Cute animatronics and hateful...

By AFruityFerret030

20 0 0

You are the child of two people who are currently trying (and failing) to buy a very large property owned by... More

Jesters on a farm

Not your boots

14 0 0
By AFruityFerret030

You quietly sigh.

You're currently sitting in the livingroom of an animatronic.

You never though such a thing would happen.

But since you're nineteen and an only child, your parents want you to inherit their business once they retire at some point, so they brought you along for an attempt at buying the property you are currently on.

The thing is though, they are definitely not succeeding.

They've attempted to buy this large amount of land from the one who owns it. And the one who owns it happens to be a 'very stubborn good for nothing animatronic.' Your parents words.

You'd call them, someone who knows what they want and knows who to not give stuff to.

Though you are kind of being confused by the fact that literally every time you're parents are closing their eyes or looking away, the animatronic switches their gaze to you.

You then snap out of your thoughts as your father says a sentance that makes you wince. 

"Well, we believe a land this big should belong to someone"

You see the orange optics that the animatronic has twitch and almost switch to pitch black before going back to the normal bright orange.

OKAY you're out now, you're going outside.

Not like anyone will notice you leave...ok maybe the animatronic will, but you doubt they'd tell your parents that you left, that animatronic really seems to be holding back a few certain words of hatred.

You slowly get up before quietly going over to the door, then going through.

You look around curiously. 

You weren't able to get a good look before your parents dragged you inside.

The grass is very green, seeming to be well taken care of, and has several wild flowers in it. More than you've ever seen in a yard before.

You hear sounds of creatures like sheep, chicken, and cows, as well as an unfamiliar smell. You've never actually been to a farm before, and you're guessing that the smell is coming from the creatures.

You look at the barn before looking at the ground surrounding it.

The ground is covered in mud and...probably a certain other thing.

Sure, you are feeling some ick feelings about it, but you'd probably still go through it to go see the animals...if you werent wearing new shoes that your mother would absolutly shout at you for mucking up.

You sigh.

You wanted to at least see the animals.

You huff before looking around, then quickly pausing as you see something. Beside the porch, you can see a big pair of boots.

Definitely not your size, but definitely would work.

You dont want to steal, should be fine, you wont use them for long, you'll put them right back after you're done looking at the animals.

You then slowly tip toe over to the boots and go to grab them.

Before you can even touch them, you suddenly hear a voice behind you.

"What are you doing?"

You flinch with a soft gasp before quickly whipping around to find another tall animatronic, hunched over you, a yellow toned brown face close to yours.

You stare with wide eyes, forcing yourself to not blush slightly.

After a little bir you look down at the ground and nervously fidget with your sleeve.

"Im sorry...I wanted to see the animals..."

The animatronic stares at you for a bit before giggling.

"Oh dont apologize, its alright! All you needed to do was ask! Though, i dont think I recommend Eclipse's boots. Stay right here, I'll be right back!!"

You watch with confusion as the animatronic walks past you, up the porch stairs, onto the porch, and into the house.

What...just happened-? What is happening???

Before you can further question, the door opens and steps are heard coming back down the porch stairs.

You look to see the animtronic, now able to see the way they look more easily.

Around the animatronics head are rays, kind of like with the one you saw inside the house, and their skin is various yellow toned yellows, while their eyes are a bright sky blue.

On the left side of their head is a sunflower, and around their neck is a red and yellow striped bandana.

They seem to be wearing maroon jeans with red and yellow striped patches on it, some heart shaped, some flower shaped, and some star shaped, a pale yellow shirt, brown boots that reach up to below their knees, and work gloves.

They're...actually kind of cu- nope nope nope shut up.

You then notice what they are holding.

A pair of boots, a pair that actually seem to be human sized instead of custom made for an animatronic.

The animatronic in front of you cheerfully hands the pair of boots.

"Here you go! We always keep a few extra pairs for when there are visitors on the farm!"

You stare at the shoes before looking at the animatronic with uncertainty.

"Are...are you sure? catch??"

They giggle before shaking their head.

"No, silly! Now, once you have the boots on do you want me to show you around the barn? I raised them all myself...and kind of know which ones you should avoid"

They say that with a bit of a nervous giggle.

You stare up at them for a bit before finally taking off your shoes and slipping on the boots, then looking back up at them with a bit of a smile.

"Uh sure I guess. And thanks for the boots."

They nod with a wide open smile, their missing tooth visible.

