Catastrophic Masterpiece

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Cataleya is mysteriously back, but it won't take long to find out how or why. Dean is wrestling with a confe... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Season Four
01. Lazarus Rising
02. Are You There, God? It's Me, Cataleya Delgado
03. In the Beginning
04. Metamorphosis
05. Monster Movie
06. Yellow Fever
07. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
08. Wishful Thinking
09. I Know What You Did Last Summer
10. Heaven and Hell
11. Family Remains
12. Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
13. After School Special
14. Sex and Violence
15. Death Takes a Holiday
16. On the Head of a Pin
17. It's a Terrible Life
18. The Monster at the End of This Book
19. Jump the Shark
20. The Rapture
21. When the Levee Breaks
22. Lucifer Rising
Season Five
24. Good God, Y'all!
25. Free to Be You and Me
26. The End
27. Fallen Idols
28. I Believe the Children Are Our Future
29. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
30. Changing Channels
31. The Real Ghostbusters
32. Abandon All Hope...

23. Sympathy for the Devil

44 4 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

"Come on!" Dean cried.

Sam let his brother and friend pull him away from the sigil. They ran and the doors slammed shut. They rattled the doors. Light burst through the cracks.

There was a high-pitched noise. Sam turned to look at Dean and Cataleya, and each looked back at the light. They squeezed their eyes shut, Sam held up a hand to block the light, and covered their ears. They fell to their knees.

The light reached the edges of the sigil, then everything went white.


A cartoon red devil leaned over a large open book. "What in the devil is your name?"

"Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Yo-Yosemite Sam," Yosemite Sam stammered.

"Yosemite Sam!" The devil flipped through the book.

Sam, Dean and Cataleya were sitting on a plane. They looked around, but no one seemed to have noticed.

"What the hell?" Dean and Cataleya asked.

"I don't know," Sam replied.

The pilot said over the intercom, "Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing Ilchester, them Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore-"

Dean frowned. "Ilchester? Weren't we just there?"

Cataleya nodded slowly with a frown.


The pilot continued. "So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to-" a column of light shot into the sky. "Holy crap!"

The shock waves knocked the plane off kilter. People were thrown around the plane. Oxygen masks dropped down. Sam, Dean and Cataleya put theirs on as the light outside grew blinding. The high-pitched white noise sounded again. Dean looked out the window, terrified, while Cataleya closed her eyes, well aware how high they were.


Sam, Dean and Cataleya drove in a rental car.

A radio announcer spoke. "-and Governor O'Malley urged calm saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown."

"Change the station," Dean instructed.

Sam pushed a button on the digital radio and another radio announcer said, "Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slammed into the Galveston area-"

A third radio announcer spoke. "-announced a successful test of the North Korean War -"

A fourth said, "-a series of tremors-"

A fifth spoke. "-swine flu-"

The radio shut off. Sam sighed and silence fell in the car.

"Dean, Catty, look-" Sam began.

Dean cut him off. "Don't say anything." He paused. "It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, all right?"

"Yeah, okay."

Cataleya poked her head between the front seats. "Okay, well, first things first - How'd we end up on Soul Plane?"

"Angels, maybe? I mean, you know, beaming us out of harm's way?"

"Well, whatever," Dean said. "It's the least of our concerns. We need to find Cas."


Sam, Dean and Cataleya walked through the devastated house. There was a noise and they turned to find nothing. They kept looking around.

Chuck jumped out and hit Sam on the back of the head with a toilet plunger.

Sam stumbled back and put a hand to his head. "Geez! Ow!"

Cataleya grabbed the plunger and tossed it to the ground.

"Sam!" Chuck exclaimed.

"Yeah!!" Sam said.

"Hey, Chuck," Dean greeted as Cataleya nodded.

"So... you're okay?" Chuck asked.

"Well, my head hurts."

"No, I mean - I mean, my - My last vision. You went, like, full-on Vader. Your body temperature was 150. Your heart rate was 200. Your eyes were black."

"Your eyes went black?" Dean repeated.

Sam looked over his shoulder. "I didn't know."

"Where's Cas?" Dean and Cataleya asked.

"He's dead," Chuck replied. "Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry."

"You're sure?" Dean questioned. "I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something."

"Oh, no. He, like, exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup."

