Derry Girls: New Horizons, Pa...

De HopeConquersAll82

708 21 333

This is the third installment of the series; Derry girls: A new arrival. In this story. We shall see the gang... Mai multe

What goes around, comes around
Nowhere to go
One step forward, two steps back
Well, that's what it said.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Snake in the grass
Back in Black
You're my Bodyguard
Parting Ships
The Big Yellow Building, Part 1
The Big Yellow Building, Part 2
England's rose
Back to Business
Chapter 15
Egg on their face

Figure in the dark

36 1 30
De HopeConquersAll82

Jim sat at the kitchen table and looked solemnly into the screens of a pair of laptops that were sitting on his table. Adjusting his glasses; He began to get frustrated at the difficulty of navigating his way around the screen using the mousepad.

"Christ, these fecking Apple laptops..... they won't last, so they won't." Jim whispered while he deleted numerous files.

"Alright there, Jim?" Colm said as he walked into the kitchen, startling the man out of his thread of concentration.

"Ach, Colm! Ye scared the bejesus out of me! How did you get in?" Jim asked.

"That Marco lad let me in. I came across with Orla, so I did; She said she's come to pick up a tent, so she said." They both turned at the sound of a knocking on the kitchen window. Orla waved at them, wearing her camouflage jacket and beret. She then held up the rolled-up tent.

"Thanks Jim! I've got it now. Can ye hear me through these triple glazing windows?!" Orla called through the kitchen window.

"....Aye Orla! We can hear ye fine love." Jim called.

"Alright. We're off now! See ye later! Bye Uncle Colm!" Orla waved and walked off.

"See ya later Jim! Bye Colm!" Marco called as he made his way down the stairs and out the door with Coco Pops barking with excitement.

"Bye lad! Have a good time!" Jim called; with the door shut, the two men were alone once again in the kitchen.

"So, what about ye, Jim?" Colm asked. "On the wee computer are ye now?"

"Aye. Just getting rid of some things. Don't want to find ourselves in the same spot as O'Driscoll now, do we?" Jim answered.

"Aye. Desperate business that was. Very desperate." Colm replied. "It was still a grand idea of yours that was."

"Ye just make sure ye keep that story to yourself now Colm. Do ye hear?" Jim warned.

"Ach, no bother there Jim. Most people I talk to these days don't seem to have much of an attention span, it seems." Colm remarked.

Sister Michael rolled her eyes as she walked out the main school doors. Not even the fact that she'd be staying in more adequate quarters at the campsite could shield the horror that beheld her. Not the sight of timid lower year girls saying goodbye to their parents, not the sight of Father Peter's ever changing 'shiny hair'. It was the sight of Jenny Joyce with a guitar strapped over her shoulder that made the Nun's blood run cold. There weren't many things in the world that got Sister Michael's back up. But even her chiselled exterior crumbled like the pupils did whenever Jenny Joyce came close to a microphone or instrument. She felt the only true victim in this whole mess would be herself, and her 8 hours sleep. She looked up.

"I don't ask for much. But if yer even there.... Give me strength so I don't break that fecking guitar over that girl's head!" She whispered with despair before moving towards the row of minibuses.

The whole gang was decked out in their hiking clothes with thick soled hiking boots. The sun beamed down, accompanied by a gentle breeze. Father Peter directed the stacking of the backpacks, tents and other equipment. The camping party itself was a mixture of all the lower years, from first to fourth year girls. While James, Marco and Orla stacked the backpacks into the boot, Michelle lingered around them, holding onto her backpack for as long as possible. When Father Peter asked James to go with him to help load up the other minibus, Michelle saw her chance and stashed her backpack gently on top of the pile. The distinct sound of clinking bottles could be heard from inside. Marco flashed her a knowing look.

"From Dennis?" He asked.

"Don't say a fucking word." Michelle whispered. Marco mockingly crossed his heart. "Oi, how did ye know?"

"Cos I bought a couple of bottles off him the other day." Marco crooked his smile.