"Of course! Now come on!"

They then start excitedly speedwalking over to the barn, so you quickly put your shoes in your bag and run after them to catch up.

Once next to them, you slow down a bit.

"...So, um whats your name and pronouns?"

They look down at you before giggling.

"Oh I like you! My name is Sun, and honestly im fine with any, but I think I can say that my favorite pronouns are he/they."

You nod with a hum of acknowledgement before watching as he pauses.

"Oh right, before we go into the barn, I'll show you the chickens!"

You giggle as he then redirects away from the door.

You see him walk towards the left side of the barn, and you're about to follow, when suddenly you feel like you are being watched.

You pause before looking around in confusion, finally stopping as you see a tall figure several feet away, next to one of the trees.

Your eyes meet piercing red eyes on a blank face, no emotion shown. 

On the figures head you can see a large hat, similar to a straw hat that farmers are often shown wearing in cartoons and kids toys and such, and underneath is what seems to be a piece of fabric wrapped around the top of their head that is blue with a star pattern.

The last thing you notice is that in their arms is a wooden bucket with an apple or two peeking out, before you hear Sun yell.

"Are you comin', Sunflower?"

You flinch before nodding even though Sun cant see you, tearing your eyes away from the two rubies, quickly running over to where Sun, turning the corner around the Barn.

You run over to where Sun is standing in front of a large chicken pen that of course has a chicken house that is built into the side of the barn.

He grins with a giggle as you walk over.

"So, in total we have about seven chickens, one rooster and six hens. And also about five different breeds. Two Australorp, one Sussex, two Wyandotte, one Brahma, and one Silkie-!...O-oh, im sorry, am I rambling again-"

You had quite intensely started listening, sucking up all of the information that he was saying so excitedly, and you giggle when he says that.

"Dont worry about it, I dont mind."

He stares at you for a bit before chuckling.

"Alright then."

He then looks back down at the chickens and starts pointing at each of them, starting with the sussex.

"This one is named Gremlin!"

You snort before letting out a laugh at the name, leading to him giggling.

He then continues, pointing at each of them as he says the names of each.

"The golden laced wyandotte is Demon, the female australorp is Hellspawn, the sussex is Doom, the brahma is Arson-"

"Why is her name Arson."

He pauses before turning to look at you with a deadpan on his face.

"She almost burned the chicken house down. With all of the other chickens in it."

You let out a wheeze, slapping your hand against your mouth, struggling to not laugh.

He snorts before giggling, amused by your reaction.

He then continues to the last two.

"And the last two are Satan the australorp rooster, and Angel the silkie!"

You look at the silkie who silently stares up at you innocently, before letting out a giggle and reaching to pet the fluffy hen.

"Aww arent you a sweetie-!"

Suddenly Sun very quickly grabs your wrist and pulls your hand back, just as Angel jumps, leading to her falling back onto her feet with a grumbly bawk.

"Do not touch Angel, Angel is the most violent chicken we have, much more than Arson, and I swear I saw her torture a small bird she somehow caught to death once."

Your eyes are wide with confusion and surprise and you stare at Sun for a bit before slowly looking back at Angel.

Said chicken stares at you intently, flapping her wings slightly before settling down.

You slowly look back up at Sun and make a nervous thumbs up.

He chuckles before letting go of your wrist.

"And one more thing, Satan is actually the only one that you can touch safely."

You let out a snort. Okay then. You didnt ever expect a rooster to be the one safe chicken, but ok.

"Anyway, how about we look at the other animals now?"

You smile and nod.


He nods as well before leading you back to the entrance of the barn.

"Come on then!"

You giggle and nod, going back around the corner and watching as he pushes open the door.

He then steps to the side so you can enter, a wide smile on his face as he gestures for you to come in.

You do so and look around, your eyes round with interest and curiosity. You've never been inside a barn until now.

You can see several animals in the barn.

You see Sun walk in as well and he grabs your hand before leading you towards a pen full of sheep.

"These are, as you can tell, sheep!"

You look around at all of the sheep before your eyes widen. You've seen several pictures of sheep, and all of the pictures of sheep that werent sheared yet showed their wool being a bit clumpy and dirty.

And sure, these sheep have wool that is a bit dirty with strands of straw and grass or little spots of dirt, but other than that....they look very fluffy.

You slowly turn to Sun with wide eyes.

"How- what- huh-?!"

He laughs gleefully at your surprise.

"A magician never reveals his secrets!"

