Psychopathic Serial Killer, H...

By Jd3045

5.8K 126 37

Y/n L/n, a Psychopathic Serial Killer who lived in the Big Apple 'New York City' until he died, He goes by th... More

Psychopath In Hell
Stay Tuned
Y/n Powers
Enjoy Your Stay.

Welcome To The Hazbin Hotel

1K 35 10
By Jd3045

It was now around 7 AM, Y/n wakes up and decides to watch Friday The 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan.

Y/n: *Look at how at how Jason kills that Sanitation Worker with that wrench. So inspiring*

After Y/n was done watching the film, he begins to make a nice breakfast. He goes to the top shelve and grabs a box of Froot Loops and heads to the fridge to get some milk.

Y/n: First the cereal, then the milk. I mean, I may be a psychopath, but I'm not that much of a psychopath to do it the opposite way.

He places his bowl of Froot Loops on the kitchen table as he prepares coffee.

Y/n: Should I add less coffee beans or more?... eh, alot. I need to keep that energy in me.

As Y/n prepared his coffee, he sat placed his hot coffee next to his bowl of cereal. He walks towards the oven and turns on the stove. He grabs a pan and places a two piece of sliced bread on the pan as he heads to the fridge and looks for the cheese and butter.

Y/n: Now, where's the cheese? Is it behind the head of this guy that I killed last week? There it is. Now, where did I place the butter? Is it right next the heart or the small intestine? Oh, it's right next to the heart. Perfect!

*Y/n places the butter on the pan and the cheese on each of the bread*

Y/n: And now, we play the waiting game.

A minute passes and Y/n has finished making his grilled cheese sandwich. He sits down and starts to eat the cereal while drinking his coffee, after he finished the bowl of Froot Loops, he takes a bite of the grill cheese sandwich.

Y/n: mmh... so, gooey and cheesy~

As he was done with his breakfast, Y/n cleaned his plate and mug he begins to take a shower. He turns on the hot water and goes inside the tub as he rubs his hair with shampoo and pours shampoo on his face aswell. After a 5 minute hot shower, Y/n walks out of the bathroom with a white clean towel wrapped around him.

Y/n: Time to change into my suit.

*Y/n grabs his boxers, puts it on as he puts on his black suit jacket with grey stripes, his blue long sleeve shirt with white collar and his red tie*

Y/n: Now, where are my shiny black shoes? *Spots his shoes* Ah, there you are!

*He grabs his shoes and puts them on his feet, as he does that, he grabs his long black leather gloves and puts them on both of his hands*

Y/n: Time to head out.

Y/n begins to head out and leaves the apartment building. As he's walking the streets of Hell, he began to ask other demons where the Happy Hotel is located.

*Y/n asks two sinners if they know where the hotel is at

Y/n: Excuse me, do you know where's the Happy-

*The two sinners began to run away from him*

Y/n: -Hotel...

After that scene, Y/n notices a fish demon and a hellhound talking about their day.

Y/n: *Walks up to the two demons* Hi, may you please tell where I can find the Happy-

Fish Demon: FUCK, IT'S HIM!!!

Hellhound: RUN FOR IT!!!

*The two runaway in fear leaving Y/n by himself*

Y/n: -Hotel...

*Y/n sees a cat demon*

Y/n: Pardon me, but do you know where the-

Cat Demon: *Pulls out a gun and commits suicide*

Y/n: ... what the fuck?

As Y/n asked every demon around about where the Happy Hotel is located, every demon starts running away from him or killing themselves.

Y/n: Huh, well I guess there's no kindness in this world.

*As Y/n says that, he gets hit in the face by a piece of paper*

Y/n: Ow! *Grabs the paper* What's this?

Y/n reads the paper that says, "Come To The Happy Hotel and get redeemed. And you also get a Free Room". And it also has the direction to the Hotel.

Y/n: Wow. Thanks paper that randomly smack me in the face. At least you didn't, RUNAWAY! or COMMIT SUICIDE! right infront of me.

After about a 20 minutes walk, Y/n has reached the location of the hotel, he looked at the tall building and was surprised by the look.

The Happy Hotel:

Y/n: huh... looks less, colorful than what it looks like on the paper.

*He starts walking towards the entrance of the hotel, as he fixes his red tie*

Y/n: *sigh* Alright... let's do this.

*Y/n knocks on the door*

Y/n waits patiently for someone to open the door. All of a sudden, the door opens up. Y/n sees a Blonde hair woman wearing a pink suit, black pants and a black bowtie .

Y/n: Hi, I'm loo-

*She closes the door and opens it*

Y/n: -king to get re-

*She shuts the door*

???: Hey, Vaggie.

