Jaune, the Strategic Gamer

By Darkdecade97

35.8K 1K 1.3K

We all know the Story of Jaune's Transcripts being revealed by Cardin or even Pyrrha, where he was beaten, bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

4K 109 206
By Darkdecade97

Main Arc Clan Compound: Arc Elder's Council Chambers

In the Council Chambers of the Arc Clan, the Arc Elders can be seen talking about recent events that has just happened, case in point, the Attack on the Compound, which led to the death of one of the Elders, and this is something the Arc Clan will not ignore. They need to retaliate as soon as possible.

Mason: I believe we know what we are here to discuss?

Wilzark: Indeed, do we have any information regarding who this Droid Army is?

Mason: No, we have not. Jade reported they have destroyed all of the Drones in the Area without any hesitation. They knew we were watching them, but I believe these Droids only left one as a means to send a message to us.

Shin: Do we know if they are allied with Creed?

Mason: Or if the Guilds the Arc Clan is allied with has made new enemies. Who knows, maybe the other Guilds have enemies that wished to target us.

Wilzark: I spoke with the Heads of the Patras and Shogun Clan, they have no records of any foes that are related or are that of the Droid Army. My theories suggest that this is an entirely new Faction that appeared out of nowhere, and possibly knew of our power in the 4 Kingdoms.

Mason: Which means we need to find out who they are, and acquire the Technology they have. Those Weapons they have in their possession are not related to Dust at all, but an entirely new Energy Source undiscovered in Remnant. I assigned Jade to deal with this matter, she will report back to us if she found anything of interest. 

Wilzark: Good, the sooner we know the kind of Technology the Droid Army uses, the sooner we can implement this power to the Clan, making the Clan far stronger than ever.

Amongst the group of Elders is Belze, who can only frown, seeing the Elder's main focus is to get more power for themselves, not caring about the lost of the Arc Elder who is considered a Member of their Family. This further cements his motivation that he will ensure the corruption of the Arc Clan will be gone once and for all. To honor the promise he made with his Parents, Liam and Alsie, as well as to amend for the mistakes he did in that past life.

But his thoughts were interrupted when an Arc Clan Huntsman barges in the Chambers in a panic.

Arc Clan Huntsman: Elders!! Elders!! Something has happened in Beacon!!

The Elders all turn their attention to the Huntsman.

Wilzark: Explain.

Arc Clan Huntsman: The Vale Council sent a distress signal that an Unknown Faction attacked Beacon Academy and then the City.

Belze: Was it the Droid Army that attacked Beacon and Vale? Or was it those Rebels we saw in the Broadcast?

Arc Clan Huntsman: None of them, Elder Belze. But we were able to get a name of the Faction.

Wilzark: And what is their name?

Arc Clan Huntsman: The Sith Empire.

A few hours ago - Beacon Academy

In Ozpin's Office, the Headmaster himself is joined by his Inner Circle, comprised of Goodwitch and Ironwood. All three of them are rewatching the Broadcast of Saw, repeating the footage numerous times to figure out who exactly he is, and what is he planning to go on forward. This is a new threat that nobody expected to appear, and has already caused more damage than that of the White Fang.

Ozpin looks at the window, seeing smoke from the distance, he got a report from the Vale Council that the attacks of these Rebels have been spreading all across the Kingdom, and they want him as well as Ironwood to solve it. Ozpin can only scowl, knowing the Vale Council does not want to spend their own funds and resources for this matter, wanting them to do their work. Ozpin turns around, facing Goodwitch and Ironwood who are talking about what to do next.

Ironwood: To think these Rebels were able to do so much in a span of a few days. Even the White Fang isn't capable of something like this.

Goodwitch: And I highly doubt these Rebels will work for them. We have reports from Huntsmen and Huntresses that the Rebels attacked Outposts that belonged to the White Fang Branch of Vale, further implying they are not allied with them.

