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Par the_neighbour_simp

4.6K 246 30

โ"๐˜๐š๐ง?๐๐ฎ๐œ๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ข ๐ฑ ๐Ž๐ฉ๐ฆ!๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ"โž โ™กห— โœŽ "๐˜›๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ... Plus



1K 35 4
Par the_neighbour_simp




A girl was limping through an alleyway, lost in this new place. 'How did I get here ?' Through heavy steps that prolonged her descent, she slipped and fell face first in the dirt. 'Where am I ?' Blood seeped from her deep wound in her abdomen. More traveled along her face from the cut on her forehead. 'I'm gonna lose consciousness at this stage' Her eyesight became foggy as black dots started to spread. 'Help...' "Help..." She coughed out, knowing deep down it was pointless.

as she was further letting go of her consciousness, a figure stepped forward, blobs of colours and a muffled feminine voice.

'Is this how I'm gonna end'


"Hey, Sai, check out that weird octopus !" You poked a stick on a disheveled and half disintegrated monster that had terrorized the city.

"Stop it. It's disrespectful to the death"

"I think it's still breathing"


"Nevermind, it's breathing no more" You threw the stick over your shoulder, stood up and walked away. "I'm heading to find your discipline !"

"He isn't my discipline" Saitama sighs at his sister's behaviour and follows behind her. "Wait, what day is today ?"

"20% off toilet paper day"

"...Shit, I have to go, I'll see you at home" With that, he ran at sonic speed, leaving a gust of wind that messed up your hair.

"EY ! My hair, you egg !" You fussily fixed the strands while mumbling more curses under your breath.

Unaware to you, a monster nearby had waited for you to put your guard down to launch a cowardly attack. Launching itself up, you had only a fraction of a second to react before something pierced your side and punched you into a building, causing chaos and damage.

"Shit, where did you come from ?!"

You stood up, regaining your footing and lunging to the creature and summoning a glowing sword. With one slash, the monster was defeated and a part of its body exploded from contact.

"Piece of shit" You spit some blood that accumulated into your mouth, before rubbing the blood on the side of it. Just as you turned around to see the damage, your eyes grew in size.

This wasn't the same street, nor the area. Instead, you were in a narrow alleyway with bins full to the brim and graffitis all over the walls.

"Hein ?" You looked back the other way to see the same thing. "Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right"

As the adrenaline from the earlier scare faded, you were now becoming aware of your blood loss. Wobbling from side to side, you gripped your side and leaned against the wall.


Was all you could say as you lost consciousness.

"Help !" You screamed as you sat up.

You weren't welcomed to the same street. There were clean beige walls, furnitures and a soft mattress under your hands.

"H-hey ?"

You jolted at the new voice, trying to summon your weapon, only for it not to work. 'What's going on ??'

"I see you are awake" A black haired boy, parted in the middle, gave you a wryly smile. He had bright red eyes that showed nervousness and timidity. "How are you feeling ?"

"...ok ?" You responded, looking around again "Hey, where am I ?"

"In my home. My mom found you unconscious, very badly injured. It's amazing you're awake already...or even alive"

'I've had worse' You thought and sigh, pressing your side to feel bandages. Checking your head, you notice there was a bandage on the cut. "Your mom did this I suppose"

"Yea..." He sat beside the mattress you were laying in for who knows how long. "If I may ask, what happened ? Those injuries didn't look like they were done by a person"

"It's a long story" You lied, knowing something didn't seem right with where you were. "Could you tell me precisely where we are ? Country, city or town"

'Oh God. She must have lost her memory because of that head injury' He thought as he covered his mouth in pity. After he told you, you were left flabbergasted.

'This isn't Japan ! Did I teleport or time travel or traveled into another dimension ?!' You were rubbing your head as a headache formed from thinking too much.

As you were having a possible mental breakdown, the boy gave a closer look at your face. Even with eyebags you were still pretty, like an angel. He felt like you were most certainly sent from heaven itself.

"What's your name ?" You asked and it sent the boy's heart flying.

"Arajin Tomoshibi" He gulped and waited for your reply or reaction.

"Thank you and your mother for helping me" You sat in a mannered position, bowing at him.

"You, you shouldn't be moving, it will open again !"

"Huh ? Oh, maybe I shouldn't yea"

"Eat well !" Arajin's mother exclaimed with a happy smile as you all started to enjoy the food.

"Thank you miss Tomoshibi for this meal" You smiled as you enjoyed the noodles.

"It's the least I can do after I found you in such a bad state !" She sniffled into a tissue at the memory. You and Arajin sweatdropped at her action, the boy feeling more embarrassed than anything.

