The Fox And The Village Girl

By FoxesandHumans

5.2K 169 46

A New Story > Tomoe has just become the Familiar of Mikage shrine two months ago; He has no interest other th... More

The Village Girl
At Night?
The Festival Of Lights
Foxes Hate Water, Nuf said...
The Land of My Birth...

Lets Do It Again!

537 15 4
By FoxesandHumans

5. Lets Do It Again!!


Tomeo froze, his eyes wide as the man looked at him mouth and arched his brow. What was bad was that Inari was still casuious of him at the moment and time, why? He was Tomoe, the second strongest demon in the world, and Inari had seen him in action before.

It wasn't a pretty thing to see either. He had long white hair, feral eyes and large thrist for blood and women. Since he came to the shrine Mikage took him in and let him work for him, or should Tomoe have put it.. He forced him to work for him.

But that was all water under the bridge for now, Expect he was still a trouble maker to a few people and that made since in a lot of ways. He had murdered thousands of people and raped hundreds of women... He was still a trouble maker and even though Inari gave him the benefit of a doubt?

He still kept an eye out on him every once in a while... The teen squirmed, if this man knew he had snuck out? he woudl be considered going back to his old life and that wasn't something he wanted to do at all. He just wanted to have a little fun, but Mikage knew demons like him got rowdy at night so he wasn't allowed to leave like other familiars..

It was embarrassing, here he was.. Living in this shrine. He used to live like a man, acting as he pleased and doing what he liked; but then Mikage came and started treating him for his age... He was seventeen.. He didn't need them bossing him around like this.

It was annoying..

The teen tried to look away but the god had his face ina firm grip, he arched his brow and Tomoe bit his lip and glared at the man. INari flicked his nose and Tomoe groaned in hate. The god then sighed,

" Stop moving.." He seethed and Tomoe had to consent as he dropped the broom and folded his arms. Inari looked at his mouth and paused slightly,

" Is that a hickey.." he whispered before Tomeo looked at him in a pale state. He jerked hsi head away and huffed slightly, even though his heart jumped as he glared,

" It is not! I've been home all day, how could I get a hickey!?" he steamed in hate while the god arched his brow. This kid.. he didn't know. He had been crime free for two months, he hoped he wasn't trying to go back to something like that. They even cut his hair after a war god incident.'

" Kid, your only seventeen.. don't act like your grown up.' he flicked Tomoe's nose again and the teen huffed and looked down annoyed. This idiot.. He was fine!

" It thats not a icket then it coudl be a cold sore.." he muttered and Tomoe blushed, it cerntainly wasn't that either.. He huffed and looked away annoyed. He just used a human last night so he coudl go out and have a good time. It was only once, and it wasn't like it was going to happen again..

He yanked her head away and picked up the broom, " I'm fine.. I feel perfectly fine, now let me get back to work." He huffed and started to sweep again. Sure he was still in the bad boy stage but at least he was trying to be a familiar.. right?

Inari arched his brow, " Somethings up with you and when I find out I'll tell ya." he smirked and Tomoe glared at him. The god arched his brow, Tomoe did not get along with this man at all.. and he did not plan on getting along with him. Not if it killed him.

He huffed slightly and bit his lip as he finished the sweeping and walked into the main room where he saw his father studing a few things and humming to hismelf about the tea. He smiled at the cup and Tomoe knew he didn't make it. He was aweful at making tea.. last time he did it he nearly burned the shrine down; and that was saying alot.

The teen bit his lip as Mikage looked up and smiled,

" Ah Tomoe!" He smiled gently, " Please come over here." He patted the seat and Tomoe sighed out as he sat down in annoyance.

" Mikage I have work to do-

" Now, now..' Mikage smiled, " I wanted to talk to you since you seemed disappionted that you couldn't go to that event last night," He smiled and Tomoe nearly froze nd nodded,

" Yeah? What about it?" He galred and Mikgae laughed before sighing,

" I know you wanted to go, but know I was only doing it for your protection. Theres alot of vengeful humans out there and I worry for you kido. Theres alot of bad Yokai out there and I know you can't avoid a fight.' He smiled gently while Tomoe looked at him shock.

" I wouldn't do anything to ruin my familiar statis." He ground out while Mikage nodded,

" I know.. I know.. I have your chores list here, the quicker you finish the more chance you can have so free time.' He smiled gently and patted Tomoe's head. The fox glared at him and swatted his hand away, How dare this man.