Ironwood: Indeed, but they are targeting numerous Atlas Outposts. Their strikes are coordinated, they know all our routes, how many of my personnel are present in the Base, and the amount of supplies each Outpost has. I even got a call from the Atlas Council and they are not happy with their Army suffering loses over a Rebellion.

Ozpin: And I believe knowing the Council, they gave you an ultimatum?

Ironwood could only give out a sigh, knowing it will leave the Kingdom defenseless.

Ironwood: If the attacks continue to dwindle the Atlas Fleet posted in Vale, the Atlas Council will have no choice but to order the withdrawal of all Atlas Forces in Vale, leaving the Kingdom to fend for themselves.

Goodwitch: And has the Vale Council begged the Atlas Council to not withdraw their Forces?

Ozpin: They have, but one more attack that will cause a loss of Atlas Personnel and Resources, will force the withdrawal of Ironwood's Forces, no exceptions, and they won't listen to the Vale Council's demands. The Vale Council will have to solve this problem themselves.

Goodwitch: And seeing as not even the Huntsmen and Huntresses nor the Police can fight against the Rebels, it may lead to chaos.

Ozpin: Indeed it will, Glynda. Indeed it will. But I fear something far worse is coming, and we need to prepare for it.

He sat back in his chair as Ozpin turns it around to face the window. But Ozpin narrows his eyes when he sees something headed towards the Academy.

Ozpin: 'Strange, what is that?'

Beacon Academy: Courtyard

In the Courtyard of Beacon, we can see the Beacon Students doing their daily tasks, as a figure in black robes can be seen walking to the Academy. This is none other than Darth Malgus, who calmly strolls to the Entrance, not minding the Beacon Students that are staring at him.

Malgus: 'So this is the very Academy my Master attended. A place where the Protectors of Remnant are forged. But as I take my steps in this accursed Academy, all I smell is the stench of Villainy. These "Protectors" are nothing but vile and corrupt. No sense of honor nor duty. A pity'

He looks in front of him to see a bunch of Hot Shot Beacon Students surrounding him. They saw he looked suspicions due to wearing black robes and covering his face with a hood. Some of them thought Malgus to be Jaune, coming back to Beacon, and that made them smirk in delight. If this is Jaune they're going to teach that Faker a lesson in coming into Beacon with Fake Transcripts and making them look weak.

Malgus sees the Beacon Students slowly approach him, and the minute he sees a Student getting closer to him, he unleashes his Lightsaber, activating it as he swings the Lightsaber around, killing three Beacon Students.

He uses Force Push and sends two Beacon Students crashing to a pillar, hard. Then went to deliver a Lightsaber Throw, killing two other Beacon Students as Malgus catches his Lightsaber, spinning it around before deactivating it and placing the Weapon back on his holster.

Malgus continues his route to Beacon and gives out a nod to someone hanging on the Towers of Beacon.

The Individual can be seen perched up by the ledge, watching Malgus destroy the Beacon Students as the Individual, who is revealed to be a Woman, gives out a nod. She is described to be a Woman with long flowing red hair and brown eyes. She is decked out in Armor from head to toe, this Woman here is Shae Vizla.

Shae puts on her Helmet and stands up from her position, activating her Jetpack as she zooms upwards towards a Vent that leads inside the Beacon Grounds with Malgus making his entry to the Dining Hall of Beacon, where the show will begin.

Beacon Academy: Dining Hall

In the Dining Hall of Beacon Academy, the Students can be seen having their Lunch, minding their own business. In one Table, we can see Teams RWBY and PLAN, after Jaune's departure in Beacon due to his Transcripts and Alex being dubbed his "better" Replacement, Ozpin renamed Team JNPR and made Pyrrha the Leader.

Right now, Alex can be seen looking at the News regarding the death of an Elder in the Arc Clan, even till now, the Clan does not know who this Droid Army is, and why they attacked the Arc Clan. They are still investigating it and hope to find out who they are, cause once they do, the Arc Clan will send them a strong message on why they should never cross with them.

