Transmigrated To An Otome Gam...

By chinixx_kim

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[BL] "That f****ng truck-kun, I will kill him!" "Why would I want to be transmigrated into a dating sim?! Es... More

1 Meet The Great Truck-kun
2 The cat is hideous
3 Eunhan Alcocer
4 What's with their reactions?
5 Doki-Doki University
6 Sol Cohen
7 Killian Haylor
8 Mr. Tomato
9 The brother is Yandere
Chapter 10 Truck-kun is awake but gained a useless skill
Chapter 11 Follow my brother
Chapter 12 He's just a side character
Chapter 13 She's kind, but not really
Chapter 14 Yejun To The Rescue!
Chapter 15 Violent?! Adopted?!
Chapter 16 Crazy Male Lead
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

2K 91 48
By chinixx_kim



"A black cat?"


Earlier, after Yejun escaped from that place he quickly went to where he parked his big-bike. Upon picking up the paper bag where the things he bought, he suddenly realizes that something is off with the situation.

Why did the female lead refuse to be saved? I don't think that she confused me as one of those who captured her... Ugh... I don't want to think anymore, I'm already exhausted from the fight! The male lead is already there so she should be fine!

Yejun was about to start his big bike when an interface of the system popped up in front of him.

"Yejuunnnn-niimmm!" A human face Truck-kun cried out.

"Truck-kun? What's wrong?" He can do a video call?


Yejun squinted his eyes to make sure what he saw was right.

That place in the background...

"Truck-kun, didn't I tell you to wait at home? What the f**k are you doing in the gym?!"

Is he insane?! What if people saw him?!

Ah, right, they can't see him. But if he was planning on working out there and using their equipment, then people would be scared! Just like the last time in the restaurant! Ugh!

"Don't worry Yejun-nim, I was just taking a look."

Yejun just made a doubtful expression.

"Forget about this Yejun-nim! We have a major problem on our hands!! One of the male leads is in danger!! I got a message earlier that Sol Xavier's danger rate has increased! I don't know how many percent his rate is now, but the fact that a warning pop-up in my system means he's totally in danger!! Help him!"


How could he be in danger? Yejun already beat those guys.

Also, why would he help that guy?

Yejun remembered how Sol treated him. He called him a bastard even though it's not! He didn't even let him explain that he was not the one who captured Eirian!

Yejun raised an eyebrow. "Hah, why would I help that bastard?"

"If you won't help him or the other male leads when they are in danger and end up dead. You'll fail the mission and you can't get back to your original world!"

What the...

So I need to prevent all of them from dying?!

"Tsk. Fine!"

"Go Yejun-nim! I'll support you from here!" Then, all of a sudden, the video call ended.

"Wait-- hah! How can I even help him now when I'm already this exhausted?!"

Why would he be in danger by the way? Don't tell me after I leave, more men came?! How can I f***ng fight them alone?


All of a sudden that one pack of cat food glowed as if it was telling him to eat it, and all the problems he had would disappear.

Oh yeah, Truck-kun said that I can transform into my cat form when I eat cat food. Should I transform into a cat then? But how can a f***ng cat defeat those men?!

Wait, I should try to transform, maybe transforming into a cat will give me a skill that can help me save him... Yes, yes, I should try!

Yejun opened the cat food and forced himself to not feel disgusted. If it were not for that male lead, Yejun would not have eaten this animal food!


*Crunch *Crunch

"Tastes bland. But when I eat it in my cat's form it's so delicious..."

After gulping the food, Yejun slowly turns into a black cat and his clothes are now lying on the ground.

Wait, I shouldn't leave my clothes here.

The black cat dragged his clothes and put them inside the paper bag using his paws.

Meanwhile, a black sports car arrived, and he was about to park his vehicle when he saw something he shouldn't have. His complexion turns pale; his heart beats faster as he sees that a strange black cat is in the parking lot putting something in a paper bag?! It was standing and holding a... boxer? Then it put the undergarment back in the paper bag?

What the hell did he just witness?! A cat is putting a boxer in the paper bag? And as far as he knows, cats don't do that!! Especially using its paw to pick it up? They are supposed to use their mouths, right? And what is it going to do with the boxer?!

Killian was trembling inside. He just wanted to park his car to buy something in the shop but he saw something bizarre!

He was planning to just leave and go back later when the cat was gone, but all of a sudden, he couldn't even move a finger when the green eyes of the black cat were gazing through his.

He gulps.

Did it see him looking at the cat? No. No, that is not possible the car's window is tinted!

He stiffens when the cat suddenly runs towards his car and jumps in front of it. The person inside gulps when they make eye contact.