Meanwhile, Erin strained with difficulty as she went to help James heave the equipment inside the minibus. While James took the heavier gear, Erin managed to again spot the leering glares from some of the pupils, including one from their old adversary; Tina O'Connell, along with her friends from the third year. She knew their glares all too well. As well their deliberate ogles aimed towards James. Certainly not as a means of being complimentary towards him, but more of a way to make Erin react. Although she knew of their deliberate acts, she couldn't help herself feel the sting of jealousy. James had also noticed.

"What's up?" James asked Erin, certain of what her reply would be.

"Those wee feckers are looking at me.... And you! Especially that mouth Tina O'Connell." Erin moaned.

"Well, this might surprise you, but people have been looking at me that way ever since I moved here." James informed her, unmoved by the fact that some greatly disapproved of their somewhat forbidden relationship.

"Doesn't it bother ye?" Erin asked.

"No. Why should it?" James answered. "It's none of their bloody business. They don't know me, and they don't the real you. It would only bother me if anyone ever tried to hurt you." James said firmly.

Erin melted at the stance James took. "And why would that bother you?" She said, teasingly.

James smirked as he sauntered closer to her. "Because I'm a massive 'eejit' who happens to love you. That's why." He said, sporting a goofy grin. Reminded of how much he cared for her instead of worrying about what others thought. Erin glanced towards the foursome, and then grabbed James by the coat and planted a firm kiss on his lips.

"Mr Maguire! Miss Quinn! Enough of that! The pair of yous!" Sister Michael snapped as she walked off.

"Erin, for the love of God! Control yourself!" Mary stressed. Blushing with embarrassment as she walked away.

"For God sake!" Erin hissed quietly, feeling her own face turn red.

Sister Michael's day went from bad to worse when she saw Jenny and Aisling bouncing towards her singing "Kum-By-Yar" completely out of tune on the guitar. They stopped right in front her, smiling jubilantly as only they could.

"Good morning, Sister. It's a nice day. I'll be sure to lead the girls along with some musical merriment during the journey. Also, we were thinking of doing a concert as a tribute to your good self to round off the trip. Hope you look forward to it." Jenny said joyously as they bounced off before she couldn respond.

"Sister Michael. Just say the word and I can make that guitar disappear, I've got connections, if ye catch my drift?" Michelle suggested.

"Don't tempt me, Miss Mallon." The Nun answered. "Alright now girls. We're loaded up. Let's Shift it!" She ordered.

While the camping party began to say goodbye to their parents and made their way onto the minibuses. The boys backed away. They looked at each other nervously but neither could back down. This was a pivotal moment for them both and they knew it. They faced each other with intensity. The girls gathered around them. They could feel the tension in the air.

"Right. You ready?" James asked Marco.

"Uh huh..... Are you?"

"Oh, I'm ready."

"This is the moment of truth." Marco stated.

"Yeah.... I know." James nodded. His eyes were wide. "Do you have it?" He asked. Michelle held up the coin.

"Ok..... Let's do it." Marco stated.

"Ye nervous?" Erin asked Orla.

"Aye, the tension's killing me, so it is." Orla yawned as she threw another fruit pastille into her mouth.

"Clare, call for James!" Michelle cried as she flipped the coin.

"WHAT?!!!! NO..... UHHHHH...... HEADS!!! NO TAILS!!! NO HEADS!!!! TAILS!! HEADS!!!! SWEET MERCIFUL JESUS THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!!!" Clare screamed as she grabbed her head, unable to cope with the sudden responsibility as the coin fell back down into Michelle's hand, she quickly flipped it over.

"Are ye quite sure ye made yer mind up yet, Clare?" Erin shot.

"......Heads." Clare said meekly.

"...... Heads it is. You got Jenny on your bus, Marco." Michelle decreed. James exclaimed with huge relief.

"Sorry about that mate" James shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I bet you are." Marco shot sarcastically.

"Right Clare, let's do this!" Michelle said.

