Kotone & Aigis

By Cryst4L__10

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The S.E.E.S. team is climbing the Tartarus Tower to face Nyx. It may be the group's last adventure, and Koton... More

Chapter 1: Unknown Feelings
Chapter 3: True Feelings
Chapter 4: Determination
Chapter 5: Happy end?
Chapter 6: Fuuka's POV
Chapter 7: Request

Chapter 2: Firm Decision

38 0 0
By Cryst4L__10

When we arrived at Tartarus, Aigis insisted on joining my team, so with her, Koromaru, and Ken, we decided to climb the tower. Once upstairs, I decided that we should split up to search for items on the floor, but Aigis refused to separate and suggested that at least we divide into pairs. Due to her insistence, I couldn't disagree and ended up giving in. That's how Koromaru and Ken formed a pair, and Aigis came with me.

Aigis insisted on going with me when I tried to pair her with Ken, and Ken also didn't help by expressing his desire to go with Koromaru. So, I ended up alone with Aigis once again, feeling that embarrassment could overwhelm me at any moment. However, those thoughts wouldn't last long because right at that moment, we encountered a shadow in front of us.

- Persona! - I quickly took out my Evoker and summoned my Persona. - Ziodyne! - With the first spell cast, hoping to find its weakness, I failed miserably. - Fuuka, analyze this new shadow - I immediately asked Fuuka to search for its weaknesses. Meanwhile, Aigis had also started to fight.

- Athena! - Aigis summoned her Persona right after my request. - Marakukaja. - With that, our defenses increased, and we could hold on until Fuuka finished her analysis.

- The enemy is weak to ice, use bufu skills - Fuuka reported. With Fuuka's analysis done, I decided to take them down.

- Parvati, Mabufudyne. - With that spell, the three shadows in front of us fell.

- Coordinated attack, now! - With my command, Aigis jumped alongside me to finish them off.

With that, the three shadows seemed to be defeated, and we could relax for the moment. I took a drink from my backpack to recover after the battle. While drinking, I observed Aigis in front of me, looking at the path we had to travel. That's when it happened. Suddenly, I felt immense pain in my back and let out a scream of agony. Aigis instantly turned to see one of the three shadows that had survived and attacked me from behind with its last bit of strength. Aigis jumped and quickly shot at the shadow with a burst of bullets until she confirmed that the shadow had been completely eliminated. After that, she jumped back to my side.

- Athena, Diarahan! - Aigis's Persona healed me with its spell, and the pain disappeared, but the uncomfortable feeling in my back persisted, preventing me from moving.

- Are you okay? I healed you with Athena, but I think we should call Ken and Koromaru and return to the Tartarus entrance. -

- I'm fine, just give me a moment to recover - I said. When I finally looked up, I found Aigis's face very close to mine, separated by just a few centimeters. I took a small jump back in surprise, which made me fall to the ground again. Aigis didn't take long to return to my side.

- I think it's better to call Ken and Koromaru. Wait a second. -

- No! - A small scream came out of my mouth. I wasn't sure of the reason, but I wanted to be alone with Aigis for a while longer. - I'm fine, you've already healed me, there's no need to call the guys. It was just a small slip, it won't happen again. - I tried to convince Aigis that there was no need to call the others, and my insistence eventually worked, and Aigis gave up on calling them. However, now she was much closer to me than before, and we were just inches away from holding hands. No, I have to focus. If another shadow attacks us by surprise, it could be worse. But still, I...

- A-Aigis, c-could we, perhaps, hold hands? I-it would make us safer! Y-yes, it's for our safety - I finally said, trying to hide my true intentions, although Aigis probably wouldn't be able to deduce them if I didn't.

- Of course, although I don't think it will help much if we encounter a shadow. - I had guessed right that Aigis wouldn't question my decision, even without giving her an excuse to do it.

Aigis extended her hand towards me, dressed in white fabric that covered only the tips of her fingers, which were entirely made of steel, hiding machine gun barrels inside. I hesitated slightly due to embarrassment, but when I decided to take her hand, I didn't feel cold or hard hands. They were soft. The fabric-covered part contained padding that gave a softer feeling to the hand, and the tips of her fingers still held the warmth from the shots she had fired to eliminate the shadow just a moment ago. Yet it felt strangely warm, and I knew it wasn't because of any of the things I just mentioned, because I not only felt that warmth in my hand but also in my chest.

- What's wrong, Kotone? Your face is red, and there's a strange expression on it - Aigis's statement surprised me. Do I really have such a weird expression on my face? I don't think I'm that happy right now. It's impossible.

- Is it because of your fever? Has it returned? Maybe we should go back to the lobby right now. - No, I can't let this opportunity pass when we're alone.

- No, Aigis! - I inadvertently let out a small cry before she decided to alert the others. - I'm fine, I'm not red because of a fever or anything like that; it's... for another reason. -

- Excuse me? I couldn't hear you properly, but if it's not because of a fever, then why is it? - I had done it; I had asked the question. How do I answer that question? I couldn't even answer it myself. But I had decided to respond now, no matter what. I had to clarify my feelings before leaving Tartarus tonight; that much was clear.

- I-it's nothing to worry about, at least not for now. - I needed to buy some time until I sorted out my thoughts.

So, we decided to continue exploring the Tartarus floor while holding hands.

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