Fall in love or your time is...

By hanjinko

147 48 5

*I WILL EDIT THE ERRORS IN THE BOOK AFTER I FINISH WRITING* ------------------------------- What happens when... More

The way of the heart
sweet poison called love
misunderstandings and tension
Black heart?
Untold stories
Hearts can also lie
sweet beer
Memories and summer
Alcohol and make outs

love or death?

19 5 1
By hanjinko

I'm sleeping and suddenly I'm unable to move. I've been having sleep paralysis for a week now,I even have eye bags now. I've been having a nightmare of being tortured all I hear when I'm sleeping are the words 'Your time is up'.

I suddenly feel like I'm being strangled,I couldn't breath. But then I heard my mom's voice,she shook me until I woke up. I gasped for air,my mom looked at me worried.

"Honey are you having nightmares again?",she asked and I only shook my head as a yes.

She patted my Shoulder
"It's going to be alright honey",she said sitting next to me.
I've been having terrible dreams for a whole week,I took some medicine and I'm still not feeling okay.

We even went to see a doctor,the doctor only said I was stressed but I didn't believe him. I've seeing a scary figure roaming in my dreams,it didn't show me it's face but it was there every night watching me from afar.

My mom has been sleep deprived just because of me. My dad was gone on a business trip so I told mom not to tell him anything or he'd leave the business trip half way.

"Mom I'm okay now so please don't stress yourself,go back to sleep",I say putting on a fake smile.

"But honey-",I cut her off halfway through her sentence.
"Mom no buts,please go sleep. I'm fine now"
"Ok honey but if you have another nightmare come sleep in my room"

"Ok mom",she leaves to go to her room.

When mom left,the lights in my room started to flicker and suddenly my window flung open. My heart beat with fear as I took the bat that was in my room and went near the window.

I stood there for a bit but nothing happened then when I turned around to lock my door something flying came through my window and right on top of my bed.

I flinch a bit,and then walk closer to it but my room became foggy so I wasn't able to see anything. I took my bat and hit the bed with it and I heard an "Ouch".

I turn around to run but my room turns upside down and I land on the ceiling.

I start screaming then a flying bat lands infront of me and I continue screaming louder

"Don't waste your breathe,no one's gonna hear you scream anyway", the bat says

"Who are you,what are you?", I ask moving back.

"I was sent by my father,the demon king to tell you that you only have one year left to live",it said coming closer.


"This is why I told father not to send me to talk to humans,they always scream. Such annoying beings",it said rolling it's eyes.

"First answer my questions will you?",it returned my room to the way it was and I sat down on the bed.

"Ok,ask away",it said sarcastically

I began asking questions and it answered

"What are you?"

"I am the son of the demon king but you can call me zukii, the matchmaking demon."

"OK why are you here?"

"I was sent by my father to tell you that if you don't find your soulmate in one year he'd take your life."

"Why would he do that?"

"It's because you haven't fallen in love in four years and you're being a nuisance. You're interrupting the work of the demons of love."

"OK last question"

"Why do you humans love to ask questions,OK last this is your last question",he says pissed.

"Is this real,how can a bat speak?,why must I die and how did a bat just rolled it's eyes at me?",I ask all those questions at once without breathing.

"I'm a demon,it's just that my father transformed me into a bat just to teach me a lesson, and I'm just like you humans",it says. Well if he's not a bat then how does he look?.

"And no more questions",he adds as he looks at my curious face.

"What if I don't want to fall in love?"

"If you don't then you'll die by the end of this year",as he says that my heart drops to my stomach.

"You can't just force me to fall in love in just one year!",I yell

"Will you stop screaming and it's for your own good. I've selected some good candidates for you to choose from"

"I'm not going out with strangers just because you said so",I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Well too bad because I won't leave you until you fall in love with someone or until your death arrives",he said as he flew to my cupboard.

"Wait what!,what do you mean by you won't leave?"

"I won't until you found your soulmate and it's not like I want to be here. It's my father's command so I can't leave"

And suddenly he transformed into a cat.

"What the fuck is happening,you were a bat a second ago so how did you turn into a cat?",I ask him feeling confused.

"I can turn into any animal I want but can't go back to my original form until my father lifts the curse"

"Why would your father curse you?"

"I messed around a bit so he thought this would discipline me",he said wiggling his tail.

"You have to leave because I can't let my mom see a talking bat-cat in my room",I said poking him with the pillow.

"That's why I turned into a cat,so that it would be easier for me to be around you"

"No, go back to where you came from before",I pick him up and place him on the window but he just jumps back in.

"My father said if you try to kick me out he'd make your mom and dad dissappear",he says going to my bed.

"What do you mean by DISSAPPEAR?",I ask walking to my bed.

"You don't believe me?,go check your mom's room", as he said that,I run to my mom's room. I open the door but there's nobody in the room.

I screamed feeling scared.
"Please bring my mom back,please I'll do whatever you say",as he walks in to the room,he taps on the floor and a paper and a pen appear.

"I don't trust humans so sign here",I take the pen and shakily sign the paper without even reading it.

Hope you liked this chapter. Thank you for reading it. Please comment and vote for my story.

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