*Grey skin lady with an X on her eye begins to answer the Blonde woman response*

???: What?

???: The Psychopathic Serial Killer is at the door!

*The grey skin lady gets up frightened and confused by her answer*

???: What?!

*Then, a spider demon woman began to speak in confusion*

???: The who?

???: What should I do?!

???: Well, don't let him in!

The blonde woman looked scared at first as she looked at the entrance door seeing the silhouette of the Psychopath Serial Killer but then took the risk by opening the door.

Y/n: May I speak now?

???: You may.

Y/n: Thank you. I was, uh, looking to get redeemed.

*The blonde woman goes silent by his response*

Y/n: ... uh, hello?

*10 seconds pass, and the blonde woman began to smile with joy*

Y/n: A-are you okay? Do you want me to get you he-

*Without hesitation, she quickly grabs his hand and brings him inside*

Y/n: -eELP!!!

???: This is amazing, our first demon wanting to get redeemed and going to heaven! *Squeals with joy* You are going to love it here!!!

Y/n: WAIT!!!

*The blonde woman stops to a halt and turns back to look at the guy*

Y/n: Sorry if I shouted at you, it's feels like you're kidnapping me. And you haven't even introduced yourself to me.

Charlie: Oh! My bad, and sorry for doing that to you. My name is Charlie Morningstar, the Princess of Hell.


Y/n: The Princess of Hell?

Charlie: Yep.

Y/n: Well, Princess-

*She cuts him off*

Charlie: Oh, no need for the "Princess", you can call me Charlie.

Y/n: Okay, well Charlie. My name is Y/n L/n, but you already know that I'm the-

*Suddenly, the grey skin lady pulls out her spear and points it at him which makes Y/n become shocked*

Vaggie: The Psychopathic Serial Killer?! Ya, plus I know your game.

Charlie: Vaggie!

Y/n: *His shocked expression turned into a menacing, frowned look as his red eyes begin to glow*

Vaggie: And I'm not going to let you hurt anyone here, you psycho, insane, motherfucking, bitch.

Y/n: Lady, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, *Pulls out and points all of his weapons, even Angelic Weapons at the gals* I would've done so already...

Charlie: ...

Vaggie: ...

Y/n: *Smiles at Vaggie as his teeth turn sharp* No! Besides, I'm not that much of a psycho to kill you two. Plus, I came here to get redeemed.

Vaggie: Wait, what?

Charlie: Yeah, that's true! Oh, and Y/n. This is my girlfriend, Vaggie.


Y/n: I see. And, *Whispers to Charlie* Is she always like this?

Charlie: Well, not really. But, it's because-

Vaggie: -You're a Psychopathic Serial Killer, whose killed hundreds of people, strangling, shoot and stab them to death.

Y/n: ... ouch.

As Y/n says that, two arms are both placed on the wall as he looks infront of him to see a spider demon woman looking at him in a seductive way.

Angel Dust:

???: Hey baby~ What's a cute thing like you doing here?~

Y/n: To get redeemed. Seems obvi-

*The Spider Demon woman cuts him off*

???: Look, I charge guys if they wanna have a good time with me. But for you...

*She places two of her other arms on her tits as she moves them close to Y/n's face*

???: ... it'll be free~

Y/n: 0///0

Vaggie: Angel, enough!

Angel: Ugh, fine! *Looks at Y/n* If you're looking for a good time... *Whispers to Y/n* ... I'm always available~

*She blows at a kiss at him in the air*

Y/n: *... what... the fuck... just happened?*

Vaggie: *Quiet, mad tone* Esa mujer cachonda.

Y/n: Soo, where do I sign up to get redeemed?

Charlie: Right here! *Gives Y/n a clipboard and a black pen* Just write your name, date of death, cause of death, and sins you've committed.

Y/n: Okay, thanks.

*Y/n notices a couch lying right next to him, he decides to sit down while signing on the clipboard. As he's signing the paper, Vaggie sits on his left side and Angel sitting on his right side. As Charlie was about to sit down too, there was a knock on the door which made her confused, she walks towards the entrance doors, opens it and sees a red haired woman wearing a 30s outfit while holding a microphone staff*

Alice The Radio Demoness:

Alice: Hello-

Charlie: *closes the door in confusion and opens it.*

Alice: -ooo!

Charlie: *Closes the door again* Hey, Vaggie!

Vaggie: What?

Charlie: The Radio Demoness is at the door!

Vaggie: What?!

Y/n: Wait, really?

Angel: The who?

Charlie: What should I do?

Vaggie: Well, don't let her in!