Orla stepped in to flip the coin. Clare's chest pulsed with tension as she shook where she stood. Orla's eyes darted between them with her arm stretched out, the coin resting on her thumb. Michelle felt the same tension but managed to hide it better.

"Wait...... Do we really need to do this?" Clare moaned. "I mean, what if this has a detrimental effect on our friendship or something?"

"It's just a bus drive, Clare!" Michelle retorted.

"Well, if that's the case, why don't ye just go on the same bus as Jenny and everything's cracker?" Clare suggested.

"Ach, kiss my actual hole!" Michelle shot. "We're doing this! You can even call it, fair?" She suggested.

"Are we doing this? My arm's starting to get tired here!" Orla moaned; she still had her arm stretched out waiting to flip the coin. Upon Michelle's command, Orla flipped the coin.

"TAILS!" Clare cried and quickly covered her eyes. Orla caught the coin and flipped it. Her eyes grew wide. TAILS.

"WHAT? ARE YE SURE?....... ACH FUUUUUUCKING HELL!!! Stall the ball, let's go again, best 2 out of 3!" Michelle protested. Trying to find a way to worm out of going on the same bus as Jenny Joyce.

"It's alright Michelle, it's only a bus drive, remember?" Laurie said mockingly. She motioned Clare away from the astounded Mallon. Erin and Orla opted to go with their respective fella, now Clare and Laurie had won the right of passage to go in James' bus, while Michelle was now stuck on Marco's bus, which had Jenny Joyce onboard.

"Jenny's singing can't be THAT bad, can it, I mean, seriously?" Marco asked.

Michelle stared at him with a look that would make Satan cower. "If I end up grabbing that guitar, I know exactly where I'm putting it." Michelle pointed at Marco, making him back away, Orla wrapped her arms around him, seemingly worried herself. But now the lad wasn't sure what to be more afraid of, Jenny's singing, or just Michelle, who turned and walked off.

"She's gonna kill her if she plays that thing, isn't she?" Marco asked Orla.

"Nah. Michelle wouldn't do that. She's not that nice." Orla answered flatly. Marco shook his head in disbelief as they shared a laugh together. "Come on, let's get going." Orla said.

Pulling on his arm, they went to say goodbye to their parents. It was still a shock to Erin to see her mammy and Aunt Sarah chatting with Janet Joyce, formerly O'Shea. Anna was especially sad to see Coco Pops going. Holding tightly onto his leash, she didn't want to let him go.

"Do ye promise ye bring him back?" She asked sadly.

"Aye, Of course I will, Anna. I really, really promise. If we don't, ye can have Erin's Sylvanian Families collection." Orla said.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Erin shot.

"Aye, OK!" Anna perked up, letting Coco Pops go with Orla. Erin grimaced as she followed Orla, briefly saying goodbye to Anna. "Orla what did ye just-" Erin was cut off by Mary. She cornered Erin and James.

"Right, ye two. Before ye go.... I just want to say.... Ye both be careful now." Mary said. Gerry saw the couple nod awkwardly, hearing Mary's over emphasis on the word both. Erin rolled her eyes as she stropped onto the bus.

"James. Just mind yourself in this when ye drive past the lakes. The roads get narrow and there's eejits who drive round it like a fecking racetrack." Gerry warned.

"Will do. Thanks Gerry." James smiled. Gerry smiled and patted James' shoulder and he climbed on.

As Michelle made her way onto the minibus. She sighed annoyingly as she caught sight of the group of girls onboard. The bus held the younger members of the camping party, so she knew she'd have to be aware of her language, especially with Jenny Joyce on the prowl. Orla walked up the aisle and introduced Coco Pops to the younger students, Michelle saw the guitar in Jenny's hands, who was practically shaking with anticipation and excitement as she chatted away with Aisling.

Michelle felt conflicted; she knew she had to resist the temptation of doing something insufferable to Jenny involving the guitar, but was also hoping that Jenny would give her every justifiable reason to do just that. But when she took her seat next to Orla which was opposite Jenny and Aisling. Sister Michael came aboard with Sister Josephine. The superior Nun grimaced with despair, sensing the tension between the two most polar opposite students who were now sitting opposite each other. Sister Michael knew she was in for a very long journey.