Pyrrha: Alex, is everything okay?

Alex: If you count the death of an Elder in the Arc Clan, not so much.

Weiss: How bad was it in the attack on the Arc Clan Compound? Apparently the attack was seen by a few Witnesses that were just passing by. They called the Authorities and they said it was a complete slaughter, the same can be said for the attack in that Atlas Outpost posted in the City of Vale.

Alex: It's the same as what happened in the Compound, no survivors at all. Whoever did this attack wanted to send a message.

Ruby: But we'll find a way to stop them!! If Team RWBY is able to stop the White Fang back at the Docks, we can do the same to these Rebels and the Droid Army!!

Alex was unsure about what Ruby said, seeing the footage of the kinds of Weapons the Droid Army has in their possession, able to pierce through Aura in one shot. She won't be telling anybody in this Table about that information.

Ren: Alex, I heard rumors about the Students saying your Former Brother is part of the Rebels. Is that true? 

Alex: We have no confirmation at all, but if it's true. Then we will use whatever means we have to hunt the Disgrace down and make him answer for his Crimes. Even if he joined these so called Rebels, the Disgrace doesn't have the means to stand up against the Arc Clan in its entirety.

In the Halls of Beacon Academy, Shae hides in a dark Hall as she hears the sound of footsteps heading to her position, she has her Blaster Pistol at the ready. She gets out of cover and fires two shots at two Beacon Students, killing them.

Shae then turns around and fires a shot at one Beacon Student as his body falls to the floor, dead. She looks at her Gauntlet and a Hologram appears, showcasing a Ship along with a Timer, it shows that the Timer is counting down.

Alex: Even so, despite the audacity he of him coming into this Academy with Fake Transcripts. He has the guts to join these Rebels in destroying Vale, further cementing just how much of a Disgrace he is.

Ruby: And how much he is a good for nothing Criminal!! A Terrorist!!

Alex: Indeed, and his actions will further destroy the Clan's Reputation, tarnishing the reputation we have built in the 4 Kingdoms for years, knowing what kind of heinous deeds he will commit to the innocent Civilians of Vale or worse, the other 3 Kingdoms.

Pyrrha: Don't worry, Alex. You have the full support of the Team. We'll help find the Fraud and bring him to Justice.

Ruby: And Team RWBY will help as well!!

Alex nods, with the rest of the two Teams agreeing to what Ruby and Pyrrha said, Nora being eager to break Jaune's legs the minute she sees him. 

By the entrance of the Dining Hall, Malgus can be seen stepping inside, the Sith looks around and isn't impressed by what he is seeing as the Beacon Students see him and are curious on who the Man is.

Malgus: 'Even being inside this wretched Academy. I can feel the amount of evil and corruption inside the minds of these so called "Protectors", having a facade of being "Heroes", when in reality you are all nothing but Fakes, only caring about fame and fortune. Pathetic'

Blake felt her Faunus Senses telling her something bad is going to happen, as she turns her attention to Malgus. The rest of her Team and Team PLAN turn towards the entrance, seeing all the Students crowding around Malgus, wondering who he is.

Malgus: 'I am here to cleanse this stain off this world'

He looks at the Beacon Students with his Sith Eyes, as everyone sees a shadow looming over the entire Dining Hall, and their eyes widen. They see an Imperial Shuttle, one used by the Sith Empire, heading straight for the Dining Hall of the Academy.

Nora: Uh, guys-

Alex: We need to move. We need to move now!!

Teams RWBY and PLAN got out of their Tables, and the same can be said for the rest of the Beacon Students as the Imperial Shuttle bursts through the Walls of the Dining Hall, destroying everything in its path as it crashes to the ground and starts sliding across it.

The Imperial Shuttle causes explosions all around the Dining Hall as it continues sliding on the floor.