Sam took a closer look at Chuck and waved a hand at his own left ear. "You got a-"

Check waved a hand at his own right ear. "Uh... right here?"

Sam indicated the other side of Chuck's head. "Uh, the..."

Chuck felt at his hair. "Oh. Oh, God." He pulled something out. "Is that a molar? Do I have a molar in my hair? This has been a really stressful day."

"Cas, you stupid bastard," Dean muttered.

"Stupid?" Sam repeated. "He was trying to help us."

"Yeah, exactly."

"So, what now?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, crap," Chuck mumbled.

"What?" Sam questioned.

"I can feel them."

"Thought we'd find you here," Zachariah said.

Sam, Dean and Cataleya turned around; Zachariah was there with two angels accompanying him.

Zachariah continued. "Playtime's over, Dean. Time to come with us."

Dean pointed at Zachariah, pushing Cataleya back. "You just keep your distance, asshat."

"You're upset."

"Yeah. A little. You sons of bitches jump-started Judgment Day!"

"Maybe we let it happen. We didn't start anything. Right, Sammy?" He winked. "You two had a chance to stop your brother/friend, and you two couldn't. So let's not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was all of our faults and move on. 'Cause like it or not, it's Apocalypse Now. And we're back on the same team again."

Cataleya raised a brow. "Is that so?"

"You want to kill the devil. We want you to kill the devil. It's... synergy."

"And we're just supposed to trust you?"

"Cram it with walnuts, ugly," Dean retorted, glaring at the angel.

"This isn't a game, son," Zachariah told him. "Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast - before he finds his vessel."

"His vessel?" Sam asked. "Lucifer needs a meat suit?"

"He is an angel. Them's the rules. And when he touches down, we're talking Four Horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies - the greatest hits. You can stop him, Dean, but you need our help."

Dean narrowed his eyes. "You listen to me, you two-faced douche. After what you did, Leya and I don't want jack squat from you!"

"You listen to me, boy! You think you two can rebel against us? As Lucifer did?"

Cataleya narrowed her eyes. "We can try."

Zachariah noticed blood dripping from Cataleya's hand. "You're bleeding."

She smirked. "Right - a little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up."


Sam, Dean and Chuck flinched. When Cataleya looked, the other angels were gone as well.

"Learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch," Cataleya spat.

"This sucks ass," Chuck stated.


Sam rushed down a staircase past a couple making out and entered the motel.


Dean loaded a gun and Cataleya sharpened a knife as Sam entered the room.

"Hey," Dean greeted while Cataleya gave a silent gesture of acknowledgement.

"Hey," Sam replied, closing the door before pulling a couple things from his shirt and tossing them to Dean and Cataleya who caught them and examined them. "Here. Hex bags. No way angels will find us with those. Demons, either, for that matter."

"Where'd you get it?"

"I made it."


Sam hesitated long enough for Dean and Cataleya to look up at him. "I... I learned it from Ruby."

Dean put the gun down and approached Sam. "Speaking of. How you doing? Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?"

"I-it's weird. Uh, tell you two the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever... put me on that plane cleaned me right up."

"Supernatural methadone," Dean and Cataleya noted.

"Yeah, I guess." He paused. "Dean, Catty-"


Cataleya pursed her lips and turned away. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything."

"Well, that's good," Sam replied. "Because what can I even say? "I'm sorry"? "I screwed up"? Doesn't really do it justice, you know? Look, there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right-"

"Then why do you keep bringing it up?!" Dean yelled as Sam sighed and Kennedy walked up. "Look, I'm just saying, why do we have to put this under a microscope? We made a mess. We clean it up. That's all."

Sam nodded and Dean said, "All right, so, say this is just any other hunt. You know? What do we do first?"

"We'd, uh, figure out where the thing is," Sam answered.

"All right. So we just got to find... the devil."

"Easy," Cataleya muttered with a scoff.


Nick walked along the sidewalk to his house. He opened his front gate, which creaked, and let it swing shut behind him. A wind picked up, song the gate forward and back, causing Nick to turn to look. The gate banged open and shut.


Nick laid in bed, alone and restless. He pulled his hands out from under the blankets to see that they were bloodstained. He tossed the blankets back and there was blood all over him, and the sheets; a lot of it, as though someone had bled to death moments before. Nick got out of bed and switched on the bedside light. There was blood.

