His forbidden soulmate

By Moss-is-chaotic

102 1 0

From the kingdom of Spectre, a young Prince has to find his soulmate soon. But what if his soulmate is someon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

7 0 0
By Moss-is-chaotic

We talked for most of the night. Willow didn't get me anything alcoholic, so I wasn't worried. He said that he didn't want to have to carry me home again.

The next day, everything was fairly normal. I spent time with Tamara, but still, nothing showed up. She still wasn't losing hope though.

I wanted to go back to Crystal's cove that night, but I told myself not to. I had just gone last night, and I needed the rest.

I was in my room getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. Who could be at my door at this time of night? I thought to myself. Maybe there was an emergency in the castle and we needed to evacuate!

I disliked how my brain always went to the worst possible situation. I took a deep breath and answered the door.

Tamara was standing in front of me in her nightgown. I was confused as to why she would come over to my room. "What is it?" I asked her. "I'm not feeling that well. I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight?"

I felt weird. I have never had someone else in my bed before, not even my parents. If I had a nightmare I just had to tough it out and wait until morning. They did not like being woken up in the middle of the night.

"Sure." I responded, moving out of the way so she could enter. Tamara sat down on my bed. "Thank you."

I sat down on the bed next to her. "What's bothering you?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little homesick is all."

I instantly felt bad. "You should've told me if you were homesick! I would've helped you feel better."

"I like being here, really. I guess it just hit me tonight." Tamara said sheepishly. She rested her head on my shoulder. I didn't really want her doing that right now, but I wasn't going to upset her, especially when she's feeling like this.

"I think we should be heading off to sleep now." I said, moving ever so slightly. "You're right." Tamara said, getting under the covers of the bed. I followed suit, laying down next to her.

"Goodnight Tamara."

"Goodnight Sam."

We both began to fall asleep, and I could tell that she was very comfortable curled up next to me.

But I wasn't sure that I was.


The next morning when I woke up I had forgotten that Tamara was sleeping with me. I realized that she was there when I turned over and saw that she was still asleep. She actually looked kind of adorable.

But, I still wasn't feeling anything towards her. All of the things my parents talked to me about falling in love I just wasn't experiencing. I felt like there was something wrong with me.

Just then, I noticed Tamara move. Her eyes slowly opened and she sat up, yawning. "Good morning." I said to her, "Are you going to stay here or will you go back to your own room?"

"I think I'm going to stay here for a few minutes, and then I'll head over to my room to get ready for the day." She answered, lying down on her back and staring at the ceiling.

That was kind of a problem. I needed to change my clothes, and I didn't want her watching me doing that. I could just do it inside of the closet, but I like being able to see myself in my clothes while getting dressed so I know what looks good on me.

I grabbed a few things that I had an idea of wearing from my closet. I hesitated, standing still for a few minutes before Tamara spoke up. "If you don't want to change in front of me that's fine. I can close my eyes if you wish."

"That would be great, actually."

She closed her eyes and put a hand over them, just in case. I felt much better knowing that she wasn't watching me.

I put everything on and looked at myself in the mirror. I think I picked out a pretty good outfit for today. I always had a good eye for fashion.

I turn around. "Alright, you can look now." Tamara removes her hand and opens her eyes. She gasped. "I love it!" She gets off of the bed and walks over to me. "It feels like you've just transformed into an entirely different person!"

When she said that, I was reminded of Theo, my false identity that I used while at Crystal's cove. I really was an entirely different person when I was there.

"Yeah, it does."

Tamara got off of my bed. "I think I should head back to my room and get ready. Thank you for letting me stay in your room for the night." She said. "You're welcome. If you want to stay in my room with me again, just ask."

She left, and I was finally alone. I laid back down on my bed, hoping to rest my eyes for just a few more minutes. That was what I usually did in the morning before someone knocked on my door and forced me to get up.

As I closed my eyes for a few minutes, my thoughts drifted back to Willow. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. There was something about his green eyes that made me want to stare at them.

But then, I wondered something else. Are we ever going to see each other again?

I mean, we did go to the same bar. So I would definitely be seeing him there. But would we actually interact? He doesn't need anything from me now. Why would he want to?

I heard someone knocking on the door. I was wondering when someone was going to do that.

"Young Prince, are you awake yet?" They asked. "Yes, I am." I said, walking over and opening the door. "Ah, great. You are dressed." I walked out of my room. "Today is one of your final few days with Tamara, I assume?" They asked. "Yes, it is."

They stopped. "I'm just letting you know that even though nothing has happened in regards to you two being soulmates, I still wish the best for you two."


They walked down with me to breakfast. Once we arrived, I noticed that Tamara was looking a little down. I could easily tell other people's emotions when others couldn't, because I needed to know when my parents were upset. That made things easier for me when I was younger once I figured that stuff out.

I guessed that she was sad because we probably weren't soulmates. Even though we had three days left to find out, that gave us little chance.

After we were both done eating breakfast we left, having many things to do for the day.

The day went by fast. So did the next two. Before I knew it, Tamara had all of her things packed and was ready to leave. We had just eaten breakfast, and we were all standing at the entrance of the castle in front of a carriage. She was going to take that carriage home.

"I have enjoyed the time we spent together." I said, lying slightly. I didn't want her to know that I wasn't interested in her at all. "I'm sorry that we aren't soulmates, but I hope you find your own."

"Thank you for choosing me." Tamara said. "I am glad that I got to stay here, and even though I am sad we aren't soulmates, I will write to you every once in a while. As a friend, of course." She said, winking.

"I will be looking forward to your stories."

Everyone said their goodbyes to her, and she was off. I knew that I was going to miss her. I liked having someone else to talk to besides my sister.

But I liked that she was going to write to me. I knew I was going to love having little updates on her life.

When I went back to my room after dinner that night, I had a strong urge to go to Crystal's cove. After the week that I've had, I decided that it might be a good idea to head over.

I desperately needed a break.

A/N: Hai guys

this week has been kinda busy

I've had to get a lot of things done

also I had auditions for the musical at my school (hope i get the part!)

anyways time to obsess over my cat lol

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