In Ozpin's Office, Ozpin got an alert of an attack in the Dining Hall as he looks at the Footage and sees the Imperial Shuttle crashing in the Academy. He quickly orders Goodwitch to get the rest of the Staff to deal with this matter, while Ironwood calls for Atlas Reinforcements. They believe this may be the work of those Rebels. But in reality, it isn't. 

The Shuttle stops sliding behind Malgus, he looks at the Beacon Students seeing they already have their Weapons on hand. He focuses more on Teams RWBY and PLAN, Jaune did inform him to leave them alive, but also said to send a message they'll never forget, and to show them who they are truly facing with.

Malgus: It is time to remove these Huntsmen and Huntresses from their pedestals.

The Bay Door of the Imperial Shuttle opens, only showing that of darkness. But suddenly, we can see a figure step out of the shadows, they are wearing grey Armor from head-to-toe, donning black and red robes along with a Mask. This here is a Sith Warrior.

The Sith Warrior activates his Lightsaber, as the red light illuminates inside the darkness of the Ship, and once he does that, the rest soon followed. As we see more Sith Warriors activating their Lightsabers on the Ship, revealing there is more than one that have arrived in Beacon.

All the Beacon Students ready their Weapons as Malgus looks at them, smirking under his Respirator.

Malgus: And now. Witness, the power of the Sith.

All Hell broke loose as the Sith Warriors can be seen charging out of the Imperial Shuttle, the Beacon Students see this and do the same. The Sith Warriors also brought in their Infantry, which are in the form of Imperial Soldiers, firing at them using their Blaster Rifles, taking out the Beacon Students in around one to two shots.

Yang: Who the hell are these guys?!

Weiss: I don't know. Do you think they're part of those Rebels?

Alex: I highly doubt they're part of the Rebels seeing their Armor and Weapons.

Ruby: That does not matter! Come on, Team! We need to stop whoever these people are from killing the Students!!

Ruby charges in headfirst alongside both Yang and Nora, as the Sith Warriors can be seen slashing at the Beacon Students using their Lightsabers. One Sith Warrior sprints towards two Students and slices them into pieces, he dodges a strike from Nora's Hammer and dodges more of her swings as the Sith Trooper delivers a spinning back kick right at Nora's face, sending her spinning in the air.

The Imperial Soldiers can be seen holding the line as they blast any Beacon Students that come in their way. Yang charges at them, but the Imperial Soldiers see her and fire their Blaster Rifles, they were told of who she is, and aimed at her arms and legs instead. They hit her as Yang crashes to the floor, screaming in pain because of the Blaster Bolts.

Blake: Yang!!

She quickly went to Yang and helped her up, with Ren firing his Weapons at the Imperial Soldiers. Malgus can be seen slashing at a Student before turning around and slashing another. He then commands the Imperial Soldiers to chase after the Students and push them back to the Halls.

The Sith Warriors continue their assault, as we can see one Sith Warrior literally decimating around 5 Students, their cries and screams can be heard as their body parts get cut into pieces. Another elbows a Beacon Student behind him, then we see another using two Beacon Students and how you call it, Wall Running on their bodies, before he executes a flying kick towards the Student in front of him.

Hitting the Beacon Student in the face as their body was sent flying in a front flip, the Sith Warrior lands on the floor and continues his slaughter of the Students.

A lot of the Beacon Students are getting pushed back further in the Dining Hall, using the Tables as cover, seeing the amount of Blaster Bolts being fired upon them by the Imperial Soldiers.

We see Malgus Force Choking a Student as he lifts him high up in the air, before he slams him towards the wall. Up by the Ceilings of the Dining Hall, Shae flies in with her Jetpack, looking towards the Halls and seeing the 2nd and 3rd Years sprinting towards the Dining Hall to help the Students, she didn't allow that to happen as she fires two Rockets from her Wrist Mounted Launchers.