Nick started trying to reassure himself. "All right, keep it together, man."

He turned off the light and laid down. He rolled over and there was a woman in bed next to him, blood on her cheek. His eyes widened.

"It's you, Nick," Sarah said. "You're special. You're chosen."

Nick shook his head, disbelieving, and covered his eyes with one hand. When he looked back, Sarah was gone.


Becky spoke as she wrote. ""And then Sam touched-" No. "-caressed Dean's clavicle while Kennedy stroked Sam's hair. 'This is wrong,' said Dean. 'Then I don't want to be right,' replied Sam, in a husky voice. 'But it will be... so satisfying," replied Cataleya with a soft sigh.""

A message appeared on her screen: CARVER EDLUND CALLING

Becky frowned and clicked Accept. The window expanded to a videophone, showing Chuck. He glanced over his shoulder and back.

She covered her mouth as she stammered, "Oh... my... God. You. You're..."

"Carver Edlund, yeah," Chuck finished. "Hi, Becky."

"You got my letters. And my marzipan."

Chuck couldn't quite meet her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Um... yummy. But, uh-"

"I am your number-one fan. You know, I'm Samlicker81."

"I'm sorry. You're-You're what?"

"Webmistress at morethanbrothersandlover dot net?"

"Oh. Yeah. No, yeah. You're my... number-one fan." Becky grinned. "That's why I contacted you. You're the only one who will believe me." He looked heavenward.

Becky frowned, concerned. "Are you all right?"

"No. I'm being watched. Okay, not, not now - at least, I don't think so. But I don't have much time. I need your help."

Becky's excitement returned. "You need my help?"

"That's right. I need you to get a message to Sam, Dean and Cataleya. Okay?"

Becky sighed, reality intruding. "Look, Mr. Edlund... Yes, I'm a fan, but I really don't appreciate being mocked. I know that Supernatural's just a book, okay? I know the difference between fantasy and reality."

"Becky, it's all real."

Becky snapped back to overexcitedness. "I knew it!"


Sam stared at John's journal. Dean and Cataleya were watching TV.

A voice said, "How would you then explain an earthquake, a hurricane, and multiple tornadoes, all at the same time, all around the globe?"

"Two words," another voice said. "Carbon emissions."

Dean spoke to the environmentalist on the TV. "Yeah, right, Wavy Gravy."

Cataleya rolled her eyes. "Idiot."

There was a knock at the door. Dean pulled his gun and Cataleya grabbed her knife. Sam answered. It was Becky, so excited she was having trouble breathing.

"You okay, lady?" Sam asked.

"Sam... is it really you?" Becky questioned.

Sam glanced back at Dean and Cataleya. Becky stepped closer and put a hand on Sam's chest.

"And you're so firm," Becky said.

Sam frowned. "Uh, do I know you?"

Becky pulled back and Sam continued to stare, bewildered as she replied, "No. But I know you. You're Sam Winchester. And you're-" she looked at Dean, who was staring at her, gun hand out of sight, "-not what I pictured." She looked at Cateleya. "And you're pretty, but you look intense and scary. I'm Becky."

Becky brushed past Sam into the room. "I read all about you guys. And girl. And I've even written a few-" She glanced down, letting out a small giggle. "Anyway, Mr. Edlund told me where you were."

Dean and Cataleya stood. "Chuck?"

Sam closed the door.

Becky continued. "He's got a message, but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old."

"Right," Sam said. "Just, um... what's the message?"

"He had a vision. "The Michael sword is on Earth. The angels lost it.""

"The Michael sword?" Dean repeated.

Sam turned to the newcomer. "Becky, does he know where it is?"

"In a castle, on a hill made of 42 dogs," Becky replied.

"42 dogs?" Dean and Cataleya said.

"Are... you sure you got that right?" Sam inquired.

"It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said," Becky told them as she stepped closer to Sam. "I memorized every word." She touched Sam's chest. "For you."

Sam glanced over at Dean and Cataleya and down at Becky before asking, "Um, Becky, c-uh, can you... quit touching me?"


Cataleya stepped behind Becky and pulled her off of Sam, holding her arms. "He asked you to stop."



Bobby arrived in the Impala.


There was a knock on the door. Dean opened it to reveal Bobby.

