Lovefool, Jeff Winger.

By ezekieIsfiguero

902 42 127

Just say that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you. JEFF WINGER x FEM!OC. SEASON TWO ╱... More

Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?
Act One: The "Why Won't They".

i. A Day of Firsts.

273 16 30
By ezekieIsfiguero

𝖎.           A Day of Firsts.

It was a day of firsts for Grace Romero as she stepped onto the campus of Greendale Community College for the first time. After completing her freshman year at a local college, she decided to make the switch for her sophomore year, drawn in by Greendale's unconventional reputation, including tales of the Transfer dance and the epic paintball fight she'd heard all about from her friend Gia. Unlike her peers solely focused on academics, Grace craved more than just a degree. She yearned for the freedom to enjoy herself, and Greendale seemed to offer just that. Despite Gia's warnings, Grace submitted her application and was surprised to receive word of her acceptance within an hour. ("Welcome to Greendale! You're already accepted!")

Having experienced burnout and realizing she had prioritized work over living, Grace longed for the carefree experiences she had missed out on since high school. Determined to rediscover herself while trying to be more spontaneous, Greendale seemed like the perfect place, a place where she could learn to enjoy life to the fullest.

As she strolled across campus with her iPod blaring Are You Satisfied, her favorite Marina and The Diamonds song, Grace found herself oddly relating to the lyrics as an overachiever herself. Nonetheless, the song served as the perfect score for the day everything was set to change.

Seated in front of the dean, whose enthusiasm seemed to fill his office, Grace couldn't help but be slightly overwhelmed. "Greendale is thrilled to have you, Ms. Romero!" He exclaimed, his eagerness bordering on excessive for such an early hour. "Did you know we have a statue of our most famous alumnus? Perhaps you've heard of him, Luis Guzman, the acclaimed Puerto Rican actor."

"I'm Colombian," Grace interjected, her voice firm yet friendly, offering a polite smile to steer his assumption.

The dean quickly recovered, his expression earnest as he nodded in understanding, "And that's precisely what we cherish here at Greendale! Diversity is not just acknowledged, it's celebrated. We hope you find this campus to be a welcoming and safe space for you," He assured her, his words carrying genuine warmth.

"So, are you excited about embarking on this new journey with us, Ms. Romero?" He asked eagerly, his eyes reflecting the enthusiasm in his voice.

"Please, call me Grace," she corrected him again, her tone warm as she flashed him a beaming smile. "And yes, I am."

"Grace, then. Will you grace us with your presence at the Fresh-Start Dance in the cafeteria tonight?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with a mix of hope and curiosity.

Embarking on a new philosophy with the start of her adventure, Grace had made a pact with herself to embrace the unexpected. Starting today, she was committed to saying yes to everything. Well, almost everything—anything that was safe and, ideally, not stupid. So, perhaps not quite everything, but it was a significant shift for someone who'd previously lived cautiously. This decision, a bid to break free from her shell and soak up every experience during her college years, didn't make it any easier at the moment. Especially now, under the expectant gaze of the dean.

Grace paused, her gaze drifting momentarily as she weighed her decision, "Yes," she finally said with a slight nod as she mustered a smile, "I suppose I'll try to stop by."

"Great! Well, I wish you all the best! Remember, my door is always open if you need anything," He responded with unwavering enthusiasm. Grace offered a nod, a subtle smile gracing her lips as she acknowledged his offer.

Rising gracefully from her chair, she turned to leave, her posture reflecting a mixture of anticipation and resolve for the journey ahead. "Thank you," She said, pausing at the door to offer the dean a kind smile—a silent gesture of gratitude for his warm welcome. She then turned and left his office, her exit marked by a confident stride that drew the eyes of students and faculty alike.

As she navigated the corridors of Greendale, her walk remained buoyant, unfazed by the bustling environment around her. The soundtrack to this moment of newfound optimism was Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness, playing through her iPod, encapsulating her mood perfectly. With every beat and lyric, her resolve deepened, reinforcing her readiness for what was to come.

Now, with the start of her first class looming, Grace had just one more task to tick off her list—picking up her schedule. With her spirits high and her path clear, she moved through the halls, her presence signaling the start of a new chapter and the pursuit of her own slice of happiness at Greendale.

As Grace continued her confident stride through the halls of Greendale, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead, she rounded a corner and almost collided with someone. It took her a moment to register the familiar face before her—a face she hadn't seen in years, yet one that stirred a flurry of memories she had long buried.

It was Jeff fucking Winger.

For a fleeting moment, Grace struggled to place him—it had been over a decade since she last saw him, her mind racing to recall their history. He was the guy from high school, the one she had loathed ever since their paths diverged after graduation. They had parted ways on less than amicable terms, each harboring resentment for the other.

As the realization dawned on her, Grace's friendly facade faltered, replaced by a flicker of disdain that flashed across her features. The act she had carefully maintained to make a good first impression vanished in an instant, revealing the raw animosity she harbored towards him. In that moment, Grace couldn't help but drop the front, her true feelings bubbling to the surface as she faced the unexpected presence of someone she had long tried to forget.

Their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills, disbelief and disdain etched into every line of their faces. "You? Really? Is this a fucking joke?" She spat out, her jaw clenched, her tone dripping with skepticism.

He squared his shoulders, a flash of bitterness crossing his features. "I should be the one asking you that," he retorted, his voice heavy with annoyance. "Did you know I was enrolled here? Came here to chase after me?" He added with his eyebrows raised, mockingly, "You missed me?"

Her nostrils flared as she scoffed, her disbelief palpable, "No!" She exclaimed curtly, "And how the fuck was I supposed to know? It's not like I follow you on Facebook."

"Then why are you here?" His words were sharp, a challenge hanging in the air. His tone being accusatory, resisting from pointing a finger in her face. She shrugged, a smirk dancing on her lips. "For the same reason you are apparently here, I guess. To get a college degree."

