Something About Him

By CrystalWings-

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"Let go of me" I murmured trying not to create a scene. "Why" He asked in his usual deep voice with his grip... More

Chapter 1: A love that consumes you
Chapter 2: The irresponsible player
Chapter 3: Luke Hamilton?
Chapter 4: 'That feeling'
Chapter 5: Damaged goods
Chapter 6: The mysterious one
Chapter 7: The sleeping beauty
Chapter 8: Stupid Damien!
Chapter 9: A stranger? A mystery?
Chapter 10: Viral pictures!
Chapter 11: A real badass
Chapter 12: The perks of being popular
Chapter 13: Fallen angel
Chapter 14: As the night gets darker
Chapter 15: So close...yet so far
Chapter 16: Not a freaking dream!
Chapter 17: 'Library Girl'
Chapter 18: What smile?
Chapter 19: A lie never felt so true
Chapter 20: Restless
Chapter 21: First move
Chapter 22: Goodbye...Damien
Chapter 23: Bitter truth
Chapter 24: A life changing kiss
Chapter 25: There's no 'we'
Chapter 26: Undeniable attraction
Chapter 27: Beginning of something
Chapter 28: Because I wanted to
Chapter 29: You silly girl!
Chapter 31: Your Damien
Chapter 32: Her...friend
Chapter 33: Christmas dinner
Chapter 34: His territory
Chapter 35: Euphoria

Chapter 30: Liar liar pants on fire!

191 18 4
By CrystalWings-

Cynthia's POV

The ride back home was a comforting one, the fear of bike rides inside me seemed to have vanished into a thin air as I wrapped my arms around Damien and rested my cheek against his back.

A gush of soft wind caressed my face and it also made my hair fly in the air gently as we rode back home through the road cut out between these huge mountains, but I wasn't sacred looking at them anymore, rather this time I enjoyed the beautiful nature surrounding us...maybe because somehow I trusted the guy taking me home right now.

But why was he being so nice to me all of a sudden? What is it that seemed to have changed between us since the day of the play itself? As he said, he kissed me that day and last night too, because he wanted to...does that means that he feels the same way that I feel for him? Or maybe he's just acting out nice towards me because he feels guilty for what he did on the stage that day?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I watched a car, Steve's car, passing by, with two idiot of my friends, Bethany and Madison, sticking their heads out of the window, waving at me with a teasing smile as I couldn't help the pink color raising up on my cheeks.

Come on, what's with that teasing smile!?

I just rolled my eyes at them as we passed by their car, leaving them behind.

For some odd reason, the idea of me riding back home with Damien, didn't settle well with Steve and Sean, they had this annoyed look on their face when we left. We've known eachother for years, so maybe as friends, they are just a bit protective over me and also worried maybe considering whatever happened at the play.

All in all I think they don't trust Damien enough...

But I do and I guess that's enough, I thought to myself while closing my eyes, enjoying the cool wind brushing against my skin...well something was different and special about this morning.

"So..." I trailed off while getting off his bike.

"Thank you for dropping me home, Damien" I said standing before him as he just gave me a slight nod, not saying anything.

And just as he was about to leave, I stopped him by placing my hand on his, which was on the accelerator.

"Um...Damien" I called out as he just hummed in reply while looking at me curiously.

"That day at the play you were mad at me because of...well the reasons that you told me earlier..." I paused.

"Then what made you change your mind about me?" I asked.

"Because when I kissed you on stage that day, you didn't even look up at me after that, you ran off as you were too embarrassed, which made me realize that whatever I assumed about you and also whatever that blonde girl told me, was a whole bunch of crap..." He paused.

"Because if it was true then you wouldn't have ran off the way you did, without even glancing at anybody. The things I heard you say just led me to misunderstand you and the whole situation" He continued.

"Anything else?" He asked softly as I just shook my head, shyly.

I glanced behind me at my house, wondering if my father was standing, or even anybody else for that matter, somewhere and watching us like he did the last and also first time that Damien dropped me home, as I debated in my head if I should kiss him goodbye or not.

Would it be a bit too much? Are things going way to fast between us? But it's just a kiss...

Interrupting the chain of my thoughts, Damien spoke "Just do it already" in a bored tone while shaking his head slightly as I looked at him surprised.

"Do what?" I mumbled nervously.

"You want to kiss me but I can feel you are hesitant..." He paused.