You look at him, absolutly flabbergasted. Finally he speaks again.

"Now I would tell you each and every one of their names, but unfortunately there are too many to do so, so now we'll move onto the cows!"

You giggle, following him as he eagerly strides over to the stables on the left side of the barn.

"Right now over here, we have about twenty cows, not including our bull, and once again I am not going to say each of their names because there are in fact too many."

He then leads you to the stables on the right side of the barn.

"Over here, we have our horses!"

You let out a hum, looking at the horses. Theres about nine, three of them being Australian Draughts, the other three being ones you cant quite tell the breed of, and you also cabt tell the breed of the other three which are smaller breeds.

He walks up to one of the Australian Draughts that is yellow, white, and brown, said horse perking up, its ears flicking slightly while it lets out a whinny.

He giggles and pets the horse before turning to you with a wide smile.

"Our three Australian Draughts are mine and my partners steeds! We....cant really ride any horse that is smaller. Our feet touch the ground if its any horse smaller."

He lets out an embarrassed little chuckle, his some orange blush appearing on his cheeks before he looks down and mutters, "reminds me of the old days..."

You stare up at him with slight confusion, having heard that last part clearly, but before you can ask about it, he perks up and continues speaking.

"Anyway, this beauty is my horse, Marigold!"

The horse lets out a whinny at her name, before snorting.

Sun giggles before going to the next horse, this one black all over with blue eyes and white flecks all over.

"And then this one is Midnight!"

He says the horses name while stroking her mane, and the horse lets out a soft simple huff.

He smiles before stepping up to the next one, this time not touching the horse. This one is larger than the other two and has yellow eyes, a silky black mane, and brown fur with some black on it.

"And this handsome stallion is Pitch, Clip's horse. It took a while for Clip to tame 'im, he was such a stubborn beast. And even now, the only one who can touch 'im is Clip. Gets all worked up when anyone else does."

You let out a hum of interest. So thats why he didnt touch the horse.

The horse snorts as if in agreement, causing Sun to chuckle.

He then pauses though, looking in the direction of the house with a blank face.

Your eyebrows furrow with confusion, and you're about to try and ask if hes ok, but then he turns back to you.

"You need to go."

You pause, your head tilting in confusion.

"I can hear what is going on in the house. Your parents and Clip are wrapping it up."

Your quiet for a bit before your eyes widen.

After a few seconds of processing, you quickly start speedwalking back out of the barn and towards the house, stopping for a second to look at the apple trees to see if the aniamtronic you saw a bit ago is still there, before continuing, stopping once again at the porch to take off the boots and put on your shoes, before quickly walking up onto the porch, quietly opening the door, and carefully creeping over to the sofa that your parents still sit on.

Your parents clearly dont notice you, but the animatronic who you know had definitely noticed you leave definitely does, though the only clue that he noticed you is a twitch of his rays when you walk back in.

Your parents obviously dont notice you sitting on the sofa either. God how is it so easy for you to sneak around without either of them noticing?

You don't pay attention to whatever your parents are currently saying, but you definitely pay attention when the animatronic speaks. You had been too bored earlier to pay attention to pretty much everything both the animatronic and your parents were saying earlier, but now, whoo boy is it getting hot in here.

When the animatronic opens his mouth, you get a glimpse of his sharp teeth, and when he speaks, his voice is deep, gruff, and rumbly.

"Well, I'd like t' say it twas a pleasure seeing th' two of you again, but I think all three of us know that ain't true."

He does look in your direction, but judging by his smirk, you think he's noticed your blush.

You look at your parents, mostly to avoid looking at the animatronic, who seem quite frustrated, clearly having failed to get this land once again.

Finally your parents sigh and get up, quickly leaving the living room meanwhile you are still getting up. 

You are about to follow when the large animatronic stands up and walks over to you with a bit of a smirk.

Your breath hitches as one of his large hands grab yours and as he places a kiss on the back of it.

"I don't think I'd mind if you came along again next time yer parents come to visit~"

Its just small simple words, but it makes so many fluttery butterflies fill your belly.

You then flinch when you hear your mother saying your name, the animatronics grip on your hand loosening.

You reluctantly slip your hand out, bringing it closer to yourself and looking away from him.

"...I-It was a pleasure m-meeting you, Mister Ec-Eclipse."

He softly chuckles as you stammer for a bit before you quickly turn around, speed walking to go follow your parents, feeling his gaze follow me out the door. 

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