You're My Cure Bun ||Complete...

By taekookevergreenlove

356K 19.2K 1.9K

Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim cooperation have everything anyone ask for loving parent, understanding friends... More

Chapter 1 : My misery
Chapter 2 : Opportunity
Are we same
Chapter 3 : Flashback
Chapter 4 : Flashback 2
Chapter 5 : First meet
Chapter 6 : In Kim cooperation
Chapter 7 : Presentation
Choose One
Chapter 8 : Working Together
Chapter 9 : Bonding
Chapter 10 : In Kim Mansion
Chapter 11 :Unofficial Date
Chapter 12 : Ignorance
Chapter 14 : Suggestion
Chapter 15 : My choice
Chapter 16 : It's Him
Chapter 17 :Are you Sure?
Chapter 18 : Have you gonna crazy
Chapter 19 : Do you
Chapter 20 : Accepted
Chapter 21 : Shopping
Chapter 22 : Marriage
Chapter 23 : I will Take Care
Chapter 24 : Married Couple
Chapter 25 : Party
Chapter 26 : Dance With Me
Chapter 27 : News article
Chapter 28 : Friends Hangout
Chapter 29 : Something wrong
Chapter 30 : Talk
Chapter 31 : Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 32 : What happened
Chapter 33 : Accident
Chapter 34 : Can't protect you
Chapter 35 : Unknown Love
Chapter 36 : Unknown love 2
Chapter 37 : You Can't Leave Me(M)
Chapter 38 : With You [S.M]
Chapter 39 : Profit Marriage [M]
Chapter 40 : Danger
Chapter 41 : Wrong Diagnosed ?
Chapter 42 :Who's Real Culprit
Chapter 43 : Escaped
Chapter 44 : Healing
Chapter 45 : Are you happy [M]
Chapter 46 : Anniversary 1[M]
Chapter 47: Anniversary 2 [M]
Chapter 48 : Gift [M]
Chapter 49 : He didn't
Chapter 50 : I know nothing
Chapter 51 : Weird
Chapter 52 : Ready for responsibility
Last Chapter : New Member
Which One
Adamant Lover

Chapter 13 : Problem

6K 340 18
By taekookevergreenlove

[ Happy 100 .I recently crossed 100 followers here. Thank you very much for following me and enjoy reading it.Thank you much you all.]


Taehyung was sitting at his working table. Computer screen in front of him. But his mind stuck somewhere else.

Jk : so you were doing this intentionally. Everything was done to avoid me. Right.

Jungkook's words and his teary eyes keep flashing in his mind. It's been a week since the incident of the fashion show.

Taehyung just wanted to keep Jungkook away from him so he wouldn't get more attached with him but it's never just attached in his heart for Jungkook he knows, well aware about it but in denial.

He never wanted to hurt Jungkook in any way he can't even think of doing that but see he ends up doing the thing which he never wanted to do.

Taehyung picked up his phone and thought about calling Jungkook but stopped in midway and put his phone back.

Tae : I can't do this, I know if I spend more time with you I will become selfish to be with you. Being with you makes me forget everything. The time I spent with was like a dream or more beautiful than a dream but I woke up from this beautiful dream and realized the reality . I can't be selfish Jungkook you will be better off me . To be exact you will be best.

Taehyung just wanted to forget everything, his disability everything just wanted to hold Jungkook. Taehyung can't forget it ,this disability will always be with him

Taehyung leans his back on the chair and stares at the ceiling a tear falls off from his eyes a deep sign left from his lips . Taehyung in his deep thoughts when he heard knock on the door. Taehyung quickly wiped off his tears and composed him.

Tae : come in (Hansung came in and bowed at Taehyung )

Han : Mr. Kim I want to share very important news

Tae : What is it?

Han : Mr. Kim, a few months ago you removed four of the board members of this company as they sold their shares.

Tae : so, they aren't investors of the company anymore I can't do anything with it.

Han : Mr. Kim has less number of board members causing problems. We are in need of 13 members we only have 10 .

