Cute animatronics and hateful...

By AFruityFerret030

20 0 0

You are the child of two people who are currently trying (and failing) to buy a very large property owned by... More

Not your boots

Jesters on a farm

6 0 0
By AFruityFerret030

You quickly tug on your clothes, hearing your parents getting ready.

You pull on one shoe, then the other while hopping towards your door, and then leaving your bedroom.

Your parents are going to the farm again, and you need to ask to go with them right now if you want to go again.

Its been a couple weeks by now, and you are so ready to go again. You didnt even say bye to Sun!

So rude! And he was so nice to you! He very much did not deserve that, he is such a sweet and friendly guy!

You run down the hallway and down the stairs, then speedwalk into the livingroom, where you're parents are checking if they have all the things that they (dont) need.

You walk up to your mom, grabbing her attention.

"Hm? Oh, hey pumpkin, whats up?"

Why do they have to sound so nice until they talk to someone or talk about something they dont like??

"..Can I...come with you to the farm again? To...learn more about dealing with the more difficult people?"

Perfect lie.

She stares at you for a bit before smiling.

"Yeah sure honey!"

You smile back. Yes. Now you can apologize to Sun, hopefully hang out with him a bit more, and um...try not to die because of Eclipse.


You are trying really hard to not bounce in your seat.

You feel like you are too excited, but then again its been a couple weeks.

You perk up, seeing the large dirt road (driveway??) And the large sign saying 'The superstar ranch.'

As the car pulls up onto it, you see three figures on the porch, perking up as you easily spot Sun.

You also notice the other red animatronic you saw standing with them.

Its clear that the three were talking, but they all pause as they notice the car while it stops.

Once its completely stopped, your parents climb out, and you come out after them, just to watch as Sun heads to the barn and as the red animatronic goes inside the house.

You then politely follow your parents as they walk up onto the porch, over to the animatronic embodiment of an eclipse.

You feel his gaze wash over your parents and you, settling on you for an extra couple seconds before going back to your parents, a passive aggressive glare on his face.

"We all already know why yall are here, so how 'bout we just go on in 'n have the usual borin' conversation inside for a couple o' hours~"

Your parents clearly arent pleased with that wording but they dont say anything, just following Eclipse as he heads inside.

You follow as well, entering the living room.

Your parents of course sit down and you follow, looking up at Eclipse once you have sat down on the couch.

Your father then gestures to you.

"You remember our child from our last...visit, yes?"

Eclipse glances over at you, a smirk on their face, and you have a feeling that he is holding back saying something flirty like 'how could I forget such a pretty face' or something like that, but he doesnt say it, as your parents are of course very much still in earshot.

You are gald he didnt, your parents probably wouldnt have ever let you come with them here again if he did.

"Yeah, I do in fact remember 'em."

You see your parents nod, and you quickly dissociate as they statt speaking with Eclipse.

Nope, not listening to this.

You pause, seeing the red animatronic again, holding a large wooden basket as they walk down the hall, past the living room and to the door.

You watch until they dissapear from sight, hearing the door close behind them, before slowly getting up.

You see Eclipse's rays twitch just like last time, meanwhile your parents dont react at all.

You quickly and carefully go out the door, just in time to see the red animatronic walk into the orchard. 

You stand on the porch, staring, before squeaking when a faceplate suddenly pops up into your view.


You stare, your heart racing, before relaxing as you realize that its just Sun.

He wears the same sunflower and bandana from yesterday, but his outfit is different. And honestly making you blush a bit. 

This time he wears a yellow tanktop, jean shorts, and yellow knee high sneakers.

After a bit you speak with a small smile.

"Hello, Sun. Im sorry I left without saying bye last time."

He giggles.

"Oh dont worry 'bout it sunflower! Yer parents might've noticed ya not there if ye spared another minute, so you are forgiven!"

You stare at him, an actual smile finding your face before you say,

"So, you sure are wearing something different compared to what you wore last time I was here."

He giggles and nods.

"Yup! I dont have any work to do today, so i figured t' wear something less work-y."

You snort at how he says that before glancing the way the red animatronic went.

"...Hey Sun, whats the name of the red animatronic?"

He lets out a hum, processing your words, before letting out an enthusiastic 'Oh!'

"Thats Moon! They organize all of th' harvesting an' the growin' of the produce, and even participate in it."

You let out a hum of an acknowledgement before wondering something. Why are they red and named 'Moon?'

"...Why are they named Moon?"

Sun pauses, their smile faltering slightly before they let out a sigh. He then steps off of the porch while starting to speak, and you follow. Guess you are walking around a bit.

"We used t' be daycare attendants, an' Moony was the naptime attendant. They had actually originally been blue t' fit their theme as 'Moon the naptime attendant.' But a bug caused their eyes t' become red an' made them a tad little bit...violent."

Your eyes widen slightly, a slight nervous feeling appearing, but you relax at his next words.

"Dont worry though, it aint there no more! After Eclipse was created as a security bot, the two would often get into fights due t' Moons violent virus trying t' get rid of someone who could reveal the existence of the virus. An' of course, Eclipse was able t' expose the existence of it n' get parts and services t' get rid of it. Moon was so confused, their last actual memory having been in the naptime area, then suddenly they are in parts in services."

He giggles, amused by the memory, before continuing, a small frown on his face.