Jeff raised his eyebrows, "At Greendale?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" Grace retorted, her tone laced with a mixture of defiance and amusement.

"Yes!" Jeff exclaimed, responding in an obvious tone before he snorted, "Greendale for a legit degree? It is. Even you coming here to see me would've sounded more believable."

"I would've done that for... Anyone but you," She muttered under her breath, her arms crossed defensively.

Jeff's skeptical gaze bore into her, his lawyer instincts kicking in. But she refused to let him interrogate her. "Wait. Hold on. I heard you became a hotshot lawyer. The fuck happened?" She asked, a mocking laugh escaping her lips.

"Why do you care?" Jeff shot back, letting his defenses briefly go down as he took Grace in with renewed interest. She had changed a lot over the years, and he couldn't help but notice how her anger made her look even more attractive. He wasn't going to tell her that though, knowing it would either boost her ego tenfold or irk her further.

"I don't," she snorted with contempt, "I was asking so I could laugh about it in your face instead of behind your back. But you don't deserve my kindness anyway, asshole."

"Still holding onto grudges, I see," he remarked with a sardonic grin. "Still a huge asshole, I see," she shot back, her eyes ablaze with exasperation. Grace had to admit that Jeff Winger remained as infuriating as ever. But she couldn't ignore that the years had been kind to him, time had sculpted him in ways that were hard to overlook.

Their exchange hung in the air like a heavy fog, neither wanting to acknowledge the reality of their situation. Grace shook her head, determined to not let Jeff disrupt her peace. "I'm not going to let you ruin this for me," Grace asserted, her tone resolute. She raised an eyebrow, "Believe it or not, I really need this right now. And seeing you, Pencil Dick Winger is the last thing I had ever expected."

"Pencil Dick Winger?!" He repeated incredulously, eyes ablaze with anger. "Excuse me?!"

"Oh, yeah. Your oversized ego made everyone suspect you were compensating for something. Hence, the nickname," she explained with a smirk, barely containing her laughter at his obvious irritation, "You're welcome."

  "But it's not true," Jeff retorted, his pride wounded.

"And?" Grace fired back, unfazed. "Who the fuck cares? It was a silly name from high school. Which, by the way, was ages ago. You're the one still taking it to heart."

"Because you spread a rumor that I have a small—" Jeff paused, glancing around the hallway, lowering his voice, "—you know. Coming from someone who has seen it, it didn't seem like a silly joke!" He shouted angrily.

"Get over it," Grace dismissed, her patience wearing thin. "Considering our past, I'd say it was fair game."

  Frankly, Jeff couldn't say she didn't have a point, begrudgingly accepting Grace's remark. He sighed.

Their bickering had fallen into a familiar rhythm, a dance of verbal jabs and ego clashes rooted in a shared history. Yet as the gravity of their circumstances sunk in, they exchanged a resigned glance, silently acknowledging the inevitable.

"We're going to be seeing a lot of each other, aren't we?" Grace finally murmured, the weight of the realization settling on her shoulders. The acknowledgement hit them both, heavy with resignation. Jeff sighed, responding with a shrug. "Looks like it," he admitted reluctantly.

As they stood there, the unspoken tension between them palpable, Grace couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about the days ahead. The thought of navigating the same campus, attending the same classes, and inevitably encountering Jeff on a regular basis felt suffocating. Yet, amidst their mutual discomfort, a begrudging acceptance began to take place.

"It's not like we're friends," Grace stated, more to reassure herself than him. "Agreed," Jeff replied, his tone firm.

With a shared nod, they silently acknowledged the unspoken pact between them. It was a fragile truce, born out of necessity rather than desire, but it was a start.

"You know what, this is fine! This doesn't have to be the end of the world. We're grown adults. We can do this," Grace declared, a hint of reluctant agreement in her voice.

"As long as we don't cross paths. Ever," He added, a grudging acceptance in his tone. She nodded, managing to stay composed, "You go your way and I go mine."



"And stop calling me Pencil Dick Winger!" Jeff requested, a hint of plea in his voice, his stare unyielding.

Grace gave him an incredulous look, "You're pushing it," She stated, pursing her mouth in a self-satisfied smirk.

"Fine," Jeff conceded, signaling the end of their dispute.

They exchanged terse nods, the tension between them palpable. The two of them, each carrying a bundle of unresolved history, walked past each other, the air thick with unspoken words. "My class is that way," He stated, pointing in the opposite direction. "I have to go get my schedule," She replied, a cold detachment in her voice.

Without another word, they once again ran off, disappearing into the bustling halls. The echoes of their past lingered, but for now, they had agreed to keep their worlds apart.

Grace didn't set high expectations for Anthropology 101. Frankly, she figured that none of the courses would be particularly good, considering Greendale wasn't renowned for its academic rigor. Or even in general. But she wasn't there for a top-notch education anyway. She was there to have fun, and for once, that's all what mattered.

Walking into the classroom without Gia by her side went well. Anthropology was one of the few classes they didn't share, but Grace wasn't too worried. She was naturally sociable, always had been. This was going to be just fine.

Or actually, it wasn't going to be just fine. In a sick twist of fate that seemed almost too absurd to be true, Grace walked in to find Jeff sitting in her Anthropology 101 class. This just so happened to be after the two had vowed to keep their distance. Suppressing a grimace, Grace forced herself to maintain a smile. She wasn't going to let his presence spoil her fun. She entered the classroom with confidence, feeling the gaze of every student on her, including Jeff's. He looked utterly stunned to see her there, in their sophomore class, his eye starting to twitch out of confusion.