"Just a second. What is that?" Sister Michael asked, pointing towards Orla.

"This is Coco Pops, Sister Michael. He's Marco's dog, he goes everywhere with us!" Orla said, happily stroking Coco Pops who bayed with excitement.

"Well, just see that it behaves itself. And whilst we're on the subject. I want to make one thing clear...." Sister Michael addressed the boarded pupils.

"While you are on this trip, you will do what you are told.... I am certainly not here to offer emotional support for those of you who are homesick. If you're not happy being here, then that makes two of us. I want to get through this week with the minimum of fuss, girls..... If there are any quarrels, do NOT come crying to me! You may bother Sister Josephine or the helpers with that nonsense. Am I clear girls?!" She barked; the pupils answered yes.

"I especially do not want to hear a single complaint from either of you two. Is that understood?" She said sternly, her eyes darting between Michelle and Jenny.

"Lord knows, there aren't enough Alka Seltzers in the world to deal with this nightmare." She moaned as she sat down. Jenny sat aghast at the Nun's insinuation.

"Ach I thought that show was class when it was on!" Orla cried.

"What show, Orla?" Aisling asked.

"Knightmare! Don't ye not remember it? It was on UTV in the afternoon after school when we were wee..... It had a group of wains telling another wain to walk round a dungeon, and it had Goblins and talking walls and Dragons..... The wain walking around had a massive helmet!"

Michelle snorted at Orla's words.

"What's so funny?" Jenny shot at Michelle.

"Orla said massive helmet!" She spluttered. Jenny gawked with repulsion while Aisling bit her lip and turned away.

"Ach, don't ye remember the music it had?" Daaaaa, Da, Daaaaaa, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Daaaaaaa......." Orla mimicked the music, while Jenny and Aisling stared at her oddly.

"Orla! Are you singing the theme song to Knightmare?" Marco laughed as he climbed into the driver's seat.

"Aye I am!" She raved happily. Marco nodded with approval. Suddenly, Chief Byers came aboard the bus.

"Good Morning girls... Sister Michael."

"Alright, Chief?" Michelle winked.

"Miss Mallon!" Sister Michael barked.

"I won't keep you long. I just need to check that ye have the correct licence information. There's a checkpoint set up about 10 miles outside the town. I'm just making sure you're prepared." He said. Quickly going through Marco's papers. "Aye, that's grand. Ye sure you can handle this vehicle, son? He asked with concern.

"Yea boss. No worries." Marco said.

"Good lad. I'm gonna go check on James' papers now."

"Uh, Chief Byers.... Aren't you forgetting something?" Sister Michael spoke up. The Officer turned to her, he sighed somewhat begrudged as he reached into his pocket and produced a stash of folded notes, a sigh that was very welcoming to the Nun as she smirked with triumph.

"Many congrats, Sister. It was a lucky win. Or am I to believe there was some kind of divine intervention?" He suggested sarcastically.

"Huh! There's more chance of my car being able to fly. Or me eloping with a jaffa. Take your pick." She huffed.

"Good day to you, Sister." Byers huffed went to leave.

"Mr Byers, were ye looking to get yer hat back? Cos I thought I could keep it." Orla spoke up. The man chuckled warmly at her.

"No, it's alright. Ye can keep it a wee bit longer." He winked. Orla smiled cheerfully.

As Byers made his way to James' bus, he spotted that the Quinn/McCool family were still loitering nearby. Walking towards the bus, he couldn't help but notice one of the clan members looking at him. Their expression was motionless, but yet deep in thought. He frowned, almost sadly before he turned to enter the bus.

"Are ye alright, Sarah?" Joe asked.

"..... Aye, I'm grand, Daddy." She said. "Just a wee bit.... Anxious."