Tae : The company is doing well we don't need that one that is good here.

Han : I understand but we need someone at least one new member in board members. It is creating problems.

Tae : do other board members know this?

Han : No Mr. Kim.

Tae : arrange meeting room and call other members.

Hansung bowed and went from there. Taehyung's mind was already messed up and now this.

Jungkook in his cabin working with his complete focus. His phone rang and he immediately looked at it. A sign of disappointment left when he saw it was his appa. He picked up the call and talked a bit with his father .

After cutting the call he stared at the phone screen. He remembers what happened at the Fashion show day . After discovering that Taehyung was intentionally ignored it really hurt him badly.

After that day he didn't even call Taehyung but he did wait for his call. In Jungkook's heart he can't believe that. There must be something that is why Taehyung is acting this way. He wanted to know.

He wanted Taehyung to explain this to him. He wasn't blind not notice that Taehyung did have a soft corner for him. He can't do something like this without a reason. He wants Taehyung to explain to him that reason.

His chain of thoughts broke when he heard his cabin's phone range. He picked it up.

Hobi : Jungkook can you come to my cabin.

Jk : sure hyung.

Jungkook put the phone back and head towards Hoseok's cabin.

Jk : yes hyung.

Hobi : kookie I was heading to Kim cooperation and wanted to join.

Jk : why? What happened?

Hobi : well there is a board meeting to discuss something.

Jk : well I have some work I can't come to you go hyung.

Hobi : alright then.

Jungkook came back to his work his mind still stuck on there.

Jk : what could it be?


Yoongi in the music studio. Recording song with a group. When he heard managers talking about something. Well usually he never really cares about their gossip. But a familiar name takes his attention.

Manager 1 : did you hear the new debut group member is dating Jimin.

Manager 2 : Really? How you get to know they aren't even on our label.

Manager 3 : It's wide spread everywhere that " Park Jimin and Soobin are daring " did you see.

Manager 1 : yes literally every social media platform.

Manager 3 : They really look good together . Literally a match made in heaven.

Manager 2 : I ship them "min-bin" Couple it sounds so good is it.

Yg : IT SOUNDS TERRIBLE (said loudly making everyone flinched in the studio manager run over there)

Manager 2 : what happened Mr. Min?

Yg : look into your idols singing training instead of gossiping around.

Manager 2 : sorry so sorry.

Yg : don't want your sorry to get out of here and let them practice here.

Manager 2 : we will look over them.

Yg : you will do that when you get time from your gossiping. Get out.

All the managers went out. All the group members start practicing. They thought Yoongi might scold them but luckily it didn't happen .

Well rumors of Jimin dating Soobin recently debuted a boy group from the same label . Rumors were all over. Few people even start believing in making videos of them together taking them as their ideal couple.

And there are few interaction videos of them as they're in the same label they often meet for different events like dance challenge, award show. And like most labels their label neither denied it or accepted it just left people hanging in between. You can believe or up to you.

Even Yoongi doesn't believe them but he can't overlook the fact how close both look .

After coming back to his apartment Yoongi just scrolled his phone when a post caught his attention.

"How can you call it 'Just friends ' just look at the love their eyes hold for each other. #minbinforever

Yoongi mistakenly open the comment section opening it never it's intended.

Comment 1 : yes how can people look someone just friends. Look how happy they look together 🥺 . Just wish the label quickly conforms to the dating rumors. # minbinforever.

Yg : they must just be laughing at some joke, and normally looking at each other and love gaze towards someone is different understand idiots.

He scrolled down only to more posts like that.

" Find someone who can look at you the way Soobin looks at Jimin. #minbinforever .

Yg : enough internet for today. (Said with a sign)

He put back his phone but those post , comment, managers gossiping keep flashing in his mind.

Yg : they aren't dating right? Yes don't over thing yoongi about Jimin isn't dating (He tried to assure himself about it)

I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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Stay tuned for the next part. 😌

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