Abed, who was seated next to him, observed Jeff with his usual detached curiosity. "Your eye is twitching harder than Mr. Krabs," He noted, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Abed followed Jeff's gaze to the unfamiliar woman who had just entered the room, now talking to some of the girls surrounding her. "Do you know her?" Abed asked, catching Jeff completely off guard. He scoffed, "No, I don't."

"She looks like she could be a new addition to the cast," Abed nodded, "Probably got sent in to join the second, more evolved season of the show as the new love interest for the main character," He glanced at Jeff, who met his gaze and immediately shook his head, "No," He asserted firmly, rejecting the idea outright, "Trust me, you don't want her as a new addition to your TV fantasy or the study group."

"So, you do know her?" Abed pressed, a hint of curiosity breaking through his usually indifferent demeanor.

"Not willingly," Jeff admitted, his frustration evident. He noticed Abed's eyebrow raise, a silent prompt for more information. He sighed, "I do know her, but not because I want to. She's the last person I wanted to see here, especially with the whole Britta situation. Grace absolutely hates me, and I know that because I've given her enough reasons to. She'd do anything just to get payback."

"So, she's a rival, not an old friend. Potentially even an arch-enemy. Got it." Abed remarked, mentally filing away this new information for future reference. However, when he glanced up from his desk, Abed's curiosity only grew. "Isn't that Britta standing right next to her?"

Jeff's gaze followed to where Britta stood, now deep in conversation with Grace. The crowd of girls around them only seemed to grow, a testament to their popularity. Jeff couldn't help but wonder if these girls were even enrolled in the class, but lately it seemed where Britta went, attention followed. It appeared Grace had a similar effect, drawing in those around her with an almost gravitational pull. The sight of Britta and Grace together, seemingly in cahoots, was the last thing Jeff wanted—or expected—to see.

"Yes, that's Britta," Jeff confirmed, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unlikely duo. The sight of Britta engaging so animatedly with Grace didn't sit well with him, stirring a mix of confusion and concern. He couldn't fathom what they could possibly be discussing with such fervor, especially given Grace's clear disdain for him.

Jeff's mind raced with the possibility that Grace might share stories of their past with Britta, and in turn, Britta could divulge the details of the Transfer Dance. The thought of them working together to sabotage him caused a ripple of concern. He couldn't help but shake his head, trying to dispel the unsettling scenario forming in his imagination.

Abed, observing the dynamics unfold, seemed to process this new information, adding another layer to his mental catalog. "Interesting," he commented, his voice tinged with genuine interest, "This could add a new dynamic to the group, don't you think?"

Jeff, however, wasn't amused. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," he muttered, his gaze shifting back to the pair. The last thing he needed was for his complicated past with Grace to intertwine with his already complex relationships with Britta, Annie and the study group.

As Jeff continued to scrutinize the two women engaging with the crowd, his brow furrowed in confusion by their instant popularity, "I just don't get it."

Abed glanced up from his desk, observing Star-Burns entering the classroom with two girls. "Star-Burns has grown reliant on his sideburns but craves identity beyond them, so he added a hat," he explained matter-of-factly.

Ignoring Abed's observation, Jeff pressed on, his gaze still fixed on the cluster of students around Britta and Grace. "No, what's up with Britta mania?" he inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation.

"Oh, that's even simpler," Abed responded with his usual analytical aloofness, "In the eyes of the public, Britta put herself out there and you walked away, making her the underdog, the Aniston."

"That's ridiculous." Jeff retorted dismissively, his gaze returning to the gathering around Britta and Grace, "And how did Grace join the popular crowd so quickly?"

"By being hot," Troy interjected casually, with Abed nodding in agreement, "And she's new. She seems cool." Jeff scowled, his frustration growing.

As Jeff looked up, he noticed Grace joining the table in front of theirs, invited by Britta to meet the other girls. Grace caught his eye and shot him a subtle wink before taking her seat, her gaze shifting to the front of the classroom. That wink told Jeff all he had needed to know. She was doing this to spite him, to drive him insane. He could bet on it. His eye almost twitched again.

"What is it exactly that separates man from animal?" The professor's questioned echoed through the classroom.

"Divorce," Star-Burns quipped, chuckling at his own joke. Pierce was the only one who joined in on the laughter.

The professor's response was swift and unexpected. With a blowgun in hand, she aimed and shot a dart right in the center of one of the stars on Star-Burns' face, stunning the class. The students gasp, while Grace was impressed. "Bullseye," She muttered, applauding her with admiration.

"Tools. Like this blowgun I used to hunt monkeys with the Korubo in the Amazon," The professor continued, introducing herself and the course with an air of authority, "My name is Professor June Bauer, and this semester I will guide you to the very threshold of your humanity, where you will lock eyes with the shrieking, blood-drenched, sister-raping beasts from which we've sprang."

   She added, "You will also have to make a diorama."

The student groaned collectively at the mention of the assignment, bracing themselves for the semester ahead.

"For your first assignment, I would like you to form tribes of no more than eight, and if you can, mix up the races, or you'll be surprised at how quickly things get awkward."

Jeff's jaw clenched as he watched Britta's gaze flicker over to Grace, likely suggesting she could join them. Grace flashed them a warm smile. The chatter among the girls grew into an animated buzz. A sense of urgency washed over him, making him realize he had to intervene quickly, before the situation spiraled further out of control, potentially leading to Grace joining the study group.

And since girls share everything, it didn't seem far-fetched for Grace to get her revenge by joining the Jeff Winger Hate Parade and divulge the awful details of their past to Britta. If it became public knowledge at Greendale, Jeff would undoubtedly be labeled an asshole for the rest of the year. The mere thought made his stomache churn. This nightmare had to end, and he knew he had to act fast.