"Though, their eyes stayed red, even when their optics were changed, for some reason. It...felt weird for 'em, their body being blue while their eyes being a red. It made the kids uneasy, seeing 'em with red eyes instead of the pastel blue it had been before naptime twas shut down."

You frown. That...thats sad.

Sun then continues, a small smile appearing again.

"When we were given rights of our own, the company that made us twas forced int' giving us money t' start our lives, especially since we had been working for years, sentient 'n unpaid, technically slaves for 'em until we were free. An' Moon's first desicion...was t' make it so that their eyes blended in more with their appearance."

You let out a small thoughtful hum.

That...actually does make sense.

"...So...they didnt want to look scary any more?"

Sun chuckles before shaking his head.

"Yup...They always loved kids just like I did, even if the job of takin' care of kids was forced upon us. Havin' harmed little ones while affected by the virus 'n havin' their appearance seem more scary just because of their eyes being red really didnt do good things for them...."

You let out a small 'ah...' 

He then lets out another giggle and says,

"Though, if ye asked them, they'd say its because they like apples."

You snort before giggling.

Both of you giggle for several minutes, before finally letting out a couple sighs.

After a bit, another question crosses your mind.

You turn to Sun again, your eyebrow raised.

"What about you?"

Sun lets out a confused hum, his head tilted.

"What do ye mean, sunflower?"

You stare for a bit before saying,

"Why are you brown if your name is Sun? I get the rays arouns your head, but I dont really get your color."

Sun stares, processing, before letting out a joyful giggle.

"Oh that? This aint my og color, I was originally yellow. I liked it that way. I was made to be cheerful 'n such, but I've learned that I really am a bubbly and friendly goober."

He giggles at his own wording, and you snort as well.

"It did reflect my personality and the personality i was programmed with, but...when we decided that we wanted t' be farmers, I decided t' make myself a bit easier on the eyes, less overwhelming fer the animals. An' besides, if I changed back, the animals might be confused by me suddenly being a differ'nt color!"

You stare at him for a bit before letting out another interested hum.

"Whoa...wish I could change my color like you can."

You say that with a giggle and a smile.

Sun quirks an eyebrow, a smile still on his face as he turns to look at you again.

"Well ye could dye yer hair or get some tattoo's, right? I imagine ye have more than enough money t' do that."

Your smile falters slightly before you sigh.

"My parents wouldnt allow it. I've even asked to just dye the tips, and got a hard no."

Hes quiet for a bit.

"...Ah....Well thats a darn shame. I like the idea of yer hair bein' a color. Maybe a bright cheerful yellow!"

You pause before staring at him with a deadpan, making him let out a laugh of amusement, clearly having wanted that exact reaction.

"You are so ridiculous."

Sun giggles.

"I know~ Its what I twas made for after all, bein a jester~"

You chuckle and shake your head.

"Ah but what if a fool such as thou has gone too far in thy jokes~"

He perks up, a grin appearing on his face before he dramatically places one hand on his chest and the other on his forehead.

"Oh well then, this foolish jester would have to take a great punishment!"

A mischeivous grin finds your face, giggles bubbling up from your throat before you pounce onto him.


Being caught off guard, he falls onto the ground, and he lets out a shriek as you start tickling him, before squirming, letting out crackly laughs and giggles.

You tickle him for several minutes before sufdenly you feel a couple large hands pick you up under your arm pits, like someone would do with a cat, and you are lifted off of Sun and into the air.

You are too confused, startled, and dumbfounded to react at all as you dangle in the air, just a couple feet from the ground and Sun.

Sun wheezes and pants as he recovers, and after a little bit you hear a low, gravelly but soft voice behind you.

"You have been saved."

Sun gives a shaky thumbs up to his savior before continuing to recover from you tickle attack. And now you know that tickle attacks are very affective against him.

After a bit you look behind to see who has sabotaged your silly ambush on Sun, your eyes widening as they once again meet two red orbs.

You are only able to look at them for a couple seconds before the animatronic swiftly puts you back down, pulls their hat down a bit, and walks away, back to the trees, the bucket you saw them with discarded by one of the trees. wonder what that was about.

You watch before looking back at Sun who is now sitting up, his eyes fixated on something and a slight orange flush on his face.

You follow his gaze and you deadpan as you figure out where its landing before looking at him again.

"You're staring at their ass arent you-"


You snort before giggling, seeing his flush increase.

"Aww whats wrong? You're already his boyfriend, whats there to be embarrassed about~?"

He groans, pulling his bandana up to cover his cheeks, before pausing.

He groans again before speaking again.

"Darn it, it seems your parents are wrapping it up early! I wanted t' have a bit more fun with you..."

You giggle patting his head while hes still sitting.

"Bye Sun."

He sighs, swiftly standing up before booping your nose with a smile.

"See ya next time Sunflower."

You nod before quickly walking back to the house.

You had gotten a good bit of distance away from the house, but not as much as last time.

You are still confused as to how your parents havent notice your absence yet, but you dont question it once again.

You find that both your parents and Eclipse are very agitated this time.

You hear both your parents and Eclipse at least try to politely say goodbye before your parents get up.

You look up at Eclipse and wave goodbye before quickly following your parents.

You wish you could've had a tiny bit more interaction with him, but you do not want to risk you parents being upset with you, and you think Eclipse can tell.

Well, there is always next time.

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