*Charlie looks at the door and opens it revealing the Radio Demoness herself*

Alice: May I speak now?

Charlie: You may.

Alice: Alice, pleasure to be meeting you, darling, quite the pleasure! Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I couldn't resist, what a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! So many orphans.

*Vaggie runs towards Alice as she points her spear at her*

Vaggie: Stop right there! Carbon hijo de perra. I know you game, and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous, cheesy talk-show shitlord!

Alice: Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would've done so already...

Charlie: ...

Vaggie: ...

Alice: No! I'm here because I want to help.

*Both of the girls look confuse by her response*

Charlie: say what now?

Alice: Help! Ha-ha, hello, is this thing on? *Taps on her microphone staff* Hello, Testing. Testing.

Alice's Microphone staff: Well I heard you loud and clear!

Charlie: umm, you want to help wiiith-

Alice: This ridiculous thing you're trying to do, this hotel, I want to help you run it.

Charlie: Buuut, why?

Alice: *Chuckles* Why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom. I've lacked inspiration of decades. My work became untain, lacking focus, aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment, Ha-ha-ha!!!

Charlie: Does, getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?

Alice: Ha-ha-ha! It's the purest kind, my dear. Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage, and the stage, is a world of entertainment.

Charlie: So, does this mean that you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?

Alice: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Of course not, that's wacky nonsense.

Charlie: *Disappointed*

Alice: Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity. No-no-no, I don't think there's any left that could save such loathe some sinners *Looks at Vaggie and Angel* The chance given was the life they live before, the punishment is this! There is no undoing what is done.

Charlie: So then, why do you want to help me if you don't believe in my cause?

Alice: *Grins at Charlie* Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself. I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeatedly trip and tumble down into the firey pit of failure.

Charlie: ... riiight.

Alice: Yes, indeedy. I see big things coming your way and who to better than help you than I.

As Alice and Charlie walk away, Angel began to speak.

Angel: uhh, so, uhh, what's the deal with smiles over there?

Vaggie: Wait, you've never heard of her before? You've been here longer than me.

Angel: *moves her shoulders up and down telling her no*

Vaggie: The Radio Demoness. One of the most powerful beings hell has ever seen?

Angel: ehh, not big on politics.

Y/n: I've heard of her.

Vaggie: ... ugh. Decades ago, Alice manifest Hell, seemingly overnight she began to topple Overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw and power had never been harness by a mortal soul before. Then, she broadcasts her carnage throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness her ability. Sinners started calling her, The Radio Demoness. As lazy as that is, many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled her, to rival our worlds most ancient and destructive evils. But one things for sure, she's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of misery. And a violent monster of chaos the likes of which we can't risk, getting involved with, unless we want to end up Erased.

Angel: Ya done? She looks like a strawberry Dame.

Vaggie: Well, I don't trust her.

Angel: To be fair, do you trust any woman, any women or man?

Vaggie gets up and walks towards Charlie telling her about Alice. As she does that, Alice notices Y/n and was in complete shock.

Alice: Oh, my! Is that who think it is?

Y/n: *Looks at the ground and sees a cockaroach* ... ew.

Alice: Excuse me.

Y/n: Hmm? *Turns around and sees Alice* Oh, hi. Do you need something?

Alice: I want to ask you a question. If that's alright with you.

Y/n: Umm, sure.

Alice: Are you, The Psychopathic Serial Killer?

Y/n: Yes I am.

Alice: *Gasp* I knew it. Oh, as someone who is a Serial Killer too back in New Orleans, Louisiana. I must say, I'm a big fan of your work.

Y/n: *Blush* Uh, o-oh! Really?

Alice: Why, of course darling! I've heard all the things you done back at the Big Apple. May I asked, how did you hanged one of your victims on the top of the Empire State Building?

Y/n: Oh, that's easy. I just grabbed a rope, and turned it into a noose. Ha-ha, plus it was raining. The bastard charged at me and was trying to push me off. Luckily, since it was raining the ground became so slippery that he slide right passed, and I threw the noose at him, and I timed it perfectly. By the time he fell off the ledge of the building, he was squirming and choking to death. I even watched him while he was dying... right infront of my eyes...

Alice: *Chuckles* Oh, my. What a performance.

Y/n: Thank you. And you are Alice The Radio Demoness.

Alice: That's correct.

Y/n: And let me tell something, to Serial Killer to Serial Killer. I love what you did to your victims.

Alice: *Blushes* Really? Oh, how sweet of you.

Y/n: *Smiles at her*

*As the two look at eachother, they suddenly began to laugh for no reason*


*Angel sees the two laughing maniacally*

Angel: ... This places is full of Psychos.

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