
By RobynTheTransgender

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If you read this then you're either gay or a weirdo More

Darius (II) one shot
Darius (III) one shot

Darius (I) one shot (single story)

3 0 0
By RobynTheTransgender

The POV is written in Darius's perspective

And there you were...

In the dimly lit corner of the café, amidst the soft hum of chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, you sit cloaked in solitude. Adorned with oval-shaped glasses and a threadbare white sweater, you are immersed in the depths of your literary pursuits. The palpable solitude accentuates the rosiness of your cheeks, evoking a sense of quiet intensity that draws me in.

As I observe, I find myself irresistibly drawn to the enigmatic figure before me. What mysteries lie behind those doe-eyed gazes? What stories do the pages of your encyclopedias hold? It's a curiosity that gnaws at me, compelling me to delve deeper into the labyrinth of your existence.

You are more than just alone; you are a loner, an intellectual with a penchant for lingering in the remnants of childhood fascination. Who delves into the 'Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis: The Disorders' if not harboring a penchant for the past? Your choice of literature speaks volumes, hinting at a mind that craves understanding, a soul that seeks solace in the complexities of human psychology.

But as I find myself becoming entangled in the web of your intrigue, I am reminded of the dangers that lurk beneath the surface. I am no stranger to the perils of emotional entanglement, the pitfalls of getting too close to those who carry burdens heavier than their own. And yet, despite my best efforts to remain aloof, I cannot shake the feeling of empathy that courses through my veins.

You, with your blonde, curly hair and exhausted eyes, bear the weight of your solitude with a grace that belies your youth. High school tests over tests season has etched lines of weariness upon your brow, casting shadows across your delicate features. And yet, amidst the chaos of adolescence, you remain steadfast in your pursuit of knowledge, a beacon of resilience in a world shrouded in uncertainty.

I watch from afar as you navigate the familiar routine of the café, your movements graceful yet tinged with a hint of melancholy. Your sweet tooth betrays your polite exterior, as you debate between the coins in your hand and the tempting treats behind the glass. It's a scene that plays out like clockwork, a ritual of quiet defiance against the relentless march of time.

And yet, behind your facade of composure lies a vulnerability that tugs at my heartstrings. I see it in the way you linger over the pages of your books, lost in a world of words and ideas. I see it in the longing glances you cast towards laughter-filled groups, a silent yearning for connection in a world that often feels indifferent.

But amidst the solitude, amidst the longing and the pain, there is a resilience that shines through. It is in the gentle curve of your smile, the sparkle in your eyes as you lose yourself in the pages of your encyclopedias. It is in the tenderness with which you handle your books, cradling them as if they were precious artifacts from a bygone era.

And so, as I watch you gracefully shut your book and slip it into your bag, I am filled with a sense of admiration for the strength that lies within you. You carry your burdens with a grace that belies your years, a quiet determination that refuses to be extinguished by the trials of adolescence.

But beneath the surface, beneath the facade of composure, lies a vulnerability that threatens to consume you. It is in the weary lines that etch themselves upon your brow, the shadows that linger in the corners of your eyes. It is in the way you fumble with your keys, your hands trembling with the weight of unseen burdens.

And yet, despite the darkness that threatens to engulf you, there is a glimmer of hope that flickers within. It is in the laughter that echoes through the halls of your home, the warmth of familial love that envelops you like a blanket on a cold winter's night. It is in the whispered words of reassurance, the gentle caress of a mother's touch.

As you disappear into the embrace of your home, I am left with a sense of longing, a desire to reach out and offer solace in the midst of the storm. But I know that to do so would be to risk losing myself in the labyrinth of your existence, to become entangled in a web of emotions too complex to unravel.

And so, I watch from afar, a silent guardian in the shadows, as you navigate the trials and tribulations of adolescence. I may never fully understand the depths of your solitude, the pain that lies beneath the surface. But I will stand by you, a silent sentinel in the darkness, offering solace in the midst of the storm.

For in the shadows of solitude, amidst the chaos of adolescence, there lies a resilience that shines through. And though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, I know that together, we will weather the storm, one page at a time.

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