Chaos Rising | Teen Wolf

By raynelbabe

5.9K 288 44

โTHEY'VE HAD ๐—ข๐—ฅ๐——๐—˜๐—ฅ FOR SO LONGโž โTHEY DON'T KNOW WHAT ๐—–๐—›๐—”๐—ข๐—ฆ FEELS LIKEโž In which thre... More

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s e v e n t e e n

126 8 0
By raynelbabe

Zoe walked down the stairs, phone in hand as she looked up different lasagna recipes online.

"Bella! Pearl! What do you guys-" as she walked into the kitchen she stumbled upon Bella and Scott, clearly doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. As she walked in, the two teens jumped away from each other, both leaning back against the kitchen island.

"Oh. Hi, Scott. I wasn't aware you were here....again" Zoe said. Over the last few days, Scott had been a frequent member of their house while Pearl was never home, usually off somewhere with Stiles.

"Uh, yeah, I uh, I hope that's okay," he said.

"Of course that's okay," Bella said, looking over at her sister. "Right Zo?"

Zoe nodded, still having no idea how to navigate teenage girls and their boyfriends. She tried to think back to what her mom did when she was their age but Zoe didn't have her first boyfriend until college.

"Yeah. Super okay" she said. "I assume you're staying for dinner? I'm making lasagna. I think."

"Yeah, that sounds good. I love lasagna" Scott said.

"Right. Um, where's Pearl?" she asked.

"At the hospital with Stiles," Bella said.

"Still?" Zoe asked. Pearl had spent every waking minute there with Lydia claiming that the girl would die of boredom if Pearl left. Apparently, it was up to her to make sure Lydia didn't miss any important gossip that might've occurred over the span of two days.

"I mean Lydia is like, her new best friend. And Pearl is...Pearl. She's too nice to leave her there alone" Bella said.

"And Stiles just wants to go wherever Pearl is" Scott added.

Zoe forced a smile to her face and hummed. "Cute. Well, I am going to go to the grocery store. Call Pearl, let her know she still has to eat."

Bella nodded, waiting until she heard the front door slamming before she pulled Scott back over to her. "We should probably go to my room."

"What about Pearl?" Scott asked, his words coming out jumbled through their kiss.

"She'll be fine" Bella said. "Hospitals have vending machines."


"Recees or Hersheys?" Stiles asked.

"Recees, always," Pearl said, as they both peered in through the glass of the vending machine. Stiles nodded and plopped in the coins, pressing the right button, and waited for the candy to fall.

But when it got stuck in the last ring both of them groaned. "Seriously?" Stiles sighed, as Pearl frustratedly pressed the button hoping it would do something.

"Maybe we should just buy another one" she suggested as Stiles tried banging on the glass.

"No. No, I am not letting this thing steal any more of my money" Stiles said, as he wrapped his arms around it like a bear hug.

"Stiles, you're gonna hurt yourself," she said, watching as he let out a low groan and tried to lift the machine.

"I got it. There's just a certain way you gotta do it" he said, letting go of the machine and grabbing it from the top, violently shaking the thing back and forth.

"Stiles. I really don't think you're supposed to-"

Suddenly the machine began falling backward as Stiles quickly moved back, pulling Pearl with him out of the way as the machine crashed to the floor, glass shattering everywhere.

Pearl instantly brought a hand over her mouth, trying hard not to laugh at the panicked look on Stiles' face.

"That was definitely not my fault!" he said.

"How was that not your fault?" she laughed.

"If anything that was a safety violation and they should really-"

Stiles was cut off as a loud scream pierced through the air. Stiles turned to Pearl as they both thought the same exact thing.

"Was that-"

"Lydia" Pearl nodded as they abandoned the broken vending machine and raced down the hall back to her room.

Melissa and Lydia's dad both rushed into the room at the same time they did.

"Lydia!" Pearl shouted, not seeing her in her room before running into the bathroom. But when she pushed open the door, no one was there.

The shower was still running and the bathtub was flooded. Melissa reached over to turn the water off, looking down at the water that had begun to spill over to the floor.

Stiles nudged, Pearl, looking over at the open bathroom window. It seemed like a crazy idea but there really was no other exit from the room other than that.