Huh? Isn't this one of the male leads? Killian? What is he doing here?

Nice timing though. Yejun grinned evilly.

At first, Yejun was disappointed that after he ate that animal snack, he didn't even get a skill! And what's even worse, when Yejun decided to turn back into his human form, he didn't change back even after eating cat food!

Arrgghhhh!!! I'm so mad!!! Why can't I change back?! I should ask Truck-kun about this, but I need to save that bastard first or I can't go back to my original world! Ugh, this is all that bastard male lead's fault!!

While Yejun is in a rage, the person in the driver's seat is trembling in fear. W-why is that feline so angry? Did it get mad because I saw what it did earlier? Putting the underwear inside the paper bag?

He flinched when the black cat suddenly glared at him.

W-what does it want?

While still glaring at him, the cat raises its paws and motion that he should open the door. Since Killian is smart enough, he understands the cat what is telling him to do.

He gets out of the car slowly and nervously.

"I-I didn't see anything!" He defended.

Despite being confused, Yejun threw him a meaningful look but Killian didn't understand it because he was scared.

Why the hell does he look so scared?

Yejun jumps off and walks closer to Killian.

Killian watches the cat, he stiffens when it suddenly tugs his bottom hem's pants using its claws.

"Meow." (Come with me.)

"I-I apologize, I don't speak your l-language!"

Tsk. Just come with me, idiot. We don't have time anymore!

Since Yejun is already annoyed as it is, he glares at Killian, and it seems that in Killian's point of view, that cat is saying something like this with his glare.

'If you don't come with me, I'll tear your clothes, especially your underwear, and put it in the paper bag! Now hurry up and follow me!'

"Y-Yes Mr. Cat! I'll follow you wherever you go!!" He yelled vigorously.

Yejun was surprised. I don't know what just happened to him but it's good that he will follow me.

"Meow!" (Then let's go!)

Despite being scared Killian followed the cat.

Where is this cat taking me?

As they get nearer to the scene where the female lead is, Killian notices a bunch of unconscious strangers lying on the ground.

What happened here?

"Meow." (Get inside) Yejun motioned his paws at Killian to get inside.

He then followed Yejun's orders.

Then Killian was surprised by what he saw. There's a student from his University who is covered with blood and there's also an unknown stranger who is holding a knife.

"What is going on here?"

How dare they cause this kind of incident near our school? I will call my uncle to investigate this.

Unfortunately, the person with the knife has escaped but it doesn't matter since Killian's uncle will surely apprehend that man.

"Killian, we need to bring Xavier to the hospital!" A lady panicked, she was trembling in fear

What is she doing here? Is she a victim as well?

Killian just threw her a glance and then looked at the man who was full of wounds. Isn't he the rumored strong gangster? Looks like it's just groundless rumors of him being strong.

"Meow." (Help him.)

"O-okay." He doesn't know why but he could understand what the cat is telling him.

"Hey," Killian called Sol but he's eyes were still fixed on the cat. Does he also find that cat strange? I should tell him about this.

Meanwhile, in Sol's mind.

The cat is so cute...

"Sol Xavier Cohen,"


"Let me send you to the hospital," Killian said and helped Sol stand up.

"Oh, thanks."

"Meow." (Let's go)



Sol, who is lying in bed, asked Killian.

"Hey, where's the cat?"

After hearing the word 'cat' Killian shivers in fear.

"That cat... was it yours?"


"Let me tell you something," Killian spoke in a low voice. "That cat was very strange, he's collecting underwe---" Killian didn't finish his words when Eirian entered inside, bringing some fruits with her.

"Xavier!" Eirian called, beaming. "I brought some fruits!"

It took a few seconds for Sol to respond. "...Yeah. Thanks." He said nonchalantly. Then face Killian again.

"Collecting what?"

"I'll just tell another time. I'm leaving. "

"You're leaving, Killian? But I just got here." The female approached Killian and pouted.

However, Killian just threw her a cold stare and then left without saying any words back to her.

Eirian scowl. Tsk. How dare he treat me like that? Just wait, and I'll change that attitude of yours.

"How are you feeling now, Xavier?"


All of a sudden the female cried. "I-I'm sorry. It's because of me that you became like this. I-I'm sorry, that I let myself captured by them... I-I'm really, really sorry, Xavier."

Sol stares at the crying lady in front of him. Maybe what he saw there was his hallucinations. Eirian is kind, she can't do that kind of thing.

Sol sat up and embraced Eirian. "It's alright. It's not your fault."

But why does he have an uneasy feeling?


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