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By Tsundakii

1.7K 101 66

Void and Chaos, don't you agree it makes a perfect match? Let's venture through with two normal teenagers as... More

StoneHeart; Part II๐Ÿ—ฟ
StoneHeart; Part III๐Ÿ—ฟ
โ˜”Stormy Weatherโ˜”
๐Ÿ’ฆThe Bubbler๐Ÿ’ฆ

StoneHeart; Part I๐Ÿ—ฟ

272 14 18
By Tsundakii

"Many centuries ago, magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created. These were the Miraculous. Throughout history, heroes have used these jewels for the good of the human race. Two of these Miraculous are more powerful than the others; the earrings of the Ladybug, which provide the power of creation; and the ring of the Black Cat, which grants the power of destruction. But legend has it that their was two other Miraculous that are more powerful than the ladybug and cat Miraculous. The ring of the dark dragon, which provides the power of Void; and the necklace of the dark phoenix, which grants the power of chaos. According to legend, whoever controls the Dark Dragon Miraculous and the Dark Phoenix Miraculous along with the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, would achieve absolute power and will be receive the ability to control the universe." Nooroo explains.

"I want that absolute power, Nooroo. I must have those Miraculous!" The mysterious man insisted.

"But nobody knows where these Miraculous are!" Nooroo exclaims.

"I found you though, my little Nooroo." He smirks. "Your Miraculous... Remind me of its power again." He caressed his Moth Brooch in his hand.

"The Moth Brooch allows you to give someone their own superpowers and to make that person your devoted follower!"

"And when it comes to luring superheroes, what could be better than creating supervillains?"

"But master, the Miraculous are not meant to be used for evil purposes!" Nooroo protested.

"I must have this absolute power!" The mysterious man stomped his foot. "Your Miraculous is in my control!" He points at the shaking kwamii. "I am your master now, and you must obey me."

Nooroo looks down sadly. "Yes, master."

The mysterious man puts on the brooch. "Nooroo, dark wings rise!" He yelled as the butterflies coated his figure.

Nooroo gasped as he gets sucked into the brooch. The man spreads his arms while the butterflies departed from him.

"From this day on, I shall be known as... Hawk Moth!" He laughs evilly.

Scene: Covington Car. Inside.

Jayden hummed softly as he listened to the music that was playing inside the car. He began scrolling through his gallery that was filled with stunning images of galaxies e.t.c.

'The colours in this nebula is astonishing. It's like a painting in the sky.' Jayden thought.

Just then his phone dinged, notifying that he has received a message.

"Have a good day at school dear! And don't cause any trouble! Love you❤️"

The ravenette laughed softly before replying.

"Love you too mom. :D"

He switched off his phone and leaned back into her chair, closing his eyes.

12 minutes later~ 🌠

Jayden yawned, opening his eyes tiredly. He looked outside the window, taking in the beautiful scenery that was presented to him.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of an old man that was surrounded by a group of kids in an alley.

"Edwin, could you stop for a minute." Jayden ordered.

"But young master, you'll be lat-"

"I said, now Edwin." Jayden narrowed his eyes.

Edwin sighed. "Of course, young master."

The butler swiftly stopped the car by the sidewalk. Jayden got out of the car and approaches the group of kids surrounding an old man.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jayden asks, crossing his arms.

"Mind your business, punk! This has nothing to do with you." Kid 1 scowled.

"Listen here you, twerp." Jayden step forward, grabbing the kid by his collar. "You better leave this old man alone."

"Or what? You gonna make us?" The kid 1 scoffed, pushing Jayden off him.

"If I have to." Jayden narrowed his eyes.

"You're gonna regret messing with us, dude." Kid 2 cracked his knuckles while Kid 3 went beside him.

'We'll see about that.' Jayden thought.

Kid 2 lunges forward, fist raised, but Jayden swiftly dodges the attack and delivered a hand jabbed at the side of the kid's ribcage.  Kid 2 groans in pain as he fell to the floor.