"Ach, come on now. I thought it was Mary's job to worry. They'll be fine. Trust me." Joe said, wrapping his arm around her. "Come on now. Let's go." Sarah nodded, she went on with the family.

"Doctor Who. Are we ready?" Marco asked, talking into the walkie talkie.

"Yea, we're ready, Polar bear. Enjoy the drive." James said teasingly. He switched on the radio, and they were on their way.

No sooner had the minibuses reached the main road. The first strum was played on Jenny Joyce's guitar. Michelle quickly grabbed her Walkman and pressed her headphones as hard as she could to drown out Jenny and Aisling's singing. This move quickly proved to be redundant because nothing could drown out the off-key noise. A small contingency sang along with reluctance as Jenny lead them singing the Queen song, We are the champions, which the younger band barely knew. This was welcoming to Jenny as she sang solo while Aisling played. Marco shook his head in despair at the massacre Jenny was making of a such a classic British song.

The next song was Kum By Yar, which Orla even sang along to, ironically, Michelle appreciated this because Orla's voice drowned out Jenny's as she was sitting closer. But Coco Pops wasn't impressed by Jenny's voice either. Not even driving past scenic green pastures, woodlands and peaks, accompanied by blue lakes and rivers were enough to distract anyone from the compilation of noise that Jenny was making. Coco Pops rested his head On Orla's lap, looking depressed. Sister Josephine looked around at the exhausted looks on the pupils' faces while Jenny continued her "entertainment." Even Aisling looked slightly exhausted. Sister Michael, meanwhile, managed to doze off, using some ear plugs to eliminate any noise.

"Ah, Jenny. Can we please give it a break now!" Sister Josephine demanded; a hint of hysterics sounded in her voice. Aisling quickly placed the guitar down.

"Thank God!" Michelle gasped.

"How much.... Longer, young man?" Sister Josephine asked. Marco seemed to come out of a dream like trance. He looked out for road signs but there were none. The one-hour journey had felt like 3 hours.

"Oi, James. Any idea how much longer?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, we passed a sign a short while back, we should see a sign for Drum Manor coming up. Are you alright?" James asked.

"...... Kill me." Marco whispered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" James chuckled.

"Ach, look. Drum Manor Forest Park! We're here!" Father Peter's voice was heard.

James slowed down, and pulled off Drum Road, leading the way into the campsite. The journey had come to an end. They pulled up into the car park. As the pupils began to disembark. They looked around and took in the tranquillity of the area. The car park was next to an old brick wall, and opposite was a large flat green area with sporadic tents here and there. In the distance, there were fir trees that surrounded the green. Post signs were erected to direct campers to picnic areas and the Drum Manor shell that was hidden somewhere on the estate. Sister Michael and Josephine made their way to the reception to check in. Michelle and Orla waited until everyone was off. They went up to Marco, who appeared to be resting his head on the steering wheel.

"Are ye alright, Polar Bear?" Orla asked, James then appeared by the driver's window of the minibus with Erin, Clare and Laurie. Slowly, Marco lifted his head from the steering wheel.

"That was fucking torture!" Marco groaned comically. James burst out laughing. Orla couldn't resist herself and lay herself atop of him.

"So ye think her singing's not too bad now. hi?" Michelle was dying to know. Coco Pops' whines gave enough indication.

"Yeah, you're right mate. Anyone who sings like that should be dragged out and shot in the street, or made to listen to a tape of themselves." Marco shot. The gang smirked in agreement.

"Ach, come on, yer whiny English prick. We better get out and keep an eye on that lot." Michelle ordered.

They gathered round to unload the tents and backpacks. There appeared to be another school camping nearby. Father Peter gathered the younger pupils together to split them into their sleeping tent groups.

"Alright, girls. This is the way we're going to handle this.... They'll be five to a tent along with your helper. That helper is going to be your go to person for anything, and everything. As Sister Michael has so decreed. So you five here go with Erin, you younger five with Orla, you five with Michelle, this younger group with Clare, you.... with Laurie, you with Jenny and the last of you with Aisling.... And you boys will be in this tent with me." Father Peter concluded.