Causing a huge explosion of rubble that sent all of the Students in the Halls flying.

The Sith continue their assault as Malgus fires off Force Lightning towards the Students, a Sith Warrior can be seen being pelted with Dust Bullets by Coco's Minigun and blocks a few of the Bullets using their Lightsaber then proceeds to Force Push Coco towards a destroyed part of the wall, knocking her out. Shae is seen hovering in the air using her Jetpack and uses her Miniature Flamethrowers, spinning around as she sends a Stream of Fire at the Students in front of her. Then the Beacon Students in another area look up and see a Sith Warrior jumping towards them, before he slams his fist on the floor, destroying the ground, and sending the Beacon Students flying.

Ruby: Alex! There's the Leader!!

She points towards Malgus, who can be seen grabbing a Beacon Student by the neck and turning around, slashing the one behind him as he throws the one he is holding to the floor.

Ruby did not hesitate and charges towards Malgus, with Alex telling her to stop. 

Alex: Wait, Ruby!!

Malgus looks to his right and sees Ruby using her Semblance to speed towards him, he dodges a strike from Ruby which were aimed for his legs as he immediately uses his Lightsaber to slash Ruby's Weapon in half.

Ruby: NOOO!!!

Ruby screams in despair seeing her Baby be destroyed right in front of her, Ruby starts floating in the air as Malgus uses the Force to lift her up.

Malgus: Pathetic.

He uses the Force and moves Ruby towards the wall, before Malgus executes Force Push, sending Ruby crashing to the wall in a fit of debris and dust. Malgus quickly turns to his right to see Alex attacking him as he went to dodge the strikes from her Glaive, before he slashes the blades of her Glaive off, surprising Alex, Malgus immediately kicks Alex, sending her crashing to the floor.

Before Malgus was about to attack, two Beacon Students sprinted towards the Sith. Malgus immediately slashes one Student in the legs, cutting it off, then goes to the other and slashes his entire upper body off. Malgus is engulfed with a burst of Flames, this is Alex using her Semblance, Fire Manipulation, to burn him, but Malgus uses the Force and unleashes out a large wave towards Alex, which sends her crashing to the debris near the Ship as she rolls on the floor.

She looks up and sees Malgus about to deliver a Stab Strike from the air, but before he could even do that, he was sent flying back to the floor, using his Lightsaber so he doesn't slide any further.

Malgus: So, you've finally arrived.

He looks in front of him to see Ozpin has arrived with Ironwood and the rest of the Beacon Staff along with the Atlas Military. Goodwitch can be seen helping Alex out of there. Behind the Sith, we can see the rest of his Forces converging around him, the Sith Warriors getting into a fighting stance and the Imperial Soldiers aiming their Blasters at Ozpin and his Forces.

Ozpin: Who are you? Why have you attacked my Academy? What is your goal here?

Malgus: Revenge, Ozpin, and to rid of the corruption that plagues these Lands. To rid of the False Protectors for good, and Beacon is just the start.

Ironwood: Who are you? Are you in league with those Rebels?

Malgus: I'm afraid not. For I am Darth Malgus, and we are the Sith Empire! Now, Ozpin. Watch as your Kingdom and Academy, shall fall.

He brings out a Device that Jaune gave him, he presses it as a bright blue light engulfs them, forcing everyone there to shield their eyes. Once the light dies down, they all look in front of them to see Malgus and his Army is nowhere to be seen, with even the Ship they used to crash inside the Dining Hall, gone as well, leaving no trace of them here at all.

Ironwood had his Soldiers secure the Dining Hall as Ozpin and the Beacon Staff look around, seeing the amount of corpses of the Beacon Students present in the Dining Hall.

Goodwitch: Ozpin-

Ozpin: I'm afraid we have no choice but to ask the Arc Clan for help. I received a message from Belze Rochefort-Arc, he informed me that an Arc Clan Compound was attacked by an Unknown Faction called the Droid Army. If this Sith Empire is in league with the Droid Army, then we may have to come to an alliance. In hopes of thwarting this threat.