Meanwhile, Kid 3 was about to deliver a punch at the back of Jayden's head, but unfortunately for him, Jayden dodged that attack and gave the kid an uppercut straight to his jaw. Kid 3 cried in pain, spitting out blood as he also fell to the floor.

Jayden turned around, cracking his knuckles as he approaches Kid 1. The kid backed up in fear, not noticing the rock he tripped and fell on the floor.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before picking on someone who knows how to fight back." Jayden glared at him. "Get lost."

Kid 1 scurried out of the alleyway with his other two friends who helped eachother to retreat.

Jayden sighed as he turns around to the old man, offering him a hand. "Are you alright sir?"

The old man took Jayden's hand with gratitude. "Yes, thank you, young man."

"No problem sir. No one deserves to be treated like that." Jayden says as the man retracted his hand. "But are you sure you're okay?"

The old man smiles. "No need to worry, I'm okay. You should probably be on your way now."

"Oh, right!" Jayden quickly ran towards his car. "It was nice to meet you sir!" He enters the car before it drove off.

The old man, who is actually Wang Fu, smiles. He began heading towards the same direction the car had headed.

He has now found the new generation holder for the Dark Dragon Miraculous.

Scene: Martinez Maison. Kitchen.

"Bag?" Ethan asked his daughter.

"Check." Nia replied.

"Did you pack your lunch? What about your pens, markers and-"

"Yes, yes, and yes. Seriously, dad. It's just the first day of school." Nia sighed.

"Well, excuse me for caring about your education." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully.

Nia chuckled softly. "Hey, I appreciate it dad, but I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle myself."

Ethan crossed his arms. "Remember how you cried into my arms for hours, complaining about Cinderella's stepmother?"

Nia blushed in embarrassment. "Okay, not everything, but you don't have to worry so much."

"Fine, fine." Ethan ruffled his daughter's hair. "But don't come crying to me if you forget something."

"Noted. I'll be on my way now! Later dad!" Nia said as she began walking away.

Not even a minute later~

Nia came rushing back, taking up the pink and gold box that held butter tarts inside and placed it inside her bag.

"Took you long enough." Ethan remarked, smirking.

"Oh shush!" Nia yelled as she took up her skateboard and exited the house.

With a swift kick, she propels herself forward. She maneuvered through the morning foot traffic, expertly dodging pedestrians.

"Sorry, excuse me!" Nia shouted as she passes by.

"Watch it!" An old lady yelled, huffing in anger. "Youngsters these days."

Despite the rush, Nia maintains her balance, trying her best not to crash into someone. She then takes a shortcut through the park, zipping past benches with a grin on her face.

'Almost there, just a few more blocks.' Nia thought.

Just then a brunette steps around the corner, causing Nia to end up crashing into them. This send both of them thumbling to the ground.

Both females groan in pain. They quickly get up and apologizes profusely.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" They asked at the same time. This caused them to blush in embarrassment.

Nia sighed. "No it's my fault. I should of slowed down. My dumbass always forgets that people can walk around corners unexpectedly."

The brunette chuckled softly. "Don't worry no harm done." She assured.

"I noticed we're going in the same direction. Are you perhaps going to Collège Françoise Dupont?" Nia asked.

The brunette nods. "Yeah, I am."

"Since we're both headed the same way, wanna walk together? I could use the company." Nia says.

The brunette smiled. "Sure, why not? It's not every day I get crashed into by someone."

Nia smirked as she took up her skateboard. "I'm taking it you bump into people alot?"

The brunette nervously laughed. "Yep." She pursed out her hand. "Names Aurora, you?"

Nia shook her hand. "Nia."

"Let's hope we don't hurt crash into eachother again. My butt hurts." Aurora said as she walked with Nia.

"Likewise, Aurora." Nia chuckled.

Scene: Street of Paris.