Jeff made his way through the cafeteria, deciding to approach the girls at lunch. His gaze was locked on Britta, who, like in Anthropology 101, was entertaining an audience with a story. Grace, who was standing nearby, seemed disengaged for once, absorbed in a conversation with another girl. "Hey, can we talk?" Jeff asked, directing his plea to Britta, deliberatedly ignoring the audience.

  "Oh, now he wants to talk." One of the onlookers commented. This drew Grace's attention. She shifted her gaze to meet Jeff's, only to roll her eyes at him before looking away, while Jeff responded with a dismissive scoff.

"No, it's fine, I'll be right back," Britta said, brushing off the interruption as she prepared to step aside with Jeff.

Gia, who had been quietly observing the exchange, leaned over to Grace with a knowing look. "It obviously won't be fine," she quipped, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "How long do you think before he manages to piss her off?"

"Less than two minutes," Grace wagered confidently, her voice tinged with amusement.

"I'll take that bet," Gia agreed, shaking on it.

The dispute escalated more quickly than anticipated. In under a minute, the crowd was stunned as Britta dropped a bowl filled with some liquid concoction over Jeff's head, her frustration boiling over. "High on my own drama?!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying across the cafeteria.

With a smug grin, Grace accepted a five-dollar bill from Gia, the outcome of their wager playing out far quicker than either had predicted.

A voice echoed, "Jeff Winger, you're a jerk!"

Grace's eyes lingered on Jeff as he made a swift exit, his frustration palpable. The smirk on her face grew wider. She couldn't resist the opportunity to gloat. She followed him, accompanied by Annie, eager to watch him unravel. "Britta and Grace have turned every woman on campus against me," Jeff grumbled, his annoyance clear.

"I haven't actually lifted a finger. That was all Britta," Grace cut in, a smug smile adorning her face, "But it wouldn't have been that hard to pull off. Have you ever considered that your entire being is an affront to women everywhere?"

Jeff shot back with a heavy dose of sarcasm, "Thank you, Grace, for enlightening me." He then reminded her, "And didn't we make a deal this morning? We agreed to steer clear of each other, remember? Cozying up to each other's friends doesn't really scream 'keeping distance,' does it?"

Grace raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, "I'm not cozying up to anyone," she clarified, her tone betraying a hint of defensiveness, "Although I have to admit, I haven't exactly been honest with Britta. I actually think public declarations of love are the worst thing to have ever been created," she confessed, causing Annie to gasp in exaggerated shock.

Grace shrugged off Annie's reaction, and continued, "It's not like I omitted it intentionally. I just pretended to support her grand gesture towards Jeff, because the only alternative was agreeing with him. I'd rather kill myself."

Annie gasped again, louder this time for dramatic effect.

Grace dove deeper into her critique, "Public declarations are humiliating and uncomfortable. Like why do they have to happen in public?" She paused, her gaze piercing, "Oh, I know why. It's clearly because the person asking is deeply insecure and believes they have a shot by popping the question in front of others. But such a declaration should be private, no? Like why do others have to witness it?"

"There's no possible good outcome. Either you're the villain for rejecting them publically, like our dear Jeff," she said, throwing him a playful wink that belied the sharpness of her words, "Or you give into your people pleasing tendencies and say yes in front of a huge crowd, have strangers on the Internet congratulating you, and eventually end up having to say no to your partner in private," Her rapid rambling had made it clear this was a sore spot for her. She finished her statement with a nonchalant shrug, "Both options are shit and I hate the thought of even being put in that position."

"Why are you even doing this?" Jeff interjected, perplexed by her motive. What had he done to deserve this?

"It's fun," Grace simply said, her smile growing, "I think I deserve to have some fun after all these years. It's really entertaining, keeping you on your toes. Payback's a bitch."

"Leave my friends out of this," Jeff demanded. He pulled Annie closer, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed by the teenager, whose smile only widened at the physical contact, momentarily distracted by the sudden act.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you called dibs," Grace retorted, her tone playful yet cutting, "I wonder how every woman on campus will react when they find out you're marking women like farmers mark their freaking cows. I don't think you could ever settle down after that."

"I never said that, and you know that," Jeff countered, the edge in his voice sharpened by Grace's smug smile. His annoyance fueled him to clarify his stance, "And I never will settle down, but if I do..." he started, trailing off as a thought struck him, the gears slowly turning in his head, "I could beat Britta at her own game."

Leaving Grace and Annie to process his words, Jeff stormed off. At that moment, a guy from their Anthropology class approached, a girl piggybacking on him. He shouted after Jeff, "Yeah, you better take a hike!"

Then, turning to Annie, he asked, "Hey, you know where the cleanest bathroom is around here?"

Without hesitation, Annie responded, "Teacher's lounge."

Grace's second day of class at Greendale was just as weird as the first. As she observed Jeff and Britta's contrived relationship unfold, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nausea wash over her. However, it wasn't due to any feelings of jealousy. It stemmed from the sheer absurdity of their charade. The facade made her stomach churn, not because she envied their dynamic, but because their blatant pretense was painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain. It all seemed so pathetic, a feeble attempt to prove a point at their own expense. But Grace wasn't going to comment on it, because she needed connections to pass Anthropology.

And with Britta inviting her to join their study group for the day, Grace decided she would give it a chance. She was reluctant to be in Winger's presence or to get close to his friends, but she took pleasure in annoying him with her presence. She figured it wouldn't hurt to go once. Britta walked in with Grace by her side, "Everyone, meet Grace! My new girl friend," She announced happily.

"Guys, Jeff rejecting Britta really did a number on her. Look, she turned gay," Pierce exclaimed, a smirk dancing on his lips. An awkward silence followed. He then turned his amused gaze towards Britta and Grace, "You and your female lover are making us uncomfortable, Britta!"

Shirley, ever the voice of reason, corrected him gently, "Actually, Jeff and Britta are together, Pierce," she said, her tone patient yet firm. "And Grace is single, right?"