"Hey, Bobby," Dean greeted.

Bobby hugged Dean, slapping him on the back. "Good to see you boys and girl all in one piece." He hugged Sam, who was grinning and Dean closed the door. Bobby hugged Cataleya who had a tiny smile on her face.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Dean asked.

"You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?" Bobby questioned.

Sam laughed. "You heard."

"I heard, Romeo. So... sword of Michael, huh?"

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean wondered.

"You better friggin' hope so."

Bobby opened a book to a painting of Michael surrounded by other angels. Michael looked like a winged woman and the other angels like naked babies with wings.

"That's Michael," Bobby informed. "Toughest son of a bitch they got."

Sam flipped to another painting and Michael had a feminine face.

Dean frowned. "You're kidding me. Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett."

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." He pointed to the sword in the painted Michael's hand. "So if we can find it..."

"We can kick the Devil's ass all over again," Sam finished. "All right. So, where do we start?"

"Divvy up and start reading - try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense."

Sam got up and headed for a pile of books. He stared at the books for a long moment, not reaching for them.

"Kid? You all right?" Bobby asked.

Sam turned to face Bobby. "No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry."

"Sam..." Dean and Cataleya began.

"Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal."

"Sam, stop it."

"You what?" Bobby questioned.

"You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on."

Dean and Cataleya said nothing. Bobby stood and walked closer.

"You're damn right you didn't listen," Bobby said. "You were reckless and selfish and arrogant."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off... I want you to lose my number. You understand me?"

Sam nodded and his expression barely changed. Dean didn't protest. Cataleya stared at Bobby, finding his sudden words strange.

"There's an old church nearby," Sam informed. "Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there."

"Yeah," Bobby agreed. "You do that."

Cataleya walked up to the door and said, "Take care, Sam."

"Yeah, you too," Sam replied.

Sam left. Bobby turned back to Dean and Cataleya, who stayed silent.


Sam walked along the dirt street.


Bobby, Dean and Cataleya sat doing research.

"I would never have guessed that your daddy was right," Bobby said.

"About what?" Dean wondered.

"About your brother." Dean looked up. "What John said - you save Sam or kill him. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe we shouldn't have tried so hard to save him."


"He ended the world, Dean. And you and Cataleya and me weren't strong enough to stop him properly. That's on us. I'm just saying, your dad was right."

"Dad," Dean said, rummaging through his bag and pulled out a plastic Ziplock full of cards. "It's got to be in here somewhere."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bobby asked.

"Here." Dean pulled one out and read it. Bobby stood and Dean came over, followed by Cataleya. "I don't believe it."

"What the hell is it?"

"It's a card for my dad's lockup in upstate New York. Read it."

Bobby took the card. ""Castle Storage. 42 Rover Hill.""

"Castle on a hill of 42 dogs." He took the card back.

"So you think your dad had the Michael sword all this time?"

"I'm not sure what else Chuck could have meant."

"Yeah. Okay. It's good enough for me."

Bobby attacked Dean, knocking him through the barrier between the kitchenette and the beds. Bobby yanked Dean up and slammed him down again before his eyes went black.

'Bobby' grabbed Cataleya by the throat and dragged her to her feet while Dean tried to pull him away. A female demon entered, followed by a male demon.

"I always knew you were a big, dumb, slow, dim pain in the ass, Dean," the female demon said. "But I never dreamed you were so V.I.P." She turned to Cataleya. "Hell's V.I.P. Nice to see you again."

The female demon saw Ruby's knife on the table and picked it up. "I mean, you're gonna ice the Devil? You? If I'd have known that, I'd have ripped your pretty, pretty face off ages ago."

"Ruby," Dean and Cataleya stated.

"Try again. Go back further."


"Hi. These are the days of miracle and wonder, Dean, Cataleya. Our father's among us. You know we're all dreaming again for the first time since we were human? It's Heaven on Earth. We really owe your brother a fruit basket."

"My God, you like the sound of your own voice," Dean retorted.

"But you two, on the other hand, you're the only bumps in the road. So every demon - every single one - is just dying for a piece of you two."

Cataleya rolled her eyes. "God, would you shut up, Meg."

Dean smirked. "Get in line."

"Oh, I'm in the front of the line, baby," Meg said. "Let's ride." She kissed Dean.