Both girls chatted for a bit, waiting to cross the road.

Just then, Aurora sees an old man crossing the street slowly with his cane until a red car was approaching fast.

"Something wrong?" Nia asked, turning around to see the old man who fell on the floor, reaching out to get his cane. She looked ahead and saw a car approaching.

Without a second thought both girls rushed in. Nia helped the old man old of the road while Aurora quickly picked up his cane and dashed out of the road.

"Are you okay sir?" Nia asked.

Aurora hands the old man his cane.

"I'm okay, dear." The old man said. "Thank you both for helping me. Without you I would of been killed in an instant."

"I'm glad you're fine." Aurora says.

"Excuse us, sir, but we need to head to school." Nia said as she noticed pedestrians crossing the road.

The old man nod as both girls quickly rushed across the street towards the school.

The old man, who is Wang Fu smiled softly. He looks down at two black box sitting in his plan with red markings on the lids. "Thank you very much, young ladies." He places the boxes in his pocket and walks pass the Dupain-Chengs bakery, holding his cane behind his back.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Miss Bustier's Classroom.

"For those of you who don't yet know me, I'm Miss Bustier." She underlined her name with a white chalk on the chalk board. "I'll be your teacher this year."

Meanwhile, Chloé frowns sadly, eyeing at the empty spot in front of her that was reserved for both her childhood friend Adrien Agreste and Jayden Covington.

"Ugh, both of them should've been here by now." She muttered.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Miss Bustier said.

The door opens, letting Aurora and Nia to step in before closing the door behind them.

"Sorry that we're late!" Aurora bowed before she went to her seat.

"You must've the new student like Alya Césaire here." Miss Bustier gestured to Alya, who was sitting with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. "Could you tell us about yourself?"

"Hello everyone!" Nia smiled. "My name's Nia Martinez and I've just moved  here from Toronto, Canada."

"Toronto? Isn't than an expensive City to live in?" Max asked.

"We're the people their nice?" Rose probed, smiling.

"What's the food like?" Mylène questioned.

Nia chuckled. "Yes, it was quite expensive, the people were lovely, and the food was very exquisite."

"Toronto sounds lovely, Nia." Miss Bustier complimented. "My name's Miss Bustier. I'll be your teacher for this year."

"It's lovely to meet you Miss Bustier." Nia smiles. "I've baked a batch of butter tarts. Their one of my favourite pastries from Canada." She took out the box from her backpack and opened it to reveal a bunch of delicious Butter tarts. "I hope you love them."

'Ugh, those look better than my plain macarons. But I bet they don't even taste good.' Marinette pursed her lip.

Miss Bustier smiled. "Please go ahead and give them out, Nia."

"Of course Miss. Would you like one?" Nia held the box up to her teacher.

"Oh, thank you dear." Miss Bustier took out a butter tart and took a bite. Her eyes sparkled in delight. "This is quite delicious!"

Nia smiled. "Thank you Miss Bustier." She began serving out her butter tarts, one by one. She first gave one to Nino, then Marinette and Alya. She then walked Dover to Mylène and Alix, then went over to Chloé.

The blonde looked at it sceptically, but sighed. She pursed out her hand and took a butter tart. She hesitantly took a bite until her eyes sparkled. She was quite surprised to say it was good, but she could never say it out loud.

"It could of been better." Chloé replied as she continued to eat the butter tart.

Nia knew the blonde was lying, but decided to let her have her moment. She then gave Sabrina one who glady took it.

Meanwhile, Alya and Marinette took a bite of their own shared butter tart.

Alya moans in delight. "This is soo good!"

"Yeah, it does taste quite good." Marinette admitted. The bluebell eyed girl grew jealous that her plain macarons couldn't compare to Nia's butter tarts.

"Nia, since you're at the back of the class, could you please sit next to Aurora? I'm about to start my lesson." Miss Bustier informs.