Grace nodded in confirmation, the corners of her mouth tilting upwards in a polite smile. She had already introduced herself to the girls in the group after their Anthropology class yesterday, so they had learned a bit about her.

"Why am I the last one to find out?" Pierce exclaimed, offended by being left out. However, he quickly shrugged it off, his attention now on Grace, "You're latina, right?" Grace nodded. "I took a year of Spanish. No Habla Ingles?" Realizing her lack of words had left him to assume, she decided to play along and nodded again. Using the little Spanish he knew, Pierce began to speak, "Si... Okay, wait. Uh... Nueve! Usted... Gasolina."

He turned to Troy, "Help me out, that's all I remember."

Grace had to suppress her giggle. When their phones went off, she immediately checked for the latest tweet of @OldWhiteManSays, causing her to burst into laughter. His words were now on Twitter, the tweet blowing up.

Britta gestured for Grace to sit down next down to her, and she complied. With a box of tools in front of them, the study group made an attempt to get started on their assignment. It seemed to be going well, and Grace chose to remain silent, keeping the joke going. She only joined in on the laughter when Troy shared Pierce's penis joke on his Twitter account. Eventually, Jeff entered the library, spoiling the fun.

"Sorry I'm late. I was in my car loving Britta," Jeff walked right up to her, immediately pulling her in for passionate kiss. This sparked a range of responses, from sentimental awes to shocked gasps, while the sight in front of her merely filled Grace with disgust. She scooted away with her chair, before glancing over to her left and realizing the empty chair next to her was Jeff's seat. She had nowhere to go, forced to watch their nauseating display of faked affection.

They broke the kiss, and Jeff spoke up, "I guess I just love you too much." Britta shook her head, looking him in the eye as she shared competitively, "Not half as much as me."

Shirley awed at their words. Abed, however, bluntly voiced his curiousity. "Jeff, do you think you'll marry Britta?"

"I'd like to see someone stop me," Jeff confidently remarked. The words hung in the air, as Grace refrained from speaking. She didn't care for the situation, which was seemingly escalating into a bizarre and imminent proposal, unfolding in front of her. Instead of caring, she felt weirdly reminded of her own proposal, growing uncomfortable.

Watching Abed pull out a ring, she grew fascinated by the chaos happening around her. As Britta and Jeff suddenly agreed to marry, sealing their decision with another kiss, the reactions around the room exploded — Shirley's squeals of delight contrasting with Annie's screams of anger, while others remained in shocked silence.

"Thank the Lord, you're getting married!" Shirley blurted out, a grin spread across her face, "I was so worried about your souls, ever since you had pre-marital sex on the table." Her revelation hung in the air, causing an instant uproar.

Troy and Annie both let out shouts of disgust, their faces twisted in shock as everyone practically leaped away from the table as if it were suddenly toxic. "What the fuck? On this table? That's so unhygienic!" Grace chimed in, her eyes wide, her voice laced with mirth at the absurdity.

Jeff whirled around to face Britta, his expression a mix of betrayal and incredulity. "You told Shirley?" he demanded, his voice rising in both volume and pitch.

Shirley raised her hands defensively, a knowing smile on her face. "There's no need for secrecy now. It was during the paintball game," she explained, sharing the details.

"Was there anything you didn't win that day?" Troy lamented, throwing his hands up in a gesture of defeat and disbelief, feeling like it was all quite unfair.

The tension escalated unexpectedly when Annie, fueled by a mix of hurt and anger, stormed forward and landed a punch on Jeff's face. The sound echoed, momentarily stunning the room into silence before Grace burst out laughing, thoroughly entertained by the chaos unfolding before her. This was even more entertaining than she had ever imagined. She could really use some popcorn.

"You slept with her and then kissed me?" Annie's voice went up an octave, a mix of betrayal and hurt crossed her features as she stared at Jeff, searching for an explanation.

"What?" came the collective gasp, as everyone turned to Jeff, while trying to process this new piece of information.

"You kissed a minor?!" Grace couldn't resist joining in, her disbelief feigned, pointing an accusatory finger his way.

"I'm nineteen!" Annie defended, as if that justified everything, her voice still tinged with annoyance.

"You kissed a teenager?!" Grace echoed, being the one to emit a loud and exaggerated gasp this time, her amusement barely concealed beneath a veneer of shock.

Pierce, who had been following the conversation with a mix of confusion and bemusement, finally found a moment to insert himself. "You can speak English?!" he blurted out, looking at Grace with genuine surprise, as if her ability to speak English was the most shocking revelation of the day.

A heavy silence fell over the room, the weight of the revelations and accusations hanging in the air, leaving everyone to ponder the complexity of their relationships and the unpredictability of their actions.

For some reason, the already bizarre atmosphere took a turn for the surreal when an Irish singer, accompanied by Abed, a guitar player, and several people clad in black carrying decorations, marched into the room. The singer began a rendition of The Cranberries' Linger, one of Grace's all-time favorites. She couldn't help but giggle at the performance.

"What the hell is this?" Pierce finally broke the confused silence, his voice a mix of bewilderment and irritation.

"A wedding... episode," Abed responded matter-of-factly, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

"There's no wedding, Abed," Jeff interjected, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and incredulity.

"Cold feet? Talk it over with your best man, George Clooney." Abed gestured towards the impersonator, who stepped forward with a confident, "What's up?"

"He's an impersonator. But still razzle-dazzle, right?" Abed seemed genuinely impressed by his own arrangement, looking around for approval.

"Abed," Troy called him over, his tone serious. Abed walked over, sensing the urgency. "Jeff made out with Annie," Troy disclosed, his voice low.

"What? When? Where?" Abed's interest piqued instantly, his mind likely running through potential plot twists.

"Yeah, where?" Britta chimed in, her arms folding defensively over her chest as she eyed Jeff.