Back at home, Zoe was still gone while Scott and Bella were both upstairs in her bed. Both of them only down to their underwear.

Scott had been making sure to pay attention to the sound of Zoe's car pulling back in when he heard the scream echo out from the hospital.

He sat up, staring out the window in confusion.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Bella asked.

"I think I just heard a scream," he said.

"What? Whose scream?" she asked.



Bella and Pearl sat in the back of the jeep while Scott sat in the front. They waited as Stiles went to grab the hospital gown that Lydia was last wearing so Scott could track her scent.

When he got back he handed the gown to Scott.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott asked and Stiles nodded.

"She's going to be okay right?" Pearl asked.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again" Scott said.

"Alright, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her," Stiles said. As he started up the engine the lights flew on and they jumped, not expecting Allison standing right outside.

Bella rolled down the window and looked at her. "What are you doing here? Your parents could see us."

After the night of the formal, Allison's parents had effectively banned Allison from seeing either Bella or Pearl, telling her all these horror stories about how faries were actually these horrible monsters that couldn't be trusted.

"I don't care. She's my best friend too and we need to find her before they do" Allison said.

"Scott can find her before the cops can," Bella said.

"How about before my father does?" Allison asked.

"Wait he knows?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs" Allison said.

"Oh my god. They're not gonna kill her are they?" Pearl asked.

"No. Because we're not gonna let them" Bella said before looking at Allison. "Get in."

With all of them in the car, Stiles hurried out of the parking lot and took off down the street.

"Should we call Zoe?" Pearl asked.

"No. She's just going to tell us to go home and let her and Derek handle it" Bella said.

"Scott, are we going the right way?" Stiles asked.

Scott had his head sticking out of the window, sniffing the air as he tried to follow the scent. "Take the next right!" he called out.


At the grocery store, Zoe had her shoulder holding her phone to her ear while the other was looking through the stack of tomatoes.

"How do you know if a tomato is ripe?" she asked.

"Make sure it's not too soft," Derek said.

"Hmm. I didn't realize you were such a chef" she teased before heading a loud whirring sound in the background. "What is that? It sounds like you're at a construction site."

"I have the window open. Probably just some noise in the background" he said.

"You're still coming for dinner right? If I have to spend my night hanging out with Scott and Stiles again I might cry" she laughed.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there" he said as something loud crashed in the background. Something that definitely wasn't just some passing sound in the night. "I gotta go. I'll see you later."

Zoe looked down at her phone as Derek hung up, wondering why he sounded so weird but decided to shrug it off, putting her phone back in her pocket.


Walking up to the Hale house, Pearl was even more freaked out. After the events of the last night, the place seemed even more creepy than usual.

"Scott are you sure Lydia came here?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads," he said.

"But I'm pretty sure Lydia's never even been here before," Allison said.

Pearl gripped Stiles' hand tighter as they headed closer to the house, looking for any clue that Lydia had been there.

"Maybe she came here on instinct like she was looking for Derek," Allison said.

"Why would she look for Derek?" Bella asked.

"Because he's an alpha now" Scott sighed.

"Well, I mean don't wolves need a pack?" Allison asked.

"Not all of them" Scott shrugged.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, we're stronger in packs," Scott said.

"You mean like strength in numbers?" Bella asked.

"No, like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way," Scott said.

"Is that the same for an alpha?" Allison asked.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, it'll make Derek stronger too."

"Well I doubt Lydia would come here if she was looking for Derek," Bella said.

"Why?" Allison asked.

"Because he's always at our house," Bella said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, hey, look at this," Stiles said, calling them over. "You see this? I think it's a tripwire."

Curious Pearl reached out and pulled on it but didn't see anything happen.

"Pearl?! Why would you do that?" Bella scolded.

"What? Nothing happened. It's obviously broken" Pearl said.

"Guys" Scott called out.

"Yeah, buddy?" Stiles said and turned around, having to hold in his laugh. They all turned to see Scott tied up by his leg, hanging upside down.

"Oh" Pearl, bit her lip, realizing it wasn't broken.

"Next time you see a tripwire? Don't trip it" Scott said.

"Sorry. That one's definitely on me" Pearl said as they all headed over to help untie him but Scott quickly held out their hands, stopping them.

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone's coming. Hide" he said.

