N's unexpected experience(Nxh...

By WRITERthuglife4ever

16K 251 83

Murder drones (non cannon) yandere harem for N More

Explanation about this story
chater 1 the beginning
chapter 2 part 2 alliance and detection
chapter 3 N's home and a bonus story
chapter 4 part 1 A New Day
chapter 4 part 2 A New Day
the girls
bonus story 2
chapter 5 part 1 lizzy and ????
chapter 5 part 2 lizzy and ????
chapter 6 doll
character 7 the anger and fury
chapter 7.5
7.6 bonus
chapter 8 Alice
chapter 9 another alliance?
chapter 10
chapter 11 end?

charter 2 part 1 the alliance and detection

1.5K 18 3
By WRITERthuglife4ever

n started to run away from them to avoid such faith.when he think that
he no longer been chasing by them

n:what the heck is happening!?(n said
while catching his breath)

1 day before

n wake up from his sleep and he see v and j talking about something. out of
curiosity he listen on what are they
talking about.

v:I told n is mine!!

n was shocked and blush when he hears it

(so v still like me even after we become disassembly drones n thought to himself)

j:as the team leader no n is mine!!

n was more shocked and confused when j said that

(j like me no no no maybe just as a co-worker don't jump on conclusions
n though to him self)
then suddenly v and j prepared there claws and missiles and go on the combat. there faces
turn x while exchanging attacks

n was shocked and still thinking what
was the actual cause of there fight because he really can't believe that
it's was actually about there love?on him?n decided to interfere on there fight.

n:v. j.

(the two stop there fight there eyes was back to normal and they stared to blush)

v:oh n were just...... sparring right j?(nervously ask)

j:yeah we're not really fighting (nervously said)

n:oh ok(pretend like he never hear them say that they like him) so
I guess I be back the ship then
hahahaha (nervously laughing)

j/v:yeah(v and j blush when n laugh because they find it so cute)

n:so see you two later(but before he
even spread his wings to fly j said something)

j:n stay on the ship we're going to talk
when we got back(j said it because she
knew that n was visiting uzi and thought that uzi might take him away from her)

n:umm sure

n flys back to the ship

j and v pov

v:let's finish this(v said confidently)

v was about to shot missiles to j
when suddenly j spoke

j:wait we need stop for now

v:what? do you consider defeat now?
(v said while laughing)
(this means i can finally have n
v though to her self)

j:actually no but I guess I can consider
to share him

v was shocked on what j said

v:wait you mean like split in half?

j:what of course not I mean like share
him in other way not splitting him into
half or into pieces and also because the purple freak might take him away form us

without hesitation v agreed on this

v:ok for n

j:yeah for n

they shake hands and flys back to the

n's pov
I should have visit uzi said to himself
while waiting and worrying on v and j
because they maybe got hurt so much
on there fight.

end of part 1

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