Never-Ending Nightmare (Yande...

By Inferno55

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Y/N L/N was just a normal orphaned child but doesn't have many friends in his life and his only friends are t... More

Prolouge: Lets Start From The Beginning/Before The Nightmare Happens...
Chapter 1: Beware Of Catnap
Chapter 2: Rise Of The Smiling Critters (part 1)
Chapter 3: Rise Of The Smiling Critters (part 2)
Chapter 4: Rise Of The Smiling Critters (part 3)
Chapter 5: Two New Caretakers
Chapter 6: A Long-Lost Family Member
Chapter 7: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 8: The Forgotten Critter
Chapter 10: Welcome Home, Y/n...
Chapter 11: Nightmare On Playcare Street
Chapter 12: Escape from Home Sweet Home (Part 1)
Smiling Critters Cutout Interaction (Headcannon)
{Authors Note}
List Of Smiling Critters
Chapter 13: Escape From Home Sweet (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Escape From Home Sweet Home (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Class is Dismissed Forever!
Chapter 16: PLAY WITH US, Y/N
Chapter 17: GO TO SLEEP
Chapter 18: Never-Ending Nightmare (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Never-Ending Nightmare (Part 2)

Chapter 9: Return to Playtime Co.

1.3K 32 4
By Inferno55

(Authors POV)

8 Years Later...

On a nice summer afternoon outside of Playtime Co., we see 4 young adults camping out of the abandoned toy factories after their high school reunion and Y/n has finally reached to adulthood and he wanted to celebrate with his aunt marry, but she sadly went missing a couple of years ago after the night of her nephew's high school graduation.

Luckily, Y/n can take care of himself after he earned his high school diploma at his high school graduation and owned his aunt's house that was part of his aunt's inheritance when she presumed dead after she went missing. The only friend he had left to keep him company was the Smiling Critter plushie named Frowny Fox and he's been taking him along with him since the day he found him from the parking lot at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.

Sometimes, Y/n would leave FrownyFox at the house until the fox plushie managed to sneak his way into Y/n's backpack, leaving Y/n confused to how it happens, but he let it slide and took FrownyFox with him at all times.

Right now, he is hanging out with his friends that are drunk as hell as they all had too many drinks in one setting, but they don't even care as they want to go all crazy for this night after their high school reunion party and Y/n knew what happens when they get drunk after more than one bottle of alcohol, which is why he doesn't drink any of that nasty stuff and would rather prefer a bottle of (f/d) than a bottle of beer.

In fact, these so-called friends are not as special as the ones he made at the old factory he used to live in at the Playcare and while he managed to make some real friends at his high school, the ones that he had to go with to camp outside of Playtime Co. are not the kind of friends that you want to hang out with.

The sad thing is that Y/n had to hang out with them because he had nothing else to do and the rest of his friends are out with their families or on vacation or have the night shift at their part-time jobs. What also really annoying about those three is because they have their own "special" club that also would lead them to some very dangerous situations that would lead them into some serious trouble.

Y/n is not like them and the only reason why he agreed to hang out with them because he needed to past the time for tonight and he has to take them home as their designated driver after they've been sipping too much alcohol tonight.

But then, one of them decided to do something so stupid that is enough to get them in so much trouble.

Greg: Hey! I got an idea *Hic* Why don't we play truth or dare?

Adam: *Hic* Good idea. Hey, Sherry. Truth or *Hic* dare!

Sherry: Uhh....truth. *Giggle*

Adam: Do you have a crush on anyone? *Hic*

Sherry: Oh yeah...hey Y/n!

Y/n: (Sighs) What?

Sherry: Do you have a crush on me...Cause I have a *Hic* crush on you.

Y/n: No I don't.

Sherry: Ah come on, babe. *Hic* Stop lying to me. I know you love me.

Y/n: That's the alcohol talking, Sherry.

Adam: Oh yeah. Y/n, truth or dare?

Y/n: Ugh, fine. Dare.

Adam: I dare you to *Hic* stay inside that abandoned factory for the whole night.

Y/n: You cannot be serious right now. No way! I'm not doing that!

Adam: Well you have to cause *Hic* it's a dare and no one should back down from the dare. *Hic*

Y/n: See. This is why I don't hang out with you guys! You always end up getting drunk and I had to be the designated driver to take you all home without any of you bozos getting in serious trouble along with a DWI. I'm so sick of you guys.

Greg: Shut up! I care about you had to say and I can do *Hic* whatever the f*** I *Hic* want!

Y/n: Exactly what I'm talking about, Greg. You always act all frustrated when you're drunk as hell. That's why I don't drink or get bombed out of my own skull.

Adam: Listen here, bub! *Hic* If you don't do the dare, we start leaking that embarrassing video of you on the Internet.

Y/n: (Thinking) That's not true. He obviously thought it was me in the video, when in reality, it was from a random Tik-Tok video.