Would he stop treating him like a child? Even teenagers weren't treated like this! He knew how humans could be, thats why he hated them- and why he hung out with one.. Oh wow. He huffed and stood up after taking the list from his father and marched outside to sweep the stone walk.'

Once outside he sighed out as the wind started to calm him down, this was just what he needed. He didn't need people screaming at him all day or accusing him at the moment. He had been good for twon months, it made sense; but he used to be free and it ticked him off at the thought of Mikage trying to order him around.

He could go anywhere whenever he wanted to. He huffed slightly and gripped the broom handle as he sweeped, cursing mentally to himself as he did so. He didnt' have time for this at all.. He used to be able to do anything.

Tomoe sighed out and paused when he saw a group of women climbing the steps to the shrine, their hands were tucked in their sleeves. He arched his brow but didn't say anything as he continued to sweep; some of the woman passed by him to the shrine to ring the bell and throw in the coins.

He sighed out and shook his head, they wouldn't even meet his gaze, given he was a fox yokai. The teen didn't really care! He had to much on his hands, He had murdered and raped, and now he was a servant.. go figure. Tomoe sighed out and looked at the women again, but he paused when he saw only two leave.

The teen arched his brow in confusion until a hand covered his mouth..

A soft to the touch hand.

He blinked when the finger of the hand touched his teeth, he blinked. His teeth suddenly tingled but he did't know why. He blinked as his breathe hit the hand and his reflexes acted up. Tomoe jerked around and gripped the hand harshly, his eyes feraled befre he froze when he saw that village girl...

That village girl from the other night.

Tomoe went pale before he grabbed her hand, covered her mouth and yanked her towards the shed, he backed her up in the little hiding area before he looked at her,

" What are you doing here!?" He seethed and growled, " Stupid human! Sneaking up on a yokau like that! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!" He snapped while Nanami took off her Kimono hood and giggled,

" Shush! Your gonna get yourself in toruble!" She muttered and covered his mouth again, he almost blinked from the feeling before he shoved her hand off again.

" Why are you even here? I almost got caught this morning.' He whispered before Nanami nodded and smiled weakly,

" So did I.. But your up here and all you do is work, doesn't that bother you? You went from Mr Yoaki to... This." She whispered slightly as Tomoe looked at her , " I'm not saying this is bad.. its a great thing to do. But..." She sighed, " You wanna sneak out again?" She whispered slightly.'

Tomoe blinked as he looked at her annoyed, " You know I'm only using you to get out and about right?" he glared. The girl then nodded to his shock.

" Yep.. Thats why I'm using you." She smirked as the fox paused and nodded, why did her smirk. Her smile.. Why did it all see so familiar? He huffed out before he heard Inari call out.

" TOMOE! GET OUT HERE AND DO YOUR CHORES!!" The god snapped as he charged into the shrine. Tomoe blinked and then narrowed his eyes. How dare that man.. he was not going to get everything on that list done in two hours.

He bit his lip and seethed on the inside before looking at The village girl that he could not stand.

" When and Where?" He whispered makng the girl light up. She then grinned. She looked shocked but maybe a bit to eager. He was annoyed to see her though, she was going to get him in trouble.

Or worse, His father would ground him for life, Inari would have him kicked out of his familairship; and he would have to kiss his new life goodbye. Then the gods would kill him, and even though he was young.. He'd loose everything.'

Tomoe winced slightly before hearing Inari stomping towards them, The teen blinked in panic and quickly shoved the girl into the nearbye shed. He then panicked and lookd around before ruffling his hair and messing his outfit up and running out.

" HERE!" He called making Inari look at him. He blinked and arched his brow before narrowing his eyes.

" Are you making out with the customers?" he blinked in shock while Tomeo bit his lip and smiled weakly,

" U-Um...."Tomoe bit his lip and blushed red before looking down, he was NOT doing that. He was just trying to not get caught, so he had to lie out of this, " Y-Yeah.." He winced.'

Inari galred at him, " Didn't I tell you to get A HOLD OF YOURSELF!?!"! He snapped in anger and slapped Tomoe's head. The teen yelped and galred at him before going with him to the shrine. His ears could hear Nanami make a break for it..

He breathed out, thank goodness.

He had to sneak out, and like he his other objective? He was going to ditch the girl.. and have some fun, just like two months ago. Away from these crazy people... Away from the chores and hitting that Inari did to his head.

He was going to sneak out again and... Have fun again.

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