"That's inappropriate. I'm assuming on the mouth." Pierce's comment, meant to clarify, only added to the absurdity of the situation. Grace scoffed. "Wow, so you do have a limit for what's inappropriate," Grace remarked, her gaze landing on Pierce, a wry smile on her face. "Interesting."

"It was after the Transfer Dance," Annie admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of guilt.

"So I tell you that I love you, and then you go outside and stick your tongue into a teenager?" Britta's voice was sharp, her disappointment and anger directed squarely at Jeff.

"Typical Jeff Winger," Grace commented, her tone dry, summing up the entire fiasco with a succinct observation that seemed to encapsulate Jeff's pattern of behavior.

Jeff's face reddened with frustration, his voice rising as he faced her, "You don't get to talk, Grace. You've been trying to sabotage me for the past few days!" He stood stiffly, his fists clenched at his sides.

A smirk played on her lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Does me potentially joining the study group rattle you that much?" she questioned, her voice dripping with amusement. The relaxed tilt of her head and the ease with which she addressed him only fueled his irritation.

"No!" Jeff's denial came out in a shout, his voice laced with frustration. He turned away briefly, not wanting to look her in the eye and give her the satisfaction of seeing him angry.

Grace chuckled in response, her delight evident. "Then what is it that irks you so much? Is this about me being your first kiss? Is that why you're throwing a fit? And your first... Well, practically everything else."

Jeff's frustration boiled over as Grace's words hit their mark. "Stop talking!" he shouted with desperation.

Grace's smirk only widened as she recalled their past encounters. "Oh, third base. We did do over-the-pants stuff, I think," she teased, her tone playful yet cutting. "Not much, but I get it'd be meaningful for you, with it being your first time and all that. Although, I did most of the work, so I deserve the credit. You can thank me for that."

"Enough!" Jeff exploded, unable to contain his exasperation. "You've crossed the line!" his voice tinged with desperation as Grace's words pierced through his defenses, hitting too close to home. "No one needed to know about that!"

Grace gasped in mock innocence, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "Oh yeah, we did have sex a few times. I forgot about that. It wasn't all that memorable. Didn't finish."

"Grace, you've made your point. You've successfully humiliated me. Isn't that what you wanted?" Jeff's frustration boiled over, his voice strained with anger.

Grace's expression softened slightly, but her voice remained firm, "No. What I wanted was a fresh start. To go to a place where no one knew me, and I could live in peace. But then I ran into you, and suddenly, my chance at having a fresh start was ruined. I had moved on, forgotten all about you, and there you were, reminding me of our past with that look on your face. We both know that for someone who's always been deeply afraid of commitment, you hold onto shit. Even if we hadn't made that deal, you probably would've sabotaged me first. Am I right?" Grace's words were like daggers, cutting through the tension in the room.

His silence spoke volumes, confirming her suspicions. Jeff's eyes met hers, searching for a sign of the hostility he expected but finding only a clear, unwavering truth in her gaze. His posture relaxed slightly, the anger giving way to a begrudging acceptance of her words.

"And that's exactly why I'm here, to unsettle you," Grace concluded, her voice steady, her gaze unflinching. "My work here is done." She began to gather her things, preparing to leave the study room.

"So, Grace was Clementine, trying to forget Jeff and he was Joe from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind in this scenario? Got it," Abed muttered to himself, attempting to make sense of the tumultuous dynamic.

"Stop," Jeff's voice cut through the room, commanding attention. Grace turned towards the door, ready to leave.

But Jeff had one last card to play. "Annie, do you recall Grace sharing that vividly weird story about her distaste for public proposals? Well, I found this fun video on Youtube," Jeff announced, his tone laced with triumph.

"Don't you fucking dare, Jeff!" Grace threatened, realizing what he was going to do. Her eyes narrowed in warning.

But Jeff clicked on the video, allowing it to play loudly for all to hear. The scene unfolded, showing Grace's ex-boyfriend Nick proposing to her in front of a crowd. The congratulations rang hollow as Grace forced a smile, clearly uncomfortable. The video ended with Grace escaping the scene, leaving Nick behind.

The room fell silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. But instead of reveling in his victory, Jeff was met with glares from everyone, including Annie, with who she shared a look, the teenage girl giving Grace her approval with a nod. Grace's retaliation was swift and unexpected as she landed a blow square on Jeff's nose, drawing blood.

"You are fucking sickening, Jeff Winger!" Grace's voice dripped with disdain as she turned to leave, leaving Jeff to face the repercussions of his actions.

"What is wrong with you, Jeffrey?!" Shirley's voice echoed through the room, filled with disbelief and disappointment.

"Shirley, since you have clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those Twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you," Jeff retorted, sharp and defensive. "Men are spiteful monsters who crave young flesh, the end. At least we have the decency to keep it a secret."

"There was nothing decent about what you just did, asshole," Grace shot back, her voice cold as she finally left the room, leaving behind a stunned silence in her wake.

The next day proved to Grace that everything at Greendale Community College was insane. And perhaps, the chaos and the strange environment was exactly what she needed. She had watched Jeff get attacked by their professor in front of the entire class, and while most of their classmates showed their concern, Grace was certain he would be alright. However, the strange occurence showed that Greendale was the weirdest college ever. Nonetheless, it was the right place for her. Even despite the fact that Jeff Winger was around. And the study group wasn't too bad, either.

Agreeing to visit Jeff at the nurse's office with the others, Grace couldn't resist shooting him a playful wink as he regained consciousness. Jeff was bewildered by their presence and his surroundings. "What happened?"

"Professor Bauer got suspended, and we got an automatic A on our assignment." Annie explained.

"Did someone throw urine in my face?" Jeff wondered.

"Sometimes I surprise myself under pressure," Pierce joked.

