" Corey gasped, seeing the golden blood glisten on Ares' finger. "He did...He won!?" Corey was lost for words, her body moving without even realising. Her arms wrapped around Percy, sobs flowing from her mouth. "You did it, Pup" She beamed like a child who got ice cream. Corey placed her hand on his cheek, looking down at her little brother. "I'm so proud of you Percy" Corey wiped some sand from his cheek.

Annabeth and Grover looked at Percy shocked. A twelve year old just beat the God of War. "You okay? You hurt?" Grover asked, giving Percy a look over. "And you thought you were just a kid" Annabeth smirked at him, trying to hide her awe. Ares began clapping slowly, "Yay! That was so cool" He mocked, he clearly didn't understand the taste of defeat. "Wanna know what you really won today? An enemy for life. Congrats" Ares spat once more as his skin began to glow golden.

"Don't look at his true form!" Grover shouted as he and Annabeth turned away. Corey grabbed Percy, seeing his lack of self-preservation and turned his body away. The light was so bright that not even their shadows stood a chance against it. A loud thud caught everyone's attention as Ares' made his dramatic exit.

"Sore loser" Corey shook her head as they all turned back to where the god was previously. In his place sat a dark helm. "Holy shit" Corey gasped. Hades' Helm of Darkness. Corey looked at Percy, who was not present in the moment. She stood in front of Percy, the boy not acknowledging her for a moment.

"Sea Pup?"


Percy had led the group to a cabin, the pale blue paint chipping away as the tide came in and out. Grover had mentioned to Annabeth and Corey that this was the cabin the Minotaur had followed them from the night Percy came to camp. Percy stepped in first, the cracking of a small radio filling the lingering silence. Corey followed after him, worried about her little brother.

"Authorities are warning the public to expect severe travel delays as hundreds of flights are grounded as the FAA closes most of the country's airspace in response to violent seismic activity..." The presenter spoke over the fresh sound of a kettle whistling.

"Mom?" Percy called out as the shadow of a woman slowly walked out from the kitchen.

"...a phenomenon known as ionospheric disturbances. Sudden ionospheric disturbances, or SID, are typically caused by solar flares emitting from the sun's surface. The solar flares hurl–" Percy turned off the radio, looking back at Corey confused.

"Quite something, isn't it?"

Percy's face turned at the sight of Alecto. "Using earthquakes to clear the skies?" Alecto mused as she gave Corey a curt nod. "Lord Poseidon grows bold in his war against his king" She mused at the battle tactics of the God of the Sea. Annabeth and Grover entered the cabin, the young girl holding Hades' Helm in her hands.

"Hades sent you to retrieve it" Percy figured as Alecto kept her face hidden in the shadows. "That's been your quest all along" He added as his friends walked up beside him. Percy took the Helm from Annabeth and placed it on the table in front of him with a thud. Alecto stayed still as Percy walked back to the group.

Annabeth pulled his sleeve, "What are you doing?" She hissed at him. Percy didn't seem affected by her tone, "Living up to my end of the bargain" He told her. Corey and Grover made 'oh' faces. Percy turned back to Alecto as she scooped up the heavy helm in her hands. "Tell Hades I expect him to do the same" Percy told her, but his former Algebra teacher seemed colder than he recalled.

"Please" He mewled out.

Alecto was...impressed by him. "Good luck on Olympus" She spoke as she walked away from the group to the exit. "Perhaps there will still be a world left for your mother to return to" Alecto seemed to find much pleasure in her statement before her body has left their view.

Grover was taken back by her last comment, "What does that mean, "Good luck on..." He trialed off as Annabeth and himself turned back to look at Percy. "Dude" Grover shook his head. "No" Annabeth hissed at Percy. He looked at Annabeth, "I have to" Percy sounded like he was grasping for reasons to believe her. "What for?" She questioned him, "The quest failed. We missed the deadline" Annabeth reminded him.

Percy shook his head, "This is bigger than the quest!" He exclaimed. "Before we set off, Chiron told me the last war on Olympus kicked off World War II down here" Corey flinched at Percy's words. The last war on that made her heart hurt. "We have to get Zeus to call it off" Percy pleaded with her, "Returning the bolt is the only way I can get his attention" Percy declared.

Corey took a few steps back, allowing Annabeth and Grover to try to do the impossible. Convince a child of Poseidon to do the opposite of what they want. "Percy, you don't want Zeus's attention" Grover exclaimed, more serious than before. "I gotta tell him about Kronos" Percy argued with his best friend. "Did you see how frightened Hades was about the idea of Kronos coming back?" Percy reminded Grover. "Corey can you please talk some sense into your brother!" Annabeth looked at the older half-blood.

All attention was on Corey who had distanced herself greatly. "Corey, you disappeared before World War II..." Percy trialed off, looking at her brother and friends. "The started because of me...a daughter of Poseidon. I can't tell you how Zeus will react when you confront him, I never encountered him myself. I can only be by your side when you do" Corey explained to them, much to Annabeth and Grover's dismay.

"Zeus has to know" Percy stood his ground, "Bringing him the bolt might be enough to get him to listen" His voice seemed slightly unsure. Corey placed a hand on his shoulder, "You two gotta go to camp. Now that we know who Ares and Clarisse were working for, someone has to warn Chiron" Corey told Annabeth and Grover. "He'll kill you. Both of you" Annabeth spoke without hesitation. "You understand that, right?" She asked them both, but her eyes remained on Percy only.

"Either because he still thinks you stole the bolt, or because you're forbidden kids" Annabeth felt her throat close up with every word she spoke. "Zeus will never let you leave Olympus alive" Annabeth breathed out, trying not to cry at her own thoughts. Percy scoffed softly at her concerns, "I'm done running from monsters" Percy's voice was soft as his eyes met Annabeth's. "This is too important, I have to try" Percy pleaded with her.

Annabeth sighed and shook her head at Percy. She unclasped her beaded camp necklace, holding it in her hands for a moment before looking back up at Percy. She walked closer to him before clasping the necklace around his neck. "You're gonna need all the luck you can get" She whispered at him, unaware of the shared look between Grover and Corey.

Grover shrugged his shoulders at Percy's stubbornness. "Just for clarity, how sure are we that you couldn't just explain everything in an email?" He questioned, hoping in the lack of dead friends for the outcome. Percy only smirked, "Where's the glory in that?".

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