"Yes, Miss Bustier." Nia sits next to the blunette, putting her pink box which still had a few butter tarts inside before placing her her bag down beside the desk.

"I'm surprised you got Chloé to eat your butter tarts." Aurora said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nia asked.

"She's usually bitchy and rude." Aurora remarked.

Nia smiled. "Well, I guess she's turning over a new leaf this year."

"Maybe." Aurora said. "Can I have one?" She gestured to the box of butter tarts.

"Of course. You my friend after all gurl." Nia smirked.

Aurora giggles as she takes a bite of the butter tart she picked up.

Scene: Outside the school.

Adrien is about to enter the school but a car pulled ups.

Nathalie walks out the car and approaches Adrien. "Adrien, please reconsider! You know what your father wants!"

"But, this is what I wanna do!" Adrien said as he began to walk up the steps until he heard a groan.

He turns around and sees an old Man trying to get up. The blonde rushes over to him, picking up his cane and helping the man up.

"Thank you, young man." The old man thanked.

Adrien turns around, his smile drop when he sees Nathalie and his bodyguard waiting for him.

The blonde sighed as he walked up to them. "I just wanna go to school like everybody else. What's so wrong with that?" He asks. "Please don't tell me father about all this."

Nathalie walked ahead while his bodyguard leads him inside the car. The car then drove off back to the Agreste Mansion.

Meanwhile, Wang Fu watches them with a smile. He then leaves, putting his cane across his shoulder as he starts whistling.

Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

The bell rings, signaling the end of first period. The students began to pack up.

"Those of you who have PE, Mr. D'Argencourt is expecting you at the stadium." Miss Bustier informs. "The rest of you head over to the library."

"So, who should I be aware of Aurora?" Nia asked.

"Well I would recommend staying away fro-"

"Kim!" Ivan suddenly yelled, causing everyone to look at him, only to see him ready to punch Kim.

"Ivan, what's going on?" Miss Bustier asked.

"It's Kim! I'm so gonna get-"

"Ivan, go to the principal's office." Miss Bustier demanded.

Kim growls and crumbles the paper that Kim had given to him before putting his bag over his shoulder and exited the classroom angrily.

"Well, that was something." Nia said.

Aurora sighed. "That's Kim Bruel, the guy who just left the classroom. He has temper, but a soft heart. He also has a crush on Mylène Harprèle." She pointed at Mylène, who was packing her bag. "She's a shy girl, but she's sweet like a pumpkin."

"Dang girl, how do you know about all this?" Nia smirked as she began to walk out of the Classroom with Aurora.

"I've seen and heard things in the past year." Aurora chuckled.

Scene: Library.

"So, let me get this straight. Marinette is a hypocrite, Alya is a blogger, Nino is a chill DJ, Max is the smart nerdy kid, Juleka is the quiet kid while her bestfriend Rose is the kindhearted lovable girl, Alix is a loud but adventurous kid, Chloé is a snobby brat, which I doubt, Sabrina is her assistant and her bestfriend, Nathaniel is the shy artist kid and Kim? I don't know how to describe him, but he sound like a total troublemaker." Nia probed as she was out of breath.

"Woah, take a deep breath girl." Aurora requested.

Nia breathe off, trying to calm her throbbing heart. "Sorry, but it's just alot to take in."

Aurora nods in understanding.

Suddenly, the girls are thrown across the room.

"Ow!" Aurora hiss in pain, rubbing her head.

"We gotta get to safety!" Nia helped Aurora off the floor. "Come on!"

Both girls ran out of the library.

"What the hell is going on!" Aurora shrieked.

"I honestly don't know, but it's best if we leave now!" Nia suggested.

The two girls ran downstairs and went towards the entrance, but quickly stop when they saw StoneHeart pick a car that two people had just ran out from.

"KIIIM!" The supervillain yelled before throwing the car at the security camera.

Nia and Aurora yelled and hid behind the school's door, waiting for StoneHeart to leave.