"Well, we need more kind people like you, ma'am" You smiled brightly, blinding the other two.

'So pure !' They both exclaimed as you blindly finished what was at the bottom of the bowl happily.

"You are such a sweet child, by the way, aren't your parents worried about your whereabouts ?" She mentioned.

You halted, a frown on your face. "I don't have parents"

The room became silent at your words, and you now awkwardly fidgeted with the bowl "Don't worry ! It was a long time ago, I don't even remember them"

You were surprised when you felt someone hug and heard big cries in your ears.

"Waaaaah, you poor thing ! Don't worry, I'll adopt you now. You are a part of this family from this point on !" She hugged you tighter, almost squeezing the life out of you.

"Mom, you're going to kill her !"

"Since you're now a part of this family, I believe I have to send you to school with Arajin !"

Those were the words of the boy's mother as you agreed without thinking much of it. Boy, should you have given more thought about it. You were too busy, however, to think of a way to get back to your real home.

"Woah, this school looks like shit" You cursed out loud, shocking the boy and the teacher beside you.

"Well, yes but we do with what we have" The teacher coughed into his fist. He then went on to explain about the school, along with the details about the gangs in the area who fight constantly, even in school premises. "Here at our school, the Minato Kai and Siguma Squad teams are competing against each other for the top spot."

As he mentioned this, you and Arajin looked out the window to see two big guys throwing punches at each other."However, you both don't seem interested in that sort of thing"

"Are there any cuties in class ?" Arajin asked seriously, which you and the teacher sweatdropped at his question.

"Uhm, well I guess so"

Arajin fist pumped in the air with a 'yes' and continued on as though nothing happened.

"Dude..." You mumbled, slightly unsure how to feel about this revelation.

"This is your classroom. Present yourselves" He nervously instructed as he fixed his stack of paper against the desk.

"My name is A,Arajin Tomoshibi, it's a pleasure meeting you" He bowed and the class was silent, just staring at him.

"What about you ?" The teacher asked as he turned to see your bored face.

"Y/n Saitama, pleasure in meeting you all I guess..." You rubbed your neck, careful of your still healing abdomen. Since you had to wear a uniform, you chose the boy's one because after one glance at the girls one, there was no way you were wearing that. As for top wise under the black jacket, you picked a white turtle neck top.

Everyone seems to be offended by your words, as though you were trying to pick a fight but all decide to ignore you two and continue talking.

"You may take your seats by the window" The teacher spoke again and you both made your way to your new seats. You notice a black haired girl sitting close, glancing at us and smiling. You nodded at her and Arajin was blushing like crazy.

They both had started conversing but you didn't pay attention and decided to sleep instead, knowing you wouldn't be able to pay attention to class if you couldn't even hear the teacher.

You both seem to catch the attention of a blueberry coloured hair and a blond in a skirt.

Waking up, you yawned and looked back behind, only to blink when seeing the girl crouched infront of Arajin's desk.

'What in the crusty McDonald mozzarella stink is girl doing ?' Your dotted eyed blinked as you tilted your head to the side.

"Wanna walk home ?"

"Huh ?"

"If we live close, we can walk home together" She peeked a bit up from the desk, which irked you for some reason. This was really weird.

Arajin felt his heart race and nodded without a second thought. The girl stood up and walked out of the class, smiling one last time at Arajin.

"I'll wait for you at the gates" She winked and disappeared. Arajin was going through the five stages of love before getting up and happily skipping to follow her, completely dismissing his guitar case. However, he was tripped by the blue-haired kid.

"Huh ? Close one" Arajin mumbled and you got up to grab his guitar case, as well as cautiously keeping an eye on the two strangers.

"Getting cozy here are we ?"

"Sorry but i'm in a hurry-"

He was startled when the blond one popped out of nowhere. As for the other one, he placed his hand on Arajin's shoulder.

"Why so cold, man"

"let's have some fun"

"Hey" You spoke up, grabbing onto the blue-haired's arm. "He's in a hurry, so give him some slack" You glared at both of them.

"We're just introducing ourselves" He told you with an obvious fake smile. He noticed the grip on his arm had tightened and he winced slightly at the pain.

"Didn't seem very friendly to me" You were both having a staring contest before Arajin screamed something out.

"Chi...chi...Chinese pepper steak !" He shouted while pointing to the sky. The three of you looked up, confused.

"Huh ?"

This gave Arajin the chance to bolt as he grabbed onto your arm and stormed out while dragging you. The two others started chasing you.

"Hey you punks, get back here"

"Not a chance ! I'm not messing with tho-"

His words were cut short as he banged into something, falling down with you along. You hissed when you felt the pain coursing through your injury, instinctively grabbing onto the side.