"Now, girls. We need to get these tents erected nice and sturdy!" Father Peter said. Michelle snorted. "No rushing otherwise things won't stay up long enough."

"Is that why that slutty hairdresser left you?" Michelle quipped. The younger pupils giggled amongst themselves.

"Miss Mallon! It's not nice to broadcast other peoples' tribulations, whether they're true or not!" Sister Michael said. "You girls get a move on. By the way I want a word with you four. Come with me." Sister Michael ushered James, Erin, Orla and Marco aside.

"I want to make one thing perfectly clear. The rules apply here as if you were in school. Hand holding is permitted, and nothing more." She said. Erin gawked with shock. "And there certainly will NOT be any cohabiting of any kind, is that clear?" Orla frowned at this news.

"But Sister. Surely ye can trust us to behave like responsible adults here?" Erin contorted.

"Oh yes, like you did in the storage room on Valentine's day? The rules stand, Miss Quinn, and that's an end to it. Now get on with erecting the tents." Sister Michael walked away.

"What if there's a thunderstorm while we're here? Can we not stay the same tent then?" Orla asked.

"Shut up, Orla." Erin groaned. Orla frowned at her cousin's grumpy disposition.

The foursome sauntered with annoyance around to the back of the minibuses. The backpacks and camping equipment were handed out to the campers. While the food supplies were to be taken to the communal kitchen area which was a short distance away. As soon as Erin and James got inside the kitchen. With no one around, James grabbed Erin and pulled her in. Erin quicky reciprocated. Hands and lips were flailing everywhere as they kissed with a reckless abandonment. Erin grabbed James' face and pulled out of their lip lock.

"Better make this count, Mr Maguire." She gasped, lunging back in. James hummed in agreement.

Still standing around the back of the minibus; Marco looked around, and quickly leant in and daringly kissed Orla. She hummed in shock, which quickly turned to glee.

"Marco! Sister Michael might see us!" Orla smiled. "Ye know the rules. We're not allowed." She frowned.

"Yeah, but I don't always follow the rules, do I?" he smiled mischievously. Orla's eyes lit up and shot in to kiss him back.

"You're a bad influence, so ye are. Marco Galluci." Orla said playfully, pointing at his broad chest.

"Yeah, I know." Marco laughed. He then spotted that something dawned upon Orla. "What?" He asked.

"...... I've got an idea." She said with excitement. She pulled out a baby dummy shaped gobstopper and hung it around Marco's neck.

"What's this for?" Marco chuckled.

"I'll show yer." Orla said. She took the gobstopper and sucked on it. She then placed it in Marco's mouth.

"There ye go. It's like we're kissing but we're not." Orla smiled. "So, we're not really breaking any rules! It's class, isn't it?" She said proudly.

"And you say I'm a bad influence?!" Marco smiled, taking the gobstopper out of his mouth. Orla looked at him as she then put the gobstopper in her mouth. Beaming a wide smile at each other.

"Oi, you two! Stop swapping spit and get over here and help!" Michelle laughed. Poking her head round the minibus. The couple blushed with embarrassment.

Erin and James emerged out of the kitchen. Erin smirked at James as she wiped her lips while James smiled bashfully as they walked back to continue erecting the tents. The wee English fella wondered to himself if he'd be able to go another 7 days without her feeling so close to him. It was going to be torture, that was certain. Soon enough, the tents went up and the camping party was beginning to unwind. The campfire was lit, and the camping party was settled.

"Right girls. Following dinner, I shall be retiring to my quarters just yonder. So, as I said before; if you have any quarrels or worries. Don't bother me with them. Bother Father Peter or Sister Josephine. I will say one thing. Following tomorrow's hike. I shall have a wee surprise in store for you. Heads down at 10pm and I will be out to make sure of this." The Nun said sternly.

"Christ! I didn't know we were in Tenko." Michelle moaned.