"So just do it already without thinking too much and get us both over this awkward phase" He continued, bluntly as I looked at him like a bunny caught under headlights before a small smile curved up my lips and I spoke.

"Alright, Mr. Damien..." Leaning forward, I placed my hand on his cheek and gently placed a soft kiss on the other one before letting go and running off inside my house quickly as my cheeks turned into the shade of red.

"Hey! That's not even a kiss!" He yelled as I just shook my head and ran inside without looking back at him.

But given my stupid luck, I ran into my father instead, who seemed to be impatiently pacing around the living room.

"Hey! Hey! Hold on!" My father said.

"Where are you running off to like that?" He asked.

"And why is your face so flustered? Is everything okay? Did something happen at the party?" He added, throwing back to back questions at me as I breathed heavily.

"No. Everything's fine, paa" I replied honestly.

"But why were you pacing around anyway?" I asked instead so he wouldn't question as to why I came in running like that.

"I was worried about you, sweetheart, I have been calling you since ages but..." He replied as I scratched the back of my head, nervously.

"Yeah, my phone's battery died I guess" I said interrupting him.

"How was the party anyways?" He asked while putting emphasis on the word party. I smiled as I knew he just wanted to hear that it was a lame, stupid party, which in fact it was.

"It was lame and stupid, paa, just like you said it would be" I replied as he visibly sighed in relief and a self satisfied smile adorned his handsome face, probably thinking that I won't be attending such parties from now on.

"But I had fun anyways" I blurted out before running off to my room as I heard him mumble "The party was lame and stupid but yet she had fun..."

"Hey! Princess! Wait! What's that supposed to mean?" He yelled behind me.

The following next two days, seemed boring and way too long as I couldn't see Damien since we had a two week long winter break and of course school was the only medium through which I could see him.

"Cyn, you still haven't told me what happened between you two that night" Bethany said from the other end as I lied on my bed, talking to her.

"I've told you multiple times that nothing worth repeating happened between Damien and I that night" I lied. Bethany and even Madison have been bugging me with the same question ever since we returned from Steve's farmhouse.

"Cynthia Miller! We have known each other since we were in diapers, I can tell when you are lying to me..." She paused.

"So spill right now!" She continued firmly and I knew I could no loner lie, at least to her.

"Nothing we just talked about some things and...we kissed" I replied, shyly while playing with the hem of my t-shirt.

"Just once?" She asked.

"Yeah" I lied nodding my head as if she could see me through the phone.

"God! With all your secrecy, I almost thought that you had sex with him" She replied as I blushed as red as a cherry.

Bethany and her wide, blunt mouth!

"Bethany!" I yelled at her.

"So what now?" She asked a moment later.

"I don't know, I haven't even seen him since then" I replied with a long face suddenly.

"Aw you sound so sad..." She paused.

"Somebody seems to be in love" She teased and I could tell that she was grinning right now.

"Shut up! Beth, before I stop by your place and kill you in your sleep" I warned, blushing.

"Whatever! But you can't deny the fact that you have fallen for him...ever since the first day that you saw him, if I may add" She stated as I drew small circles on the soft pillow that I was holding against myself.

"No. I haven't..." I trailed off.

"Liar liar pants on fire!" She teased.

"Shut up! Beth! I just like him a little bit, alright" I said.

"Love is out of question" I added.

"Yeah just a little bit. I believe you. Completely!" She replied sarcastically while putting emphasis on the words 'a little bit'.

I pulled my phone off my ear as it flashed with an unknown number calling, I frowned wondering who it could be at this hour of night, before putting it back to my ear, I said "Beth, I'm getting another call from an unknown number, I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Yeah I know who's that unknown number calling you in midnight...but don't worry, I'll let you talk to your lover boy!" She replied and hung up before I could tell her that she was just assuming stuff and it wasn't any 'lover boy' calling me at this time.

"Hello. Yeah. Who is it?" I asked answering the call that I was getting from an unknown number.

I felt tingles in my stomach as a deep, familiar voice replied with...

"Come out at your balcony and find out"

"Damien!" I let out a happy, excited squeal before I could stop myself and quickly hopping off my bed I ran upto the wide open windows of my room, leading to the spacious balcony, which didn't just give a beautiful view of the backyard, but it also had this staircase leading straight down to the backyard garden of my house.

I chuckled wholeheartedly as I saw him standing in my backyard garden with his phone pressed against his ear.

"How did you get in here!?" I asked, completely surprised.