"Caught you" The other two that had run after you two were marching with triumphant smirks. "And you just so happen to run into our big friend"

You both gulped at the menacing tall man in front of you. You were ready to defend in case the man were to launch any attacks.

"Ara-chan ?"

You both blinked and looked closely at the new face. Brown hair and big blue doe eyes. 'Oh wait, he's cute' You thought as you felt some heat on your cheeks.

"It is you, Ara-chan !" He smiled as he looked down at the black haired boy. However, Arajin was confused on who this was.

"And who might you be ?"

"It's Matakara ! Asamine Matakara !"

"Matakara ?...you mean that Matakara ?!"

"It's been so long ! I think five years ?" The tall man helped Arajin up, while you had to do it yourself.

'Damn the embarrassment' You thought while punching your face repeatedly in your mind.

The boys were so engulfed in their own conversation that you decided to leave them be, making a quick escape.

Walking out, you heard some noises around the corner. Curious you turned around to see the girl from earlier get picked on by some guys.

'As much as she seems weird, she shouldn't be treated that way.'

"Oi, what are you doing with her ?" You marched up, gaining all of their attention as well as the girl's.

"Heh, another cutie"

"Wait dude, look at her face"

"Is she blind from one eye ?"

"That looks creepy..." They all backed away from you and you sigh in annoyance.

'Sheesh, these guys are the worst of the worst'

"You guys are to talk. Your faces are repulsive. With that kinda attitude, you might as well portray it on your face, like 'look at me, the fool with a big mouth for a tiny dick'" You laughed at their angered faces, that looked like a monkey's in your eyes.

"Repeat that you bitch-"

"Hey, watch it pal" With just a blink, you kick him in the chin, which causes him to fall back and K-Oed. They all seemed to be scared and one of them that was holding onto the girl, threw her to the floor.

Before she could hit the floor, you caught her in your arms bridal style, as all the boys fell to the floor.

"Scumbags" You huffed before looking down at the girl. "Are you ok ?"

It was like a cliche romance movie, where the love interest was saved by the main character from the brutes. The sun brought a new light to your face and the softness in your eyes could make any girl's heart go Doki. Which in Mahoro's case, seemed to make hers go faster by the second, just like how it beats for her brother.

'An angel, a pretty angel !' She covered her red face timidly. "Thank you for saving me"

"No problem" You smiled brightly at her as you put her down. "You shouldn't be walking by yourself near the evening though, something like this could happen to any pretty girl"

'She called me pretty ?!' The girl was feeling extremely flattered by your compliments but had to regain her composure 'What's happening ?! Why am I being like this ?! My heart should be beating only for my brother !'

"Thank you again !" She ran off, leaving you in the dust confused.

"Did I do or say something wrong" You rubbed the back of your head before turning around to the sound of running steps.

"Aw no..." Arajin stood there with his elbows slouched down in defeat.

"Hey, arajin. Let's walk home"

"Huh ?" He looked to see your smile shining from the setting sun, his face blushing hard from what he is seeing.

"I guess I still get to walk home with a cutie..." He told himself as you asked him to repeat himself, which he refused to.

"Oh here you go by the way. You almost forgot your guitar"

"Thanks !" He smiled, acknowledging the small details for him. He wondered how someone so cheery could have been so lonely for so long.

"Soooo, who's the hot guy ?"

"Ah" His mood deflated when you said 'hot guy' knowing who you were asking about.

"A guy I knew back in my childhood"

He was very brief with his explanation, thinking it was probably personal, you didn't budge further.

"Ow" You hissed as you held onto your side. "Oops, I think it opened again"


"AAAAAH- we need to get you home now !"

When you arrived back in the restaurant they owned, Arajin's mother bombarded him with questions about any girls in his class which you shut off out of disinterest.

"Oh my show is starting soon, take care of the restaurant for me, Arajin" She spun around, taking her apron off while Arajin yelled up at her.

"You old hag !"

"Ara, make me food !" You happily exclaimed while sitting at the bar. He groaned but complied.

"Here" He placed the food in front of you and you started engulfing it, telling him how good it tasted.

"Still, I had no clue this was sealed in the shrine !" A boy mentioned to his friend at a table nearby, which earned both of your attention. Yet you didn't ask them further.

After dinner, they closed the shop and you decided to head up in the spare room to sleep. As you laid there, you were trying to understand the situation you were in.

'How did I get here in the first place ? Not gonna lie, it could be worse, far worse.' You turned onto your side. 'I was lucky they helped me out. I owe them my life. For now, I should just sleep and focus on healing. After that, I'll pay them back for their kindness and head my own way. 

Continuer la Lecture

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