All of them looked around, not seeing anyone, and didn't act as urgently as Scott wanted.

"Go!" he exclaimed.

Quickly they all turned and headed back down the small hill before ducking behind a tree. They watched as Allison's dad and two other men walked over to him.

"Bella, what are they saying?" Pearl whispered.

"Hold on," Bella said, using her powers to amplify the air around them, letting the sound travel to where they could hear it.

"Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?" Chris asked.

"I have a feeling I don't want to" Scott sighed.

"A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that. Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary."

Once Chris and the other hunters walked away they all ran back over to Scott. "Are you okay?" Bella asked.

"Just another life-threatening conversation," Scott said.

Bella looked over at the wires being used to hold Scott up. "Guys, help me with this," she said as they all walked over.

Hearing a thud behind them they turned around to see Scott already upright and on his feet. "Thanks. But I think I got it" he smiled.


When Zoe pulled up to the school the next morning, she looked over at Pearl and Bella. "Do you think Stiles could give you a ride home?" she asked.

"Probably. Why?" Pearl asked.

"Well, I actually have a job interview later," Zoe said.

"Really? Why didn't you tell us? Where is it?" Bella asked.

"Well, I didn't want to say anything until after I applied but it's nothing big. Just the local paper" Zoe said.

"You used to work for the Inquirer. They have to hire you" Bella said.

"I'm sure you'll be great. They'll love you!" Pearl said.

"Thanks. You guys should hurry. And let me know if you find out anything about Lydia" Zoe said.

"We will," Bella said as they both got out of the car. Heading inside they found Scott and Stiles, only able to hear the tail end of their conversation.

"She ate the liver?" Scott asked.

"No. I didn't say she ate it. I just said it was missing" Stiles said.

"Who ate a liver?" Bella asked.

"No one ate a liver," Stiles said.

"Lydia" Scott told her.

"They found her!?" Pearl asked.

"No. No, not yet but they will. There was a grave robbery last night and the police found a liver missing" Stiles said.

"That's disgusting" Bella grimaced.

"Well even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body" Stiles said.

"How do you know that?" Pearl asked.

"Health class" Stiles shrugged.

"Do werewolves even eat...liver?" Bella asked.

"I never ate anyone's liver," Scott said.

"Yeah, right. 'Cause when it comes to werewolves you're a real model of self-control" Stiles huffed.

"How do we even know she's turning into a werewolf?" Bella asked.

"What else could she be?" Scott asked.

"A fairy?" Stiles asked.

"I don't think so. We've only heard of faires being born, not bitten" Pearl said.

"Come on. We can think about it later. If we're late to Harris' class he'll give us all detention" Bella said.

"Did you guys do the homework?" Stiles asked.

Pearl looked at him like he was crazy. "We had homework!?"


In class, Pearl tapped her pencil against the table and stared down the the paper in front of her.

Stiles was sitting next to her and leaned up in his seat to talk to Scott. "What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?" he asked.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr.Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career" Mr.Harris said.

"Can you do that?" Stiles asked. Pearl couldn't help the laugh that managed to escape.

"Is that funny, Ms.Morrigan? I'll see you both at three for detention" Mr.Harris said.

Pearl looked up at him, her jaw dropping. "But I-"

"Do you want to add on summers?" Harris asked.

"No," she said sighing as she turned back to her quiz.


Bella was walking down the hall when she spotted Allison, standing at her locker holding her dress that was for Kate's funeral that afternoon.

Bella could tell just by looking at her that something was wrong and when she glanced across the hall she noticed two girls, smiling and laughing while looking at Allison she could easily guess what they were probably talking about.

Bella had overhead similar conversations in the bathroom. Everyone gossiping about Allison's aunt, the serial killer.

Waiting as Allison walked down the hall, Bella grabbed her arm pulling her into an empty classroom so no one could see them talking.

"How'd you know?" Allison asked.

"I could see you crying from down the hall," Bella said.

"I-I-I can't–I can't do this. I can't–I can't go to the funeral. Everyone is going to be watching me, and there are going to be cameras there, and I can't–"

"Yes, you can. Allison, you'll be fine. Just think about it, after this, you'll be able to put all of this behind you. Peter, Kate, all of it" Bella said.

