
By TheDadJokeGuy

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An experiment goes awry, summoning the goddess of physics to the laboratory of a physicist. While she learns... More

Chapter 1, Naftisology
Chapter 2, Beckoned
Chapter 3, Fated
Chapter 4, Forewarned
Chapter 5, Rock of Ages
Chapter 6, Outside looking in
Chapter 7, Probability
Chapter 9, Officiated
Chapter 10, Court Order
Chapter 11, Against the Grain
Chapter 12, Fallout
Chapter 13, On the Fringe
Chapter 14, The Source
Chapter 15, Director of Change
Chapter 16, Reset

Chapter 8, Prophecy

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By TheDadJokeGuy

Tyd lay still on a gurney in a vast desert, taking slow breaths as she looked up at the twilight sky. She weakly lifted her head to look at the purple splotch on her chest, gurgling and shifting as though it were a living oil slick on her skin. She looked to her right to see an immense sundial, the positioning of the sun setting it at the 14th hour, out of 70. In front of the sundial is a desk with a rolling sheet of silvery metal, a myriad of lines criss-crossing through it, a dotted line running down the middle and remaining stationary as the lines progressed, collapsed and branched apart. She looked to her right when she heard rumbling, seeing a massive, black and white worm burrowing in and out of the dunes in the distance.

Closer, some of the sand kicks up and swirls into a vortex, Orlog stepping out of the whirlwind as it faded, using the stave as a walking stick. He came to Tyds side and knelt down so he was eye level with her, and she smiled weakly at him.

Tyd; "... Hey, clockwork. How's Envoy duty treating you?"

Orlog flashed a small smile, resting a hand on hers that lay at her side.

Orlog; "As well as it can, truthfully. The Shaikorth hasn't made itself unpleasant company, has it?"

Tyd shook her head with a half-hearted chuckle.

Tyd; "Heh... Just been watching them weave in and out of the sand... Sure he's finding some good Chronon deposits down there."

Orlog let out a half-hearted chuckle in response to her statement, smile fading as Tyd clutched a hand to her chest, letting out a grunt of pain.

Orlog; "Still progressing slowly, thankfully... Does it feel about the same?"

Tyd nodded weakly as she laid her head back down, looking back to the sky that glowed a dim yellow.

Orlog; "Just, take it easy for now, yes? I'll be here for a bit, working on the timestream, so just let me know if you need anything."

Tyd gave a lone nod before speaking.

Tyd; "Thanks, clockwork."

Orlog flashed a smile as he stood, going over to the desk before the sundial, looking over the branching, collapsing and snaking lines. He zoomed in on one, and the tip of the sundial projected a screen of a war ongoing; Humans in white camouflage armor firing at reptilian aliens in vibrant green armor, all in a snowstorm, defending an entrenched position. Orlog let out a sigh and minimized the projection, moving to another point on the timestream.

At another point, the sundial showed a silver palace being raided by slaves and servants of a skeletal, insectoid species, all with silver chains around their necks. He zoomed in one of the aliens with narrow eyes, seeing them flash yellow before disappearing from the steps of the palace, reappearing near the kitchen of the palace. He minimized the screen and looked down to the timestream; at the moment of the flash, a million million timelines branched out from that moment before collapsing back once the event ceased. Orlog let out an inquisitive hum, then glanced to Tyd with an impatient sigh.

Tyd; "... You need a distraction?"

Orlog simply shrugged his shoulders, taking in a deep breath and speaking through the exhale.

Orlog; "... That would be nice... Perhaps... Recite to me your prophecies."

Tyd smiled without looking at Orlog, brow furrowed as she searched her memory.

Tyd;"Let's see... Stop me if you've heard this one; A blade of the gods turns its handle towards its own kind, to be wielded against others in conquest. When the blade was broke, its halves were to be sent to either side of the galaxy; one half would wallow in despair, and drown in the deep... The other shall rise from its lonliness, and be reborn not as a weapon of war, but a tool of peace."

Orlog nodded with his lips sucked in, moving to another point in the timestream.

Orlog; "I remember that one... But I like listening to you. Do you still remember the Pendulum one? That was my favorite."

Tyd let out a quiet "heh" when she heard him respond.

Tyd; "Yeah... The Pendulum of Eier swings with offerings of music and blood. On the first swing, crystal spears run them through. On the second, automatons embed themselves into their world. On the third, infection runs rampant. At the fourth swing, infection shall be cleared, and war shall be declared. From the burning of this crucible, neither side shall truly win, and both must retreat from the shadow of the depths."

Orlog nodded with a satisfied grin, scrolling to another point in the timestream, projecting a screen of Endrai and "Pearl" having a picnic at a local park, set a couple years after his last visit with them.

Orlog; "Such mystery in that one... Now, tell me *your* favorite."

Tyd put a hand to her chin in thought as Orlog manuevered the screen, examining a small, palm shaped box Endrai was hiding in his jacket.

Tyd; "Hmm... I think it'd be this one. When the pyramids are torn asunder: When the Dreamer and the Deceiver swap places: When the Angel and the Sinner are brought together in forbidden love, and quickly separated: When the Long Winter ends: When the Blade sharpens itself on the depths: When the twice-blessed fight each other once more: When the ally is deemed a traitor... The Erksavaan arrives, and will herald the awakening of Rokon."

Orlog watched the projection as Endrai got down on one knee and opened the box for "Pearl". He heard no audio from the projection but, after Endrai presumably explained what the gesture meant, Pearl immediately began bouncing for joy and hugged Endrai, knocking him to the ground. Orlog bowed his head in thought, scratching his cheek as he mumbled to himself.

Orlog; "... Angel and Sinner... Immortal and Mortal..."

With a quiet gasp, he lifted his head and brought back up the projection of Endrai and Efni a few months ahead in the timestream now, seeing them plan out a wedding locale and honeymoon on the computer. His attention then turned to Tyd, and he spoke with a note of concern in his voice.

Orlog; "Tyd... I know your prophecies aren't meant to mean anything; they're mostly for fun, yes?"

Tyd nodded weakly, barely able to lift her head.

Tyd; "... Well, they represent a possible future... But, they're supposed to pertain to Mortal affairs."

Orlog sighs and minimizes the projection again, resting his glaive over top the desk.

Orlog; "Yes, but this Erksavaan one... It seems to pertain to Primeval affairs. Look at it; The pyramids torn asunder, that's the Promethean War. The Dreamer and the Deceiver... I don't know what part I play, but your prophecies come in your dreams. The Angel and the Sinner... That must be Efni and her chosen Acolyte!"

Tyd shrugged lightly, her breathing becoming more strained.

Tyd; "I don't know... But, I don't think mortals and Primevals are supposed to be in any kind of relationship..."

Orlog wandered closer to Tyd, so he was in her periphery.

Orlog; "Exactly! Mortus needs to be made aware of this at once."

As Orlog turned to leave, Tyd raised a hand with apprehension, reaching out to him.

Tyd; "... Orlog."

He turned back to look at Tyd, his expression grim.

Tyd; "If they are breaking some kind of Primordial law... Please don't take it as them doing actual harm. If they're in love, that's not your business. It's not like they're threatening Mortalis."

Orlog took in a deep breath, nodding in resignation as he gravitated the stave to himself, tapping it against the ground. He was soon engulfed a swirling of sand and dust, disappearing shortly after. Tyd let out a sigh and laid her head back down, looking back to the sundial and desk that continued winding away, the Shaikorth dipping in and out of the dunes behind it.

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