"Jeff, about the assignment, we decided you had the right answer," Britta began their speech, with Shirley adding, "I think we need a little more respect and a little less passion."

All eyes turned to Grace, waiting for her to say her part. She sighed, "I agree, not just because I was forced to."

"But that will be easy for me because I think you're kinda gross now," Annie admitted.

"Awesome," Jeff responded with a wry smile.

"Speaking of bad development strategy, I owe you all an apology," Abed confessed, "I was trying so hard to make our week a great one, I didn't realize there was something great right in front of us the whole time. An old woman drinking her own pee."

Everyone chimed in with agreement, acknowledging the bizarre events of the day.

"Guys?" The eight of them looked over to see Chang standing at the door. "I took Anthropology because I wanna be a part of your study group," The group exchanged glances, and Grace subtly distanced herself, emphasizing her non-membership. Chang continued, "Now I gotta do the honest thing and just ask. Is there any room in this pocket for a little spare Chang?"

Without saying a word, all eyes turned to Grace, silently conveying their offer for her to join their group. Grace shrugged, silently agreeing to the offer. Jeff's reluctant gaze shifted toward Grace, and with a nod, he conveyed his approval, a hint of a smile dancing on his lips. He then looked over at Chang, "Uh... Look, we've been through a lot today. Give us a little time to think it over."

With that, Chang left the room, and Grace took it as her cue to leave as well, taking a step closer to the door with her purse slung over her shoulder. "Since I'm not in the study group, I have to go. But I'll see you guys around?" Grace remarked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Troy protested, exclaiming, "Whoa, what makes you think you're not in the group? We've just discussed it."

"You didn't even say anything! You just shared these looks and nodded. What the fuck does that mean?" Grace questioned, her confusion evident. "And besides, I can't join a group with Winger in it. You guys saw what happened yesterday. The jerk never even apologized!"

The room fell into a tense silence as Grace's request hung in the air. The seven of them exchanged meaningful glances, silently communicating their thoughts. "Okay. How can Jeff make it up to you?" Annie finally broke the silence, speaking on Jeff's behalf.

Grace's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she leaned in to whisper her idea to Abed. He nodded in understanding before relaying it to Jeff. Jeff's impatience bubbled over, his frustration evident in his sharp tone, "Just say it."

Grace's gaze hardened, her demand clear as day, "It's time to get on your damn knees, Winger."

Jeff's jaw clenched, his refusal swift, "I'm not going to beg!"

Britta couldn't resist a jab, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "You can't put your ego aside for a minute? Typical Jeff."

Pierce chimed in with a knowing nod, his agreement echoing in the room, "No one is surprised."

Annie's voice cut through the tension, her urgency palpable, "Just do it!"

"Well, it was nice knowing you all," Grace acknowledged, preparing to make her exit. "And I hope you enjoy Chang's company. Peace out!"

Reluctantly, Jeff shouted, "Wait!" He knelt in front of her, their eyes urging him to proceed.

"I am deeply sorry for what I did to you, Grace. I hope you can find it within your nonexistent heart—" Jeff began, interrupted by Annie punching him in the shoulder. He adjusted his words, "—your kind heart to forgive me."

Eventually, Grace softened, a gentle smile playing on her lips. She sighed, "Apology accepted."

Grace and Jeff walked through the halls together, leaving the infirmary in tow, trailing behind the others. It was strange for them to be somewhat civil. Grace couldn't shake the surreal feeling of being in college alongside Jeff Winger, someone she never expected to see again after high school. It was as if time had folded back on itself, compressing a decade into a single moment.

"Just so you know, I didn't even do anything wrong," Grace began, noting Jeff's pointed gaze. "Okay, I was going to, but I barely did anything. Merely my presence was enough to drive you insane. I was more than willing to keep the peace, after toying with you a little."

"And I went too far. Just like in high school, so we're even," Jeff admitted, his tone tinged with resignation.

"So, for the record," Grace spoke up, curiosity evident in her voice, "You weren't bitter about our shared history and planning on getting your payback?"

"No," Jeff responded, meeting her gaze with a hint of defiance. "Because it meant nothing." His words sounded like an attempt to convince himself, but Grace couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his sincerity, "Why don't I believe you? You don't seem like you're a good liar."

"I lied for a living," Jeff retorted matter-of-factly.

"Well, maybe that's why you got sacked. You don't seem to be any good," Grace admitted frankly, before adding teasingly, "Just like you weren't any good in the sack."

Jeff gave her a pointed look, prompting her to offer a begrudging apology. "Fine," Grace turned to Jeff, forcing an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for being unnecessarily cruel to you. I'll just be mean when the situation asks for it." Jeff arched an eyebrow at her again, causing her to scoff. "Fine," she relented, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. "And I'm sorry I took your virginity. It won't happen again."

Jeff rolled his eyes, as the two of them quickened their pace, eager to rejoin the group and put some distance between them. Grace had endured her fair share of Jeff Winger during her first week at Greendale, but she knew she was in the right place. It was an odd, chaotic place, but it resonated with her, offering her a sense of belonging she hadn't realized she was seeking. Greendale was special, and so were its students. For their sake, Grace was willing to give tolerating Jeff a try, albeit from a distance.

As The Greendale Seven, now The Greendale Eight, left the building after a long day, Grace parted ways with a light/hearted farewell, before retrieving her iPod, playing Built This Way by Samantha Ronson. It was a nostalgic tune that made her feel like she was reliving her teen years, back when nothing really mattered but that innocent high school crush—until you'd start dating him and he ultimately broke your heart. Yet, as the song blared through her earphones, she skipped gleefully towards the parking lot, where Gia awaited in her car, honking the horn impatiently.

Grace climbed into the car, and the two drove off, blasting the song in the car with the windows down. In that moment, Grace realized she was genuinely happy. And for that she had Greendale Community College to thank.