"What is that, peanut butter?"

"You know, your surrogate dadd is still awake screaming in there. And I want him to know how it feels slicing and squeezing the life out of you two." She handed the knife to 'Bobby', who raised it to Cataleya's throat.

Cataleya struggled. "Bobby!"

'Bobby' looked back at Meg who cried, "Now!"

'Bobby' raised the knife to stab Cataleya.

"Bobby! No!" Dean cried, moving in front of Cataleya, fully intending to take the brunt of the blade.

The light faded from 'Bobby's' eyes. The knife came down and Bobby flashed gold as the demon 'Bobby' died. Bobby had stabbed himself and he collapsed.

Cataleya shot Dean a look. "Stop saving me."

Dean frowned. "Never, princess."

Dean rushed Meg and the male demon. The male demon slammed Dean into the wall, then to the floor. Sam entered and saw Bobby on the floor bleeding, Cataleya trying to help Bobby, and Dean getting beaten.

"No!" Sam cried.

"Heya, Sammy," Meg greeted. "You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you."


She grinned. Sam swung and missed. Meg kicked him in the crotch and knocked him to the ground while the male demon pounded Dean and started pounding Cataleya who had gone to join the fight.

"It's not so easy without those super-special demon powers, huh, Sammy?" Meg taunted.

The male demon kicked Dean and Cataleya. Meg punched Sam. Dean kicked the feet out from under the male demon, grabbed the knife from Bobby's stomach, and stared the male demon in the chest. Dean stood and Meg backed away. He advanced. Meg screamed and smoked out of the woman, who collapsed. Dean lowered the knife and pulled Cataleya up.

Cataleya ran to Bobby's side and applied pressure to his wound.


Nick carried a blanket and teddy bears past a freestanding baby rocker to a cardboard box. The rocker began moving on its own. Nick turned to look, then went over and stopped it.

A baby started crying. Nick dug frantically through the box and pulled out a baby monitor. He stared at it, listening to the crying.


Nick opened the door, still listening. He stared at the crib a moment. The crying went silent. He turned on the light. There was silence. He turned away and the crying began again. He turned back and saw blood pouring from the crib onto the carpet.

"No..." Nick began, going up to the crib and fell to his knees as he sobbed.

The crib was empty, and was clean; as was the carpet.


Dean and Sam burst into a hospital emergency room, carrying Bobby. Cataleya was behind them.

"Need some help here!" Dean yelled.

"What happened?" a nurse asked.

"He was stabbed," Sam explained.

"Can we get a gurney?"

Two nurses rushed a gurney over to Bobby.

"Hang on, Bobby," Cataleya reassured. "Hang in there. You're gonna be okay."

They got Bobby onto the gurney and rushed him off. Sam, Dean and Cataleya followed.

The nurse stopped them. "Just wait here."

"We can't just leave him," Sam said.

"Just don't move. I've got questions." The nurse left.

"Sammy, we got to go," Dean told his brother as Cataleya nodded.

"No," Sam argued. "No way, Dean."

Cataleya stared up at Sam. "The demons heard where the sword is. We gotta get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. Come on! You two go. I'll stay with Bobby and let you know if anything changes."

Dean nodded and looked at her a moment before leaving, followed by Sam.


The Impala rushed along.


Dean opened the trunk. He and Sam loaded guns and closed the trunk. Dean unlocked the storage room while Sam stood watch.


Sam and Dean entered the room, shotguns ready. They found dead demons sprawled across the floor.

"I see you told the demons where the sword is," Zachariah said.

Dean and Sam turned. Zachariah was there with two angels escorting.

"Oh, thank God," Dean stated. "The angels are here."

"And to think... they could have grabbed it any time they wanted." Zachariah waved a hand to close the door. "It was right in front of them."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand-delivered it to us."

Dean frowned. "We don't have anything."

"It's you, Chucklehead. You're the Michael sword. Your friend is an option too." Dean stared and Zachariah continued. "What, you thought you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one."

Dean frowned. "What do you mean, I'm the sword?"

"You're Michael's weapon. Or, rather, his... receptacle."

"I'm a vessel?"

"You're the vessel. Michael's vessel."

"How? Why-why me?"

"Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks."