Marco and James were assigned to cook the dinner for the campers, a simple meal of sausage casserole, with bread rolls. The camping party were all split into their own age groups. The fire cracked as dusk began to slowly turn into night. Other campfires could be seen spread around the green, with tents close to them. The boys had finished dishing up for the adults and were just about to go and sit with the girls when Jenny Joyce approached them.

"Evening boys.... Just wondered if I could have a moment of your time?" Jenny asked. The boys sighed as they nodded.

"What's she talking to them about?" Erin asked.

"I don't know. I can't really hear from this far away, Erin." Clare quipped.

"Aye, that's true. Can't hear a thing." Orla agreed. Erin glared at her.

"Ask a silly question, hi?" Laurie snorted.


"I thought it best to let ye know that I've been asked by Sister Michael to be the head pack leader. Just so there's someone to keep an idea on things while we're all here."

"Yeah, OK." James said.

"Now, she did explain your wee situation. So, I really hope that you boys can give me a hand... I mean, can ye give yer word that there won't be any machinations occurring during this trip?" Jenny queried.

James and Marco turned to each other, and then back to Jenny. "Any what?" They both asked.

"Machinations. We wouldn't want to be setting a bad example to the younger group members if any of you are machinating. Especially if it involves two certain individuals...." Jenny's face strained comically.

Both boys looked at each other again, completely vexed at the odd word Jenny had used. James quickly spotted the scheming smirk on Marco's face.

".....Don't you think that's getting a bit personal there, Jenny?" Marco asked,

"Excuse me?" The Head Prefect asked.

"Yeah, that is a bit personal, come to think of it, Jenny. I'm actually very offended by that. I mean that's actually crossing the line. If I'm completely honest!" James shot, sounding upset.

"How is that crossing the line?" Jenny asked, now becoming vexed herself.

"Well, who I think about in my private time is my own business if you don't mind!" James strained.

"Yeah. I mean I know everyone in Derry knows everything about everyone, but I didn't think it went that far!" Marco echoed, mirroring the same annoyance. James cracked and collapsed onto Marco, who couldn't keep a straight face any longer.

"Uhhh, I'm not quite sure I follow lads, forgive but I'm exactly familiar with English humour." Jenny chuckled. The two friends spluttered incessantly. James manged to calm himself.

"Alright, alright Jenny. We promise. We've got no intention to machinate on this trip." James huffed.

"Nope. Not at all. I had one before we left this morning." Marco strained. James pressed his face and wailed into Marco's shoulder.

"I see. Well, fabby dabby doo!" Jenny shuffled away nervously, still not sure what the joke was. James and Marco cackled as they made their way towards the girls.

"What are you two so happy about?" Erin chuckled as they say down.

"Come closer, we'll tell you." James sniggered. The girls huddled as James explained. Laurie sniggered, as expected. Michelle was sceptical.

"Catch yourselves on." She shot. Just then, they heard a loud gawking sound from across the way.

"OH!!! THAT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!" Came Jenny's gawking response as she stormed off. The group collapsed with laughter.

"You lads are such good craic!" Orla laughed.

A while later; the sight of Jenny Joyce reaching for her guitar was enough for everyone to make their way to their tents for the night. The gang said their good nights. James and Marco were a short distance away. Coco Pops looked as though he couldn't decide which way to go. Erin opted to have him for the first night. As Clare made her way to her tent. Daring a kiss goodnight from Laurie before she went in. Her attention was then focused on a campfire across the way. There appeared to be a figure sitting behind the flames. The figure looked as if they were sitting perfectly still. She couldn't see the face, but the sight was enough to make her feel unsettled.

"Ye alright Clare?" Erin asked.

"Do ye see that?" Clare asked.

"See what?"

"Over there... The...." The figure was gone.

"What are ye on about?" Erin asked.

"....Nothing..... uh..... could I have Coco Pops for tonight?" Clare then asked.

"Uh..... OK. Night, Clare." Erin smirked.

"Aye.... night, Erin. You just stay on guard, will ye now, boy?" Clare pulled the tent flap back and went inside.

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