Grace walked into the study room, her gaze instantly drawn to the large whiteboard featuring a picture of herself. Abed, caught mid-gesture with a marker in hand, paused as he added another bullet point to her list of characteristics. He turned, offering her a somewhat sheepish smile.

"What is that?" Grace asked, her tone laced with intrigue and a hint of concern. She pointed at the board, her posture stiffening as she awaited an explanation.

Abed, turning fully to face her, seemed nonchalant. "Oh, since you're new, I thought it'd be fitting to create one for you too. I did this back in season one for everyone. It's not exactly the same, but showcasing your qualities seemed like a great way for the audience to get to know you."

"What audience?" Grace's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Britta, lounging nearby, waved off the question with a hand. "Don't even bother asking," she quipped with a smirk.

Grace, still confused, shifted her attention back to the board, leaning in to scrutinize the list next to her image: ditz, likes expensive clothing and annoying Jeff, artistic, having an existential crisis (why else would she be be here?), potential stepmom. She let out a huff, a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Some of this is accurate but..." Her gaze flicked across the board, landing firmly on 'ditz.' "I'm not a ditz. I may just be a high school graduate, but I'm very smart. I had a four point one GPA in high school," she declared, a flicker of pride in her voice.

Abed nodded. "Well, someone had to fit the quota."

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "What quota?"

"Every sitcom has a himbo or a bimbo. Either that or you'd have to be the Rachel Greene of our group," Abed explained, as if it were the most natural comparison ever.

"And you decided I wouldn't be more fitting as the Rachel Greene of our group because...?" Grace trailed off, her attention momentarily diverted by Troy's antics with Annie's Boobs, the monkey. "Besides, we already have a himbo." She gained Abed's attention, and he followed her gaze to catch Troy holding onto Annie's Boobs, feeding him strawberry milk.

Both Abed and Grace watched Troy, their expressions turning to mutual understanding without words. Abed erased 'ditz' from the board and scribbled 'Rachel Greene with an ego, and Monica Geller tendencies.' Grace nodded, a small smile acknowledging the more fitting description.

"And I'm not having an existential crisis! I did have several before, though. I mean, that was me... in my twenties. Or anyone in their twenties, really," Grace added, her tone softening into a reflective sigh.

Abed and the others watched her, intrigued by the admission. "Your twenties are dark and a difficult decade, kids. But I'm older and wiser now. Not too old, though, like Pierce. And I'm no one's stepmom."

Abed, seemingly inspired, turned to Britta. "Yeah, you're right. Britta, you're being demoted. Grace is our mom now."

"Excuse me?" Both women exclaimed in shock, their voices overlapping in a chorus of disbelief.

Abed continued, unfazed, "Jeff is the dad of our group, and since he and Grace were together first, that makes her our actual mom and Britta the kind stepmother."

Troy, ever supportive, nodded. "Makes sense."

"We weren't even together," Grace protested, her voice rising in exasperation. "And no, I refuse. I don't want that responsibility. Go back to your real mom," She gestured for them to join Britta, who stood in front of them, protectively, "Don't reject them! They're sensitive," She remarked softly.

"This is ridiculous. I'm not rejecting them! I just don't want to be their parent. And you clearly do, so they're all yours," Grace retorted, her patience thinning.

"Could you look them in the eye and repeat that?" Britta challenged. Troy and Abed, seizing the moment, gave Grace their best puppy-dog eyes, a silent plea for maternal acceptance. Grace, however, met their gaze with an unyielding stare. "I like you guys. But I won't be your mother. I refuse, got it?"

The duo nodded, acting like well behaved kids. They smiled, as Grace narrowed her eyes at them. Grace maintained her firm gaze before leaving the room.

Once she was gone, Abed returned to the board and added 'commitment issues?' before facing the remaining two. "She will be," he said with a hint of certainty, "trust me."

⋆ I wrote like 80% of this chapter within the past twenty-four hours. I really wanted to have this posted before my annual hiatus for Ramadan, and I realized I wasn't nearly done. So, the writing was very rushed. Did this come out how I wanted it to? I don't know. Do I think I could do better? Probably, yeah. But I am a procrastinator to the core, that won't Chang. And that's why I hope you guys can excuse me for this messy ass chapter. I am going on my hiatus on March 11th, so I'll see you guys after a month, hopefully with a decent chapter. I can feel that I have brain fog right now, so I probably haven't mentioned everything I wanted to, but if you see grammatical errors or something that doesn't make sense, let me know! I'll likely edit this chapter after my hiatus.

⋆ The title of this chapter refers to it being a day that included many firsts: her first day of class, Grace's first day/week at Greendale, it being her first time meeting the study group, Jeff and Grace being each others "firsts" (in more ways than one), them seeing each other for the first time in over a decade, her first time witnessing the weird antics at Greendale and the weirdness of the study group. Overall, a lot of it is new and unfamiliar for her, but as we can see at the end, she realizes that she likes that.

⋆ In case anyone was wondering and hasn't realized it yet, Grace and Jeff were basically in a situationship before those even existed. I'm not going to really go in depth about their shared history, unless I Chang my mind, but like Jeff's history as a lawyer, this probably won't really be shown. Not through flashbacks, anyway. I don't think it's needed for the story, because they'll share the details through their bickering.

⋆ I apologize upfront for the nickname Pencil Dick Winger. I thought it was funny, though. I don't think it'll stick. But yeah, it was my way of showing Grace is lowkey bonkers through her creative insults. I stand by it.

⋆ I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even despite how messy it was. It's over 9k words, most of which I wrote today. I'm tired. But that was it, let me know your thoughts in the comments! Do we like Grace? And her dynamic with Jeff and the study group? Anyway, I'll be back in April! 💗

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