"Joking. Always joking. Well... no more jokes." He raised one hand, fingers like a gun, and pointed it at Dean, and shifted to Sam. "Bang."

There was a loud crunch and Sam fell, unable to stand.

"God!" Sam cried.

"You son of a bitch!" Dean yelled.

"Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than his legs," Zachariah warned. "I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The war has begun. We don't have our general. That's bad. Now, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me?"

Dean glared at the angel. "How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? Five, ten?"

"Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive."

"There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so to ride around in my skin."

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, there's got to be another way."

"There is no other way. Michael must defeat the serpent. It is written."

"Yeah, maybe. But on the other hand... Eat me. The answer's no."

"Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby - we know he's gravely injured. Say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again. Cataleya Delgado, we're not sure what we'll do yet, but it will be something. Perhaps thrusting her down below."

Sam glanced at Dean who said, "No."

"Then how about we heal you from... stage-four stomach cancer." Dean doubled over, coughing.


"Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how... Sam does without his lungs."

Dean turned to look at Sam, who gasped for breath.

"Are we having fun yet?" Zachariah asked. "You're going to say yes, Dean."

"Just kill us," Dean said.

"Kill you?" Zachariah questioned. "Oh, no. I'm just getting started."

Bright light flashed and Zachariah turned. One of the angels collapsed, a bloody hole in his throat. Castiel stood beside him. The other angel fought Castiel. Dean and Zachariah stared; Sam tried to take a breath. Castiel and the other angel slammed each other around. Castiel stabbed the other angel in the back. Bright light flashed and Zachariah stared. Castiel walked closer. Sam was still and silent.

"How are you..." Zachariah began.

"Alive?" Castiel finished. "That's a good question. How did these two and Cataleya Delgado end up on that airplane? Another good question. 'Cause the angels didn't do it. I think we all know the answer, don't we?"

"No. That's not possible."

"It scares you. Well, it should. Now, put these boys back together and go. I won't ask twice."

Zachariah vanished. Sam looked up and around, surprised. Dean and Sam stood.

"You two need to be more careful," Castiel said.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that," Dean replied. "Your frat brothers are bigger dicks than I thought."

"I don't mean the angels. Lucifer is circling his vessel. And once he takes it, those hex bags won't be enough to protect you."

Castiel put a hand on Dean's chest, the other on Sam's. Dean and Sam gasped.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked.

"An Enochian sigil," Castiel replied. "It'll hide you from every angel in creation, including Lucifer."

"What, did you just brand us with it?"

"No. I carved it into your ribs. I will need to do the same to Cataleya."

There was a pause before Sam questioned, "Hey, Cas, were you really dead?"


"Then how are you back?" Dean wondered.

Castiel vanished without answering.


Nick laid in bed in an empty room.

"Nick," Sarah called.

Nick sat up. Sarah stood a the foot of the bed.

"Nick. You're dreaming, Nick. But it doesn't mean this isn't real."

"Sarah?" Nick questioned.

"I'm not your wife, Nick. I'm an angel."

"An angel?"

"My name is Lucifer."

"Sure. Naturally. Um... Could you do me a favor there, Satan, and remind me to quit drinking before I go to bed?"

"I'm here because you're special, Nick. There's very, very few people like you."

"Is that so?"

"You're a vessel - a very powerful vessel."

Nick swung his legs off the bed. "Meaning what, exactly?"

"I need to take control of your mind and your body. To be honest, it'll probably be unpleasant for you. But it is necessary."

"Okay, look... if it's just the same to you, I think I'd like to wake up now."

"I told you - this is real. Don't be afraid. This is your choice." Lucifer sat on the bed next to Nick. "You need to invite me in."

"Even if this is real - which it's not, but assuming it was... why the hell would I do something like that?"

"You people misunderstand me. You call me "Satan" and "Devil", but... Do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, he betrayed me - punished me. Just as he's punished you. After all, how could God stand idly by while that man broke into your home and butchered your family in their beds?" Nick swallowed, not looking at her. "There are only two rational answers, Nick - either he's sadistic, or he simply doesn't care. You're angry. You have every right to be angry. I am angry, too. That's why I want to find him - hold him accountable for his actions. Just because he created us doesn't mean he can toy with us, like playthings."

"If I help you... can you bring my family back."