"I can't go like this. I look terrible" Allison said gesturing to her face that was a little puffy from crying.

"It's a funeral. You're allowed to cry at funerals" Bella sighed.

"For her?" Allison asked.

"Well, I mean she was your aunt. Maybe Kate wasn't...the best, but you still lost her. You're allowed to grieve for that part of her" Bella said as Allison slowly nodded. "Plus, we'll all be there."

"What? How?" Allison asked.

"Well...that part I don't really know yet. But I'll figure it out. I'll be there. No one's going to let you go through this alone."


Bella and Scott were at the cemetery hiding behind a statue on the other side of the lot. They watched as police deputies escorted Allison and her parents through a swarm of reporters.

They all had cameras, shoving them in their faces as they shouted at them to make some sort of statement.

They watched as an older man walked over, with two men walking behind him. He made his way over to Allison's parents, giving them both a hug.

Pearl and Stiles came rushing over, ducking behind the statue.

"What took you so long?" Bella asked.

"Harris hates us and decided his detentions are now an hour and a half" Pearl sighed.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asked.

It was as if the man could hear them because at the same time, he quickly turned to where the four teens were hiding and they were all quick to duck.

"He's definitely an Argent," Scott said.

Allison looked over to where Gerard had looked and flashed a smile knowing that her friends really were there to support her.

"Hey you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral. I mean what if they're the non-hunting side of the family. There could be non hunting Argents. It's possible right?" Stiles asked.

"I know what they are. They're reinforcements" Scott said.

"Reinforcements?" Bella asked.

Before he could respond, the Sheriff came over pulling Scott and Stiles up by their shirts. "The four of you. Unbelievable" he scoffed. Leading them all over to his police cruiser he ordered them to get inside before he hopped in the front seat.

The four of them had to squeeze together almost uncomfortably to all fit. It was quiet until a voice came on the police radio.

"4-1-5 adam."

"I didn't copy that. Did you say 4-1-5 adam?" the Sheriff asked.

"Disturbance in a car" Stiles whispered.

"They were taking a heart attack victim–D.O.A. But on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em" the voice said.

"Hit the ambulance?" the Sheriff asked.

"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere" the voice said.

"All right unit four. What's your 20?" he asked.

"Route 5 and post. I swear I've never seen anything like this."

That was enough for the four to scurry out of the back seat and race over to Stiles' jeep. They needed to know if this was really Lydia running around.

The four of them made their way to the location of the ambulance and crouched down behind some trees to get a look at the scene in front of them. There really was blood everywhere as cops swarmed the place.

"What the hell is Lydia doing?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know," Scott muttered.

Pearl tuned out their conversation as she stared at the guy in the ambulance. There was no way this was Lydia. Pearl hadn't known the girl long but they had become quick friends and Pearl really did care about her a lot.

"Pearl. You okay?" Stiles asked, looking at Pearl who just blankly stared ahead.

"It's just. I need to find her. I need to know she's okay. If she's still out here running around with no clothes on, it's freezing, Allison's family is hunting her. If something happens to her..." she trailed off not knowing or wanting to finish her sentence.

"Hey. It's going to be okay. I'm going to find her. I think I have her scent" Scott said before getting up and running off, following the scent he had.

Stiles grabbed Pearl's hand and gestured for her and Bella to follow him over to his dad.

"I thought I told you to stay in the car," the Sheriff said.

"Dad. You have to find her. Please" Stiles said, knowing how much it was killing Pearl to have Lydia out there all by herself.

"We're going to find her. I promise" he said, hoping that he could fulfill this one.

They both were quick to turn around hearing Bella call out. "Lydia?"

Pearl looked out to see what Bella was looking at and didn't know if she was seeing things. "Lydia?" she shouted.

It was indeed Lydia who slowly stepped out of the treeline, naked and shivering. "Lydia!" Pearl shouted again.

Lydia looked up as if she had been knocked out of a trance. "Well? Is anyone going to get me a coat?" she asked.

Pearl was quick to pull off her sweater and run over to Lydia wrapping it around her before gently pulling Lydia into a hug.

"Never do that again" she whispered. "Come on. We should probably get you back to the hospital" she said.

Lydia only nodded and let Pearl help walk her over to the police.

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