Greg: That's not gonna work ya idiot! *Hic* How about, if you don't do the dare, I will take that stupid *Hic* doll of yours and throw it into the wood chipper! *Hic*

Y/n: (Groans) Fine, I'll do it! But you guys better be camping out here for tonight cause if you guys try to drive back home being all drunk and get arrested by the cops, you're on your own and I'm not bailing you guys out.

Greg: *Hic* Whatever, nerd! *Hic*

So Y/n went over to the abandoned toy factory to find a way inside so he can stay there for the night to camp out, but the front doors are boarded up to prevent anyone from getting in and the windows aren't gonna work either since most of them are broken with shattered glass and are also covered with cement.

Then when Y/n got to the other side of the factory, he noticed a little chute that leads to the garage disposal that looks like a way inside the factory, but going in through the garbage chute is very dangerous and he could get killed in there if he went through the garbage chute.

But then, just as Y/n was about to head back to his truck to drive back home and leave his stupid so called friends behind since they are too drunk to be considered as friends, Greg snuck behind hin and pushed Y/n into the garbage chute and he was sent all the way down to the factory's trash compactor to be crushed alive.

Sherry and Adam are in shocked to see that happen when Greg forcibly pushed Y/n into the garbage chute to be crushed alive by the Trash compactor.

Adam: What the hell?!? You literally just pushed Y/n into the trash chute, dude!!!

Sherry: Yeah, why the hell would you do that?!?

Greg: Because he is taking way too long to get into the factory. Duh.

Adam: Dude!! You literally just pushed him into the garbage chute and he's going to get crushed to death in there!

Sherry: This is not a joke anymore guys! We are so done for! We're gonna be in so much trouble!

Greg: Yeah so what! *Hic* I don't f***ING care! If you guys don't want to be friends with me then *Hic* and stay out of my way!

Adam: Fine! We're not going to stay here and get arrested! I don't want to end up in prison!

Sherry: Yeah, come on! Let's bail!

Then Adam and Sherry ran out of the factory area as fast as they can to avoid getting arrested by the cops and left Greg to deal with the police after he pushed Y/n into the Trash Chute. However, just as the two of them reached to the front gate, they both got shot with tranquilizer darts by a couple of people in Black colored armored riot suits and Greg was so drunk that he saw his two former friends got shot by them and tried to be the hero by attacking the men in bullet proof vests and assault rifles that was the biggest mistake of his entire life.

Greg: You think you could just shoot my friends like that?!?*Hic* Then come over here and fight like a man, you son of a a bi-

Before he could finish his sentence, he got shot in the butt from the tranquilizer dart and fell down to the ground and sleeps.

Armored Riot Goon: (Radioed the Boss) Sir? We managed to tranquilize the intruders in the area, except for one that got shoved into the trash chute.

???: (Deep Voice, radioed back) I see. Any information about this fourth member that is heading his way to the trash compactor?

Armored Riot Goon: (Radioed) Well after some footage and a little bit of stake out mission, it appears that the man that went through the garbage chute was named Y/n? Could he be the guy we've been looking for?

Then inside the office where the mysterious man behind a fancy suit and tie and wearing a red gas mask, he checked the surveillance footage of the man that was pushed into the Trash chute by Greg, he was surprised to find out that it was Y/n and he is headed his way to the trash compactor to get crushed to death unless he had a tool that would get him out of there to avoid getting crushed to death by the trash compactor.

So the Boss radioed the goon to send in another man to throw a Grab-Pack into the trash compactor for Y/n to use to get out of there so he can have a word with him as after he gets out of there alive.

The Boss: (Radios the goon) Send in someone to deliver the Grab-Pack to the person that fell into the trash compactor. I think we might have found the one we've been looking for years.

Armored Riot Goon: (Radios Back) Roger that. I'll contact them as soon as possible.

The Boss: (Radios back) Good. After you do that, dump the bodies back to there homes and get rid of any evidence of in the area.

Armored Riot Goon: (Radios back) Roger that, sir. And what about the Trick in the parking lot.

The Boss: (Radios back) Hmm? I highly suggest you should park it somewhere where the police won't find it and take it away to a vehicle compound.

Armored Riot Goon: (Radios back) Roger that, over and out.

After the Boss had that conversation with one of the goons patrolling the area of the factory, they've started to take the sleeping bodies of Y/n's former friends back to there homes and safely take Y/n's truck to someplace where the police won't be able to find and trace it to take it away to a local police compound.

Right now, he started watching Y/n that landed himself inside the trash compactor from one camera to the other camera showing a Monster Smiling Critters resembling a Beaver wearing a construction worker outfit throwing in a Grab-Pack with blue and green hands into the trash pack for Y/n to use it in order to get out of the trash compactor.

The Boss: (Deep Voice) At last, Y/n has finally returned home and the hunt has begun. Let's hope that he makes it out of the trash compactor alive and turn into a cube for the Grab-Pack is the only way to get him out of there.

And so, Y/n had made his return to Playtime Co. and he is about to be hunted down by the many residents and evil toys within the factory as this is only just the beginning of a true never ending nightmare.

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