"I'm sorry. I can't. But I can give you the next best thing. God did this to you, Nick. And I can give you justice. Peace."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Because, contrary to popular belief, I don't lie. I don't need to. What I need... is you, Nick, I need you to say yes."

Nick remembered the empty baby rocker, the blood pouring from the empty crib. "Then yes."


There was the high-pitched scream of angel speech. White light flared from all the upper windows of Nick's house.


A nurse walked down a hospital corridor past a patient with a mobile IV stand. Both passed a closed door and two loud voices were heard.

""Unlikely to walk again"?!" Bobby yelled. "Why you snot-nosed son of a bitch! Wait till I get out of this bed!"

"Bobby, calm down!" Cataleya said. "They're trying!"

Castiel appeared in front of Cataelya and placed a hand on her chest. She gasped and frowned. "What the hell, Cas?!"

"I carved your ribs with Enochian sigils. It will protect you from the angels."

"Thanks. You're lucky I didn't punch you for going up like that and touching me."

"My apologies." He disappeared.

The door burst open and a doctor fled. Inside, Bobby sat in a hospital bed, Cataleya stood next to the bed, and Sam and Dean stood by the window.

"I'll use my game leg and kick your friggin' ass!" Bobby told the doctor. "Yeah, you better run!" He looked between Cataleya and the brothers. "You believe that yahoo?"

"Screw him," Dean stated. "You'll be fine."

"So, let me ask the million-dollar question. What do we do now?" Sam wondered.

"Well... We save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess," Bobby replied. "It's bad. Whoever wins, Heaven or Hell, we're boned."

"What if we win?" Cataleya asked.

Bobby stared at her. Sam turned to face Cataleya, who sounded a bit too confident. Dean raised a brow, curious as to what she'd say.

Cayaleya continued. "Guys, I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their stupid friggin' apocalypse... Hell, they want to fight a war, they can find their own planet."

Dean nodded. "This one's ours and she and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We kill the Devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves."

"And how are we supposed to do all this, geniuses?" Bobby questioned.

"Leya and I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and we'll figure it out."

"You are nine kinds of crazy, boy, girl."

"It's been said." He patted Bobby on the shoulder. "Listen, you stay on the mend."

Dean headed for the door and Sam and Cataleya followed.

"Sam?" Bobby called, causing him to stop. "I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that... that was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever."

There was a long pause and Sam sighed before saying, "Thanks, Bobby."

"You're welcome," Bobby said. "I deserve a damn medal for this, but... you're welcome."

Dean, Sam and Cataleya left.


An ambulance drove past. Sam, Dean and Cataleya walked out to the cars.

"You know, I was thinking, Dean, Catty - maybe we could go after the Colt," Sam said.

"Why?" Dean asked. "What difference would that make?"

"Well, we could use it on Lucifer. I mean, you two just said back there-"

"We just said a bunch of crap for Bobby's benefit."

Dean and Cataleya stopped in the middle of the road and Sam stopped looking at them as Dean replied, "I mean, she and I'll fight. We'll fight till the last man, but let's at least be honest. I mean, we don't stand a snowball's chance, and you know that. I mean, hell, you of all people know that." He went around Sam, followed by Cataleya.

"Dean, Catty..." Sam called, causing Dean and Cataleya to stop and turn back. "Is there something you two want to say to me?"

Dean paused a long moment. "I tried, Sammy. I mean, I really tried. But I just can't keep pretending that everything's all right. Because it's not. And it's never going to be. You chose a demon over your own brother and friend-" Sam rolled his eyes, "-and look what happened."

"I would give anything - anything - to take it all back."

"We know you would. And we know how sorry you are. We do. But, man... you were the one that we depended on most. And you let me and her down in ways that we can't even..." He paused, struggling for words. "I'm just - we're having a hard time forgiving and forgetting, here. You know?"

"What can I do?"

"Honestly? Nothing."

Sam nodded a little, and looked down, his brother's words not surprising him.

Dean continued. "We just don't... I don't think that we can ever be what we were. You know?"

Sam nodded again.

"I just don't think I can trust you."

Cataleya pursed her lips. "It's gonna take time to come around, Sam."

Sam looked at Dean, not expecting his words. Dean shook his head and walked away, pausing at the trunk of the Impala to look back, then got into the driver's seat. Cataleya silently climbed into the back seat.

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