After a while they heard his loud footsteps disappearing, letting them come out of their hiding spot.

"I better head home, so I suggest you do the same. I'll see you tomorrow?" Nia asked.

Aurora nods her head. She was a bit shaken up by the whole situation. "Y-Yeah..."

Nia nods her head as she took off on her skateboard.

"The first day back at school, and their's already a supervillain? What's next, I'm gonna be a superhero?" Aurora mumbled as she walked away.

Scene: Covington Mansion. Jayden's Room.

Jayden is watching the news on his flat screen TV.

"I'm asking all parisians to stay home until this situation is under control." André requested.

"Mr Bourgeois! Mr Bourgeois!" The press called to him.

Nadja Chamack popped up on the screen. "As incredible as it seems, it's been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain. The police have been struggling to keep the situation under control." Nadja says.

Roger Raincomprix popped up on the screen next with his right arm in a cast. "Be confident, the sting arm of the law will come crashing down on the-" He hissed in pain after she attempted to lift up his broken arm. "I mean, the other arm."

"Great..." Jayden grumbles under his breath. "First the car broke down, letting me unable to get to school on time, and now theirs a supervillain on the loose? Could this day get any better?"

He sighed in frustration, turning off his TV. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of something on his right night stand. "The hell? Where did this come from?" She turned to look at it clearly and saw it was a small black box.

He grabbed it and began observing it, noticing a trace of red markings on the lid. He opened it, letting out a yelp when a purple-blue light gleam, flashing inside it.

He dropped the box and shield his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded. A small ball of light flew around him before levitating in his face.

Jayden unshielded his eyes to see the small ball of light disappeared and a black kwamii that appeared to look like a dragon was now in it's place.

The ravenette blinked in surprise before screaming. He backed away and ended up falling off the bed.

The dragon chuckled, flying over to look at the shocked ravenette. "Names Nyx, it's nice to meet you, Jayden."

"What in the isekai-"

"Don't freak out. I'm a Kwamii. Just let me explain."


"So, I have my ability is Abyssal Grasp? It can unleash tendrils of void energy ton ensure and immobilizer a target, pulling them into a temporary state of void confinement?" Jayden probed.

"Exactly!" Nyx said.

"But what else can I do?" Jayden asked.

"Well, you can traverse through shadows, basically allowing you to move from one dark area to another. While on the other hand, you can also create a shield with your void energy." Nyx explains.

Jayden nods his head in understanding as he puts on the dragon ring.

"Now, just say Follow the darkness to transform and Follow the light to detransform." Nyx explains. "Be aware that when you use your ability, it's a one time thing. When you do, you only have 5 minutes left before you detransform."

"Okay." Jayden nods his head. "Nyx, follow the darkness!"

A purple-blue light surrounds Jayden. After a bit, the light disappeared.

Jayden walked up to his standing mirror as he admired his suit and hair colour. He lifted the hood off his head and saw small dragon horns on the top of his head, his eye colour was now shifted to a dark purple-blue colour. He then opened his mouth and saw two sharp tooth that looked similar to vampire fangs. His eye brow furrowed as he noticed a scythe on his back. He unshield his weapon.

"Nyx said I could use it to fly? Something like when witches fly on their broom stick?" Jayden probed. He walked to his balcony and stood on the railing.

He slowly, lifted the weapon, feeling it's weight shift as if it was lighter. Jayden was slightly afraid, nonetheless. Who wouldn't be when you're trying to fly on a magical scythe. He took a deep breath before leaping off the edge, without knowing it he began to fall.

The boy screamed in fear, closing his eyes. His teeth gritted, fearing he was about to drop to his death. Suddenly, he wasn't falling anymore. The boy peeked open his eyes, finding out he was flying.

"Oh for fucks sake..." Jayden mumbled. He shifted a bit, so he could sit comfortable on the scythe. Without knowing it he carefully flew in the sky.

End of StoneHeart; Part 1🗿

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