Goodwitch: But what if they're-

Ozpin: I'll have Qrow investigate this matter immediately. We need to see if they're allied with HER as well.

Goodwitch nods, but as Ozpin looks around the Dining Hall, they hear something coming from the outside.


Port: What was that?!

They hear more explosions as the Academy starts shaking, they all rush outside to see a sight they never expected.

In the Courtyard and the Lands that lead to Beacon, they are all up in flames, everyone sees the sky is orange with smoke covering most of it. Suddenly, they all see Sith Empire Fighters, which are Mark VI Supremacy-Class Starfighters, the Fighters fly in the premises of Beacon as they fire their Laser Cannons. Up by the grounds of the Entrance leading to the Courtyard of Beacon, we can see an Army of Sith War Droids Mark I, making their way to the Academy.

But it isn't just Beacon that is under attack, but the entirety of the City of Vale. We can see over a dozen Mark VI Supremacy-Class Starfighters coming in towards the City and firing their Laser Cannons, destroying everything in sight. They are also joined by the B28 Extinction-Class Bombers, the B-28s bombarding the City of Vale, causing explosions everywhere as the entire Kingdom is up in flames, smoke coming out everywhere as people run for this lives.

And it's also worst for the Atlas Fleet stationed in Vale, the entire Fleet that Ironwood has brought to Vale is getting destroyed as they are facing against the Harrower-Class Dreadnoughts, the Cruisers firing their Turbolaser Batteries, blowing the Atlesian Flagship into pieces as it explodes in a flurry of metal debris.

Back at Beacon, Ozpin and Ironwood had their eyes widen seeing this, it was made worse when an Atlas Officer approaches them.

Atlas Officer: General, we have a situation!! The City of Vale is under attack and the Atlas Fleet is all but destroyed!!

Ironwood: WHAT?!

He looks towards the City of Vale from the distance and sees the Cruisers and smoke coming out of it.

Ironwood: Salvage whatever Forces we have left and protect the Kingdom, now!!

Ozpin: Glynda, you do the same as well! Gather every Huntsman and Huntress we can find in Vale and defend the City!

Goodwitch nods as everyone went to deal with this attack, with Ozpin and Ironwood worried of the aftermath as well as how much damage the Sith Empire caused in the Kingdom of Vale. All the while Malgus can be seen walking out of Beacon alongside his Army, as the Forests leading up to Beacon are now up in flames.

This Battle may have been a victory for Jaune and his Armies, but the War has just begun.

Dragon Continent: Military Base - Conference Room

In the Conference Room located in the Military Base, Jaune is sitting in the front of the table, facing everyone. He is joined by Ash as they talk to some of the Members of his Family through Holocall, they are Belze, Sephiria, and Jade. They are here to report about the Attack on Vale, which is being talked about in Live Television.

Lisa: This is the Vale News Network, Live, with Breaking News. A full-frontal assault has just erupted in the Kingdom of Vale, over a dozen areas in the City have a excruciatingly high amount of destruction present, with over tens and thousands of Civilians dead on the Streets. These Men who initiated the attack have called themselves the Sith Empire, and have declared War on the Kingdom of Vale.

The Footage now shows of what's left of the Atlas Fleet that was brought to Vale, leaving the Kingdom in an Atlesian Flagship that was sent by the Atlas Council.

Lisa: Due to the high amount of losses the Atlas Military suffered in this attack. The Atlas Council has called for the withdrawal of all Atlas Forces in the Kingdom and to return back to Atlas immediately. This is a dark day for Vale, as with the Atlas Military not supporting in the defense of the Kingdom, and that of the Huntsmen and Huntresses all scattered around the Kingdom. This negativity will no doubt attract the Grimm to our very walls, and this may be the end of Vale as we know it.