"I have my ways, Sin..." He replied as my heart skipped a beat at the new name that he gave me. But I wasn't sure if he just called me Cyn, which is a short form of my name and which is also the name that my friends address me with, or Sin? I couldn't tell as both of them sound the same. I guess I'll just have to ask him and find out.

"Now are you just gonna stand there and stare at me? Or are you gonna come down?" He added, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, I think I'm comfortable here, in my balcony" I replied teasingly as a small smile danced on my lips.

"Miss. Miller..." My throat suddenly went dry at the way my last name rolled off his tongue. I gulped. How can he make me feel such strange, unknown things just by his words?

"I might take that as an invitation to join you in your room" He continued.

"But I think I like you better standing there" I replied way too softly.

"And whatever you wanna talk about, you can say it over the phone" I added.

"Yeah but I can't do what I want on the phone now, can I?" He asked as my breath hitched for a moment and my heart raced at his bluntness.

What is that supposed to mean!?

Without being told twice and without tearing my gaze off him, I slowly walked down the stairs and towards him as if I was under some spell.

"What did you wanna do? That couldn't be done on the phone?" I asked breathing unevenly as he stepped forward, grabbing my phone, which I was stupidly still holding against my ear, he dropped it inside my pajama pockets.

Holding my chin up so now I was looking into his eyes, he spoke.


And with that one single word being said, he tilted his face, leaned down and kissed my lips, slowly as within seconds my lips started moving against his in perfect sync as if that's what they were meant to do.

Pulling away reluctantly, I breathed heavily as my cheeks heated up, turning into a darker shade of red.

"Fuck! I love that shade on your cheeks" He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I think red might just become my favorite color..." He added. His words made me blush even more as I buried my face into his chest, shyly.

"Will you go out with me tonight?" He asked softly as I looked up at him surprised.

"Tonight? As in right now?" I asked, blinking at him.

"Yeah right now" He simply replied while nodding his head.

"Um. Damien, my parents would freak out if they don't find me in my room and..." I stopped as he held his hand out to hold mine.

Glancing at his awaiting hand once, was all I needed to forget about everything else and agree to go out with him in the middle of the night. I placed my hand in his and we headed out.

"But Damien, I'm in my pajamas" I pointed out while getting on his bike.

"So what? You look cute in them" He replied before starting his bike as I didn't even know where we were going.

After almost an hour of bike ride, we reached our destination, which was the same cliff that we spend our night, a few days back.

"I should have known" I mumbled to myself as we sat down on the same spot as we did that night.

"This seems to be your favorite spot, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah it is" He replied.

"So tell me something about you" I said as he looked at me before speaking.

"There's not much to know about me"

"That can't be true...tell me something...anything, I just want to know everything about you" I replied as he sighed, nodding his head while mumbling an 'okay' as I looked at him in anticipation for what I was just about to find out about this mysterious guy.

"My name is Damien..." He trailed off with a serious look on his face as I just gave him a confused, blank look before he burst out laughing.

Pouting, I slapped his forearm, playfully.

"Yeah as if I don't know that about you" I said rolling my eyes at his dead humour.

"My name is Damien..." I mimicked him under my breath while making a face.

"You know you look adorable when you are mad" He said a moment later.

"I'm not mad..." I paused while giving him a serious look.

"I am Cynthia Miller" I continued before pressing my lips together as he rolled his eyes at me.

"That was really bad" He mumbled shaking his head.

"Yeah. So was your joke" I replied squinting my eyes at him before laughing at my own stupid, silly joke as he just shook his head at me, before following me with a wholehearted laugh.

"Your laughter is contagious" He caressed my cheek while saying that.

"So is your humour" I replied giggling before entwining our fingers and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Are you cold?" Damien asked a moment later, noticing how I was shivering.

Well, you did drag me out on a freezing cold night in nothing but pajamas.

"No" I shook my head, snuggling more into his arm to get some of that warmth his body seemed to provide.

"Yeah right" He mumbled sarcastically before taking his black, leather jacket off.

"Come here" He mumbled before pulling me over his lap.

"Damien! What are you doing?" I giggled feeling weird, jittery things in my stomach suddenly.

"Keeping you warm" He replied before putting his leather jacket over me as I just stared at him.

"Damien..." I called out as he just hummed in reply.

"I'm feeling weird things in my stomach" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Shutting my eyes close, I bit my tongue and mentally slapped my forehead.



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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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