The Screen has been shut off as Jaune turns his attention to his Family.

Jaune: I take it the Elders now know of the attack in Vale?

Jade: Yes, this News Broadcast was shown to all of the other 3 Kingdoms, and like what Malgus reported. Mason and the Elders believe the Sith Empire are in league with the Droid Army, and will make talks with Ozpin regarding an alliance.

Sephiria: Even so, you will need a convincing act to show them that they need your help, Jaune. It wouldn't make sense for you to just show up with an Army.

Jaune: Oh, but it can. After all, Remnant is filled with Factions all over the 4 Kingdoms. So it would make sense that I would come across a Faction fighting against the Sith and Droid Armies. I can just say I came across them while I was in hiding because of the fallout of my Transcripts, saying they accepted me despite what I did.

Belze: That can work, Jaune. But you know some of your Tormentors, and that of your Sisters, as well as Mason, won't believe you were able to achieve such a feat.

Jaune: I do not care about their opinions. Mason can't deny it, but he knows I have an amazing tactical and strategic mind. The Man will need my strategies and tactics to win this fight, we just have to make the battle I'll have with the Sith and Droids look very convincing.

Sephiria: And how will you do that?

Jaune: Stage a Battle of course. I will deal with some of the White Fang Outposts in Mistral and have the Droid Army attack my Forces. There, Jade will broadcast the attack to the Arc Clan, who I believe, will have a meeting with Ozpin soon.

Belze: Yes, we already made preparations for the meeting.

Jaune: And once they see what I'm capable off and see that my Army can hold their own against the Droids and Sith, and of course, winning. They will have no choice but to bring me in to the fold.

Sephiria: And if they don't.

Jaune: I will have more Factions cause untold chaos and destruction around the 4 Kingdoms, destroying more of the Arc Clan's Compounds, and their Allies, until they have no choice but to come crawling back to me for help. Plain and simple.

Jade: Yes, and knowing Mason. He will refuse to work with you, the Man is too arrogant for his own good, and refuses to ask help from someone he deems a Disgrace.

Belze: But as he sees the Clan is losing more and more ground, he will have no other choice but to agree with your demands. Makarov and I will do our best to force him to work with you, even if he doesn't like it.

Jaune: And once the alliance has happened, we will initiate this "War" and eliminate all our "Enemies". Then once I have full control of the 4 Kingdoms, then my grand entrance will be revealed to all, and it will be spectacular!!

Ash: And it will be a reveal they will never expect! Can't wait for that to happen.

Belze: I agree, we'll continue to play our parts until the time is right.

They all nod, as the Holocall ends. Jaune opens up a Hologram showcasing the Map of the 4 Kingdoms, with the Dragon Continent now being a part of it. He is looking at the Map, deciding on where his "Enemies" should attack next.

Ash: I take it you already know where to start?

Jaune: Indeed I do.

He opens up the Gamer System, now showcasing the Legion Store. Jaune looks and sees the amount of Credits he now has is up to 3-4 Million, how he garnered such an amount is through the Quests he did in setting up the Base, saving the other Villages outside of the Settlement, clearing out all the high-level Grimm in the Dragon Continent, as well as the attacks on Vale, giving an enormous Jaune an enormous haul of experience, allowing him to pass Level 100. How he was able to reach pass Level 100 in a fast pace, is the added Ability known as the Force, giving him a huge boost in Level, and with him being trained by certain Heroes in the Art of using both the Light and the Dark Side, made him increase in Level. At this point, Jaune is now Level 150. Talk about a large boost in Numbers.

Jaune: So, what do you have for me now?

He smirks as Jaune looks at the options he has on the Store, and what he can use for this "War" he has planned.

Author's Notes:
- I do not own any of the Images and Gifs you see here, and they all belong to their respective owners.

- Thanks to Izanagi_Kuno for giving me some of the Gifs that are used here.

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